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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

06-09-2015 , 05:17 PM
GG, that bet is very bad against the described V because he can exploit us to death by bluffing when obvious draws hit us.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
06-09-2015 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
GG, that bet is very bad against the described V because he can exploit us to death by bluffing when obvious draws hit us.
By turning his mediocre hands into bluffs?

He's welcome to the call turn with air hoping to rep a draw if it comes in, imo, because it simply ain't going to come in enough to be profitable. And on top of that, he did call the flop (which means it's less likely he has air to begin with).

Having said that, I still bet larger on the turn. I just don't think the small bet is as horrible as everyone makes it out to be.

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06-09-2015 , 08:52 PM
I'm in the SB, stack around $1,200

V is UTG+2. Guy is a good tournament player. I wouldn't say he's a complete cash-game fish, but he's not great, people line up to move to his game. He's in almost every pot with a huge range, but like I said his base of poker is semi-solid. He plays cash like a tournament. Doubled up basically getting it all in with AJo vs 10s and other race-type hand.
40 white guy, hoodie-sunglasses.

Villain raises to $15, 4 calls in front of me... People calling with huge ranges to get this guy. I have 55 in SB and go set-mining.

J54 ($90)

I donk $50
Villain calls
1 additional call

7 ($240)

This card seems pretty harmless, though as I said this dude could have ATC. 68/7s/Js, hell 63s is in range.

I lead again $140
Villain bombs away all-in for $640 total.


I do...V has set of Js
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06-09-2015 , 09:09 PM
Before looking at spoiler this was my thoughts: yes we are calling it off here. He can have pretty much any two pair if he is playing pretty much every hand dealt and youre also beating bottom set. Tournament players is also very capable of playing big overpairs this way like KK or AA. Especially since your lead look alot like a good J betting out for protection/end the hand right here villain for sure will feel very good with KK/AA on this board.

Running into top set here is just a ugly cooler and i cant see how you could get away from it the way this hand went down.

Well played by the way,really like your donk on the flop to start building a pot and secure maximum value from your hand. Results are just unlucky for you.

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06-10-2015 , 12:20 PM
Dear lord yes fist pump call versus this particular villain.
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06-10-2015 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by amh1121
was playing Ł1/2 on Sat night and this hand came up:

Hero (BB): tighter side but still playing at least hand an orbit. has busted several players (once with overpair, once with nut flush) and chipped up to Ł325 or so

Villian (SB): solid TAG who has been opening up due to a weak-tight table. won a big hand where a set paid off his nut flush on the turn, and another one where he overflushed a bad player. sitting with about Ł550

4 limpers to V in SB, who makes it Ł14.

Hero looks down at KK, and makes it Ł51. V calls quickly and checks in the dark.

Flop (~Ł110) : J37r

1) this is an auto 3-bet, right? sizing?
2) how much do you bet on the flop?


Hero bets Ł60. Villian calls and checks in the dark once again. 6h bringing a heart flush draw. Hero bets Ł100 into the pot of Ł230.

3) we are pot committed at this point, correct?
I bet 85 on flop. I go all in on turn.
As played, yeah your committed I think. You put in 100+60+50=210. You have 2/3 your stack in there w overpair on a unpaired unflushed disconnected board. Good spot to be in on average
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06-10-2015 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by MirrorMirror
1/3 NL soft game at casino card room

V1 (SB) - new to game, lag style, doubled up with KK, no solid reads ~$600
V2 (UTG+2) - avg reg 30%vpip $400
Hero, (HJ) tight player $600

V2 opens to 15 (it's not only premiums for this guy)

Hero calls in HJ with KQ

V1 calls in SB

Flop Q76

V1 check
V2 bets 30
Hero calls 30
V1 calls 30

Turn K

V1, v2 check
Hero bets 60
V1 tank calls
V2 folds

River 6 (ick)

V1 donks 200

Turn bet on my behalf was lol small in hindsight, but river is super easy fold, right?
Bet bigger man. fold river yeah.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
06-10-2015 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Elvis_Costello
I'm in the SB, stack around $1,200

V is UTG+2. Guy is a good tournament player. I wouldn't say he's a complete cash-game fish, but he's not great, people line up to move to his game. He's in almost every pot with a huge range, but like I said his base of poker is semi-solid. He plays cash like a tournament. Doubled up basically getting it all in with AJo vs 10s and other race-type hand.
40 white guy, hoodie-sunglasses.

Villain raises to $15, 4 calls in front of me... People calling with huge ranges to get this guy. I have 55 in SB and go set-mining.

J54 ($90)

I donk $50
Villain calls
1 additional call

7 ($240)

This card seems pretty harmless, though as I said this dude could have ATC. 68/7s/Js, hell 63s is in range.

I lead again $140
Villain bombs away all-in for $640 total.


I do...V has set of Js
Yeah Im calling this off given V description. Too much random spazz and overplaying overpairs in his range mehtinks. Also have boat outs when you run into a straight which is pretty rare given action
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
06-12-2015 , 10:12 AM
Last night $2/5 $1000 max.

$400 effective, hero covers. Hero's first orbit, hasn't played a hand, opens $20 with AK. Unknown Mid 50's rec player 3-bets to $65. Hero calls.

A53 hero check/calls $50. Ranging v on KK-JJ, leaning towards QQ.

Turn is 6, goes check/check.

River is K

Standard check/fold versus unknown (presumed nitty)?
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06-12-2015 , 10:22 AM
Yes, horrible river for obvious reasons, his big pocket pairs like JJ or QQ with a spade now backed into a flush.

You could consider leading the turn though after his weak flop C bet (ranging him on JJ-KK) to charge him if he has a big spade in his hand. He is likely to check back almost any turn anyway the majority of the time with this range after getting called on the flop. When you dont have a spade in your hand it makes your hand kind of vulnerable on this turn.

Edit: leading the turn is kind of a win win situation for you in this kind of spot against a range wich is most likely big pocket pairs below the A. If he folds when you fire the turn and surrender his equity thats a good result, and if he wants to call fishing for his flushouts you get one more significant bet out of him compared to if the turn goes check-check.

Last edited by Gilmour; 06-12-2015 at 10:33 AM.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
06-12-2015 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by Gilmour
Yes, horrible river for obvious reasons, his big pocket pairs like JJ or QQ with a spade now backed into a flush.

You could consider leading the turn though after his weak flop C bet (ranging him on JJ-KK) to charge him if he has a big spade in his hand. He is likely to check back almost any turn anyway the majority of the time with this range after getting called on the flop. When you dont have a spade in your hand it makes your hand kind of vulnerable on this turn.

Edit: leading the turn is kind of a win win situation for you in this kind of spot against a range wich is most likely big pocket pairs below the A. If he folds when you fire the turn and surrender his equity thats a good result, and if he wants to call fishing for his flushouts you get one more significant bet out of him compared to if the turn goes check-check.
Yeah, results not withstanding I kicked myself for not leading the turn because I can get value from KKx/QQx.

Villain's hands shook wildly as he bet $100. I don't think this villain is betting something even as strong as a set here.

Turns out he did show himself to be a total nit as he only played one other hand outside the blinds in the 3 hours I was at the table.
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06-12-2015 , 11:04 AM
I absolutely agree, most villains never bluff at the river with significant bets anyway- and certainly not a nit/tight villain in a 3 bet pot where most people tend to play more honest and straight forward. Many villains is checking back this river even with top set of A in this spot.

His river bet screams QQ with the Q of spade.
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06-12-2015 , 12:36 PM
1/2Ł game
Mp fishy player limps with 400 eff, hj tightish reg opens to 20 (150effŁ)( which is big people usually go for 10-15 in this spot). Co who just arrived and hasnt played a hand in 30 minutes makes it 55Ł with 350Ł eff stack.

Im on the btn i cover all. I look down at QQ. Whats our play?
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06-12-2015 , 12:47 PM
I flat. HJ might be iso-ing light, a 3-bet from the CO could be AA/KK but I'm not letting go so quickly especially that we have position.
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06-12-2015 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
I flat. HJ might be iso-ing light, a 3-bet from the CO could be AA/KK but I'm not letting go so quickly especially that we have position.
Yes but this particular vilain will raise 10-15 when light. A raise to 20 here screems strength and if i flat it leaves a perfect spot for him to reshove with ~150, and co will still have to talk. Dont u agree that calling here could be burning 55 on fire given this particular action and stack sizes?
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06-12-2015 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by day'n'night
Yes but this particular vilain will raise 10-15 when light. A raise to 20 here screems strength and if i flat it leaves a perfect spot for him to reshove with ~150, and co will still have to talk. Dont u agree that calling here could be burning 55 on fire given this particular action and stack sizes?
I agree that it's close with QQ - if you had KK/AA we are continuing.

A lot will depend on how narrow the opener's range is.
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06-12-2015 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by day'n'night
1/2Ł game
Mp fishy player limps with 400 eff, hj tightish reg opens to 20 (150effŁ)( which is big people usually go for 10-15 in this spot). Co who just arrived and hasnt played a hand in 30 minutes makes it 55Ł with 350Ł eff stack.

Im on the btn i cover all. I look down at QQ. Whats our play?
Fold. 3bets are KK+ like 80% of the time. Just the games I'm used to. Could be different elsewhere.
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06-18-2015 , 03:30 AM

Villian 1 is a young African American who likes to gamble. Been playing most hands in several orbits at table. A lot of c betting

Villian 2 is a young indian guy, likes to talk strat, seems like the ''not folding unless beaten without a doubt'' type. Loose.

Villians both have around $350, hero covers.

Hero is Nitty TAG

Villian 1 raises UTG to $12, MP calls, Villian 2 calls, hero calls on button w. 44

Flop ($42): 365

Hero??? Plan??
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06-18-2015 , 08:15 AM
we've got the button here so the plan is to see all the action in front and make the best decision. Sounds like we don't have much fold equity from villain descriptions, so semi-bluffing is somewhat discounted.

If someone pots before us, probably fold. If bet then call, we can probably see another card. We've got 6 clean outs.
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06-18-2015 , 08:23 AM
Definitely calling anything $35 and below. We are in pretty good shape against a lot of ranges. Try to make your hand because raising is going to accomplish next to nothing vs described villain
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06-18-2015 , 02:49 PM
Hero checks. Villian 1 bets $25, MP folds, Villian 2 calls, hero calls.

Turn ($116) T

Hero checks, Villian 1 bets $25, Villian 2 calls, hero calls.

River (T)

Villian 1 bets $50, Villian 2 calls, Hero??
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
06-18-2015 , 09:13 PM
Not loving any of this. Your hand is never good on the river. Flop and turn are meh. Make a hand against these guys and value bet them to death.
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06-18-2015 , 09:23 PM
Eff stacks 170. V covers.

V limps. Hero w QQ Raise to 12. 5 callers.

5h 8h 5s.

V check. Hero bet 40. V raise all in.

Only read is that he is somewhat competet bc he went for thin turn value a few hands ago and then checked the river to induce a bluff when all the draws missed. It was a pretty nice job tbh.

I don't know how he views me but probably a young punk who is tight and aggressive. He probably thinks I'm a bit of a calling station too bc I lost an all in pot earlier where I called with the worst of it
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06-18-2015 , 09:52 PM
Call. He could push with any over pair or flush draw with overs. If has a 5, so be it. I think you beat enough of his range to call.
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06-18-2015 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by progress
Eff stacks 170. V covers.

V limps. Hero w QQ Raise to 12. 5 callers.

5h 8h 5s.

V check. Hero bet 40. V raise all in.

Only read is that he is somewhat competet bc he went for thin turn value a few hands ago and then checked the river to induce a bluff when all the draws missed. It was a pretty nice job tbh.

I don't know how he views me but probably a young punk who is tight and aggressive. He probably thinks I'm a bit of a calling station too bc I lost an all in pot earlier where I called with the worst of it
I think you can sigh fold, he doesn't limp call Jj-99, 5s have crushed and flush+SD or overcard are still doing incredibly well.
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