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PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool

07-06-2011 , 09:41 AM
I have a problem with the drag and drop swapping. I used to have Placemint installed for a long time with no problems. However, now when I drag a table over another quickly it automatically "pushes" that table away. So when I move a table over my 30" it creates quite the chaos with tables bouncing all over the place. I'm using Windows XP. Any idea why this happens?

Thanks for an awesome program btw! Had it for over a year and never realized how much I rely on it until now when it doesn't work properly
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-06-2011 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by 3-Iron
when I drag a table over another quickly it automatically "pushes" that table away. So when I move a table over my 30" it creates quite the chaos with tables bouncing all over the place.

Thanks for an awesome program btw!
Any Idea?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-07-2011 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by Krischan
Any Idea?

fwiw, On Placemint version 2 that doesnt happen here... Just w version 3

Any regex working on Everleaf ?!

I try someones i found in the thread, but it dont work...

Regex used:

Table Example:
Warsaw 2 - NL Hold'em - €0.50/€1 blinds - [Connection is very good+]

Warsaw 2 - NL Hold'em - €0.50/€1 blinds - [Connection is good+]

Sitted in:
Warsaw 2 - NL Hold'em - €0.50/€1 blinds - Good luck HeroName! - [Connection is very good+]

Tks in advance!
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-07-2011 , 05:25 PM
Hey guys

Is there any way to grab the PT3 player notes popup?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 08:42 AM
kap arai & Stu_the_kid_Ungar,
Please follow the instructions on how to get regular expression help.

Please give me the full windows title. I can guess, where the things you said fit in. But if I get it wrong, you will have to come back to this thread and ask for help again.

PlaceMint doesn't know what the visible order the windows are in. So there is nothing I can do here to facilitate scrolling though. You can use the tree view to iterate over each window in the stack and activate it.
Also, the group hotkeys apply to very window in the group. So the To Bottom hotkey moves all windows for that group to the bottom. If you don't have any other windows open, there won't be a noticeable effect as there is nothing to be on the bottom of.

3-Iron, Krischan & Maneh,
I did make some changes to try and make the drag detection better since Windows doesn't support it natively. It worked in my tests, but it is possible I did not hit all cases. What OS are you using?

That is not the most recent expression for Everleaf. Please update.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
3-Iron, Krischan & Maneh,
I did make some changes to try and make the drag detection better since Windows doesn't support it natively. It worked in my tests, but it is possible I did not hit all cases. What OS are you using?

That is not the most recent expression for Everleaf. Please update.
OS: Vista Ultimate x64 ServicePack 2

That was the last expression that i found and it doens work too :-\


Ty in advance again
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 11:59 AM

My iPoker SNG is working until the ante kick in, then the placemnt will not work.


"Turbo" $5 NLH Double Up - 75/150 - 603501931

then not working:

"Turbo" $5 NLH Double Up - 100/200 - 603501931 Ante 25


"Turbo" $10 NLH Double Up - 75/150 - 603507701

then become not working when, ante kick in

"Turbo" $10 NLH Double Up - 100/200 - 603502701 Ante 25

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 12:00 PM
The regEx i use is:

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 12:08 PM
Hi Irish,

Can you make it work for bodog SNG, especailly for the below windows titles:

Double Up - $7 + $0.70 I

Double Up - $7 + $0.70 II

Double Up - $7 + $0.70 VI

Double Up (Turbo) - $7.50 + $0.50 II

Double Up (Turbo) - $7.50 + $0.50 V

Double Up (Turbo) - $13.50 + $1 IV

Double Up - $14 + $1.40 III

The class is: #32770

I would make donation while papal and thanks.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
3-Iron, Krischan & Maneh,
I did make some changes to try and make the drag detection better since Windows doesn't support it natively. It worked in my tests, but it is possible I did not hit all cases. What OS are you using?
I use Win 7 64 bit.

Are you sure it is a problem with the drag detection? How did you implement which table gets which slot? I'll try to explain my problem: The original table x at slot x gets "pushed" to the next slot (y), when table z is dragged a bit more than halfway over the table x and slot x. Shouldn't every table that is positioned over a slot never moved to another slot except in the case the table itsself is dragged away? Wouldn't that be the case, when every table simply gets the nearest slot?

Well, perhaps its not as simple as that

What helped me temporary: I increased the max number of tables per slot to 2, so no table gets pushed away. But I have to drag them manually to their positions after opening.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug

3-Iron, Krischan & Maneh,
I did make some changes to try and make the drag detection better since Windows doesn't support it natively. It worked in my tests, but it is possible I did not hit all cases. What OS are you using?

I am using Windows XP. However, it worked just fine before with same PL version and same OS. If I downgrade to an earlier version might it work better?


PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-08-2011 , 06:52 PM
Does anyone else have any problem with the new entraction update (specificaly pokermambo). The table resizes so that you can only see part of the table. It adjusts the size of the window but the table doesn't resize with it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-09-2011 , 05:25 PM
I've just had my first attempt at using placemint, followed the quick guide and managed to get placemint to move my iPoker tables, however my entraction tables didn't move (pokermambo) even though they were showing on placemint.

I closed the application and when I tried to open it again I got the following error mesage:

Uploaded with

I tried installing microsoft framework 4 but I'm still getting the same message, any ideas?
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-09-2011 , 09:30 PM
I unzipped the PlaceMint files on a new folder and started using it again. I managed to do pretty much everything I wanted to except a few things. I want to place the pokermambo (entraction) lobby in a different position but I don't know how to create the Title RegEx necessary to do so. There isn't an "entraction lobby" on the file provided in the sourceforge website. In case someone knows how to do it the window name of the pokermambo lobby is this:

PokerMambo - Lobby [connected]
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-09-2011 , 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by TexDanny
I unzipped the PlaceMint files on a new folder and started using it again. I managed to do pretty much everything I wanted to except a few things. I want to place the pokermambo (entraction) lobby in a different position but I don't know how to create the Title RegEx necessary to do so. There isn't an "entraction lobby" on the file provided in the sourceforge website. In case someone knows how to do it the window name of the pokermambo lobby is this:

PokerMambo - Lobby [connected]
Are you having problems where the window will resize but it cuts off part of the table. Any help on this would be appreciated. As for the Mambo lobby I think I can help you out just give me one second.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-09-2011 , 10:06 PM
In order to edit the RegEx List

1.Click Tools
3.Edit RegEx List
4.Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click Add New
5. Title it "PokerMambo Lobby" without quotes
6.In the regular express type "^PokerMambo\s-\sLobby" without quotes
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-10-2011 , 12:33 AM
I'd like to have placemint working for new ongame clients. the ongame regex doesnt work and seem to be for the old clients.
also I'd like regex for 888 PLO tables.

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-10-2011 , 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by VictumSempra
Are you having problems where the window will resize but it cuts off part of the table. Any help on this would be appreciated. As for the Mambo lobby I think I can help you out just give me one second.
Yeah, what I've been doing is create a new separate group for entraction only and make the windows size exactly the size of the default entraction tables (800x536) that way the table doesn't resize and you don't lose funcionality from others ahk scripts, etc... the downside of this method is that other groups don't know that the slot is occupied by another table and so they stack. You can easily swap them to another slot though.
If you don't mind all other sites tables resizing to 800x563 then you can just put them in the same group.

If you found a solution for this let me know as I play on multiple sites not only on entraction.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-11-2011 , 08:29 PM

It happens when i click configure button.
What can i do??
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-11-2011 , 09:55 PM
I overlooked the last case when I saw that you had an old expression. Try the following.
The iPoker expression you are using is not the most up to date. The current release matches all of the titles you posted.
Bodog SNG
That does sound like it could be an issue with drag detection issue. Table Z is dragged so it is closest to Slot X. Drag Detection fails and triggers a drop of Table Z in Slot X. Normally Table X would move to Slot Z, but if you have Ripple Forward enabled and Slot Y was open, Table X would move up to Slot Y before you could see it happening.
The new drag detection checks that all of the following are true:
Left mouse button pressed, the window in question is the active one, the mouse's x-coordinate is within the width of the window, the mouse's x-coordinate is between the top of the window and 40 pixels down from the top.
The old drag detection just checked if the mouse button was pressed.

Krischan & 3-Iron,
Downgrading would likely solve this problem, but you would lose other bug fixes and new features. I might make a patch the reverts back to the old drag detection if I can't find any other cause.

There should be a log file in the folder you ran PlaceMint from. Check you inbox for a PM with an email address where you can send that file to so I can get a better idea of what happened.
You can follow VictumSempra's instructions on how to make the lobby expression.

VictumSempra & TexDanny,
Do you still have sizing problems if you keep your slots at the same aspect ratio as the default?

Follow the instructions on how to ask for regex help.

Either your configuration, regex list or slot template list file is corrupted. Delete it and start over. If you post what is in the log file, I will probably be able to narrow it down to just one of those file. But I would go in that order and see what fixes it.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-11-2011 , 10:17 PM
Originally Posted by StonedShisha
I'd like to have placemint working for new ongame clients. the ongame regex doesnt work and seem to be for the old clients.
also I'd like regex for 888 PLO tables.

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-12-2011 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug

VictumSempra & TexDanny,
Do you still have sizing problems if you keep your slots at the same aspect ratio as the default?
Just redid all my slots from scratch using the PokerMambo(entraction) aspect ratio. Ran into the same problems.

The problem is that poker mambo uses its own little thing in the bottom right corner to resize instead of the normal windows resize(can grab any corner and resize), if that makes sense. So when Place Mint tries to resize it, it cuts off part of the table.

Not sure how this would be fixed, but would greatly appreciate the help. Let me know if you want to do a teamviewer session to troubleshoot problem.

PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-12-2011 , 06:19 AM
Originally Posted by msim
for 888 PLo tables I get title example:
title: Beaumont PLO 12¢/25¢
class: #32770

for ongame I get:
example of cashgame table:
Zagreb, No-limit Texas Hold'em, real money ($0.15/$0.30) [ID=R5-158498392-0]
class: SunAwtFrame

example of tournament table:
Table #4, $1,500 NL Holdem, No-limit Texas Hold'em, $11 (real money), 60/120 [ID=T5-158249690-39][R-441-750]
class: SunAwtFrame

thx a lot for the help!
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-12-2011 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by StonedShisha
for 888 PLo tables I get title example:
title: Beaumont PLO 12¢/25¢
class: #32770

for ongame I get:
example of cashgame table:
Zagreb, No-limit Texas Hold'em, real money ($0.15/$0.30) [ID=R5-158498392-0]
class: SunAwtFrame

example of tournament table:
Table #4, $1,500 NL Holdem, No-limit Texas Hold'em, $11 (real money), 60/120 [ID=T5-158249690-39][R-441-750]
class: SunAwtFrame

thx a lot for the help!
for regex

That is all you need for Ongame
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
07-12-2011 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by TheIrishThug
Either your configuration, regex list or slot template list file is corrupted. Delete it and start over. If you post what is in the log file, I will probably be able to narrow it down to just one of those file. But I would go in that order and see what fixes it.
Thanks, i just delete slot template list.
PlaceMint: Window Positioning Tool Quote
