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PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool

03-18-2009 , 07:11 PM
for those looking for a stacking/slot solution on stars, i have modified a few AHK scripts together to stack tables. i have resized stars tables to the size i would use to fit 9 tiled tables. the 'd' hotkey is the stack, the other slots are important tables to watch

; this basically splits the screen into three columns
; each letter in the grid corresponds to the hotkey 
; to move it there
;     |  r  | t
;  d  |_____|_____
;     |  f  | g
;     |  v  | b
;     |     |
here is the script:

; ==== INSTRUCTIONS ====
; open tables, press 'd' to put them into the stack
; if there is a table you want to concentrate on, press
; the hotkey (r,f,v,t,g,b) to move it into that slot.
; when done, press 'd' to move back to the stack
; see the grid below for more details

; based off ## StarsStackerAlpha 
; different versions and edits by the following 2p2 posters:
;   bhanson
;   p3rc4
;   Amerzel

; Be sure to add "f5redrawtable=1" without
; the quotes to your pokerstars user.ini
; under [options] if you want the 
; auto-resize to work properly
; (thanks to Fermion5 @ 2p2 forums)
; if you want to use the resize
; on my comp it redrew every table which was annoying
; see comments in bottom last function

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

GroupAdd, PSTables, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass

; Monitor Resolution, change these settings appropriately

ResX := 1920
ResY := 600      ; only stack half the height of the screen, see grid below

; stars table sizes 

TblWidth := 640
TblHeight := 464

; Spacing configuration, the space in pixels between windows in the stack

SpcPix := 15

LeftN := 0

; this basically splits the screen into three columns
; each letter in the grid corresponds to the hotkey to move it there
;     |  r  | t
;  d  |_____|_____
;     |  f  | g
;     |  v  | b
;     |     |

; this hotkey moves back to the stack on the left and slightly cascades is down by SpcPix pixels

d::MoveLeft(LeftN, SpcPix, ResX, ResY)

; these move to the grid on the right

r::MoveWindow(680, 0, TblWidth, TblHeight)
f::MoveWindow(680, 464, TblWidth, TblHeight)
v::MoveWindow(680, 736, TblWidth, TblHeight)
t::MoveWindow(1280, 0, TblWidth, TblHeight)
g::MoveWindow(1280, 464, TblWidth, TblHeight)
b::MoveWindow(1280, 736, TblWidth, TblHeight)

F2::Suspend      ; hotkey to pause the script

MoveLeft(ByRef LeftN, SpcPix, ResX, ResY)
	MoveWindow(90, (LeftN * SpcPix), 640, 464)
	LeftN := LeftN + 1
	if (LeftN * SpcPix > ResY - 32 - 464)
		LeftN := 0

MoveWindow(LocX, LocY, SizeX, SizeY)
	WinGetActiveTitle, TitleVar
        IfWinActive ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
		WinMove, %TitleVar%,, LocX, LocY                   ; don't resize
		;WinMove, %TitleVar%,, LocX, LocY, SizeX, SizeY    ; if you want to resize, uncomment these two 

		;Send, {F5}
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-18-2009 , 07:12 PM
I haven't tested it, but since PlaceMint can size windows, there is not reason to be have 2 programs doing both. If you don't want PlaceMint to size your windows, uncheck Size in the configure window for each of your windows groups.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-18-2009 , 07:14 PM
sorry, havent read the whole thread. just saw some ppl having trouble with a stack
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-18-2009 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by GiantBuddha
I keep getting a message:

Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.


See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

************Exception Text**************
System.ArgumentOutofRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutofRangeExceptio n(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)

Quote: warmachine::: Been trying to get this software set up and I keep running into a Windows 691 error (see below) at various stages of configuration. It seems to happen when I try to "Add new...". Known issue? Any solution?

I can't get past Error 691 either and it is not addressed in this thread. When I click on the Slots tab, all dimensioning blocks are grayed out even though "slot1.2,3 etc" can be in the next pane over.

XP pro..... moron outside.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-18-2009 , 08:04 PM
The two of you are the only ones that have reported it. I'm not sure how this is a situation that only a small fraction of the users would be encountering. Unfortunately, I am currently in my last months of college and need to focus all my time on finishing my senior project. Once I get all that finished I can start looking into these bugs.

If you PM me an email address I can send you a copy of what the window group file should. It's not as nice as the gui i made, but the XML structure is fairly simple.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-18-2009 , 10:32 PM
I want to make a regEX for bodog tables but they all have different titles how do I put for example these window titles together:

Palace of Auburn Hills
Buffalo (max 6)
Puritans (Turbo)

Thanks a lot

Last edited by madlion; 03-18-2009 at 10:34 PM. Reason: typo
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-18-2009 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by I Gotta Push
Is this compatible with FTS table sizing?
Just turn off FTS table sizing. In theory, if the size is the exact same in both programs, it should work. But there is no reason to keep FTS table sizing on if you are using PlaceMint to control your tables.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-19-2009 , 12:14 AM
I've legitimately gotten this thing to work. One problem, its putting them on the wrong monitor, lol. How do I edit the slots to get them to the other one? I've tried huge values and negative values..
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-19-2009 , 12:15 AM
if you click "Show" you can just drag them
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-19-2009 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by greg nice
for those looking for a stacking/slot solution on stars, i have modified a few AHK scripts together to stack tables. i have resized stars tables to the size i would use to fit 9 tiled tables. the 'd' hotkey is the stack, the other slots are important tables to watch

; this basically splits the screen into three columns
; each letter in the grid corresponds to the hotkey 
; to move it there
;     |  r  | t
;  d  |_____|_____
;     |  f  | g
;     |  v  | b
;     |     |
here is the script:

; ==== INSTRUCTIONS ====
; open tables, press 'd' to put them into the stack
; if there is a table you want to concentrate on, press
; the hotkey (r,f,v,t,g,b) to move it into that slot.
; when done, press 'd' to move back to the stack
; see the grid below for more details

; based off ## StarsStackerAlpha 
; different versions and edits by the following 2p2 posters:
;   bhanson
;   p3rc4
;   Amerzel

; Be sure to add "f5redrawtable=1" without
; the quotes to your pokerstars user.ini
; under [options] if you want the 
; auto-resize to work properly
; (thanks to Fermion5 @ 2p2 forums)
; if you want to use the resize
; on my comp it redrew every table which was annoying
; see comments in bottom last function

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

GroupAdd, PSTables, ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass

; Monitor Resolution, change these settings appropriately

ResX := 1920
ResY := 600      ; only stack half the height of the screen, see grid below

; stars table sizes 

TblWidth := 640
TblHeight := 464

; Spacing configuration, the space in pixels between windows in the stack

SpcPix := 15

LeftN := 0

; this basically splits the screen into three columns
; each letter in the grid corresponds to the hotkey to move it there
;     |  r  | t
;  d  |_____|_____
;     |  f  | g
;     |  v  | b
;     |     |

; this hotkey moves back to the stack on the left and slightly cascades is down by SpcPix pixels

d::MoveLeft(LeftN, SpcPix, ResX, ResY)

; these move to the grid on the right

r::MoveWindow(680, 0, TblWidth, TblHeight)
f::MoveWindow(680, 464, TblWidth, TblHeight)
v::MoveWindow(680, 736, TblWidth, TblHeight)
t::MoveWindow(1280, 0, TblWidth, TblHeight)
g::MoveWindow(1280, 464, TblWidth, TblHeight)
b::MoveWindow(1280, 736, TblWidth, TblHeight)

F2::Suspend      ; hotkey to pause the script

MoveLeft(ByRef LeftN, SpcPix, ResX, ResY)
	MoveWindow(90, (LeftN * SpcPix), 640, 464)
	LeftN := LeftN + 1
	if (LeftN * SpcPix > ResY - 32 - 464)
		LeftN := 0

MoveWindow(LocX, LocY, SizeX, SizeY)
	WinGetActiveTitle, TitleVar
        IfWinActive ahk_class PokerStarsTableFrameClass
		WinMove, %TitleVar%,, LocX, LocY                   ; don't resize
		;WinMove, %TitleVar%,, LocX, LocY, SizeX, SizeY    ; if you want to resize, uncomment these two 

		;Send, {F5}
Where does it place a new table opening up? What do I do if I want to make sure it's always in a slot that is not the stack, thus preventing from overlapping the active table.

Oh, and what would happen if I set the spacing between the stacked tables 0? Any problems in that?

Last edited by Beck; 03-19-2009 at 01:35 AM.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-24-2009 , 03:15 PM
EDIT: nm, wasn't loading the Slot template list with it.

How can i get this to work with Cereus? I have one group with Stars, FT, and cereus checked under Regular Expression in window groups settings, but it seems like only stars is cooperating.

Also, is there a way to assign size but not location?

Last edited by thettruth; 03-24-2009 at 03:33 PM.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-24-2009 , 04:40 PM
On the Settings tab of the Configure window, there are check boxes for Size and Move.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-24-2009 , 04:52 PM
Ah i see.

How could i get it to work for Cereus? Neither AP nor UB seem to work for the site.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-24-2009 , 05:19 PM
There is a Cereus client, I thought two were keeping their own client but just sharing the network?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-24-2009 , 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
There is a Cereus client, I thought two were keeping their own client but just sharing the network?
the two changed their own clients to be able to coexist on the same network. I used to love Pokeraide on my old monitor or when i could get it working, especially on UB since their software is so pathetic, but when the merge happened that stopped working. Somehow i got it working through the AP group, but that stopped too.

it doesn't seem like FT is working either. I have a group called Poker with 4 checks AP, FT, PS, and UB; only stars seems to work
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-26-2009 , 08:29 AM

I am a new user of this tool. For sizing and placing pokerstars game windows it is working brilliantly and is just what I need. I cannot however get the pokerstars lobby window to re-size to fit into any of the slots that I have designed.

Please help !

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-26-2009 , 10:36 PM
Wingman100, works for me. Are you trying to resize it to a size that the PS software doesn't allow? Post your RegEx.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-28-2009 , 01:04 PM
CPU seems to be getting bogged down with this lately. Up around 25% of a dual core 2.5ghz.

Havent made any changes and only started to notice it recently. Is this normal when 16 tabling?

Still running 0.4 on vista. Thanks
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-28-2009 , 01:24 PM
I would look elsewhere for possible cpu hogging as PlaceMint isn't doing all that much work.
Still running 0.4 on vista.
You mean v0.4 of PlaceMint? You should upgrade right now. That release was over 6 months ago and there have been 5 updates with both bug fixes and new features added.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-29-2009 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Chipp
For p/nlhe and plo cash...

You can add the expression I posted a few posts above if you want it to work w/ tourneys as well...

Originally Posted by thettruth
Ah i see.

How could i get it to work for Cereus? Neither AP nor UB seem to work for the site.
use this code instead...cereus changed their table names recently
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-29-2009 , 05:10 AM
Im using Placemint for SNGs and every time im going All-in and someone calling me Im Minimizing that window (dont want to go on tilt in case of some dirty runner-runner BS) When im getting pending action, window is poping up AND sometimes random swapping with another table. How to fix that?
Thank you
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-29-2009 , 09:17 AM
I tested it out and I can see the results you are talking about. When I have time to start programing again, I will look into it.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-30-2009 , 05:49 PM
Just lost 600 dollar because of this software.

It started to try to resize a betfair window and then froze the screen even thou it seemed to work pretty decently when i tried it without actually playing.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
03-31-2009 , 06:26 PM
Anyone knows how to get it to work with minimaxmod? The mousebuttons are disabled.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
04-01-2009 , 04:00 PM

I am trying to get it to work with boss and I got the lobby working and then i tried to make it work for the tables that looks like

1 - Table TH 677 - Redbet Poker

but then it didnt work for like

2- Table TH 277 - Redbet Poker

with the code: [a-zA-Z0-9] - Table TH [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]

It works with the RegEx thou!?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
