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TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars

11-06-2009 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by rivernuts
Is it possible to get a Frame color for when I can make an Advanced Action? Also, how about being able to make the Target Frame Color actionless, so no matter where my mouse cursor is the table frame color doesn't change.

And can you tell me what the Default Bet Set Frame Color is for, there is no description in your documentation.

And just to let chilin_dude know my mouse hotkeys are working fine with windows 7 64bit. Maybe it's due to some mods you have.
I actually came up with a way that this might be feasible without lag as I was writing a response to this. It probably won't happen soon, but I'll keep it in mind and its a really interesting idea that has never been requested before.


Originally Posted by Dread Wings
Have you been getting complaints about the auto sit out next BB? It seems to have stopped working after the last update.
No one else has mentioned this so I'm not sure what the cause could be. If you want to email with more details of the problem I'll try and help you out.

Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
Hi Tarath

Can't imagine life without Ninja now, so first I'd like to say thanks for such superb software.

So, I DL'ed Ninja 1.2, and I the new BB display; then someone suggested colour coding for different stack sizes and this mockup was done...

so this obviously needs to happen asap Pretty please. With a cherry on top.

Also, someone already requested if something similar could be done for the Harrington M values. I guess they would also want the sliding colour scale.

I play DONs, and so I would like to be able to see my current position out of the remaining players. I already have TN autorefreshing the info tab, where it displays "Your current position is x out of y". Obviously when I'm 1/6 when top five cash then I don't need to worry about stealing, but if I'm 6/6 then I know I probably need to get shoving.

Could it be done so that TN picks up x and y from the tab and converts them into an on screen display option x/y. Again, I'd like to be able to choose colours for x and y.

If I could choose then I would like to have both ## BB and x/y, although if I could choose only one then I would go for my position instead of my stack. Even if this saved only a few fractions of a second on each table instead of looking down to the info tab, this would become a massive time saving when 25tabling. And I'm sure there are people who play way more tables than I do.

Also, while I mention the info tab, can it be changed so that it refreshes more. Sometimes I think I'm, like, 4 of 6, so I fold, then it updates a fraction of a second later to say I'm actually 6 of 6 and I've missed a great spot to shove when I thought I didn't need to. As I said, these fractions of a second are crucial when playing so many tables. Can something be done about that?

Thanks for considering

I really like all your ideas for upgrades to the OSD. This is obviously a brand new feature so we're definitely looking for ways to expand on it in the future. In general, information from the info tab is reasonably accessible so at least offhand I think most of what you're requesting should be possible.

Speeding up the info tab refresh is a bit tricky, as it may be a lag issue. Currently it updates every 5 seconds, I'll play around a bit and see if that rate can be increased.

Originally Posted by sfcard
Sorry, no idea how i managed to not actually install the update.

Since I come here and post every time I have a minor issue, I just want to say that I'm a totally satisfied customer and definitely recommend that anyone considering tableninja purchase it. Thanks again.
No problem, I'm just glad to know that the update did in fact fix the problem, you had me worried

Thanks for the positive review!

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-06-2009 , 01:46 AM
OK tarath, having just showered praises on ninja in this thread only a couple of hours ago, I've now got a bit of a major complaint about the new version of Ninja. Apologies in advance for the wall of text, but it contains all the information I think is important here.

As I said, I just upgraded from version 1.1.xxxx to My trial had just ended and as I was so impressed with it I paid for a full licence yesterday, and then I was prompted to make the upgrade to the new version when I launched it. Of course I went for the latest version immediately. But even so, I take a fairly responsible approach, trying stuff out first before putting real money on the line, just to be happy that stuff actually works. So, having got the new version, I first ran up a play money game just to check it was OK and play with the new toys. Then I regged for three $1.10 DON's, small stuff, just to make sure it was OK with real money too.

Was happy, so I set up the SNG sensei to reg me for a set, but by the time I got to twenty tables the whole thing froze up totally and I couldn't do a thing. (By the way, I just have a single stack of tables, full screen size). I couldn't even switch tables with Alt+Tab, or use the taskbar to select another table, or anything at all. All I got was a view of one of my tables, but frozen. I couldn't minimize, I couldn't do anything. Then I got the usual dialog box that pops up when things crash, saying TableNinja has had to shut blah blah blah do I want to send an error report to Microsoft blah blah blah, but couldn't even get it to go away by pressing send or don't send, the box just wouldn't go away. I'd never had that with Ninja before, only with IE (and I now use Firefox obviously).

I finally managed to get to the Task Manager and kill Ninja, which was the problem, and the computer was instantly back up to speed on the games. But by then more than ten minutes had passed.

First thing I had to do was get through all my tables manually and sit back in on each of them, not easy when you then get freed up tables popping to the front for action.

I'd been folded out of hands I was involved in when it froze, losing big amounts of chips in some of them when I put chips in with good hands and then been timed out and folded on later streets, forfeiting those chips in them. I also lost plenty of blinds in others, and as I play turbos, the blinds had gone up two or three levels in my absence.

Not only that, but I'd lost my entire time bank on every single table, because I obviously have autoclick time bank selected in Ninja.

Finally, on top of everything, I now had to play twenty tables by clicking on the mouse buttons and moving the cursor all over like a madman. That is damned hard to do I can tell you. The info tab, which as I said is so important when on the bubble of a DON, wasn't now being auto-refreshed to tell me my current position, so I was having to click refresh before getting back to the action buttons, to find out where I stood. And of course having no timebank left on anything means that other tables suddenly started timing out again and sitting me out because of the extra time it was all taking to act on each table. But they pop to the front to tell you you've timed out, stealing focus from the table I was about to act on. And so on. It's horrible, it's utter chaos. So again I have to try and manually find them and sit back in.

Basically you ocan see how this set up a whole vicious circle of horribleness for me because I'm now shortstack on most everything and also I'm missing all the good spots to shove now. I was getting to tables just in time to see premium hands being autofolded, or to see my BB being autofolded to a SB limp when I could have seen a free flop and all sorts of stuff. I'm usually pretty level headed when playing poker, mainly because when playing so many tables I don't see the times I suffer bad beats or the times I suckout on someone. But to say this put me on insane monkeytilt would be an understatement.

And all because your software, which as version 1.1 worked well for ages, has suddenly gone completely tits up now we are on version 1.2.

Finally when the whole horrific episode was all over I'd had the second worst result in a single discrete set of DoN's in my whole records; the worst was when my entire city had a power cut shortly after I regged and I lost the whole lot, bar one where five people must have donked out ridiculously fast. And I've played over 8k DONs with a +ve ROI, so not exactly a small sample and, while I'm not gonna claim that I'm the greatest player ever, I'm not a total donk either.

I have nothing running on the desktop except the stars client and ninja (+antivirus in the background) and absolutely nothing has changed in my setup except that this was now the new version of Ninja; so it was clearly the fault of the new release of your software the first time I tried it with more than a couple of tables. It was as if it simply couldn't cope all of a sudden.

I don't want to say I never want to use Ninja again, because it is, or at least it was, clearly the best tool out there to help players mass multitabling, and it has changed the way I play poker. But I am now terribly concerned about what has gone wrong here. I really want to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to set this right.

Bu in the meantime, please please please, tell me how do I downgrade back to version 1.1? At least until you sort this mess out. It really isn't worth this stress just to have it show me how many frigging BBs I have.


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-06-2009 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
OK tarath, having just showered praises on ninja in this thread only a couple of hours ago, I've now got a bit of a major complaint about the new version of Ninja. Apologies in advance for the wall of text, but it contains all the information I think is important here.

As I said, I just upgraded from version 1.1.xxxx to My trial had just ended and as I was so impressed with it I paid for a full licence yesterday, and then I was prompted to make the upgrade to the new version when I launched it. Of course I went for the latest version immediately. But even so, I take a fairly responsible approach, trying stuff out first before putting real money on the line, just to be happy that stuff actually works. So, having got the new version, I first ran up a play money game just to check it was OK and play with the new toys. Then I regged for three $1.10 DON's, small stuff, just to make sure it was OK with real money too.

Was happy, so I set up the SNG sensei to reg me for a set, but by the time I got to twenty tables the whole thing froze up totally and I couldn't do a thing. (By the way, I just have a single stack of tables, full screen size). I couldn't even switch tables with Alt+Tab, or use the taskbar to select another table, or anything at all. All I got was a view of one of my tables, but frozen. I couldn't minimize, I couldn't do anything. Then I got the usual dialog box that pops up when things crash, saying TableNinja has had to shut blah blah blah do I want to send an error report to Microsoft blah blah blah, but couldn't even get it to go away by pressing send or don't send, the box just wouldn't go away. I'd never had that with Ninja before, only with IE (and I now use Firefox obviously).

I finally managed to get to the Task Manager and kill Ninja, which was the problem, and the computer was instantly back up to speed on the games. But by then more than ten minutes had passed.

First thing I had to do was get through all my tables manually and sit back in on each of them, not easy when you then get freed up tables popping to the front for action.

I'd been folded out of hands I was involved in when it froze, losing big amounts of chips in some of them when I put chips in with good hands and then been timed out and folded on later streets, forfeiting those chips in them. I also lost plenty of blinds in others, and as I play turbos, the blinds had gone up two or three levels in my absence.

Not only that, but I'd lost my entire time bank on every single table, because I obviously have autoclick time bank selected in Ninja.

Finally, on top of everything, I now had to play twenty tables by clicking on the mouse buttons and moving the cursor all over like a madman. That is damned hard to do I can tell you. The info tab, which as I said is so important when on the bubble of a DON, wasn't now being auto-refreshed to tell me my current position, so I was having to click refresh before getting back to the action buttons, to find out where I stood. And of course having no timebank left on anything means that other tables suddenly started timing out again and sitting me out because of the extra time it was all taking to act on each table. But they pop to the front to tell you you've timed out, stealing focus from the table I was about to act on. And so on. It's horrible, it's utter chaos. So again I have to try and manually find them and sit back in.

Basically you ocan see how this set up a whole vicious circle of horribleness for me because I'm now shortstack on most everything and also I'm missing all the good spots to shove now. I was getting to tables just in time to see premium hands being autofolded, or to see my BB being autofolded to a SB limp when I could have seen a free flop and all sorts of stuff. I'm usually pretty level headed when playing poker, mainly because when playing so many tables I don't see the times I suffer bad beats or the times I suckout on someone. But to say this put me on insane monkeytilt would be an understatement.

And all because your software, which as version 1.1 worked well for ages, has suddenly gone completely tits up now we are on version 1.2.

Finally when the whole horrific episode was all over I'd had the second worst result in a single discrete set of DoN's in my whole records; the worst was when my entire city had a power cut shortly after I regged and I lost the whole lot, bar one where five people must have donked out ridiculously fast. And I've played over 8k DONs with a +ve ROI, so not exactly a small sample and, while I'm not gonna claim that I'm the greatest player ever, I'm not a total donk either.

I have nothing running on the desktop except the stars client and ninja (+antivirus in the background) and absolutely nothing has changed in my setup except that this was now the new version of Ninja; so it was clearly the fault of the new release of your software the first time I tried it with more than a couple of tables. It was as if it simply couldn't cope all of a sudden.

I don't want to say I never want to use Ninja again, because it is, or at least it was, clearly the best tool out there to help players mass multitabling, and it has changed the way I play poker. But I am now terribly concerned about what has gone wrong here. I really want to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to set this right.

Bu in the meantime, please please please, tell me how do I downgrade back to version 1.1? At least until you sort this mess out. It really isn't worth this stress just to have it show me how many frigging BBs I have.


I'm really sorry to hear that this happened.

This version is currently in use by thousands of people, was tested for weeks by a large pool of beta testers, and we do everything in our power to identify and fix bugs the instant we become aware of them.

If you can please email with the following information I will look into this right away and I will do my best to straighten everything out for you.

1) Your TNLog file and TNConfigAutoLoad file from your TableNinja install directory
2) A screen shot of your tables
3) The name of the AV program you are running


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-06-2009 , 05:27 PM
I've just downloaded the trial version of table ninja. So far so good.

Is there a way to bet set up a hotkey to bet 95% of your stack rather than go all in?

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-06-2009 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by beatingtheodds
I've just downloaded the trial version of table ninja. So far so good.

Is there a way to bet set up a hotkey to bet 95% of your stack rather than go all in?

Unfortunately this is not an option, sorry.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-08-2009 , 03:59 AM
so after the latest update I downloaded, TN has been cracked out with my betsizing. It will randomly raise to 40bb pf, then on another table 10bb, then on another 2bb. I would say it is messing up about 10% of the times and I have to manually set it to what should be the auto bet size it chooses.

Any help with troubleshooting on this tarath?
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-08-2009 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by tarath
This ought to be doable, what exactly is the problem you are trying to solve with this? I just want to make sure we understand the exact case you want to use it in.
E.g. below 8 tables I want to open and join any table on my list. Between 8-12 I want to look at the table's stats in the lobby or perhaps I already recognize the table name as one with a whale on it. If the table is really good I'll join, otherwise I won't.

After I have 12 tables running I'm looking to shutdown a table before I open another, no matter how good a new table is.

If I happen to be on several really bad tables that I leave, then I'm ready to join most any new table again.

Even better might be to select tables that are exceptions to the auto ignore threshold -- I spot a whale and I want the option to join that table no matter what.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-08-2009 , 05:03 AM
I've just upgraded to Windows 7. I've had some problems with some tables sometimes not responding to mouse wheel bet sizing changes.

I've only played a little since Windows 7 so I'll collect more data.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-08-2009 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by dabomb75
so after the latest update I downloaded, TN has been cracked out with my betsizing. It will randomly raise to 40bb pf, then on another table 10bb, then on another 2bb. I would say it is messing up about 10% of the times and I have to manually set it to what should be the auto bet size it chooses.

Any help with troubleshooting on this tarath?
I'm not sure what could cause this offhand, could you email me at with some more information on this so that I can help you get things working again.

1) Your TNLog file and TNConfigAutoLoad file from your TableNinja install directory
2) A screen shot of your tables with your HUD running

Hopefully once I take a look at those files I'll be able to help you out

Originally Posted by funkyj
E.g. below 8 tables I want to open and join any table on my list. Between 8-12 I want to look at the table's stats in the lobby or perhaps I already recognize the table name as one with a whale on it. If the table is really good I'll join, otherwise I won't.

After I have 12 tables running I'm looking to shutdown a table before I open another, no matter how good a new table is.

If I happen to be on several really bad tables that I leave, then I'm ready to join most any new table again.

Even better might be to select tables that are exceptions to the auto ignore threshold -- I spot a whale and I want the option to join that table no matter what.
That makes total sense, thanks for the explanation.

Originally Posted by funkyj
I've just upgraded to Windows 7. I've had some problems with some tables sometimes not responding to mouse wheel bet sizing changes.

I've only played a little since Windows 7 so I'll collect more data.
There is a known issue with Windows 7 where if there is a lag at some point TableNinja can lose its access to mouse unput until it is restarted. This is a bug in Win 7 that is affecting a number of programs and we have been researching potential work arounds.

Thanks guys,

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-08-2009 , 07:26 PM
OK, TableNinja's software and customer support both win again.

Despite my complaint here a couple of days ago, it turns out there isn't much wrong with the new version of Ninja after all, and it was all to do with my hardware setup predating the stone age. I guess it's a bit like me really, well past the use by date.

The upshot is I'm gonna get me a modern PC and then all will be well again in my online poker world.

The software is really hot stuff and Alex kindly spent time to help me with this so I just want to say a big thankyou to him, and also to reiterate my support for TableNinja's excellent product.

Good luck guys

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-08-2009 , 08:12 PM

Is it possible to make the entire window a certain color instead of just the frame, it would be so much easier to see when it is my turn. And I'm not sure if you passed over my idea about making the Target Table Frame Color actionless, I hate have my mouse over a table I need to act on and the frame color isn't the default red.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-08-2009 , 10:54 PM
In short, why isn't there an update for slick theme? I've heard promises and nothing has changed.

I'm not buying unless you get the slick theme working.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 05:38 AM

Table ninja fails to stack my tables, they seem to open up randomly.
Anyone else had this problem? Or am i doing something wrong?

thanks in advance,

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 05:55 AM
Try going to their site and use the video tutorial under cash games to re-set it up. I have mine set to stack tables, with spacebar taking me to the next active table. Works a treat.


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 06:11 AM
Does this work on MAC? I just got it for windows and love it! However im looking to buy a mac next month so need clarification


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 09:27 AM
Would be great if you can do the onscreen display to show not only your big blinds but your opponents' one. This would be much more helpful I think since (in sngs atleast thats what I play) effective stacks are more important than your stack. For instance if blinds are 75/150 and someone shoves 1175 chips I would like to know how many bb's is he shoving I wouldn't need to know that I have 15 bbs that much.

It would also be great if we could move that stats like we can move the HEM hud stats "windows" with the mouse (and if you consider implementing the above suggestion I guess you should do this since X,Y won't do the job anymore with 2-10 different stats).

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by TeamTrousers
OK, TableNinja's software and customer support both win again.

Despite my complaint here a couple of days ago, it turns out there isn't much wrong with the new version of Ninja after all, and it was all to do with my hardware setup predating the stone age. I guess it's a bit like me really, well past the use by date.

The upshot is I'm gonna get me a modern PC and then all will be well again in my online poker world.

The software is really hot stuff and Alex kindly spent time to help me with this so I just want to say a big thankyou to him, and also to reiterate my support for TableNinja's excellent product.

Good luck guys

Thanks for the positive review

Originally Posted by rivernuts

Is it possible to make the entire window a certain color instead of just the frame, it would be so much easier to see when it is my turn. And I'm not sure if you passed over my idea about making the Target Table Frame Color actionless, I hate have my mouse over a table I need to act on and the frame color isn't the default red.

By the entire window do you mean the whole title bar? We thought that framing the tables with Advanced Action checkboxes was a good idea but its a very non-trivial change and will take some work (and may use too much CPU).

Originally Posted by Rikers
In short, why isn't there an update for slick theme? I've heard promises and nothing has changed.

I'm not buying unless you get the slick theme working.
Instead of supporting the slick theme we decided to work with to support custom themes. They have already created 3 custom theme that work with TableNinja and I believe many more are in the works.

This ended up being a much more effectively way for us to support a whole bunch of new types of themes that could be custom designed to fit our users needs.

Originally Posted by jeroenguns

Table ninja fails to stack my tables, they seem to open up randomly.
Anyone else had this problem? Or am i doing something wrong?

thanks in advance,

TableNinja actually does not stack tables for you, the "Table Layout" setting is just there so that you can tell TableNinja how your tables are arranged so that it can optimize its performance.

To have your tables automatically stacked for you, you can use the PokerStars table layout tools. They are very powerful and easy to use, I wrote up a quick tutorial on how to use them here:

Originally Posted by wardie316
Does this work on MAC? I just got it for windows and love it! However im looking to buy a mac next month so need clarification


Unfortunately TableNinja does not work on a MAC :/

Originally Posted by tnotmotnotgwcrf
Would be great if you can do the onscreen display to show not only your big blinds but your opponents' one. This would be much more helpful I think since (in sngs atleast thats what I play) effective stacks are more important than your stack. For instance if blinds are 75/150 and someone shoves 1175 chips I would like to know how many bb's is he shoving I wouldn't need to know that I have 15 bbs that much.

It would also be great if we could move that stats like we can move the HEM hud stats "windows" with the mouse (and if you consider implementing the above suggestion I guess you should do this since X,Y won't do the job anymore with 2-10 different stats).

The tricky thing about letting people mouse the display the same way HEM does is that a very large percentage of our users have "Right Click" set to a hotkey.

Displaying all the players stack sizes probably will not happen any time soon as it would require big increase in resource usage, but if we can come up with some clever performance optimizations it might be possible.

Thanks guys,

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by tarath
By the entire window do you mean the whole title bar? We thought that framing the tables with Advanced Action checkboxes was a good idea but its a very non-trivial change and will take some work (and may use too much CPU).

Thanks guys,

Hi Tarath,

I actually meant the entire window but if that isn't possible or a good idea, having the title bar change to a color in addition to the frame would be great.

And you skipped over one of my suggestion again, maybe I'm not explaining it well, I'm trying to get you to get the Target Table Frame Color, the frame color of the frame that the mouse is under, to be null. So if my Needs Attention Frame Color is red and I place my mouse over it the color stays red. I would think most people would like it configured this way as having a frame color follow you around as you move your mouse around is a bit distracting and if the cursor is over a table that needs action the frame color isn't correct.

And thanks for trying to implement my idea to have a frame color for when there is an advanced action option.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 03:58 PM
I see,
you could at least add a decimal point to have easier time with the jam/fold tables right? Some things are a not a shove at 9.3 bbs but a shove at 9.2 BBs.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-09-2009 , 04:12 PM
Just DL'ed TN and started playing a little last night and then today, and I've run across a couple issues:

1) The Table Highlighter (Frames) doesn't highlight the active (or Action) table, it just highlights the Table under my mouse. I set all the other Frames to the "Transparency" color - except for the top one.

2) Sometimes I have to press my AA C/F hotkey multiple times before it registers and clicks the box/button. This happens when moving fast between many tables; if I move it slow and then stop on the table it will register fine.

3) The Smart Big Blind Sit out feature isn't working for me. It says something like "Error Reading hand history. Check hand history folder settings..." Last night I didn't have the "Save hh's" checked in Stars, but today it was and I still get the error. I double checked and the hh folder settings are right in TN.

I've read most of this thread and set it up after, so I'm not sure what these issues are from...

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-10-2009 , 07:17 AM
Im still having issue with mouse buttons, it seems after 5 mins they just stop working in win 7 and I'm using none of the progs u mentioned.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-10-2009 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by tarath
Instead of supporting the slick theme we decided to work with to support custom themes. They have already created 3 custom theme that work with TableNinja and I believe many more are in the works.

This ended up being a much more effectively way for us to support a whole bunch of new types of themes that could be custom designed to fit our users needs.
I don't understand why you guys don't just add support for the slick theme. I understand that it would require some work to support it since things are placed differently in it and such, but wouldn't it be worth it? There are obviously a lot people who want to use that theme; this thread is proof of that. The TiltBuster themes are alright and it's nice that you're adding support for other themes, but the slick theme is just so much better looking. TN is a great, robust app...but the fact that it's lacking support for one of the most popular stock themes is not good.

Also, when I tried out the red no images TiltBuster theme, it caused TN's CPU usage to increase (and yes, I did switch it to TableNinja_NoImages_TiltBuster in the setup tab). I had to go back to using PS's stock no images theme.

Last edited by king_nothing_; 11-10-2009 at 08:11 AM.
TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-10-2009 , 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by rivernuts
Hi Tarath,

I actually meant the entire window but if that isn't possible or a good idea, having the title bar change to a color in addition to the frame would be great.

And you skipped over one of my suggestion again, maybe I'm not explaining it well, I'm trying to get you to get the Target Table Frame Color, the frame color of the frame that the mouse is under, to be null. So if my Needs Attention Frame Color is red and I place my mouse over it the color stays red. I would think most people would like it configured this way as having a frame color follow you around as you move your mouse around is a bit distracting and if the cursor is over a table that needs action the frame color isn't correct.

And thanks for trying to implement my idea to have a frame color for when there is an advanced action option.

You can disable any of the frame types at any time by setting that frames color to the "Transparency Color" so that should do what you need.

Originally Posted by tnotmotnotgwcrf
I see,
you could at least add a decimal point to have easier time with the jam/fold tables right? Some things are a not a shove at 9.3 bbs but a shove at 9.2 BBs.

Adding a decimal point would definitely be easy

Originally Posted by mdpilam
Just DL'ed TN and started playing a little last night and then today, and I've run across a couple issues:

1) The Table Highlighter (Frames) doesn't highlight the active (or Action) table, it just highlights the Table under my mouse. I set all the other Frames to the "Transparency" color - except for the top one.

2) Sometimes I have to press my AA C/F hotkey multiple times before it registers and clicks the box/button. This happens when moving fast between many tables; if I move it slow and then stop on the table it will register fine.

3) The Smart Big Blind Sit out feature isn't working for me. It says something like "Error Reading hand history. Check hand history folder settings..." Last night I didn't have the "Save hh's" checked in Stars, but today it was and I still get the error. I double checked and the hh folder settings are right in TN.

I've read most of this thread and set it up after, so I'm not sure what these issues are from...

1) It sounds like you may be more comfortable playing in the "Table in Foreground" mode on the "Table Control" tab. In that case the target table is always what you are calling the "Active Table" and will be framed accordingly.

2) There is some built in click protection into TableNinja that is designed to protect you from a table popping up suddenly under your mouse or something like that. Depending on your machine speed, what you're describing can happen. If you try the "Table in Foreground" that may resole this issue also.

3) If you have a space or special character in your name you may need to configure your HH folder manually. Please read our documentation here: for how to do this.

Originally Posted by chilin_dude
Im still having issue with mouse buttons, it seems after 5 mins they just stop working in win 7 and I'm using none of the progs u mentioned.
This is a bug in Windows 7 that is affecting a number of programs. Basically when a cpu spike hits TableNinja can lose its mouse hook. This only occurs on some machines, but is an issue for several people and we are working hard on resolving it.

There is some discussion on the microsoft forums about the issue and we are investigating potential work arounds.

Originally Posted by king_nothing_
I don't understand why you guys don't just add support for the slick theme. I understand that it would require some work to support it since things are placed differently in it and such, but wouldn't it be worth it? There are obviously a lot people who want to use that theme; this thread is proof of that. The TiltBuster themes are alright and it's nice that you're adding support for other themes, but the slick theme is just so much better looking. TN is a great, robust app...but the fact that it's lacking support for one of the most popular stock themes is not good.

Also, when I tried out the red no images TiltBuster theme, it caused TN's CPU usage to increase (and yes, I did switch it to TableNinja_NoImages_TiltBuster in the setup tab). I had to go back to using PS's stock no images theme.
We're trying things out with, but if people are still demanding more themes we may consider slick theme support.

I'd like to investigate he CPU increase you mentioned, would you mind sending your TNLog file to

Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-10-2009 , 08:58 PM
As we stated earlier this month, today we will be requiring that everyone update to the latest version of TableNinja.

Due to circumstances beyond our control, we need to make some server changes and as a result older versions of TableNinja will no longer run.

For those of you who have still not updated to the latest version you'll gain access to many improvements that are in the new version. TableNinja Version has new features, is much faster, and should be better is almost every way. We don't anticipate that updating will cause any problems.

If you happen to have any issues with the new version please let us know right away by visiting the thread below on the TableNinja forums and we will do everything in our power to help you.

I will be monitoring the thread regularly and doing my best to help deal with any problems that might arise as soon as possible. Please do not post your issue here on the 2+2 thread, as that makes it a lot more difficult for me to keep track of things and for us to help you quickly.


TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
11-11-2009 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by tarath
You can disable any of the frame types at any time by setting that frames color to the "Transparency Color" so that should do what you need.

If I disable the Target Frame Color by setting that frames color to the "Transpareny Color", and then place my mouse cursor over a table that needs attention, the "Needs Attention Frame Color" which I have set to red turns transparent. Wouldn't it make sense for the targeted frame to stay red and not turn transparent so I know the frame needs attention.

TableNinja - Hotkeys and Utilities for PokerStars Quote
