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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

01-30-2014 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by snoep
I know that I can pause it, but I often forget to pause it.

I understand Like i said i created a feature request on this and sent it to the developers, the latest ticket on this issue is HM-7952 if you wish me to notify you when it is added please PM me with the subject "Notify me when HM-7952 is resolved.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
01-31-2014 , 10:05 PM
With table ninja 2 does it automatically bring up ps and ftp games that need action to the front of stack or do you have to check something or anything?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-01-2014 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by Yoloing
With table ninja 2 does it automatically bring up ps and ftp games that need action to the front of stack or do you have to check something or anything?

If you are using TN2 stack layout then you need to enable Popup table whenever action is required in the Table Control tab.

If you are using your Poker client stack layout then you need to disable this option in TN2 and enable it in your poker client.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-01-2014 , 04:33 PM
Also does the bring up tables when action required work for 888 and ipoker or solely ps/ftp/pp?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-01-2014 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Yoloing
Also does the bring up tables when action required work for 888 and ipoker or solely ps/ftp/pp?

888 tables are recognized but nothing else is supported, it will be coming soon, Ipoker tables will popup when action is required.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-03-2014 , 07:56 PM
New Build Release


* fix: FT presets - detect limpers/3bet correctly
note: sometimes, when antes are involved, we detect one less limper than there originally are.
we are working on a fix, we should hopefully have it on the next release
* fix: we now recognize FT rush tables
* fix: we recognize correctly the hand histories of Multi-entry tourneys
* new checkbox: Apply DEFAULTs only at target table (default = unchecked)
If checked, DEFAULT bets are only entered at the target table (same as it was until now)
If uncheckd, whenever possible, DEFAULT bets are filled as soon as it's your turn to act
(at this time, this means all PokerStars tables)
* fix: auto close tourney doesn't always work
* fix: Table in Foreground + clicking a table from the taskbar now works correctly
(active table won't steal focus)
* Set-Aside-Table - hitting the hotkey twice will put the table back to its original location,
no matter what table you press it on (as in TN1)
* new feature: Layout >> "Show Next-In-Line behind Target" (default = on) -- the "next-in-line" is shown below the target table
* experimental: for Table Under Mouse, you can have it activate a table only if mouse hasn't been moving for a while
(so that if you move from Table A to Table B, we won't activate Table C as well if it's in-between)
* fix: Stack layout - after you act on a table, and it's placed to the bottom, Cycle Backward key will navigate to it
* fix: Deleting Sensei row sometimes did not delete the correct row
* fix: Non active table stealing focus when clicking on desktop
* fix: Table Under Mouse - Sometimes active table fails to come to foreground
* fix: Sensei sometimes got error that We could not find a Searcher for Tourney X.
* fix: sometimes Sensei registered to too many SNGs
* allow downgrading: Setup >> Downgrade button will allow you to uninstall TN2, install a previous version
We will stop the auto-update process until you go to Setup and click 'Get Latest Version'.
Note that you can only downgrade to a version at least equal to 2.2.165
* improvement: can enable/disable each type of frame now (for instance, you can disable "Needs Attention" frame)
* fix: Display HUD works even if frames are disabled
* improvement: SNG sensei optimization for when a Single Searcher is running
* fix: recognize more desktop windows (like, when you're using the task switcher)
* fix: reduced the occurence of "We have detected a lot of errors" message
* no more "Action at table..." warning
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-03-2014 , 08:46 PM
getting a "unable to connect to server. please check your internet connection"

nvm working again

Last edited by cashy; 02-03-2014 at 08:56 PM.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by cashy
getting a "unable to connect to server. please check your internet connection"

nvm working again

Thank you for informing us that the problem was resolved, If there is anything else we can assist you with please let us know.

Have a nice day and best of luck at the tables.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 09:39 AM
Any ETA on a hotkey for the replayer?

Also when I stack and i have 4 tables left i then decide to tile to I use the stars shortcut to do this, when I now tile the hotkeys dont work in TN?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by OditeRussia
Any ETA on a hotkey for the replayer?

Also when I stack and i have 4 tables left i then decide to tile to I use the stars shortcut to do this, when I now tile the hotkeys dont work in TN?

I will try and get an update from the developers to see when this feature will be added.

In relation to the Issue on PS when going from stack to tile, i can't reproduce this, Please reproduce and send us the log files.

PS, why not use the short-cut in TN2 for tile layout?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by Denise26
PS, why not use the short-cut in TN2 for tile layout?
Because I dot like the way it tiles them for example this is stars tile key with 4 tables:

Ad this is TN:

I much prefer how stars tile them.

Also I just updated to the newest version and what I am noticing now is when I press the replayer button the replayer pops out then outs its self in the stack, what happened before this update was the replayer would open and stay in the last closed position and kept its last closed size, now it resizes to the stack table size and moves there.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 11:38 AM
Also regarding the tile issue I noticed when you use stars hot key to tile and then you click the replayer TN now changes the tile to its own lay out and does not keep stars layout.

Also I am experiencing this every session where I have to drag the table aside and move it about alot for it to refresh to normal

In TN1 when you toggled hotkeys off the preset bets did they still enter into the box? Im sure they did. With TN2 with hotkeys off they dont get entered. If this is nto the case then a suggestion to tick/untick when toggle hotkeys off still enter preset bets into the box
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by OditeRussia
Because I dot like the way it tiles them for example this is stars tile key with 4 tables:

Ad this is TN:

I much prefer how stars tile them.

Also I just updated to the newest version and what I am noticing now is when I press the replayer button the replayer pops out then outs its self in the stack, what happened before this update was the replayer would open and stay in the last closed position and kept its last closed size, now it resizes to the stack table size and moves there.

About the tile layout can you send me the logs of when the hotkeys stop working going from stack to tile layout in PS.

A workaround for the tile is you can setup a custom layout in TN2, and have it the way PS tiles 4 tables and it will be the exact same, you can resize the tables to the same size and positon as PS as them.

For the Re-Player going into the current stack i have reproduced this Once but after TN2 restart i can no longer reproduce it. Can you please try a restart and let me know if it continues
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 11:49 AM
Yes I will send the logs when I next load a session and press the debug key regarding hotkeys stop working going from stack to tile layout in PS.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 03:45 PM
Can someone help me with TN2 on Party Poker NJ? I saw something about changing a text file but I honestly don't really know what that means. I've been googling it and looking around in this thread but I can't seem to figure it out.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by Redsoxnets5
Can someone help me with TN2 on Party Poker NJ? I saw something about changing a text file but I honestly don't really know what that means. I've been googling it and looking around in this thread but I can't seem to figure it out.

I am not sure if you seen this post or not but please let me know if you are having problems with it

If you have TN2, before we update TN2 ourselves, you can modify the names.txt file - which you will find at c:\users\<yourwindowsusername>\appdata\roaming\tab leninja.v2

When you open the file You will find the following line:

pp_names = partygaming|partyespana|wpt|gamebookers|bwincom|bw inespana|danskespil|empirepokermaster|zynga|pmu|pa rtyfrance

Please replace it with:

pp_names = partygaming|partyespana|wpt|gamebookers|bwincom|bw inespana|danskespil|empirepokermaster|zynga|pmu|pa rtyfrance|borgata

I believe this should work, but please let us know if that is so.

If you find this impossible to do PM me we can do a quick tv session
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-04-2014 , 11:46 PM
does the ipoker beta version have everything working as I cant get any of the annoyances to work like auto buy in?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by reddev
does the ipoker beta version have everything working as I cant get any of the annoyances to work like auto buy in?

No Annoyances is not supported yet, Ipoker is still in early beta here is a list of what is supported:

1. iPoker tables are recognized, all iPoker networks
2. Betting hotkeys (Fold, Check/Call, Bet/Raise)
3. AA Check/Fold hotkey works
4. Pot betting works
5. Presets work
6. Allin + Allin+click hotkeys work
7. Increment/Decrement betting hotkeys work
8. Send numpad/backspace to betbox works

Please note that out-of-the-box we support Titan and Betfair.
However, adding your skin is very easy. Once you start your iPoker client, TN2 will recognize it, and ask you if you want to add a new theme. You can click Yes, then a wizard will show up, you need to take some screenshots, click "Compute Theme" and that's about it.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 11:03 AM
New Release 2.2.175

Build notes:

* hot fix: when "Apply DEFAULTs only at target table" is unchecked, PS tables don't steal focus anymore
* new feature: checkbox "Only work if NOT Player's Turn" for Advance Actions
* improvement: hotkey for showing Replayer (for now, works for Pokerstars-only)
(default = disabled)
* fix: sometimes Replayer for Zoom tables was considered a table
* fix: Table Under Mouse + click a table in foreground - will not bring mouse to that table anymore
* fix: experimental: for Table Under Mouse, you can have it activate a table only if mouse hasn't been moving for a while
* fix: sensei: properly sort by "Enrolled", descending
* fix: sensei: we will always register to new SNGs from top to bottom, ignoring SNGs we're already registered in
* fix: sensei + single searcher - next cycle, it will auto-register on the last sng (because we already reached the end and we don't go to the beginning)
* fix: reading PS themes - if PS file is locked, we ignore it and re-try in a while
* fix: when the POT button is not available on FT, we won't try to set any default bets at that table
* Table Control >> Set Aside - option about dealing with STA tables:
- allow several tables in an STA Slot (TN2) - this is the default
- allow a single table in an STA Slot (same as TN1)
* fix: when antes come into play, improve computing of the number of limpers
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 11:29 AM
Thanks for the replayer button appreciated! Has the problem where it swans into the stack fixed?

Edit: yep still happening

I think you missed my post #11062
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by OditeRussia
Thanks for the replayer button appreciated! Has the problem where it swans into the stack fixed?

Edit: yep still happening

I think you missed my post #11062

Are you referring to the image you sent

If so what are you doing when this happens?

Or are you referring to the re-player? Because with the re-player i can't reproduce, I hit the open re-player hotkey, it opens but does not go into the stack.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

No Annoyances is not supported yet, Ipoker is still in early beta here is a list of what is supported:

1. iPoker tables are recognized, all iPoker networks
2. Betting hotkeys (Fold, Check/Call, Bet/Raise)
3. AA Check/Fold hotkey works
4. Pot betting works
5. Presets work
6. Allin + Allin+click hotkeys work
7. Increment/Decrement betting hotkeys work
8. Send numpad/backspace to betbox works

Please note that out-of-the-box we support Titan and Betfair.
However, adding your skin is very easy. Once you start your iPoker client, TN2 will recognize it, and ask you if you want to add a new theme. You can click Yes, then a wizard will show up, you need to take some screenshots, click "Compute Theme" and that's about it.
ok ty glad I am not going mad, do you think they will be ready in the next month or two so I can try while on trial? I only really want to use the annoyances tab as I don't bother with hot keys.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Denise26

Are you referring to the image you sent

If so what are you doing when this happens?

Or are you referring to the re-player? Because with the re-player i can't reproduce, I hit the open re-player hotkey, it opens but does not go into the stack.
Sorry the replayer is working fine now thanks

As for the screenshot im doing nothing but in a session or have TN open while railing some games just thought I would report it incase others have mentioned it. This does not occur when TN is closed.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by reddev
ok ty glad I am not going mad, do you think they will be ready in the next month or two so I can try while on trial? I only really want to use the annoyances tab as I don't bother with hot keys.


We hope to add more features in 1-2 months time.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
02-05-2014 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by OditeRussia
Sorry the replayer is working fine now thanks

As for the screenshot im doing nothing but in a session or have TN open while railing some games just thought I would report it incase others have mentioned it. This does not occur when TN is closed.

Thanks for letting me know about the re-player.

In regards to the screenshot, are you pulling tables out of your stack?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
