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Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD

11-01-2015 , 12:31 PM
Played 2K hands 4-tabling the whole session last night, w/ no issues at all. Only a couple hands missed too.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-01-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by prolax13

I ordered the card catcher a couple weeks ago - I have been using it on both my main laptop and my secondary tablet/laptop. I thought I had registered it on my secondary machine, but just now it said my 72 hour trial is up, and when I attempt to enter my registration code, the error msg says "could not activate license at server - no more additional activations allowed. you must contact customer service to request an additional activation."

So, can I please get an additional activation? I have a live day 2 I have to play tomorrow, I would really like my hud working on my more portable device so I can play bovada simultaneously.

Anthony Spinella
Just e-mail support and they can reset it for you. It was a holiday this weekend though so I had my guys going home early. If it's not resolved, let me know and I can reset it.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-01-2015 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Cool. Yeah, I knew it was just an advanced logging issue. Once that's off there should never be a LAG. I don't think they tested it after many hours of use. It's something the developers needs to address. Like I said, by default it's off, but I think you turned it on when we were looking at your flop issue. Sorry, I didn't know.
I must've turned it on when I first downloaded the trial or something. My own fault for messing w/ settings I thought were going to help solve problems, not make them.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-01-2015 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
Are you sure it's just not a refresh issue in PT? You have to manually do this sometimes in there.
Nope, the windows goes blank like PT4 isn't even turned on and it stays that way sometimes for over 30 minutes at a time. I have to manually tag hands as I'm playing through the tables and can't get an overall view of the pots won w/ rake and who won the pots w/ what hands on what boards, etc.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-02-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by jussblaze420
Nope, the windows goes blank like PT4 isn't even turned on and it stays that way sometimes for over 30 minutes at a time. I have to manually tag hands as I'm playing through the tables and can't get an overall view of the pots won w/ rake and who won the pots w/ what hands on what boards, etc.
It sounds like the PT4 screen isn't re-drawing for some reason. It could be a graphics issue. I haven't heard of seen this personally. Have you tried closing, and then re-opening PT4? You won't lose any data since the catcher will still be on.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-02-2015 , 07:53 PM
Doubt it's a graphics issue, everything else runs fine. No, I hadn't tried that as I was afraid I'd lose stats. It's happened about 4 times in the past 3ish months. Will give it a shot the next time. Thanks.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-03-2015 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by jussblaze420
Doubt it's a graphics issue, everything else runs fine. No, I hadn't tried that as I was afraid I'd lose stats. It's happened about 4 times in the past 3ish months. Will give it a shot the next time. Thanks.
You won't lose stats, but you'll lose the HUD until you restart it. Yeah, hopefully it doesn't happen again or often. It just sounds like some sort of glitch w/ the screen update in PT, but it's hard to say for sure.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-03-2015 , 01:36 PM
Will keep this in mind, thanks FD.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 01:01 AM
So, PT4 is no longer working for me. It is importing, but it says every hand is an error. I have the latest version of both the catcher and PT4. HM2 works fine. Any ideas?
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 01:23 AM
I'm starting the have similar problems with BCC just not updating one table after working fine for awhile. I tried updating to the new v2.05.4 and unchecking the logging option, but still have the same problem. FD or anyone else have any other suggestions to try? Should I try splitting up my PT4 db or start a new one? Thanks
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopster81
So, PT4 is no longer working for me. It is importing, but it says every hand is an error. I have the latest version of both the catcher and PT4. HM2 works fine. Any ideas?
You're talking about the catcher and not the converter correct?

Close everything down and restart. I just got done playing a long session on there w/ latest PT4 and catcher. No issues, no errors. It's probably just something tied up in your system cache. Really hard to say honestly, but I'd do the basics and restart your system.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Billy723
I'm starting the have similar problems with BCC just not updating one table after working fine for awhile. I tried updating to the new v2.05.4 and unchecking the logging option, but still have the same problem. FD or anyone else have any other suggestions to try? Should I try splitting up my PT4 db or start a new one? Thanks
No, that's not needed. If it's S&G or MTT, then there is an issue w/ some systems if the table name is the same it can stop. It's been addressed already, and just waiting for new release which should be some time today.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 08:35 PM
I noticed that the hands the catcher is still missing are when villain loses an all in, busts and leaves. I'm not sure if it's catching some of those or none, would need to check. But that's why if it is wrong for the session it's always lower than my true result. Is this a known issue?
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by MadADX
I noticed that the hands the catcher is still missing are when villain loses an all in, busts and leaves. I'm not sure if it's catching some of those or none, would need to check. But that's why if it is wrong for the session it's always lower than my true result. Is this a known issue?
This is only for HU's. No, it should be getting those. That was a previous known issue. Any ways, for anyone in this thread that is already using it, I'd recommend switching to the new version. I'm going to post it below.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 09:52 PM
New Beta Update: v2.05.5

- Change to new hand format to address PS changes
- Fix for sometimes missing first hand of cash session
- Blank flop issue fix for S&G's *
- Advanced logging fix

A couple of important notes.
1) There's no video tutorial setup for this. It should automatically switch you over, but please read the prompts it gives you. It's important.
2) * The blank flop issue seems fixed w/ a new change we did in a couple of days ago. We haven't been able to re-produce it since then.
3) It should be picking up hands right away now. If it's not for any reason, let me know.

We did a ton of testing on this the last week+ and I'm very happy with this update.

Last edited by FreakDaddy; 11-04-2015 at 10:03 PM.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 11:02 PM
Trying it out.. the iPoker mode seems to shift my HUD around, but when switching back to Stars mode the HUD goes back in place. But when trying to go back and forth to experiment I can't get the Stars HUD back, even if I restart everything.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by MadADX
Trying it out.. the iPoker mode seems to shift my HUD around, but when switching back to Stars mode the HUD goes back in place. But when trying to go back and forth to experiment I can't get the Stars HUD back, even if I restart everything.
Yeah, this is an extra message I want the developer to add in the app. And/or I'm going to look into seeing if this auto configurable. Once you switch to the new format, you just need to save the HUD positions again. It's saving it under ipoker. Once you position them, lock and save, then it will work fine. Same thing as when you ran bcc as PS for the first time.

If you want to go back to PS, then you need to set this in the config. But I'd recommend just switching. It will be much more accurate. The easiest way is just open up a play money table, or just one table. Move the HUD to the correct position, lock and save, and then load your tables up as normal.

I'll see if we can auto configure this somehow though. But it's not too hard to adjust and save.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 11:27 PM
Ok thanks. But now hands aren't appearing in hand reports even though HUD updates and hands are importing fine. Used to be the occasional bug on one table but it's system wide now. Tried restarting PT4 and the catcher, no help. (didn't try restart client because I'm playing) I might revert for now..
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 11:35 PM
Ok reverting fixed the hand reports problem, but now I can't get HUD to show up anywhere. This is getting annoying. Note to self, maybe don't beta test software while in the middle of a poker session lol
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-04-2015 , 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by MadADX
Ok thanks. But now hands aren't appearing in hand reports even though HUD updates and hands are importing fine. Used to be the occasional bug on one table but it's system wide now. Tried restarting PT4 and the catcher, no help. (didn't try restart client because I'm playing) I might revert for now..
You need to add HERO for iPoker either as alias or just add it as your player. Yeah, there was a big message with a check mark and warning to make sure you did this, but I know people are going to over look it. I'm going to see how much we can automate this in the next build.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-05-2015 , 02:53 AM
the link for the new beta is taking me to the ace poker solution website instead of just downloading the file

Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-05-2015 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by Hoopster81
the link for the new beta is taking me to the ace poker solution website instead of just downloading the file

Bizarre... thanks for letting me know. No idea what happened because it must have worked awhile ago if people were downloading it.

Beta update to v2.05.5:
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-05-2015 , 08:24 PM
Actually I had the same problem so I just copy/pasted the old version and replaced the 4 with a 5 Working now.

Anyway, a couple strange problems now that I've aliased properly.

1. I tested with a few .05/.10 FL real money hands but they were imported as .10 Pot Limit.

2. Hands were being reported in PT4's hand reports as occurring 6 hours ago. The processed text files imported showed the correct time however. I checked the timezone settings for iPoker Import Config in PT4 and it allows me to select a couple different time zones (GMT, BST, CEST) but nothing for USA. I tried switching the timezone offset in BCC settings to +6 hours but then no hands appeared in any reports, although HUD continues to update.

Back to 2.05.4 for now..
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-06-2015 , 02:38 AM
Using PT4.

Tried to fix the positioning on the HUD using the iPoker settings repeatedly. Layout positioning adjustments would save but would not match up with the players. Had no problem doing this with the Stars settings. Had to switch back to the old set for now.

Could you please post instructions (or detailed screenshots so we can make sure our settings match)? I sit at the bottom seat every time, updated the settings same as I did for the Stars layout, but HUD positions were off every time I opened a new table.

Can't really complain about updating as it's great that you kept the PS setting option for easily switching back, but no idea what's going wrong with the new settings and pretty frustrating to try to troubleshoot.

Also, what's the advantage other than the use of multiple colors / avoiding Stars' new restrictions? Will the Poker Stars Mode option be phased out completely eventually? (Do we NEED to figure out the solution?)

Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
11-06-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by FreakDaddy
New Beta Update: v2.05.5

- Change to new hand format to address PS changes
- Fix for sometimes missing first hand of cash session
- Blank flop issue fix for S&G's *
- Advanced logging fix

A couple of important notes.
1) There's no video tutorial setup for this. It should automatically switch you over, but please read the prompts it gives you. It's important.
2) * The blank flop issue seems fixed w/ a new change we did in a couple of days ago. We haven't been able to re-produce it since then.
3) It should be picking up hands right away now. If it's not for any reason, let me know.

We did a ton of testing on this the last week+ and I'm very happy with this update.
What about the cash flop/turn and invalid pot errors? Will those be resolved soon? Will hold off on the new update for a while since people are having issues.

4 tabling 1-1.5K hands straight, daily, for almost a week since I turned logging off... it's running damn smooth.
Ignition/Bodog Poker Card Catcher HUD Quote
