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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

01-22-2014 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by OditeRussia
1. Latest build recently updated
2. Im not saying it is the cycle hotkey causing the issue but this was not happening before I had a TV session with Denise and he fixed my cycle hot keys to work.
3. Every session I play 5+ hours straight it happens once or twice
4. PokerStars
5. Ill send now
6. I do use HEM2 but im not sure yet if this happens when I hover but I will check and keep an eye out for next time.

I will try a few more sessions if again it happens I will try to record my session so you can see it happen on video

A video would be perfect, Also please ensure you didn't enable Popup table in PS again, Because if this is enabled in TN2 it needs to be disabled in PS.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26
If you are moving from table A t otable B but the mouse moves over table C as well, in that case we try to set the default bet at table C, But you quickly move to table B, Therefore setting the bet does not fully work.
Hi Denise,
thanks for the quick answer.

But the problem is also present when I have only 2 tables !!!

Moreover with TN1 is not present this problem, also with 14-18 tables, and I haven't changed the layout.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by PokerRon247
It all sounds quite good, but tbh I have everything I need in TN1 and see no reason to update given the features listed above, and I certainly don't want to trial a program that is clearly still in beta testing when my income depends on it.
Hi PokerRon,

Sorry to hear you aren't interested in trying out the free trial. Our pricing is clear and transparent and we offer a 60-day free trial so every customer who decides to purchase is making an informed decision about the value of TN2 after having the opportunity to use it extensively for free.

We believe that TN2 today is simply the must-have in the Poker Hotkeys + Utilities category and we are committed to providing continuous improvement, customer support, new features and expanded site support.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by tn-john
Hi PokerRon,

Sorry to hear you aren't interested in trying out the free trial. Our pricing is clear and transparent and we offer a 60-day free trial so every customer who decides to purchase is making an informed decision about the value of TN2 after having the opportunity to use it extensively for free.

We believe that TN2 today is simply the must-have in the Poker Hotkeys + Utilities category and we are committed to providing continuous improvement, customer support, new features and expanded site support.

Getting so tired reading respons like this. Dont you get TN2 is still lagging, still is unstable, still have basic functions not working... Are you kidding me? Jesus would cry if playing with TN2!

Until you have basic functions work, stop saying bull**** like this!
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

Are you saying that the Join waitlist popup comes up but is in front of the active table/stack and not being moved the the set aside slot?
Yes, that's what I mean.

Originally Posted by Denise26
For the Ninja Tile have you other tables out of the current stack?
No, of course not. That would be 1+1=2... But that's not the problem. And I did set the TA-slots properly. Hope we can get it solved thnx for the fast answer btw.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
But they're busy adding new features ( that don't function properly).

I decided a while ago that while Table ninja are still supporting TN1 it tells you that TN2 is not reliable enough to use (once it is they'll stop tn1 support).

Tn-John: your list of new tn2 functionality reads great, the catch is that you could have (more or less) written that same summary in May last year.

Lack of functionality is not the reason people have run out of patience, it just doesn't work reliably, that's the problem. Please stop adding new functions to attract new suckers and get the core product working.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Geefmede5
Yes, that's what I mean.

No, of course not. That would be 1+1=2... But that's not the problem. And I did set the TA-slots properly. Hope we can get it solved thnx for the fast answer btw.

Lets setup a tv session Please PM me to arrange a day/time
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

If you are moving from table A t otable B but the mouse moves over table C as well, in that case we try to set the default bet at table C, But you quickly move to table B, Therefore setting the bet does not fully work.
Originally Posted by tese
Hi Denise,
thanks for the quick answer.

But the problem is also present when I have only 2 tables !!!

Moreover with TN1 is not present this problem, also with 14-18 tables, and I haven't changed the layout.
I realize now that sometimes it happens also without moving mouse from target table, just when new table is opened, it steals the focus.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 07:01 PM
In fact if I click on the target table (without moving the mouse) , the preset bets works fine.

Any solution?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-22-2014 , 10:55 PM
how to get my preset bets to work on pokerstars .using nova silver theme.

i have set the preset bets and am not using hotkeys .
as follows
filter all streets preflop pre 3bet flop turn river
bb>20 blank 3.5bb blank blank blank blank
bb>30 ^ 2.21bb ^ ^ ^ ^
bb>40 ^ 2.21bb ^ ^ ^ ^

and so on.......

am i missing something because i input the above, and when it comes to the preset bet amounts its always 4x bb no matter what blind level .

any help . i am manually inputting figures and not (dont) want to use hotkeys.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
Lack of functionality is not the reason people have run out of patience, it just doesn't work reliably, that's the problem. Please stop adding new functions to attract new suckers and get the core product working.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
But they're busy adding new features ( that don't function properly).

I decided a while ago that while Table ninja are still supporting TN1 it tells you that TN2 is not reliable enough to use (once it is they'll stop tn1 support).

Tn-John: your list of new tn2 functionality reads great, the catch is that you could have (more or less) written that same summary in May last year.

Lack of functionality is not the reason people have run out of patience, it just doesn't work reliably, that's the problem. Please stop adding new functions to attract new suckers and get the core product working.
Hi monkeyheaven,

As I have said before, we made a mistake launching TN2 back in may - since it required more testing, and we apologize for that.

Since last may we have made TN2 much more reliable.

Also, we release a bit less often now, since we have moved to a more formal testing process.

Having said that, we do our best to fix bugs as soon as possible, if we can reproduce them. We do understand that it's hard for you guys to report exactly what happens when a bug occurs and you're playing 20+ tables - especially when bugs occur rather randomly.

We're still working hard to find the right balance between bug fixes and adding more features. And yes, clearly, we usually focus on bug fixes first.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 08:35 AM
Do you not think it would be a good idea to provide updates for and/or allow purchase of TN1 until TN2 is working reliably? How about bundling TN1 in with TN2 for new buyers so that they can decide which one to use, eventually transitioning over to TN2 once all the bugs are ironed out?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 08:50 AM
Originally Posted by tese
I realize now that sometimes it happens also without moving mouse from target table, just when new table is opened, it steals the focus.
Originally Posted by tese
In fact if I click on the target table (without moving the mouse) , the preset bets works fine.

Any solution?

Please contact me to arrange a tv session, Please PM me days that you will be available along with some time slots, and then we can set up a meeting and i can take a closer look at what is happening.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Bertz
how to get my preset bets to work on pokerstars .using nova silver theme.

i have set the preset bets and am not using hotkeys .
as follows
filter all streets preflop pre 3bet flop turn river
bb>20 blank 3.5bb blank blank blank blank
bb>30 ^ 2.21bb ^ ^ ^ ^
bb>40 ^ 2.21bb ^ ^ ^ ^

and so on.......

am i missing something because i input the above, and when it comes to the preset bet amounts its always 4x bb no matter what blind level .

any help . i am manually inputting figures and not (dont) want to use hotkeys.


Can you try switching to Classic theme, Please arrange the preset bets in order of betting the reason for this is when TN meets line where filter = True, the program does not go any further and all lines remained are skipped.
For example:
when BB = 80, TN looks in first line (bb > 20) = True
and stops. Betting is taken from that line
no more lines taken in consideration

See this image

If the problem persists please send us a screenshot of the table where the issue occurs, as screenshot of the preset tabs and your log file to
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by Denise26

This issue is isolated to a small number of customers, I personally tested this yesterday for 1hr and was unable to reproduce, So without log files it is hard for the developers to know what is causing the issue.

TN2 stores log files in the Roaming folder so it is quite possible that the log file is still there, if you go to the help tab > send logs to table ninja this would be very helpful for the developers.
[12:41:26.22] Starting layout : stacked
[12:41:26.61] Welcome to TableNinja!
[12:41:26.61] Listening on hotkeys...
[12:41:26.92] Starting layout : stacked
[10:16:15.78] Starting SNG Sensei...
[10:25:39.08] SNG Sensei has finished.
[10:25:39.64] Starting SNG Sensei...
[10:25:49.91] Table 853935270/2D30AE is minimized. TN2 cannot know if this table has action, if it's minimized. Please restore it to its original size.
[10:30:12.34] SNG Sensei has finished.
[10:35:00.33] Starting SNG Sensei...
[10:41:41.24] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:03:56.63] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:16:13.10] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:32:06.02] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:34:01.46] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:36:41.32] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:39:54.23] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:46:36.62] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:53:00.51] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:00:17.07] Tried to move window to invalid location: -19,597,885,637
[12:03:18.01] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:10:16.19] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:13:51.43] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:19:30.01] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:31:57.35] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:37:08.59] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:41:26.64] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:44:08.58] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:03:07.45] Starting SNG Sensei...
[01:18:50.82] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:24:20.81] Starting SNG Sensei...
[01:29:08.94] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:37:11.73] Starting SNG Sensei...
[01:40:18.95] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:59:31.65] Starting SNG Sensei...
[02:06:08.96] SNG Sensei has finished.

This is thw log. That tab is not working anymore, masically the sensei is useless. Please fix ASAP.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by tn-john
Hi monkeyheaven,

As I have said before, we made a mistake launching TN2 back in may - since it required more testing, and we apologize for that.

Since last may we have made TN2 much more reliable.

Also, we release a bit less often now, since we have moved to a more formal testing process.

Having said that, we do our best to fix bugs as soon as possible, if we can reproduce them. We do understand that it's hard for you guys to report exactly what happens when a bug occurs and you're playing 20+ tables - especially when bugs occur rather randomly.

We're still working hard to find the right balance between bug fixes and adding more features. And yes, clearly, we usually focus on bug fixes first.


The point I was trying to make was that you're not addressing anyones concerns by talking about what new functionality there is with TN2 and not giving any tangible data on how reliability has/hasnt improved.

What I want to know is do the functions of TN2 that I want to use work reliably now or not? Because of all that went on last year, and my story is the same as a lot of others; spend hours testing TN2 in playmoney, random bugs when start playing in real money, lose x buyins as direct result of TN2, report bugs to support, be treated like a moron by support, rinse and repeat...I'm not just gonna come back and give TN2 yet another trial without knowing if at an absolute minimum TN2 performs as reliably as TN1.

At present, all I can do is check this thread and see if people are still complaining about reliability. Its clear that they are, whats frustrating is that maybe TN2 would work great for me now, It would help if you were open about all the bugs and update when they are fixed (though I guess a lot of the problems are unique to one users setup?).

And, +1 to PokerRon247, at least include TN1 with a TN2 subscription, forcing new customers to either betatest or have nothing just doesnt seem right.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 11:31 AM
New Build

Build notes:
* hot fix: sometimes Sensei would not recognize when a tourney has ended
* fix: disallowed sorting in Betting tab
* fix: OSD displayed not saved correctly after restart
* fix: sometimes only first zoom tables was recognized
* fix: sometimes hotkeys were not working on some PS tables
* improvement: sometimes you would get an alert saying there are too many errors when you were on an HM popup.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Speedowagon7
[12:41:26.22] Starting layout : stacked
[12:41:26.61] Welcome to TableNinja!
[12:41:26.61] Listening on hotkeys...
[12:41:26.92] Starting layout : stacked
[10:16:15.78] Starting SNG Sensei...
[10:25:39.08] SNG Sensei has finished.
[10:25:39.64] Starting SNG Sensei...
[10:25:49.91] Table 853935270/2D30AE is minimized. TN2 cannot know if this table has action, if it's minimized. Please restore it to its original size.
[10:30:12.34] SNG Sensei has finished.
[10:35:00.33] Starting SNG Sensei...
[10:41:41.24] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:03:56.63] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:16:13.10] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:32:06.02] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:34:01.46] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:36:41.32] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:39:54.23] SNG Sensei has finished.
[11:46:36.62] Starting SNG Sensei...
[11:53:00.51] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:00:17.07] Tried to move window to invalid location: -19,597,885,637
[12:03:18.01] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:10:16.19] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:13:51.43] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:19:30.01] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:31:57.35] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:37:08.59] SNG Sensei has finished.
[12:41:26.64] Starting SNG Sensei...
[12:44:08.58] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:03:07.45] Starting SNG Sensei...
[01:18:50.82] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:24:20.81] Starting SNG Sensei...
[01:29:08.94] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:37:11.73] Starting SNG Sensei...
[01:40:18.95] SNG Sensei has finished.
[01:59:31.65] Starting SNG Sensei...
[02:06:08.96] SNG Sensei has finished.

This is thw log. That tab is not working anymore, masically the sensei is useless. Please fix ASAP.
We have just released a build that should fix this, If you are still having problems please pm me to arrange a tv session.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by monkeyheaven
The point I was trying to make was that you're not addressing anyones concerns by talking about what new functionality there is with TN2 and not giving any tangible data on how reliability has/hasnt improved.

What I want to know is do the functions of TN2 that I want to use work reliably now or not? Because of all that went on last year, and my story is the same as a lot of others; spend hours testing TN2 in playmoney, random bugs when start playing in real money, lose x buyins as direct result of TN2, report bugs to support, be treated like a moron by support, rinse and repeat...I'm not just gonna come back and give TN2 yet another trial without knowing if at an absolute minimum TN2 performs as reliably as TN1.

At present, all I can do is check this thread and see if people are still complaining about reliability. Its clear that they are, whats frustrating is that maybe TN2 would work great for me now, It would help if you were open about all the bugs and update when they are fixed (though I guess a lot of the problems are unique to one users setup?).

And, +1 to PokerRon247, at least include TN1 with a TN2 subscription, forcing new customers to either betatest or have nothing just doesnt seem right.
dont try it its still buggy to say at least!
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 01:32 PM
Does Table Ninja II work with the new Party Poker New Jersey site?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Stosh
Does Table Ninja II work with the new Party Poker New Jersey site?
Hi Stosh

Please modify the names.txt file - which you will find at c:\users\<yourwindowsusername>\appdata\roaming\tab leninja.v2

You will find the following line:

pp_names = partygaming|partyespana|wpt|gamebookers|bwincom|bw inespana|danskespil|empirepokermaster|zynga|pmu|pa rtyfrance

Please replace it with:

pp_names = partygaming|partyespana|wpt|gamebookers|bwincom|bw inespana|danskespil|empirepokermaster|zynga|pmu|pa rtyfrance|borgata

I believe this should work, but please let us know if that is so.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26
My apologies on this it does actually matter what order the filter is in so i am going to write this up as a feature to add an option where you can drag the filter to the relevant position rather than deleting all filters in order to add the highest one first as i agree this can be annoying.
did this issue ever get considered as its still the same and yet its been so many months since its was made aware off
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26
My apologies on this it does actually matter what order the filter is in so i am going to write this up as a feature to add an option where you can drag the filter to the relevant position rather than deleting all filters in order to add the highest one first as i agree this can be annoying.
did this issue ever get considered as its still the same and yet its been so many months since its was made aware off 07-15-2013, 03:03 PM
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-23-2014 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Bertz
did this issue ever get considered as its still the same and yet its been so many months since its was made aware off 07-15-2013, 03:03 PM

Yes we did bring this up to the developers to add, I will bump it again and try and get an ETA for you.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
