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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

03-02-2011 , 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
my hud won't popup while playing rush, i have windows 7 with hem version 1.11.06a
nevermind, i found a fix in the hem forums

another question though, is the rakeback line accurate?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-02-2011 , 07:57 PM
having a new problem with HEM today that popped up.
basically after my session I clicked to show all previous hands, and my system ran out of memory.

I filtered a smaller amount of hands to get around the issue.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-02-2011 , 08:00 PM
It's been over a month since the titles of the deep tables were changed.

My patience is wearing thin.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-02-2011 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by jchristo
pokerstars changed their omaha tables and now HUD isn't working on the deep tables

am i the only one or is this an issue?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-02-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by jchristo
pokerstars changed their omaha tables and now HUD isn't working on the deep tables

am i the only one or is this an issue?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-02-2011 , 09:57 PM
Hey I play on party poker. The hud no longer works right, it randomly takes off names and sometimes adds a name from another table. In the TM it says players are short on certain tables?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 12:57 AM
is there anyway to filter my OWN player Popup Config so that it only shows my stats for a specific limit or amount of hands??? I can only see my aggregate total of hands and stats.
Thanks in advance!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 02:38 AM
Playing on FTP Omaha, when I look back my sessions no hands show up (I have the Omaha license)

I have 1.11.06s (newest i think?), the HUD shows up and the HH shows in folder but no hands in HEM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
my hud won't popup while playing rush, i have windows 7 with hem version 1.11.06a
Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
nevermind, i found a fix in the hem forums

another question though, is the rakeback line accurate?
I have this problem aswell, help?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 06:44 AM
Oyeah I am playing Rush Omaha if that matters
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 08:23 AM
I have a problem with getting my hud working on ipoker, got it to thanks to fozzys' help. The hands that i play dont seem to record though, I only played a short session but sureley this shouldnty have an effect, it was about 3 or 4 orbits. Any ideas? All my other hands save from pokerstars and I just go to sessions and see them there
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by ChickRaise
I have this problem aswell, help?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 10:45 AM
can someone please help me.

i have HEM and it as been a pain in the ass since start.

as for import - it does not import 100% and im allways missing hands/tourneys.

as for analysis - it`s constantly crashing down, the more i jump from one info to another, the more it happens.

HUD - play mostly rushes and my M stat never works (its stactic in value 100).

HUD in play - it slows my internet connection a lot and, HUD crashes about every 10/15 minutes and today it started doing something pretty bad - everytime i use HEM (not just the HUD, just open HEM does this) my FTP connection just breaks down, if i turn off HEM it runs smoothly, when i turn it on crashes again.

so, please, help me as for this is getting way pass annoying.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by jchristo
pokerstars changed their omaha tables and now HUD isn't working on the deep tables

am i the only one or is this an issue?
Originally Posted by this_passing
This is a known issue and should be fixed in the next release, which should be out very soon.

Originally Posted by Flippn Corner

another question though, is the rakeback line accurate?
Yes, the rakeback line uses whatever you set up in the Rakeback options. The Rake stat in the Reports uses the same rake method the sites use.

Originally Posted by coolnout
having a new problem with HEM today that popped up.
basically after my session I clicked to show all previous hands, and my system ran out of memory.

I filtered a smaller amount of hands to get around the issue.
Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

What are your machine specs? Age? Last time you reformatted?

I would suggest you do the majority of the things in this thread:

Some of the most important things, imo:

- Remove the WinnerName, WinnerCards and WinnerWon from the Options > Hands View Column Selection.
- Turning off logging and deleting existing logs
- Vacuum/Full/Analyze, then Reindex -
- Defrag last and make sure you stop the postgresql service before you defrag. I personally use Smart Defrag.
- Do a Cold Boot (Shut Down > Start) before you use HM again

Originally Posted by king_nothing_
It's been over a month since the titles of the deep tables were changed.

My patience is wearing thin.
We are hoping to have a release out very soon. Once it is available it will be posted on our forums and then in this thread.

Originally Posted by 1timeforjeebus
Hey I play on party poker. The hud no longer works right, it randomly takes off names and sometimes adds a name from another table. In the TM it says players are short on certain tables?
Make sure windows is fully updated and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

Please update to the latest version -

Try to right-click the table name in the Table Manager window and choose [x] 10max, or 9 max, accordingly. If it says the table is 8/10 (even though it is 9 max) pick the [x] 10 max option.

This should be resolved in our next release.

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'t+Work

*Post the answers in a new thread on the HM Forums -

Originally Posted by McRiverson
is there anyway to filter my OWN player Popup Config so that it only shows my stats for a specific limit or amount of hands??? I can only see my aggregate total of hands and stats.
Thanks in advance!
No, this is not possible. Feel free to suggest it here -

Originally Posted by IamPro
Playing on FTP Omaha, when I look back my sessions no hands show up (I have the Omaha license)

I have 1.11.06s (newest i think?), the HUD shows up and the HH shows in folder but no hands in HEM.
Originally Posted by IamPro
Oyeah I am playing Rush Omaha if that matters
Please install the latest version: and go to Filter > Clear and then Filter > Use for all. Also try enabling the Options > Settings... > Miscellaneous > [x] Auto apply filter changes to all tabs

If you still can't see them, check to see if your database is corrupt.

Make sure windows is fully updated and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

*Try creating a new UTF DB -
*Now import a small portion of your \HMArchive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -
*If the new DB seems to work properly, you will want to import the rest of your archives to the new DB, export/import the hands from the old DB to the new DB, and export/import any player notes and tourney summaries - and then delete the old DB.
*Make sure you export/backup everything before deleting the old DB -

If your database is corrupt.

Export your Hand Histories

Export Your Notes

Export Your Bonuses and Rakeback – Options > Rakeback & Bonuses

Export any tourney summaries by selecting all your tournaments in the Data View Sub-Tab of the Tourney > Results Menu and choose Export Tourney Results and summaries

Then can you create a new database

Finally reimport all your hands/notes/summaries into the new database

Originally Posted by Flippn Corner
my hud won't popup while playing rush, i have windows 7 with hem version 1.11.06a
Originally Posted by ChickRaise
I have this problem aswell, help?
Please give HoldemManager Administrator rights -

1) Go to C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager (Program Files (x86) if you have the 64bit version)
2) Right-click the HoldemManager.exe and choose "Properties".
3) Go to the Compatibility Tab and select "Run this program as an Administrator".
4) Do the same for HMHud.exe and DBControlPanel.exe

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Please update to the latest release -

Make sure the hand histories and poker client are in English. Set your Windows Regional and Language Settings to English (US). Restart your PC.

Try the table finder -

Make sure you follow the directions exactly.

Pick the table name in the table finder window to highlight it

If you don't see a table name listed, please drag the red X to the table and click OK. Open the Table Finder again and the list should be populated with the table name now, so you can select it.

Left-click and drag the red X to that table window

Click OK

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'t+Work

*Post the answers in a new thread on the HM Forums -

Originally Posted by John IrL
I have a problem with getting my hud working on ipoker, got it to thanks to fozzys' help. The hands that i play dont seem to record though, I only played a short session but sureley this shouldnty have an effect, it was about 3 or 4 orbits. Any ideas? All my other hands save from pokerstars and I just go to sessions and see them there
Please install the latest version: and go to Filter > Clear and then Filter > Use for all. Also try enabling the Options > Settings... > Miscellaneous > [x] Auto apply filter changes to all tabs

The 'Player Alias' option is to connect 2 different poker site names together, under a new, unique Alias name. Before you can create an alias you want to be sure you can find your various site names. If you only play 1 site there is no need for an alias.

The 'Hero Names' option is to help the HUD know where you are sitting at the table.

Cash Games > Reports > Click 'Change' and search your Poker Site name. You can also click the Arrow and choose Player Search. Do not click the drop-down arrow. That opens a list of previously searched names.

If that doesn't help, try to reproduce it in a new DB to be sure your current DB isn't corrupt.

*Try creating a new UTF DB -
*Now import a small portion of your \HMArchive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB -
*If the new DB seems to work properly, you will want to import the rest of your archives to the new DB, export/import the hands from the old DB to the new DB, and export/import any player notes and tourney summaries - and then delete the old DB.
*Make sure you export/backup everything before deleting the old DB -

Originally Posted by D33P
can someone please help me.

i have HEM and it as been a pain in the ass since start.

as for import - it does not import 100% and im allways missing hands/tourneys.

as for analysis - it`s constantly crashing down, the more i jump from one info to another, the more it happens.
Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using? If you have any 3rd party security software installed please uninstall it temporarily, enable Windows Firewall's recommended settings through your Control Panel, and install Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus/malware protection while we try to solve this.

Make sure windows is fully updated and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

Please update to the latest version -

Please give HoldemManager Administrator rights -

1) Go to C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager (Program Files (x86) if you have the 64bit version)
2) Right-click the HoldemManager.exe and choose "Properties".
3) Go to the Compatibility Tab and select "Run this program as an Administrator".
4) Do the same for HMHud.exe and DBControlPanel.exe and fulltiltpoker.exe

The secondary logon service is a standard windows service which is available on every windows computer. In the latest versions it is not started automatically. You need to start it via control panel > administrative tools > services > secondary logon > right-click > start AND right-click > properties > startup type: automatic.

I would suggest you do the majority of the things in this thread:

Some of the most important things, imo:

- Remove the WinnerName, WinnerCards and WinnerWon from the Options > Hands View Column Selection.
- Turning off logging and deleting existing logs
- Vacuum/Full/Analyze, then Reindex -
- Defrag last and make sure you stop the postgresql service before you defrag. I personally use Smart Defrag.
- Do a Cold Boot (Shut Down > Start) before you use HM again

HUD - play mostly rushes and my M stat never works (its stactic in value 100).
The M and BB stats do not work on Rush tourneys because they are based on the players previous hand and most of the players at your table were not dealt into your previous hand.

HUD in play - it slows my internet connection a lot and, HUD crashes about every 10/15 minutes and today it started doing something pretty bad - everytime i use HEM (not just the HUD, just open HEM does this) my FTP connection just breaks down, if i turn off HEM it runs smoothly, when i turn it on crashes again.
Hopefully the first steps I gave in my reply help this issue. If not, we will need you to capture us some files to help.

Enable logging from the HUD options->Table prefs menu. When the crash happens again, go to the logs\log.txt file and move it to another location before you restart the hud. I want to get the 'crash' log.txt file after you finish playing. If you restart the hud before moving the log.txt file, it is overwritten.

Also attach these other files:

Please attach your holdemmanager.config and prefs.xml files from C:\Program Files(x86)\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Config. If your extensions are off you'll just see a file called holdemmanager and prefs.

Please email them to, with a link to this thread.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 12:47 PM
hai fozzy, is there a quick way to disable the thing that pops up after the hand on the table showing the last players holecards at showdown, its starting to tilt me hard? thank you so much for help, if i wana see their cards after a hand ill click and find out! searched in hem forum but cudnt find (didnt know what the name of this feature is)

1 last question----i wana change the color of my EV line, can you please tell me the command line i need to change and also what colour options I have? thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 01:31 PM
My HUD is not working properly for rush poker. My HUD is displaying 0 hands on villains I know I have played hands with. I have 0 stats on everyone. How do I fix this? I play on two other sites and everything works A+.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Vista Ultimate, Windows Firewall and AVG free.

If you have any 3rd party security software installed please uninstall it temporarily

i don´t.

enable Windows Firewall's recommended settings through your Control Panel, and install Microsoft Security Essentials for antivirus/malware protection while we try to solve this.

done that.

Make sure windows is fully updated and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings Format to English (USA).

done that.

Please update to the latest version -

done that.

Please give HoldemManager Administrator rights -

1) Go to C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager (Program Files (x86) if you have the 64bit version)
2) Right-click the HoldemManager.exe and choose "Properties".
3) Go to the Compatibility Tab and select "Run this program as an Administrator".
4) Do the same for HMHud.exe and DBControlPanel.exe and fulltiltpoker.exe

was allready done.ftp i can`t make ir run as an administrator but i open the client and play with no problems.

The secondary logon service is a standard windows service which is available on every windows computer. In the latest versions it is not started automatically. You need to start it via control panel > administrative tools > services > secondary logon > right-click > start AND right-click > properties > startup type: automatic.

was allready done.

I would suggest you do the majority of the things in this thread:

Some of the most important things, imo:

- Remove the WinnerName, WinnerCards and WinnerWon from the Options > Hands View Column Selection.

done that.

- Turning off logging and deleting existing logs

need help!

- Vacuum/Full/Analyze, then Reindex -

need help!

- Defrag last and make sure you stop the postgresql service before you defrag. I personally use Smart Defrag.

need help!

- Do a Cold Boot (Shut Down > Start) before you use HM again

done that.

The M and BB stats do not work on Rush tourneys because they are based on the players previous hand and most of the players at your table were not dealt into your previous hand.

guess the BB stat will not work also for the same reasons, right?

Hopefully the first steps I gave in my reply help this issue. If not, we will need you to capture us some files to help.

Enable logging from the HUD options->Table prefs menu.

done that.

When the crash happens again, go to the logs\log.txt file and move it to another location before you restart the hud. I want to get the 'crash' log.txt file after you finish playing. If you restart the hud before moving the log.txt file, it is overwritten.

need help!

Also attach these other files:

Please attach your holdemmanager.config and prefs.xml files from C:\Program Files(x86)\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Config. If your extensions are off you'll just see a file called holdemmanager and prefs.

need help!

Please email them to, with a link to this thread.
i will pull a sessh later and will bring the feedback here, but i am a serious noob on these things and maybe i will need a bit of help if probles persist. is it ok?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 02:28 PM
Im having this problem when I review hands from a session and select "All Hands" it takes very long to show the hands. This started happening yesterday.

Im running couple weeks old win7 64bit with phenom x6, ocz vertex 2, 8gm of ram. Everything else is still fast and smooth and so was the "All hands" option too, before yesterday. I've also tried latest and older versions of HEM and I've edited postgres.conf/vacuumed etc.

Any ideas?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 03:56 PM
wtf? I already installed and activated HEM when I got my new computer a week or two ago, but this morning I'm greeted by "15 days are up, you have to activate" etc etc, then when I try to activate I get:

License Failure Details
3/3/2011 7:53:16 PM

Errors connecting to the server.


Could not activate license at server.
A valid license could not be obtained for 'DeployLX® Licensing v3.1'. Please contact XHEO® INC for assistance. (Website =, Email =

EDIT: Have temporarily fixed by dialing back my system clock. Not ideal but at least I can make a a living today.

Last edited by ChrisV; 03-03-2011 at 04:04 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
wtf? I already installed and activated HEM when I got my new computer a week or two ago, but this morning I'm greeted by "15 days are up, you have to activate" etc etc, then when I try to activate I get:

License Failure Details
3/3/2011 7:53:16 PM

Errors connecting to the server.


Could not activate license at server.
A valid license could not be obtained for 'DeployLX® Licensing v3.1'. Please contact XHEO® INC for assistance. (Website =, Email =
few others having same problem atm. looks like the hosting company for the licensing servers is having connection issues.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Tryst_
hai fozzy, is there a quick way to disable the thing that pops up after the hand on the table showing the last players holecards at showdown, its starting to tilt me hard? thank you so much for help, if i wana see their cards after a hand ill click and find out! searched in hem forum but cudnt find (didnt know what the name of this feature is)
hud options > tables preferences > muck card time > 0

If you use the Table Averages HUD to display the last 3 winners and pots, you can click the previous hand pot amount to show the muck/board cards. If there was a showdown the winner name will be italicized. If you clickt he winners name instead of the pot amount it will open the hand history review window, where you can mark hands.

1 last question----i wana change the color of my EV line, can you please tell me the command line i need to change and also what colour options I have? thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!


I think you can only change the EV line and the Winnings line color. The other ones will not change regardless of how you edit the config file.

Originally Posted by ogabay
My HUD is not working properly for rush poker. My HUD is displaying 0 hands on villains I know I have played hands with. I have 0 stats on everyone. How do I fix this? I play on two other sites and everything works A+.
Make sure you aren't using any of the HUD Options > Additional HUD Filters or Tourney HUD Filters.

Which Operating System, Firewall, and Anti-Virus are you using?

Please update to the latest release -

Make sure the hand histories and poker client are in English. Set your Windows Regional and Language Settings to English (US). Restart your PC.

*If that doesn't help, please answer these questions -'t+Work

*Post the answers in a new thread on the HM Forums -

Originally Posted by D33P
i will pull a sessh later and will bring the feedback here, but i am a serious noob on these things and maybe i will need a bit of help if probles persist. is it ok?
If you continue to have problems, Please email me at, with a link to this thread, and your forum name, so we can schedule a Teamviewer session. Download the Teamviewer Quick Support Module - Please let me know what time zone you are in and what time/days are convenient for you. I schedule support from 9:00 - 18:00 EST, 7 days a week.

Originally Posted by wike
Im having this problem when I review hands from a session and select "All Hands" it takes very long to show the hands. This started happening yesterday.

Im running couple weeks old win7 64bit with phenom x6, ocz vertex 2, 8gm of ram. Everything else is still fast and smooth and so was the "All hands" option too, before yesterday. I've also tried latest and older versions of HEM and I've edited postgres.conf/vacuumed etc.

Any ideas?

I would suggest you do the majority of the things in this thread:

Some of the most important things, imo:

- Remove the WinnerName, WinnerCards and WinnerWon from the Options > Hands View Column Selection.
- Turning off logging and deleting existing logs
- Vacuum/Full/Analyze, then Reindex -
- Defrag last and make sure you stop the postgresql service before you defrag. I personally use Smart Defrag.
- Do a Cold Boot (Shut Down > Start) before you use HM again

Originally Posted by ChrisV
wtf? I already installed and activated HEM when I got my new computer a week or two ago, but this morning I'm greeted by "15 days are up, you have to activate" etc etc, then when I try to activate I get:

Could not activate license at server.
A valid license could not be obtained for 'DeployLX® Licensing v3.1'. Please contact XHEO® INC for assistance. (Website =, Email =

EDIT: Have temporarily fixed by dialing back my system clock. Not ideal but at least I can make a a living today.
Originally Posted by squashington
few others having same problem atm. looks like the hosting company for the licensing servers is having connection issues.
Yes, our license server is down currently and we are working on a solution.

Last edited by fozzy71; 03-03-2011 at 04:39 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 04:40 PM
The license server should be back up now.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 04:54 PM
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
If you continue to have problems, Please email me at, with a link to this thread, and your forum name, so we can schedule a Teamviewer session. Download the Teamviewer Quick Support Module - Please let me know what time zone you are in and what time/days are convenient for you. I schedule support from 9:00 - 18:00 EST, 7 days a week.
will get back if needed. thank you so much sir!
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-03-2011 , 05:08 PM
I just started playing on pokerstars today, and when I get into the table and my hud pops up, all the hud boxes are by the wrong players. Any idea on how to get the hud boxes in front of the right players, by defalt when you first open the table?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
