TableNinja Version -- Fix for SnG Sensei
Hey guys,
We've fixed a problem with the Sensei caused by the addition of zoom poker for several regional clients. If you have been running an old version of Stars while waiting for the fix make sure to update Stars to the latest version. We've also added support for Stars' new larger fonts for all supported themes as well as a few other new features and fixes.
Here's whats new in TableNinja version
New features
* Add hotkey to open hand replayer
* Add option to play a sound when the current SnG
session ends
* Table frame widths are now configurable
* Support for large fonts on small tables
Bug fixes
* Fix occasional scrape failure on Nova with large
* Fix SnG opener on some regional clients
* Avoid switching between open PokerStars clients
when multiple are running
* Fix occasional auto check/calling when auto
handle big blind feature is enabled
If you have any problems with the new version please post in the thread below and we'll be happy to help you: