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01-20-2014 , 12:17 PM
Make sure of your room's rules. Generally, you should be able to 3-bet pre, even if her shove wasn't a full raise. In most rooms the original raiser could too, as it was blind of $2, a raise of $14 ($16 total), and her shove is a full raise of $14 more. In some rooms, the original raiser can raise if the shove was more than half of a valid raise.

You def want to 3-bet here if you can, since stacks are 200bb effective with both the main Vs and you have a read one of them has a monster.

AP, leading into a dry side-pot on a dry board looks super strong and might get the middle-aged rec guy to just flat his overpair, making it hard to get stacks in. I prefer the c/r. I like your sizing just over min, as I doubt V2 can get away from his overpair now.
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01-20-2014 , 03:11 PM
1/2 NL. Good bluff line or spew?

Villain is a pretty decent TAG with some LAG qualities. Doesn't get too out of line postflop. Decent hand reader. His huge leak/flaw is preflop bet sizing. He opens to $7 with all of his speculative hands. SCs, PPs, some unsuited connectors, sometimes even as junky as unsuited 2-gappers. He opens bigger with his value hands.

History with villain: He views me as a solid TAG, generally gives me credit for having a hand. Views me as a winning player and generally stays out of my way.

Twice today I have squeezed his $7 open from the button after he got a couple of callers. Both times everyone has folded. He doesn't seem annoyed or tilted, he just shrug-folded both times. I suspect he gave me credit for a real hand both times and doesn't think I am picking on him.

We played one hand in a past session, where I had 33 in the BB of a straddled pot. He was SB, and we saw a 5-way limped pot. Flop was 36Tr. he checked, I bet $25, he very reluctantly called. Turn was a 2 completing the rainbow. He checked, I checked because I didn't suspect he would call another bet on the turn, and wanted to get value on the river. River 8. He checked, I bet $65. He tanked forever, said "ugh, I've never seen you bluff" , eventually called with AT, and lamented it for a few more hands, saying he shouldn't have paid me off. He likely remembers this hand.

Earlier this session, I opened from the CO with TJo to $12. He called from the BB. Flop was 69K. He donked $10, I raised to $30, he called. Turn was 4. He checked, I bet $55, he quickly mucked and said "I'm waaaay behind your AK over there." I mucked but told him I had AA. He says he folded KQ. Then I actually got AA the next hand and showed after taking the pot down on the flop. Now the table has been talking about how I got AA back to back hands and how lucky I am etc..

Anyway, on to the hand. I am BB with QJ. Villain opens to $7 from MP. Button calls. I elect to call because my hand plays ok against his range, and I figured he would eventually get tired of me squeezing him, and I wanted to be on the button when that happens, not oop in the BB.

Flop ($21) A85

Hero checks, V bets $10, button folds. I call planning to lead all turns.

Turn ($40) 7

Hero leads $25. Villain looks perplexed, shrugs, and calls.

His range on the turn includes a lot of PPs with 1 heart, some hands like 67, a lot of mid connectors with a pair and a heart, and some 2 pair combos, some sets. I discount sets some because I suspect he bets the flop harder and/or raises the turn. He could have a baby flush, but I discount that heavily for the same reasons why I discount sets.

River ($90) 7

Hero bets $65.
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01-20-2014 , 03:19 PM
I think it's fine considering his read on you never bluffing.

I would amend your range to consider that he could have flopped the nuts or another very high flush not overly concerned with getting outdrawn.

Agree most likely holdings are some sort of pair plus draw, and our betting should get him off of that.

Just keep in mind he is going to take you off of sets and baby flushes for the same reason you are taking him off of sets and baby flushes (you would never c/c the flop with those holdings). You are pretty much repping a big flopped flush or AxXh (notably Ax7h)
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01-20-2014 , 04:42 PM
You say "I elect to call because my hand plays ok against his range" -- I think you're over estimating how well this hand plays OOP.

I mean, you say that villain doesn't get out of line too much after the flop and can hand-read. So, in most cases your plan is to bet TPGK and watch him fold; or fire at an orphan turn at watch him fold. Right? In those cases, you win the same size pot you would have if you just squeezed preflop (and when you squeeze pre and everybody folds then he doesn't get the chance of out flopping you).

I'm much more apt to flat pre and see the flop if we are suited. Non suited and OOP? go ahead with the squeeze.
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01-20-2014 , 05:05 PM
Well, that's certainly fair, though you neglected the second part of the reason why I called

My thought process was actually the other way around.. I elected not to squeeze because "I figured he would eventually get tired of me squeezing him, and I wanted to be on the button when that happens, not oop in the BB.", and once I'd decided not to squeeze, I elected to call rather than fold for the reason stated above.

Also, QJo doesn't play great oop, but it plays ok against a range that doesn't include TT+, AJ, AQ, or KQ.
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01-20-2014 , 07:17 PM
Ok, GL.
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01-21-2014 , 01:57 AM
^^^I might just give up on that pot because I think you are tapping the well once too often. c/f turn imo

1/3 Home game. 10 handed. The BB is a mid 20s white guy who I don't know at all and this is the first orbit and neither of us has played a hand yet. Stacks are uncapped and he starts with 400 and I cover. Basically completely readless.

I have KK UTG raise to 12, everyone folds to BB who flats.

Flop is K99, BB leads for 20.

Do your prefer raising or flatting?
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01-21-2014 , 02:05 AM
I like flat and raise turn if he leads again, since raise on turn can be for more money.
9x we can still get stacks in if we flat.
Kx we want to lead into us again.
Anything else we want him to barrel or hopefully catch up. Looking for a T/J/Q and him to have hit a straight or lower boat ott.
If the turn is a complete blank I might flat again then bomb river.
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01-21-2014 , 11:42 AM
You have position, you flopped the world, and you crush the board. This is one of the rare occasions where slow playing makes sense. He should fire again on the turn with almost his entire range. I MIGHT smooth call the turn as well. A raise at any point in this hand is going to scream monster to any competent villain, may as well keep him on the hook for as long as possible. I suspect as soon as you raise (flop, turn or river), the hand will be over, unless he has a really strong 9, in which case he will probably still get it in on the River anyway.
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01-21-2014 , 12:13 PM
flat flop, clickback turn
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01-21-2014 , 01:10 PM
OK just a sanity check then because I got the sickest reverse bad beat ever

I call, turn K, villain rolls his eyes and c/f A9s face up

I showed him the quads to make him feel better
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01-21-2014 , 01:21 PM
hah, that's just bad luck. You get all of his chips on basically any other runout.
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01-21-2014 , 02:08 PM
the food for thought is that he said he'd have jammed had I raised the flop

might be a mistake to assume a random player is sophisticated, even in 2014

or I'm being R/O
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01-21-2014 , 02:11 PM
R/O it's a 2 outer to not get it all in or have him make quads ott.
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01-21-2014 , 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
^^^I might just give up on that pot because I think you are tapping the well once too often. c/f turn imo

1/3 Home game. 10 handed. The BB is a mid 20s white guy who I don't know at all and this is the first orbit and neither of us has played a hand yet. Stacks are uncapped and he starts with 400 and I cover. Basically completely readless.

I have KK UTG raise to 12, everyone folds to BB who flats.

Flop is K99, BB leads for 20.

Do your prefer raising or flatting?
I think I prefer a raise, simply because we want to play for stacks and it might be difficult playing for them if we don't raise. If he bets the turn, then we'll probably be able to play for them, but if he checks the turn, we won't be able to without some huge overbets (the pot will be $60 on the turn with $370 behind, very difficult to play for if he doesn't bet the turn).

If he has a mediocre pair, my guess is that it's unlikely he's going to put in too many more bets anyways, plus he's only on a 2-outer to improve to be able to stack off.

If he's on air, he'll probably fold (so we do blow him off his bluff), but then again, he might get super creative.

If he has a K, it's going to be a tough fold for the typical player. Let's build that pot.

If he has a 9, he's never folding, so let's build that pot.

Think I posted a lol hand recently where my AK sees a AAA flop against two opponents. One of them donks into me and I... raise. Cuz no one would ever be stupid enough to raise an A here, right? One villain coldcalls, while the donker now 3bets. I finally just call, and the other villain overcalls as well. Lol. The point is, I was able to build a big pot on the flop even though I had the nuts, because this is the street the people are likely to put in the most money with the most mediocre of hands. It enabled me to play for stacks on the river (where I eventually stacked the overcaller who had Q high on the flop and hit a Q on the river).

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01-21-2014 , 02:29 PM
Think I posted a lol hand recently where my AK sees a AAA flop against two opponents. One of them donks into me and I... raise. Cuz no one would ever be stupid enough to raise an A here, right? One villain coldcalls, while the donker now 3bets.
heh, I remember that thread. Sometimes we think raising with the best hand is "terrible" (I've seen that advice in 2p2 a lot) when it's actually never a mistake
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01-21-2014 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by attentionnoone
heh, I remember that thread. Sometimes we think raising with the best hand is "terrible" (I've seen that advice in 2p2 a lot) when it's actually never a mistake
Ya. One of the crucial properties of slowplaying flopped monsters is that we must still be able to play for stacks if we do slowplay them. If that is unlikely to be the case, then we have to fastplay them, imo.
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01-22-2014 , 04:00 PM
I have learned my slowplay lesson...until I slowplay again

Play it fast and bet/raise when you have a big hand. If they can't call, you weren't likely to get much action unless they pass you anyway.

In this spot, I'd raise and pray he has a 9.

On another topic, played a HU pot the other night.

Eff stacks $200, we both have around the same.

I have A9, open to $10 from MP. BB calls.

BB is a recreational reg. ha. He is not a good player, likes to call way too much, very little value betting on scary boards etc. Older, plays a lot, not good.

T 6 4

He leads $10. Now, do most of you raise? Flat? Fold?

I raised to $35. He called.


He checks. Do you fire again? If so, how much?

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01-22-2014 , 05:39 PM
Flatting is the worst option because it takes a lot of your strength out of your range. You can never have JJ-AA anymore.

How often does he donk into pre-flop aggressor? Against some players this might be a fold. If he makes a habit of doing that, then I like raise.

Check back turn imo. His range when he calls your flop raise is Tx/78/75/6x/lowpockets. 8 hits him pretty hard and I think a bet here gets called majority of the time. I don't think it's horrible to b/f 55 here, but you probably have to follow through with a triple barrel on blanks and try to take him off of his 1 pair hands. If you don't think you can get a fold out of Tx then I think it's probably check back on turn.
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01-22-2014 , 09:36 PM
you took a nice shot, it didn't work, I give up here.
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01-23-2014 , 01:41 AM
I am not in the hand, just observer. but have history with both V's. comments please about everything. putting on them a hand and their play.

2/2 nl

V1: textbook of omc. between level 0-1,5. raises pre only with KK and AA. between 12-15. when he has a hand scares from any draw and bets large. stack 450~

V2: thinking taggy/laggy. has a wide range and plays aggressive. knows V1 well. stack 800~

hero folds his junk utg. couple of limpers, V1 raises to $14 in mp. CO calls, V2 calls OTB, one limper calls. 4 way to flop. $60~

flop comes A24

checks to omc who bets $50. only V2 on the button calls. pot $160~

turn comes 7 omc bets $100. V2 flats again. pot $360~

river is K omc again bets $100. V2 thank jams.

omc snap calls. V2 turn over 35 omc goes crazy and throw his pocket Aces on the table and went to the smoking balcony.

yes it's massive cooler but is anybody can get away top set at here?
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01-23-2014 , 01:47 AM
imo 35 should have raised flop. OMC only has AA/KK, and since he c-bet he only has AA. Last thing you want is diamond, 3, or 5 to drop and not play for stacks.

It's just a cooler tho.
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01-31-2014 , 04:40 PM
Common there a consensus on this?

New table, we don't know each other...standard PFR from V, hero calls with 99.

Flop K-9-2, bet, call.

Turn 9 (~125)

Hero has ~125 behind, V covers.

Villain checks. Hero?

Obviously the question is how to get most of his money in the pot.
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01-31-2014 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Fritz1
Common there a consensus on this?

New table, we don't know each other...standard PFR from V, hero calls with 99.

Flop K-9-2, bet, call.

Turn 9 (~125)

Hero has ~125 behind, V covers.

Villain checks. Hero?

Obviously the question is how to get most of his money in the pot.
Pretty sure a slowplay is fine on the turn here. We only have a PSB left, so we can easily get that in on the river even if Villain checks to us. We also give him a chance to hit something that might pay off on the river (but won't know, such as Ax or whatever). Plus board is bone dry so there are very few scare cards (really only an A is a scare card if he has a big underpair), plus no draws to charge for. Plus we give him a chance to bluff / thinly value bet river.

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01-31-2014 , 05:41 PM
Thanks. Yeah, I checked turn, he bet 75 otr, I shoved, he folded.

I know my instinct to slow-play is usually a leak in my game. This situation just seemed to call for it though.
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