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01-14-2016 , 10:59 AM
1/2 NL

Seat 9 UTG goes all in pre for $35. Seat 1 calls. He's been at table 3 orbits. Likes to see a flop, or is getting decent cards, because he's paid to see the flop about 25-35% of the time. Several of which were in EP.

He's got about $250 & I cover. Folds to me & I've got QQ.

I raise to $80 with 3 greens & a red. Everyone folds back to V who thinks no more than 10 seconds & calls.

$100 in the main pot. $90 in the side pot.

Flop: 986

Villain goes all-in for ~$175. Hero?

I'm thinking this could be several draws. V would have to be putting me on an over-pair and not concerned about me having a draw, eh? So........he wouldn't do this with a flopped set? Unless, he thinks that's what I'll think? He does play responsibly & intelligently post-flop from what I've seen.
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01-14-2016 , 11:10 AM
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-14-2016 , 11:12 AM
I'm calling at that price on a wet board. You have at least ~33% equity, depending on how many suited combos are in his range.
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01-14-2016 , 01:04 PM
Zuneit: instacall.

We will be facing drawing hands and 1010/JJ enough that this is a pretty much nobrainer. Also the SPR is ultrasmall so we can pretty much never fold here with QQ. KK/AA is not in villains range the way the hand was played preflop, so if we are beat its with the rare set, and i am not convinced villain donks out into us either with a set- risking us fold AQ/AK type of hands.

So long story short: instacall and ship it the wast majority of the times.
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01-14-2016 , 01:58 PM
That's what I thought.....but the guy had Ad7d making him a 59% favorite & I was putting in roughly 40% of the money into the side pot. I think it was $173 to be exact, so the total was $426. So 41% of that would $174.66. So, I think it was as close to 0 Ev as you can get. Of course breaking even over the long-term is a helluva' lot better than just giving him the $80 side pot, along with any chance of winning the main.

If I didn't have the Qd, he'd be a 61.4% favorite. Fortunately for me, he didn't catch an out.

Count in the few times, if ever, that he may have played a set like this & I'm an ever bigger underdog.

I considered myself very luck after putting the hand in pokercruncher @ the table.

The woman won the main with KK.
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01-14-2016 , 02:01 PM
But surely you didn't just range him at huge combo draw, set, or JJ/TT?? Given how unknown he was, I think there has to be some 7x, maybe a little 9x, and naked flush draws.
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01-14-2016 , 03:11 PM
Yeah you ran into almost worst case (realistic) scenario. You have blockers to two his reasonable draws (diamonds and the always-popular JT).
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01-14-2016 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
That's what I thought.....but the guy had Ad7d making him a 59% favorite & I was putting in roughly 40% of the money into the side pot. I think it was $173 to be exact, so the total was $426. So 41% of that would $174.66. So, I think it was as close to 0 Ev as you can get. Of course breaking even over the long-term is a helluva' lot better than just giving him the $80 side pot, along with any chance of winning the main.

If I didn't have the Qd, he'd be a 61.4% favorite. Fortunately for me, he didn't catch an out.

Count in the few times, if ever, that he may have played a set like this & I'm an ever bigger underdog.

I considered myself very luck after putting the hand in pokercruncher @ the table.

The woman won the main with KK.

Yeah, i mean- this kind of combodraw is definitely on the top of his range here, quite unlucky to run into that. Nice job to dodge all those outs. If he calls this much before the flop with A7, his range contains of alot more handcombos that you crush than the other way around.

So dont forget that its parts of his range that you crush and have close to dead, like 1010 and JJ who loves their hand on this board.

Against villains range as a total picture,and the small SPR this is an instacall everytime with QQ.
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01-15-2016 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
Shouldn't we be more concerned about making any money at all on this monotone board, rather than hoping to get our whole stack in? .
I was wondering about this too.

What do you do, if the guy raises big otf or turn, indicating a flopped flush or turned set?
Depends on the odds. I think V has a lot more overpairs and other stuff though so I´m definitely value betting.
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01-15-2016 , 10:51 AM
Thanks guys. I kept thinking: "Why would this guy go all-in with a set? He might very well do it with 2 pair, but did he call off an additional $45 with 98s?" So I called, expecting to see AdXd, with the X being T+.

@kookiemonster: So what did you end up doing? How'd it go down? Also, what about the table where you had a whale on right immediate right? How did you end up playing against her. I remember you were talking about when you get KT.
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01-15-2016 , 03:50 PM
Pretty soft table, table views hero as young LAG who is "lucky" to be winning so many hands. Hero covers the table by a lot.

Folds to CO who limps, Hero raises AA to $15 OTB. BB (ABC MAWG, $300) calls, CO (Relatively passive MABG, $115) calls.

Pot ($45)
Flop 77T
Checks to Hero, I bet $30. Both call

Pot ($135)
Turn 8
BB checks, CO jams for $70
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01-15-2016 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Dizzyqtp
Pretty soft table, table views hero as young LAG who is "lucky" to be winning so many hands. Hero covers the table by a lot.

Folds to CO who limps, Hero raises AA to $15 OTB. BB (ABC MAWG, $300) calls, CO (Relatively passive MABG, $115) calls.

Pot ($45)
Flop 77T
Checks to Hero, I bet $30. Both call

Pot ($135)
Turn 8
BB checks, CO jams for $70
Gotta call, they're taking a stand against the lucky LAG with far worse.
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01-15-2016 , 04:20 PM
Can't see doing anything but calling and being really unhappy if BB rips it
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01-15-2016 , 04:22 PM
Getting nearly 3:1 with an overpair and flush redraw, I'm calling. But I expect to be behind most of the time and I hate that there's another villain behind us, so I find this to be quite a marginal spot.
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01-15-2016 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by mtagliaf
Gotta call, they're taking a stand against the lucky LAG with far worse.
You really think so? I don't think most passives are taking stands with Tx or a draw here.
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01-15-2016 , 04:38 PM
and are all you guys just folding if BB jams over our call? It would be $185 into a pot of $530
Not Quite Threadworthy--Low Stress Strat Questions Quote
01-15-2016 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Dizzyqtp
and are all you guys just folding if BB jams over our call? It would be $185 into a pot of $530
How are we ever good unless BB is a complete drooler?

Based on the action, BB has Tx/JJ/QQ, something with SDV.

We block the NFD so CO has all the 7x in his range and his freaked out because the 3rd heart came out. Still, it's not folding due to certain spazz factors that occur at $1/2.
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01-15-2016 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by zoltan
Yeah you ran into almost worst case (realistic) scenario. You have blockers to two his reasonable draws (diamonds and the always-popular JT).
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01-15-2016 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by cannabusto
You really think so? I don't think most passives are taking stands with Tx or a draw here.
I'm assuming Hero's image is affecting villain based on his description. if he's a drooler playing level0 poker, then probably not.
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01-16-2016 , 02:47 PM
hey guys, had an interesting spot was looking for advice particularly on the river. 2/3 game. I'm the effective stack with $450

Hero on button with q2 spades 3 limpers i decide to limp (i know this is bad and i don't normally do it but i was getting a little bored), 6 way to the flop

flop ($18) k 5 6 spades, checks around to V1 (older guy, ABC player) who bets $10. I flat, V2 (young, rec player) flats behind. I felt like raising seemed too strong on this board and I don't want to scare the rec players still in the hand, i'm only really scared of the ace of spades if another spade peels off, for now.

turn ($48) 6h, V2 checks, V1 bets $35 and i flat again, V2 folds. I probably should've raised here but i didn't want to scare the rec behind and at the same time felt like i could get more money on the river by flatting. Raising seems way too strong.

river ($118) 8d, V1 bets $50. Here is where I had the most trouble. Do I just call or do I raise to get more value from worse and then fold to a shove? It's hard to put him on a worse hand to call but at the same time I really didn't think he was strong during the whole process of the hand.

I ended up raising to $120 and he folded. Is this a standard raise/fold spot?
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01-16-2016 , 03:58 PM
Fold pre, raise flop, worse is probably never calling river as played except for the rare smaller flushes, and that's another great reason to raise the flop!
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01-16-2016 , 04:30 PM
you're right. i'm pretty sure i played every street incorrectly
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01-16-2016 , 07:12 PM
you've got to raise turn to get value from AsX or sets trying to boat up. You missed value there. Once he misses his hand on the river you're not getting any more money.

And when you raise, you're not folding. Losing to the nut flush is a cooler.
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01-17-2016 , 10:25 AM
I can't decide how bad I think this was in hindsight or whether it was brilliant.

V1 is late 20s Asian woman. Gambly. Sees a lot of flops. Straddles. Plays table games. Deals table games at another casino.

V2 is 40ish black man. Busted making a hero call and reloaded for $200.

V3 is MAWG with chips racked.

Hero is MAWG.

The three of us have $900 plus.

$1/$3 Nl.

V1 limps or straddles UTG. Honestly I think she limped but hand was a week ago and i am not certain.

I raise to $25 in hijack. V2 calls on button. V3 calls from SB. BB calls. V1 calls.

Flop kx 10c 7c.

Checks to hero who bets $55. Button calls. V3 makes it $200. V1 tanks and eventually calls.

I fold. V2 calls for less.

Turn is a blank 5 or lower and not a club.

V3 bets $200. V1 tanks and calls again.

River brick. V3 bets $325. V1 tanks and calls.

My thought was that the call on the flop was terrible with 3 other players interested in the hand and a deep stack (Me) who could still rip it in with AA or AK or a set.

What would be your calling range in V1's spot? I think once the side pot is headsup it becomes a different situation but the flop is what i wanted ro discuss.
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01-17-2016 , 10:54 AM
I think the proper calling range is essentially empty. A big draw like QJcc or 89cc should just rip it. Sets should rip it. KcXc, rip. And other pairs shouldn't be playing this big a pot. Maybe AcXc (which I would probably rip also, esp if I've got a Broadway gutshot to go with it)
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