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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

12-02-2013 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by Berge20
Thanks. Was trying to not be results oriented on this one, but think you guys are right.
I do this sometimes too. "He bet so he mst be going with it. May as well get it in". Inevitably they fold.
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12-03-2013 , 12:54 AM
First reaction was to flat. I was so stunned he just led right out on an ace and just looked at his stack and his bet....well, he's committed. Don't let a 4-liner to a straight peel off and freeze the action (lol because I could have a straight in that situation)...

Playing so bad, but want to move up to 5/10....must play better.
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12-03-2013 , 12:56 AM
i love limping Ax suited because it makes the nut flush and people (sometimes me included) don't fold lower flushes when they hit.

simple way to print money at the right tables.
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12-03-2013 , 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
clear flat. There's no flush and nothing for you to really protect against. He's either got something he will go all in on the river or is making a wild ass bluff hoping you have KK. Give him some rope for a possible second barrel.
+1 seems like such a dry board that we want to give him a chance to fire the river into us.
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12-03-2013 , 02:04 PM
Quick Line Check 1:

V: Reg, bad, can open big or small with good or bad hands, never belives me that I have it, doesn't get value well post $230
Hero: Agro, winner, perceived as loose by this V (covers)

Bad V opens from MP to $7
Hero flats in the SB with 55
BB calls

Flop ($18): 257
ck, ck
V bets $15 (he its cBetting here 100%, like always)
Hero raises to $45
BB folds
V calls

Turn ($106): 3
Hero bets $90
V calls after 5-7 seconds of thought

River (~$286): J
Hero shoves for ~$115 effective

Is the river ever a check call, do we lose too much value to overpairs now that the spades came in?
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12-03-2013 , 02:11 PM
Quick Line Check 2:

Hero: I've raised 3 out of the last 4 hands.
Hand 1, I raised with QQ to $13, got 3 callers. Flop was J58, ck ck ck, I bet $30, BB sticks it in for $20 more.
Hero calls, shows, and loses to 88. Whatever.
Hand 2: Directly after that hand I raise to $13 (with QQ again), get two callers. Flop AA6, ck, I cBet $22, one call, and SB check/shoves for $100 more. I fold. Caller IP on me folds KK face up. (He's flatting me with KK, relevant in the next hand.)
Hand 3, I fold.

So hand 4:
I raise to $13 from LP, V who flatted me two hands ago raises to $30.
All fold to me.
I decide that he never has QQ-KK here as he would likely flat again, so it's either AA, AK, 88-TT. Hero raises to $70, and V sticks it in for $105 total. Hero calls.

Seem ok?
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12-03-2013 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Quick Line Check 1:

V: Reg, bad, can open big or small with good or bad hands, never belives me that I have it, doesn't get value well post $230
Hero: Agro, winner, perceived as loose by this V (covers)

Bad V opens from MP to $7
Hero flats in the SB with 55
BB calls

Flop ($18): 257
ck, ck
V bets $15 (he its cBetting here 100%, like always)
Hero raises to $45
BB folds
V calls

Turn ($106): 3
Hero bets $90
V calls after 5-7 seconds of thought

River (~$286): J
Hero shoves for ~$115 effective

Is the river ever a check call, do we lose too much value to overpairs now that the spades came in?
I like all streets. Pre, you are set mining. With 30x the 7 back, this is fine. I don't like a 3 bet because he thinks you are loose, plus it kills your mining odds. Plus you're oop.
Flop, this is a good raise, because the board is wet and he can put you on a draw. (Only time to slow play a flopped set is when you have a dry board crushed.)
Turn, straight-forward, no reason to slow play, I like the sizing. Could go full pot if that would not set off alarm bells.
River, I like the shove. He more than likely puts you on other made hands. Agreed that he can check back overpairs now, but may call with them. If he has nekkid spades, then he's a bad player/wasn't getting the odds. A5ss or 56ss would be more reasonable for him, but still not getting the odds.
but Ima rookie, so...
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-03-2013 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
Quick Line Check 1:

V: Reg, bad, can open big or small with good or bad hands, never belives me that I have it, doesn't get value well post $230
Hero: Agro, winner, perceived as loose by this V (covers)

Bad V opens from MP to $7
Hero flats in the SB with 55
BB calls

Flop ($18): 257
ck, ck
V bets $15 (he its cBetting here 100%, like always)
Hero raises to $45
BB folds
V calls

Turn ($106): 3
Hero bets $90
V calls after 5-7 seconds of thought

River (~$286): J
Hero shoves for ~$115 effective

Is the river ever a check call, do we lose too much value to overpairs now that the spades came in?
Well this is villain dependent and you obviously had an excellent read. Possibly the finest example of reverse psychology ever.

Me, pretty much anything I play out of MP folds to the flop c/r. Except 77. You might say I'm a nit; I say I'm like a mountain lion. I don't like when my food fights back.

But I guess that was the point. To take the strongest possible line on every single street, daring the guy to fold over and over. Brilliant read. Amazing actually.
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12-03-2013 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch

So hand 4:
I raise to $13 from LP,
Look at your hole cards before calling. Just sayin.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-03-2013 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by AbqDave
Well this is villain dependent and you obviously had an excellent read. Possibly the finest example of reverse psychology ever.

Me, pretty much anything I play out of MP folds to the flop c/r. Except 77. You might say I'm a nit; I say I'm like a mountain lion. I don't like when my food fights back.

But I guess that was the point. To take the strongest possible line on every single street, daring the guy to fold over and over. Brilliant read. Amazing actually.
Originally Posted by AbqDave
Look at your hole cards before calling. Just sayin.
Trying to be a troll, or was it just a side bonus?

JJ was the hand in the 4th hand.

And I'm missing the point in the first hand if you were actually trying to make one.
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12-04-2013 , 06:55 AM
This line is either terrible or brilliant.

The flop c/r is kind of a bluff line, it's supposed to be scary. The turn bet is really scary. The river bet is a bluff line (or else the nuts). I assume you're trying to induce a spaz-call from a bluff catcher.

I think you know all this stuff, which is why I said it was brilliant. You said the guy never believes you have it. This is a perfect adjustment to that player.

The second thing was my little way of saying "you forgot to say what your hole cards were,". I could explain what makes that a funny joke, but then it won't be funny any more.

Which incidentally you usually need villain to have AQ or worse in his range to call shove with JJ, I would have to stove the range you gave him (which would be impossible at the table). Without reads, to me this would be "food fighting back" but again I'm way nittier than average in situations like this. I would have flatted the 30 while I'm still ahead. (Never ever 4betting JJ, ever.)
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-20-2013 , 11:18 AM
1 limp
Tighter guy ($200) raises to $10. He hasn't opened today, but he's called 3-4 raises pre.
Loose ($200) calls from L.P.
Hero OTB calls with AJo
SB calls.

Flop ($38): A8T
3 checks
Hero bets $30
3 folds

Pretty standard?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-20-2013 , 01:35 PM
hey guys it would be really cool if this was stickied, I didn't know it existed and I'm moving to 2/5 and probably need some back-up in some spots that seem right but can't be sure

This is a tight 2/5 game and I'm on the SB $750, the button seems like he's steaming a little after a bad beat and has about $200ish (young white guy with a hoodie, seems to kind of suck but can't be sure yet).

He raises to $25, I have 22. Not really enough to set mine as I don't expect the tight BB to flat light, kind of a weakish hand to 3bet, and I kinda don't want to fold when the guy is steamy and the pair is good a lot.

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12-20-2013 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
hey guys it would be really cool if this was stickied, I didn't know it existed and I'm moving to 2/5 and probably need some back-up in some spots that seem right but can't be sure

This is a tight 2/5 game and I'm on the SB $750, the button seems like he's steaming a little after a bad beat and has about $200ish (young white guy with a hoodie, seems to kind of suck but can't be sure yet).

He raises to $25, I have 22. Not really enough to set mine as I don't expect the tight BB to flat light, kind of a weakish hand to 3bet, and I kinda don't want to fold when the guy is steamy and the pair is good a lot.

How wide do you think he's opening? 20%, 30%, 40%?
How much of his range will he fold of you make it $200 (effectively putting him all in) but protecting your self from the BB a bit. How much of his range will he call with, and how much equity do you have vs that range?

Should give you your answer.
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12-20-2013 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
How wide do you think he's opening? 20%, 30%, 40%?
How much of his range will he fold of you make it $200 (effectively putting him all in) but protecting your self from the BB a bit. How much of his range will he call with, and how much equity do you have vs that range?

Should give you your answer.
I actually think I do well vs his flatting range in this spot and I don't have that much information on him except that he's taken a couple really bad beats and started berating. I chose a raise of $75 because that would keep the SPR below 1 if he called and I can jam any flop.

This is more like a tournament play with short stacks, just wondering if this play has mileage at this level.
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12-20-2013 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
hey guys it would be really cool if this was stickied, I didn't know it existed and I'm moving to 2/5 and probably need some back-up in some spots that seem right but can't be sure

This is a tight 2/5 game and I'm on the SB $750, the button seems like he's steaming a little after a bad beat and has about $200ish (young white guy with a hoodie, seems to kind of suck but can't be sure yet).

He raises to $25, I have 22. Not really enough to set mine as I don't expect the tight BB to flat light, kind of a weakish hand to 3bet, and I kinda don't want to fold when the guy is steamy and the pair is good a lot.

I just let this go. Your pair might be good a lot but you'll have no way to figure that out by the river unless you play guessing games and check/call your way to showdown. You will lose more when he hits and you check/call multiple streets than you will win when he misses and he checks behind a street or two.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-23-2013 , 01:19 PM
Random Questions?

1. Which is more +EV overall
Be nice to fishy players? (they stick around longer, have more fun)


Berate fishy players? (tilt them, gunning for you)

2. Is it ever a good idea to show your cards? ( I personally never show but I've seen really good players do it although I could never figure out why)
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-23-2013 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by BenzY
Random Questions?

1. Which is more +EV overall
Be nice to fishy players? (they stick around longer, have more fun)


Berate fishy players? (tilt them, gunning for you)

2. Is it ever a good idea to show your cards? ( I personally never show but I've seen really good players do it although I could never figure out why)
1. Be nice ainec. Even if berating was more +ev (which it isn't), these are people with feelings and berating them is just wrong and bad for society in general.

2. I show my cards to fish often if the spot is standard and I have a value hand. But I'm not very social at the table and can't keep the fish entertained with small talk so showing my hand is my way to keep them feeling like the game is friendly and encouraging them to stay longer and come back next time. If they're already having a good time though I think never showing is a good rule of thumb.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-24-2013 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by BenzY
Random Questions?

1. Which is more +EV overall
Be nice to fishy players? (they stick around longer, have more fun)


Berate fishy players? (tilt them, gunning for you)

My belief is berating fishy newcomers to our game is waay -EV. They're going to play the way they're going to play - no need to make them uncomfortable more than they already are. I'd advise helping them as far as action; who's turn it is, what there options are, etc. Making them even more uncomfortable will send them back to BlackJack, or another, friendlier poker table.

2. Is it ever a good idea to show your cards? ( I personally never show but I've seen really good players do it although I could never figure out why)
My thoughts are if you show a monster hand that wasn't called, it can't hurt. For example if you keep opening, no one calls for a while, and all of a sudden you have AA, open again, and all fold, showing the AA can't hurt because it reinforces the table that you're catching monster hands again and again.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-24-2013 , 01:53 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
1 limp
Tighter guy ($200) raises to $10. He hasn't opened today, but he's called 3-4 raises pre.
Loose ($200) calls from L.P.
Hero OTB calls with AJo
SB calls.

Flop ($38): A8T
3 checks
Hero bets $30
3 folds

Pretty standard?
All the stars lined up for you here, but if I found myself with a low pair in your position OTF I'm likely playing it exactly like your AJo.

So, I'm not really sure calling PF IP with AJo after a tight player raises over a limper etc. is +EV.

At least you can hit a set with a low pair.

Last edited by McMelchior; 12-24-2013 at 01:54 PM. Reason: Add on
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-24-2013 , 11:33 PM
2/5, 7 or 8 handed

Very nitty player raises to $15 UTG
Folds to hero in the big blind who calls w/ KT
Flop ($32): 246
Hero checks, UTG checks.
Turn ($32): 7
Hero bets $20, UTG calls.
River ($72): 8
Hero checks, UTG bets $30.
Hero: ???

What's the play in general w/ spots like this? I feel like vs. these nits their hand is pretty face up and is almost always the A. It feels sick to fold this for only 6 big blinds, but it also feels like the right play. Thoughts?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-24-2013 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by discgolfing
2/5, 7 or 8 handed

Very nitty player raises to $15 UTG
Folds to hero in the big blind who calls w/ KT
Flop ($32): 246
Hero checks, UTG checks.
Turn ($32): 7
Hero bets $20, UTG calls.
River ($72): 8
Hero checks, UTG bets $30.
Hero: ???

What's the play in general w/ spots like this? I feel like vs. these nits their hand is pretty face up and is almost always the A. It feels sick to fold this for only 6 big blinds, but it also feels like the right play. Thoughts?
I might fold this pre flop.

I know we are getting a good price, but we are OOP, against a "very nitty" villain. His range has us pretty well destroyed. (JJ+, AQs+) Often we find out self in RIO spots on king high and T high flops. But whatever. Turn bet is good. River is likely a call, he can bet Q/J here often enough.

And of course A too, but getting 3:1 if he bets the A here 3/4 of the time, and Q 1/4 of the time, it's a fine call.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
12-25-2013 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by discgolfing
2/5, 7 or 8 handed

Very nitty player raises to $15 UTG
Folds to hero in the big blind who calls w/ KT
Flop ($32): 246
Hero checks, UTG checks.
Turn ($32): 7
Hero bets $20, UTG calls.
River ($72): 8
Hero checks, UTG bets $30.
Hero: ???

What's the play in general w/ spots like this? I feel like vs. these nits their hand is pretty face up and is almost always the A. It feels sick to fold this for only 6 big blinds, but it also feels like the right play. Thoughts?
I noticed that I get in tough spots vs nitty villains in similar situations... U r better off folding, u usually won't get good odds to draw post flop. Instead I like hands that either r ahead of his range (premiums obv) or hands that could just hit the flop (all pp)

Simply drawing hands HU oop in this spot r not profitable imo

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12-25-2013 , 11:45 AM
fold pre 10 times out of 10. Stop playing drawing hands from the blinds. You will lose more money with pairs and bad kickers than you will win with flushes and straights.
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12-25-2013 , 07:15 PM
thx guys

fwiw I called preflop because I felt like I could play perfectly vs. this villain. Post flop I was pretty confident that he'd cbet overpairs or top pair, check with missed high cards, and check if an over card to his pocket pair hit. If I'm correct I think I can bluff him, fold marginal pairs, and get value when I make a hand enough times to make this profitable. If he made it $20+ I would have folded.
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