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07-03-2016 , 10:25 PM
you need AQ in his range to gii, so just a question of how he'd play that hand, limping with a plan to rr V2 seems reasonable, but is he aggro enough to assume his hand is good against your range?
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07-16-2016 , 12:15 AM
What are you putting me on?


Hero - 30, has only been at table for an hour. Raised a few times, 3 bet a few times, nothing unusual or odd, I'm up $175 and have a $1,175 stack. Playing OFC on phone, sitting there minding my own business. I Assume I'm giving off an image of a competent reg.

V - Seen this guy a few times seems a bit weak-passive, probably 25 yo, has hoodie on, not talking. Seems like he played 3-4x a week kind of deal, dealers here know him. He's limped a few pots, and I've seen him raise 1-2 times. No reads or anything.
Covers me

UTG raises to $25
Main Concern Villain Calls
Button Calls
SB Folds
HERO in BB and I make it $175 total.

3-4 of these limpers verbally start groaning about how they knew someone would do this, how there's so much out there to steal.
I don't budge or give off anything.

The initial raiser calls
Villain tanks and finally calls
and the button calls as well.

J62 ($800 in pot)

I bet $375
Villain tanks again and calls
Button Fold.

8 ($1,550 in pot)
I shove $625
Villain tank calls


So I have AK and I'm just barrelling, but I think I'm confidently repping an overpair, QQ-AA and potentially even fast playing top-set. I'm not putting this kid, and nobody else who double flatted on an overpair. Smalls sets, meh.
Anyway, this guy has J7

The initial 3-bet after 6 ****ing people flatted looked fishy/stealy, and he just put on his call-down-pants?
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07-16-2016 , 02:48 AM
On flop villain probably wasn't sure if you had an overpair or not so he called (maybe Ax or TT/99) and plus he flopped top pair, so after calling with that hand pre it's hard to fold when he hits. On turn villain probably now puts you on an overpair but isn't going to fold given the amount of money in the pot and the amount of money he has already invested in the pot.
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07-16-2016 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
On flop villain probably wasn't sure if you had an overpair or not so he called (maybe Ax or TT/99) and plus he flopped top pair, so after calling with that hand pre it's hard to fold when he hits. On turn villain probably now puts you on an overpair but isn't going to fold given the amount of money in the pot and the amount of money he has already invested in the pot.
I agree with everything you said.
I guess just give up on the turn and take the loss, save the $625.
Or take the free card, I assume he checks behind turn.
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07-16-2016 , 05:20 AM
I'd definitely make it more than 175. 25 open with 6 callers - pot is already 205 by the time you've called, so I'd make it at least 250 if you want to get the pot heads up. Then your cbet repping an overpair has a much better chance of getting through. As played though, I agree that you probably have no fold equity on the turn, once they've called flop, so just check/ give up imo.
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07-16-2016 , 09:03 AM
Raise more pre, like $205
Check fold flop unless you have stone cold reads on everyone being fit or fold
Check fold turn - if they called flop, they're not folding to a blank
Check fold river - see above

Oh, and put down the OFC game and pay attention - you might have realized that barreling this run-out is awful.
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07-16-2016 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
Raise more pre, like $205
Check fold flop unless you have stone cold reads on everyone being fit or fold
Check fold turn - if they called flop, they're not folding to a blank
Check fold river - see above

Oh, and put down the OFC game and pay attention - you might have realized that barreling this run-out is awful.
+1 to all that.

Amazing that the turn barrel wasn't immediately snapped off.

Hero 3bet % has to be in the 20% range. Need God image or massive weak tight villains to think the cbet is a good plan.
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07-16-2016 , 09:49 AM
Fairly surprising villain didn't shove flop I think.
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07-16-2016 , 10:44 AM
Deep 1/3 hand. I thought the decision was clear, but curious what others think since I'm rarely in spots like this.

V1 ($1100 eff), BB: Good player, we're friends outside of poker. Capable of 3betting, 4betting pre lighter than most, capable of overbets, thinks about ranges. Earlier HH: BTN straddle from loose aggressive player, 4 limps including V1. CO goes all in for $22. Calls to V1, raises to $300 total, gets called by LAG who has $300, shows 44 vs LAG 76o, LAG hits a 7 and scoops.

V2 ($450 eff), SB: Loose-passive fish who puts in way too much money with losing hands

Hero is in CO with AA.
Folds to hero who raises $18
V2 calls
V1 3b $60 total
Hero thinks, 4bets $145 total
V2 only thinks for a second and calls
V1 thinks for a while, calls.

Flop: 789 ($435)

V2 leads for very small, about $70 with $280 behind
V1 thinks for a long time, shoves for $950


My thinking is basically that we put too much money in preflop and the our SPR is 2. Folding will almost always be a mistake with an overpair here.
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07-16-2016 , 02:28 PM
Hard to comment on what kind of leveling could be going on when you're playing with a friend. Ordinarily would expect JJ, along with the other pair and straight draw combos. Real issue is 4bet sizing, as I'd prefer to force a much clearer error.
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07-16-2016 , 03:17 PM
you have v1 covered? I agree your SPR is such that we're calling.
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07-18-2016 , 11:55 AM
I'd probably reraise to at least $200 preflop which gives poorish 8:1 implied odds. Our small reraise offered twice those implied odds, and yet woulda still ended us up in an HU SPR pot of ~3 (where we can't fold).

Gross flop and I'm assuming this guy at the very least has decent equity, but I don't see how we can fold at this point.

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07-18-2016 , 06:01 PM
Thanks all - agree that my sizing is the big mistake in the hand, and that $200 is much better (not used to playing deepstacked, I raised with a size I'd use at 100-150bb). Results:

I call
SB snap calls
BB shows TT, SB shows JJ, my AA holds.
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08-05-2016 , 10:44 PM
Just a quick check on this pf action.

Typical 1/3 table. In the bb. Random makes it 6 to go. 3 callers to me. I have KTo and expect another caller or two behind. Do I just call here and hope to flop a monster? I'm never going hard with top pair obviously. Or is this a fold?
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08-05-2016 , 10:59 PM
Probably leaky but I'm calling all day
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08-05-2016 , 11:04 PM
3ball to $35.
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08-06-2016 , 12:00 AM
Nothing is typical. Depending on table dynamics it could be fold, call or raise. But that's not really an answer.

a min raise in a 1/3 game is weird. I usually treat it like a limp + (prolly low pair or suited connectors - rarely high cards). But regardless of how you think of the raise KTo is just a problem hand. You much more often get a piece of the flop and rarely smash it... which leads to trouble.

So fold it or raise it.
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08-06-2016 , 12:04 AM
Getting 9-11 to 1 is a super easy call. We really don't need to much money or make money very often to be in profit

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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
08-06-2016 , 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
3ball to $35.

Sent from my XT1565 using Tapatalk
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08-06-2016 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by jake
Nothing is typical. Depending on table dynamics it could be fold, call or raise. But that's not really an answer.

a min raise in a 1/3 game is weird. I usually treat it like a limp + (prolly low pair or suited connectors - rarely high cards). But regardless of how you think of the raise KTo is just a problem hand. You much more often get a piece of the flop and rarely smash it... which leads to trouble.

So fold it or raise it.
Will not get in trouble with a mere piece of flop. Need two pair or better or some sort of decent draw to continue postflop.
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08-06-2016 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
Will not get in trouble with a mere piece of flop. Need two pair or better or some sort of decent draw to continue postflop.
I can imagine any number of hands that could get us into big trouble here... Kxx two-suited is trouble. In fact, even 2p with this hand can be trouble. AKTss. You either want to fold (preferable) or raise and hopefully take it down.
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08-06-2016 , 03:57 AM
I mean, that's true, but I could come up with several RIO flops for pretty much any hand worth playing.
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08-06-2016 , 05:58 AM
Originally Posted by jake
I can imagine any number of hands that could get us into big trouble here... Kxx two-suited is trouble. In fact, even 2p with this hand can be trouble. AKTss. You either want to fold (preferable) or raise and hopefully take it down.
Yeah while I agree this is like an incredible specific situation.
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08-06-2016 , 06:08 AM
Calling $3 is fine but the mistake most people make is calling larger raises in this spot.
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08-06-2016 , 06:52 AM
Originally Posted by de4df1sh

Sent from my XT1565 using Tapatalk
Because my hand isn't good enough to want to play a flop OOP to 4 people.

My hand has some playability in the event that I get called (which will be primarily against pocket pairs). I'm not often going to get into ROI situations as really only AK should be calling me that has me dominated and when I make top pair it will often be the best.

And because there is $24 sitting out there that it looks like no one wants, and I want it.

Irrelevant blockers to AK/KK?

I dunno, maybe this is why I'm so bad a cash, but seems like good spot to 3ball to me.
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