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PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread

04-06-2012 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Donkson
Originally Posted by Donkson
how do I filter hud stats by blind level (for tournaments)?
We cannot comment on our replacement for this yet, sorry.

Originally Posted by ADK
Also - Does HM2 and PT4 use a different method to calculate all in EV?
To clarify on kraada's previous post, there is one thing that we neglected to say. PokerTracker 4 calculates All-In Equity, the phrase All-In EV is an inaccurate description of what the stat actually does and therefore abandoned in PT4.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 03:33 PM
Just discovered the "My Reports" tab which will make things a lot better.
There is an option to create it as a Player or Hand Report.

Is there a way to do both so we can mimic the same report style as the Summary Report built into the Results/Statistics pages?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by ADK
Just discovered the "My Reports" tab which will make things a lot better.
There is an option to create it as a Player or Hand Report.

Is there a way to do both so we can mimic the same report style as the Summary Report built into the Results/Statistics pages?
No, that option does not exist in My Reports because the tables in the database for hands indirectly correlate with tables for players. It is not something we can easily add, sorry...

Two great tips for My Reports:

1) Hand reports require the Hand # stat to allow the hand history viewer or the replayer to appear
2) All reports are filtered to the Active Player by default, if you want to change this then click on the filters link and uncheck Filter on Active Player.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by PokerTracker
Two great tips for My Reports:

1) Hand reports require the Hand # stat to allow the hand history viewer or the replayer to appear
Is this more intuitive in PT4? It took me a while to figure this out with PT3 (used to use HEM).
I was glad when I had finally found a way to list hands from a specific time period and then I wanted to replay them, clicked the replayer button, and nothing happened. Just nothing. I eventually searched the PT forum for an answer and found that I had to add the Hand # stat to the report. It would be nice if some sort of info popped up when you click the replayer button when you don't have the Hand # stat displayed.

Now that I know, I don't care so much but honestly, how are you supposed to know that?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by Respawn

Now that I know, I don't care so much but honestly, how are you supposed to know that?
A tutorial video will accompany this report page eventually. The link for the video already exists, we just need to finish the content.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 06:59 PM
One small (i think) improvement that would mean a lot: a dark theme as default or at least optional.
Many of us use PT4 at night and / or after many hours of grinding and staring into that white screen for a long time is not so good for the eyes, basically the same reason why almost everyone chooses dark custom table themes when playing.
Something like this would be nice.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by FullArsenal
One small (i think) improvement that would mean a lot: a dark theme as default or at least optional.
Many of us use PT4 at night and / or after many hours of grinding and staring into that white screen for a long time is not so good for the eyes, basically the same reason why almost everyone chooses dark custom table themes when playing.
Something like this would be nice.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by FullArsenal
One small (i think) improvement that would mean a lot: a dark theme as default or at least optional
We allow theming of card decks, replayer tables and ICM quiz tables, but we do not include theming for the application (reports can be themed by changing of the decks, customizing the report stats, adding custom stats, and changing column widths). Players need a killer tracking tool, theming the application beyond what is needed for video export was not a high priority according to the research we compiled prior to developing PT4. Sure, some people like a themed application, but most players don't care - they just want it PT4 to be second nature. Besides, if your playing all night long as you described then you probably shouldn't be looking at PokerTracker 4's main application interface while you are playing. It could be a distraction from your game, our goal was to remove as many distractions as possible.

A little side note - there is an undocumented special feature of PT4's graphs, we will allow you to change the background color or gradient of the graphs, and also allow you to change the Y axis labels to the left, right, or both sides. This will require manual editing of the config file, therefore this information will not be released until after we launch commercially.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 07:47 PM
If I have over 1k hands on somebody, can PT4 HUD display it like "1,3k". Saves 1 decimal of real estate
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-06-2012 , 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Nitrub
If I have over 1k hands on somebody, can PT4 HUD display it like "1,3k". Saves 1 decimal of real estate
not yet.... still in beta, we need more time to finish all the tiny details!

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 04:12 AM
i imported hands in K stat from pt3, works brilliant!
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 04:19 AM
you probably shouldn't be looking at PokerTracker 4's main application interface while you are playing
I did not say that. I said I use it after I play a session. Anyway that's not the point.
We allow theming of card decks, replayer tables and ICM quiz tables
theming the application beyond what is needed for video export was not a high priority according to the research
The point is you did not understand at all what I was trying to say. I'm talking about a DARK COLOR SCHEME not a different PT4 theme. It would only change the background color and text color.
most players don't care
If most players don't care, why does the PS free mods topic have over one and a half million views and why is there a forum topic dedicated to this specific thing for every poker network no matter how small ?
And guess what ? most of the themes and cards you will see in there are dark high contrast made especially for grinders, you know those people you are trying to sell you product to.

A little side note - You made part of the software customizable because you are desperate to attract poker training sites, most of which are/were using/recommeding HM1/HM2. So stop saying I should be happy with card and replayer mods like you are doing me a favor.

A bigger side note aka The Elephant in the Room:
Our software design was not influenced by the competition, perhaps that is why PT4 has been received with such great praise in comparison to the competition
The only reason you received praises from users (myself included unfortunately) is because (just after the commercial release) HM2 had a tone of bugs and eats up a lot or RAM, not because PT4 had something special. When those things are solved HM2 will be the better product.
And let's not forget if it wasn't for your competition you would be the ones charging customers extra for note tracker and the icm calculator.

P.S. Looks like I don't need Viagara for my poker game I can get it up without it.

Last edited by FullArsenal; 04-07-2012 at 04:25 AM.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 05:13 AM
This keeps happening when i look at the hands in the tracker there are only 700k mtt hands

Extracting Holdem Tournament hand 1,499,000 of 1,499,626
Finished extracting 1,499,626 Holdem Tournament hands.
Extracting 21,423 tournament summaries from PT3 DB...
Imported 0 of 1,600,488 hands and 0 of 17 tournament summaries...
ERROR: Fatal Exception: bad allocation
Import complete. Cleaning up...
Conversion complete.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 05:49 AM
I was a PT3 user many years ago, but moved to HM as their software suited my needs much more at the time, i was determined to stay loyal to HM2 but i caved in yesterday and got a PT4 beta code, to 'test the water' and oh my, after only one days use i can say that i wont be going back to HM2.

PT4 is about 500% quicker that HM2 on my laptop (a few years old now). The interface is much more user friendly,its much easier on the eye aswell, and the zoom hud is amazingly quick

-one future happy customer
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by FullArsenal
One small (i think) improvement that would mean a lot: a dark theme as default or at least optional.
Many of us use PT4 at night and / or after many hours of grinding and staring into that white screen for a long time is not so good for the eyes, basically the same reason why almost everyone chooses dark custom table themes when playing.
Something like this would be nice.

i'd so pay more for this
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by FullArsenal
I did not say that. I said I use it after I play a session. Anyway that's not the point.

The point is you did not understand at all what I was trying to say. I'm talking about a DARK COLOR SCHEME not a different PT4 theme. It would only change the background color and text color.

If most players don't care, why does the PS free mods topic have over one and a half million views and why is there a forum topic dedicated to this specific thing for every poker network no matter how small ?
And guess what ? most of the themes and cards you will see in there are dark high contrast made especially for grinders, you know those people you are trying to sell you product to.

A little side note - You made part of the software customizable because you are desperate to attract poker training sites, most of which are/were using/recommeding HM1/HM2. So stop saying I should be happy with card and replayer mods like you are doing me a favor.

A bigger side note aka The Elephant in the Room:

The only reason you received praises from users (myself included unfortunately) is because (just after the commercial release) HM2 had a tone of bugs and eats up a lot or RAM, not because PT4 had something special. When those things are solved HM2 will be the better product.
And let's not forget if it wasn't for your competition you would be the ones charging customers extra for note tracker and the icm calculator.

P.S. Looks like I don't need Viagara for my poker game I can get it up without it.
fella, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I'm neither a HM nor PT fanboy but here's the scooby - PT set the market, HM followed.
If you favour HM, that's your prerogative, don't slam the PT dev team because they didn't jump to the beat of your drum whilst you wait for the HM dev team to fix issues that should have been resolved in the alpha/beta stage prior to release.

I read the response to your request, they did get your question and did answer it - they're not favouring customised themes for the client, a shame but there you go.

get over yourself.
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 10:05 AM
First, I think PTx is a great product. I never played around wiht competition much, as I really needed the custom stats PT can offer.

I was waiting to get my hands on PT4 beta so I could give input. I was even kind of secretly hoping that active participation on the PT3 forums could help getting the beta early. Unfortunately once the public beta got out, there's not much hope of getting any big changes in. It's cool you've worked with pro players in the alpha stages, but it's obvious (from this thread) they have missed out on a lot of features.

It's pretty annoying when a new feature is requested, the standard answer is either "it could confuse some players" or "we're not our competition". Since I know a bit about software development, I'll take a "sorry too late to implement that" or "too tough to make work" or "a stupid idea, you're the only one requesting that anyhow" or "HEM would make us pay royalties for that feature" for an answer. Won't be happy about it but I'll take it.

If you're worried about creating some confused customers with a dark application theme or "vs hero stats" or allowing preferred seat even when a network only allows manually switching seat or "popups by hovering" or adding standard Win sw functionality/interface or distributing unfinished documentation (like a manual, or the DB schema - they too could benefit from a beta audience you know) then make the stuff optional. Make me apply for a secret code to enable the functions. Only distribute the cheat codes carved on ice in a secret location on the Antarctic. Make me write an application letter using my first born son's blood saying "I understand this is advanced stuff and if I get confused it's only me to blame" to get the functions.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by richlynx
This keeps happening when i look at the hands in the tracker there are only 700k mtt hands

Extracting Holdem Tournament hand 1,499,000 of 1,499,626
Finished extracting 1,499,626 Holdem Tournament hands.
Extracting 21,423 tournament summaries from PT3 DB...
Imported 0 of 1,600,488 hands and 0 of 17 tournament summaries...
ERROR: Fatal Exception: bad allocation
Import complete. Cleaning up...
Conversion complete.
It would be useful to see the file(s) which is causing the problem.
Please open the user data folder (File > Open User Data Folder) and keep the Explorer window to hand.
Restart PT4 and then re-run the conversion process.
As soon as it finishes extracting the hands, make a copy of the TempExport folder which will have appeared in the folder you have open. (either control-C then control-V, or hold the control key down and drag it to the same folder. Note: you need to COPY, not move the folder.)
When you get the error attach the PokerTracker4.log file from the same folder to a support ticket on the PokerTracker website. That will let us see what file causes the problem, and then you'll be able to send it to us to investigate.

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 12:21 PM
Any updates on the Mac-beta? Can I expect it before summer?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 02:41 PM
i want to put the stat 'bet vs missed cbet' on my hud

how can i do that?
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by FullArsenal
I said I use it after I play a session. Anyway that's not the point.
But that is the point for our developers, if it was used in game then the requests for theming the PT4 interface would have greater weight in our decision process. Since the PT4 application interface is mostly used before and and after a session, the need to create a themed interface is not high on the development priority list - it is a personal preference, not something players actually need to accomplish their goals. PT4's role is to be efficient and effective, we are comfortable knowing we meet this goal fairly well (with more to come).

Originally Posted by FullArsenal
I said I use it after I play a session. Anyway that's not the point.
The point is you did not understand at all what I was trying to say. I'm talking about a DARK COLOR SCHEME not a different PT4 theme. It would only change the background color and text color.[/quote]

Perhaps there is a misunderstanding? A color scheme and a theme are the same thing fundamentally, a theme does not necessarily require customization. In PT4 we allow themed replayer and deck, but we do not include theming for the interface. Even if we chose a fixed dark color theme that is not editable, it is still a theme.

Originally Posted by FullArsenal
If most players don't care, why does the PS free mods topic have over one and a half million views and why is there a forum topic dedicated to this specific thing for every poker network no matter how small ?
That is why the built in themes for our replayer and decks were created by BarNuthin, we turned to the best in the business. He will be providing additional PT4 themes eventually on his home page as well. In each of those threads you discussed the theming only takes place at the table, not in the lobby. In the PT4 world the table is theamable, but the application (lobby) is not.

Originally Posted by FullArsenal
made especially for grinders, you know those people you are trying to sell you product to.
The dirty secret to the poker software business is that the majority of sales do not come from grinders, they come from recreational players who are trying to become better (aka stop losing). We make our software tools for both grinders and recreational players alike, when used correctly our software can turn a semi-active recreational player into a very active player - and in turn hopefully a winner.

Originally Posted by FullArsenal
A little side note - You made part of the software customizable because you are desperate to attract poker training sites, most of which are/were using/recommending HM1/HM2.
PT4 was developed with the input of every coaching company that is commonly listed in the top 5 with the exception of CardRunners (whose investors are the owners of HEM). Thats all I can say about this topic at this stage, you will learn more once PT4 is released commercially. In the meantime if you visit the PokerTracker home page and watch some of the quotes scroll through, many of the same people who recommend PT4 used to recommend our competition - many of these quotes were posted before our competitors' application was even seen. PT4 has been in the hands of some of the worlds greatest players and coaches long before we went public with the beta, our design team worked with them to assure we would deliver what they really needed in game without compromising the simplicity of use or the powerful back end tools such as the custom stats engine or our hand range modeling engine which you do not find on any other tracking tool. Long story short, there is no desperation, we have had a great working relationship with most of the biggest coaching companies for quite some time.

We really do respect your passion, and we accept that a dark themed application interface is important to you, but as explained earlier I am afraid that a dark application theme is not on our agenda. We hope you find enough in PT4 to love that this little issue doesn't bother you in the long run.

All my best...

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by jp1444
i want to put the stat 'bet vs missed cbet' on my hud

how can i do that?
That stat is "Float Flop" (or whichever street you're interested in).

PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by pasita
Unfortunately once the public beta got out, there's not much hope of getting any big changes in.
Thats not exactly true, as a matter of fact we have some big behind the scenes changes happening right now. If we do a great job, then these changes will be felt by users - but not actively noticed, that is a sign of good utilitarian interface design. If the needs of the players are so strong, we are still willing to to make major modifications - and this may even occur after PT4 is commercially released!

Originally Posted by pasita
It's pretty annoying when a new feature is requested, the standard answer is either "it could confuse some players" or "we're not our competition". Since I know a bit about software development, I'll take a "sorry too late to implement that" or "too tough to make work" or "a stupid idea, you're the only one requesting that anyhow"
One of the things our team agreed on when we first started working on PT4 is how we would change our communications. We felt we accidentally created too much expectation with PT3 when it was launched, with PT4 our goal is instead to temper expectation and be as honest as possible with our potential users. For example in the past we would rarely respond to a post with an explanation why a feature idea was rejected, with the PT4 announcement we have been brutally honest about the exact reasons why choices were made for features and interface design. The plan for PT4 was essentially crowd sourced by our users and the general poker community at large, we spent years listening to their requests, finding ways to meet the needs, working on the future of PokerTracker quietly while continuing to refine PokerTracker 3. For that reason alone we felt it was in the best interest of our users to share everything with them about our decision process - after all they shared everything with us.

With that said, we apologize if you have taken offense to our honest communications approach, that was not our intention. I hope this explanation helps shed some light on why we communicate the way we have.

PS: We do explain quite often when it is too late to add a feature request, if it is too complicated to add for the reward gained, or if the request is for too narrow of an audience.

Originally Posted by pasita
If you're worried about creating some confused customers with a dark application theme or "vs hero stats" or allowing preferred seat even when a network only allows manually switching seat or "popups by hovering" or adding standard Win sw functionality/interface or distributing unfinished documentation (like a manual, or the DB schema - they too could benefit from a beta audience you know) then make the stuff optional.
Quick list -
  1. Dark theme decision is a matter of need, not confusion. A dark theme would not help anyone's in-game experience, we would rather devote resources towards topics that players actually need to improve their game experience.
  2. The "vs hero stats" debate was all the rage a few months ago, lately it is barely even mentioned anywhere. Once PT4 is released commercially if you would like me to spend an hour with you personally to explain why we will not support vs hero stats mathematically along with real world database examples I will be happy to do so, I am also a poker coach so you might gain something from my offer in addition... You have been very helpful in this forum, consider this my way of saying thanks.
  3. We don't include preferred seating when a network only allows manual switching at the table for a good reason- we speak to the network(s) and we know their future plans. Hang tight.... more to come over time.
  4. We have been very honest about the issues with hover popups all along, we are committed to the click method for two reasons. (a) we are already committed to hover tool-tips which are implemented system-wide in PT4, in the HUD a tool-tip shows additional details about the stat including table session data without having to switch to the table session HUD (b) Our research has shown that hover popups are found to be a helpful efficiency tool for some players, but they are in the minority. It would take a massive rewriting of PT4 to implement both tool tips and hover popups in the HUD, if point b was the majority of players then this would be a worthwhile development task even though it would take a long time to accomplish. Since point b is in the minority, the returns gained from making such a change unfortunately do not pay off.

Thanks as always pasita, we do appreciate your interest in PT4, you are a valued (future) customer.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by klb.
Any updates on the Mac-beta? Can I expect it before summer?
The earliest we expect to see the OS X beta is Q3, but I can realistically say the fall is a possibility. We predict a beta will be available 3-4 months after Windows is commercially released, but that is only a prediction - if we find any unexpected issues while compiling to OSX then it could take longer.

- TT
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
04-07-2012 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by P0lar_Bear
I was a PT3 user many years ago, but moved to HM as their software suited my needs much more at the time, i was determined to stay loyal to HM2 but i caved in yesterday and got a PT4 beta code, to 'test the water' and oh my, after only one days use i can say that i wont be going back to HM2.

PT4 is about 500% quicker that HM2 on my laptop (a few years old now). The interface is much more user friendly,its much easier on the eye aswell, and the zoom hud is amazingly quick

-one future happy customer
wow, thank you so much for the kind words. We added your quote to our home page!
PokerTracker 4 for Windows & Mac OS X - 2+2 Support Thread Quote
