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Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions

01-30-2017 , 05:05 AM

Don't hate raise.

But Call>Raise>fold
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01-30-2017 , 11:05 AM
First off the losing 4k in a home game is such a level it's hilarious, I might buy 1k at another Philly casino

As for the hand, agree with flat pre, there is logic promoting a cold 4b but the cons outweigh imo

do you have T♥️? I kinda like raising flop as from the limited description of V2 flop bet seems smaller than he would go with pocket pairs except AA so i think you lose to AA and beat everything else
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01-30-2017 , 01:04 PM
Nothing to see here, right?

I sit down at my 1/3 NL table Sunday afternoon with my maximum $300 BI, and my very first hand I'm dealt QTcc in CO. 4 limpers, I overlimp (my game plays fairly loose, I'm pretty meh on raising here).

7ways to QJTr flop, checks to me, I bet $15 into $20, 3 calls.

Ar turn. I let check around.

Tr river. 2 checks, an unknown 30ish east indian guy with the big stack at the table ($700) bets $50 into $65.

I slightly overship $283 into $115.


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01-30-2017 , 02:09 PM
I think that's standard against an unknown
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01-30-2017 , 04:08 PM
Boring question but I've been thinking about this

Last game I played V has been avoiding playing hands with me and has been raising a lot of pots pre and no one has been playing back at him. Game is 1/3 and he is in the cutoff and raises to 10 I'm in the SB and raise to 30 he folds. Is this ever standard? Better to just call since we are OOP or raise bc we obviously have a range advantage
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01-30-2017 , 04:24 PM
That's a raise all day imo. Most LLSNL players, even good ones, are way too passive in these situations
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01-30-2017 , 04:44 PM
Depends what your cards are, stack sizes, and postflop difficulty of opponent.

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01-30-2017 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
Depends what your cards are, stack sizes, and postflop difficulty of opponent.

This is true too of course
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01-30-2017 , 09:20 PM
I'm so sorry guys I was rushing when I posted this.... I had AQ I was about 150BB deep he was around 90 and he seemed to be a little passive postflop (fit or fold)
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01-31-2017 , 10:14 PM
Hero 80bb
UTG+1 100bb just sat down from must move, knows most players by name
V makes it 15, pretty standard for the table.
Hero has KQo in SB, flat or 3!?
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01-31-2017 , 10:45 PM
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02-01-2017 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by homerdash

And not close, imo, as KQo is doing pretty terrible against a typical EP raising range (plus we'll be OOP to boot).

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02-01-2017 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek

And not close, imo, as KQo is doing pretty terrible against a typical EP raising range (plus we'll be OOP to boot).

Ok cool, that is what I did, BB calls. I know I shouldn't be results orientated by it did suck to see the flop come out KKx. EP had AA. Sucks to see that flop but I did pay myself on the back
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-01-2017 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by foldandclose
Ok cool, that is what I did, BB calls. I know I shouldn't be results orientated by it did suck to see the flop come out KKx. EP had AA. Sucks to see that flop but I did pay myself on the back
Yeah, can't be results oriented. You wouldn't call here with 72 and yet you woulda stacked AA on a 722 flop too.

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02-05-2017 , 12:24 PM
What is our value bet size?

V (CO, covers)is a 20s/30s Asian guy. Seemed somewhat tight opening. Limping/over calling a descent amount

H (BTN, 600) is probably seen as tight/nitty. 3! bluff squeezed V out of a hand earlier (Old dude took it to the face, board runout rags flop/K/K, when I couldn't call a river donk, i.e. My hand looked like a bluff.), which is why I don't 3! here.

2 limps, V1 makes it 17, hero calls w/ A♣️5♣️ and HJ calls

Calling is marginal, but the way the table was, I expected both limps to call + 50/50 blinds calling

Flop (48): 9♣️4♣️3♣️

So yatzee. We flop the nuts + SFD

Flop checks through. I probably should be there specifically because any club really kills my action, but regardless, it's going to be tough for me to get 3 streets or stacks in on most run outs

Turn (48): K♦️

HJ checks, V bets 30. H pretty quickly raises to 75, HJ folds, V calls pretty quickly

Was trying to make this look bluffy with a quick raise

River (198): A♥️

So this turn/river obv hit his range pretty hard, so what sizing is good here?

In game, V checks, hero tank bets 200 trying to look bluffy.
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02-05-2017 , 12:34 PM

Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-05-2017 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Dochrohan


Rest of hand standard?
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02-05-2017 , 05:27 PM
Small turn raise, but I'm fine with it, as long as you're raising, I'm happy.

I'm not super happy about the flop check, but it's not bad by any means.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-11-2017 , 10:20 PM
Full table of 1-2NL. I have 500. V1 has 600, V2 has 450.
V1: Highly experienced, willing to C-bet, willing to make moves, but also able to lay it down. Basically TAG.
V2: Total maniac LAG. Will call down with any piece. Will bluff often. Sometimes hits crazy unexpected hands because he plays ATC.
Hero: TAG but rarely bluffs and tends to overcommit to big pairs.

I'm BB with KK and there's a $5 button straddle. I make it $20. V1 makes it $75, V2 calls, I make it $150. V1 calls (important: I figure if he re-raises he has AA). V2 calls.

Flop comes Queen high rainbow.

I'm first to act: I check, intending to check raise if V1 checks/bets light, possibly folding to a shove (I don't put him on AA, but QQ is an option...)

V1 checks. V2 shoves for $350.
I shove for about the same.
V1 folds.

I'm fairly sure I'm ahead, but did V2 hit two pair? We decide to run it twice.
He turns over Q8 for top pair/weak kicker. I'm ahead.

First board he hits an 8 on the turn, I hit a K on the river to win.
Second board he hits a Q on the turn to win.
Third board neither improves, and I win.

Result: I win 2/3 of a big pot.

1) Do I shove on the flop instead of min-raising?
2) Do I bet the flop instead of check-calling?
3) Should I have run it once instead of three times?
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-12-2017 , 06:12 AM
4-bet is too small.

Your Questions don't make sense.

You should always run it once unless you have a small bank roll. C/shove is fine, open shoving flop is fine.

If V2 is capable of calling Qx here and never fold, it's an open shove.
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-12-2017 , 10:13 AM
1-3, late night @ casino

Hero, $800 UTG, should have a winning page

V1: $425 MP, sat down maybe 3 hands ago, zero reads

V2, maybe $700 BTN, bad player. Calls way too much with bad hands pre/post

Hero opens to 15 with A♥️J♥️

Folds to V1 who 3! To 45

Folds to V2 who takes it to the face

SB and BB both take it to the face also

Hero was going to fold if it just came back around without callers, but now that 3 Vs have called, I talk myself into a call

5 to the flop

Flop (218): 8♦️4♥️2♥️

SB, BB Hero all check

V1 bets 155

V2 calls

SB/BB fold

V1 has ~ 225 behind
V2 has ~ 400 behind

V2 never has 2P+ here based on flat

V1 probably has an overpair, since we block the NFD hands that might 3!

We're getting direct odds to call, are we calling or shoving?
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02-12-2017 , 10:43 AM
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
02-12-2017 , 11:07 AM
That would be what I did in game, sometimes just like to be reassured

Think pre is too thin or ok given the 3 flats?
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02-12-2017 , 11:16 AM
It is not an ideal open, but ok it is profitable. Too good of a price to fold vs that 3 bet.
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02-14-2017 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
1-3, late night @ casino

Hero, $800 UTG, should have a winning page

V1: $425 MP, sat down maybe 3 hands ago, zero reads

V2, maybe $700 BTN, bad player. Calls way too much with bad hands pre/post

Hero opens to 15 with A♥️J♥️

Folds to V1 who 3! To 45

Folds to V2 who takes it to the face

SB and BB both take it to the face also

Hero was going to fold if it just came back around without callers, but now that 3 Vs have called, I talk myself into a call

5 to the flop

Flop (218): 8♦️4♥️2♥️

SB, BB Hero all check

V1 bets 155

V2 calls

SB/BB fold

V1 has ~ 225 behind
V2 has ~ 400 behind

V2 never has 2P+ here based on flat

V1 probably has an overpair, since we block the NFD hands that might 3!

We're getting direct odds to call, are we calling or shoving?
I prefer open limping AJs in EP.

Preflop call is meh. We're getting decent implied odds over 20+ against raiser, and even more against bigger stack. And we're closing the action and will have good relative position to the field (last to act after the raiser). However we will be OOP, which lately I've come to realize just how difficult it is to get paid off OOP.

Pot is huge and worth winning. We could even be slightly in the lead if both our overs are good. Adding any FE (even a small 10%) should move us into the decent fave category. So I check/ship to this action and ride the variance train. ETA: Course, saying that off the table is easy enough, but in reality this ship would actually be nearing my rooms $700 maximum bet, which is something I've never remotely come close to before. But it's probably the best play.

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