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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

07-16-2010 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Jokko
hi HEM support, i got aquestion why is my winings allwayus showing wrong? for example im up like 17 dollar on tournaments but it says im up 21 :O?
Which site and what version of HM? If pokerstars, you need to request and import your summaries/results regularly, but there are still a couple of bugs in HM regarding these summaries. Hopefully they will all be fixed before .03 is public, but I am not sure at this point.

Originally Posted by malloc
The New Stars VPP/hand (on reports tab) for Euro NL Cash games seems to be calculating extremely low. Is that a known issue or do I need to reconfigure something?
I believe this is a known issue. If you want to send me an email with some hands I will take a closer look at it and get a proper, detailed answer for you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-16-2010 , 08:19 PM
I just ran Adaware. When I restarted my computer there was a screen that mentioned Holdem Manager import. WHen I tried to run HM it wouldn't recognize my license. I restarted again and it got in but the HUD isn't show ing up now. Any suggestions?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-16-2010 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Rendle
I just ran Adaware. When I restarted my computer there was a screen that mentioned Holdem Manager import. WHen I tried to run HM it wouldn't recognize my license. I restarted again and it got in but the HUD isn't show ing up now. Any suggestions?
It sounds like adaware quarantined hmimport. Try to restore the file or reinstall hm.

I personally dont suggest you use adaware any more. Most of the guys in the CTH forum recommend you run MBAM and SAS occasionally/manually, and run any standard antivirus and firewall. I have personally been using windows firewall and microsoft security essentials since last September without issues. I run MBAM/SAS once a month or so, but they dont stay running in my tray.

If you need to reinstall HM or uninstall adaware, I suggest you use the free version of revo uninstaller.

If none of that helps, I would suggest a clean reinstall:

1) Make a backup of your C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Config folder, and any other important files.
2) Uninstall HM with using the Deep setting. You do not need to uninstall PostgreSQL.
3) If given the option, on the 2 following screens of Revo, remove any registry entries and leftover files.
4) Reboot your computer
5) Install the complete setup of HM: You should un-check the PostgreSQL Option when running the combo installer.
6) Test if it for a while and see if it works
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-16-2010 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by signuptoday
how do i get my hem to black colour like yours
The latest build you can now import/export skin files.

I also created a grey skin recently, pictured below.


The Black one you liked is now a default, pre-defined skin: Options > Skin Designer >

Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 12:03 AM
I got a new computer around xmas time and haven't played omaha or imported any omaha hands into HEM since then, now that I try to it says I don't have the omaha version but I know I do because I used to use it when I played on my other pc, and I just transferred the registration key to this computer, how do I get this fixed?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 12:19 AM
Is cash games rush poker supported now in 1.11.02b? or do I still have to use an old version? I have tried many of the other versions, but it is just waste of time since they are not working for rush.

How about tournaments?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
It looks like our old false positive bug. What version of HM are you using?

Close HEM and your anti-virus and delete any \xenocode\appliance cache folders and any other possible false positive files.....
1.11.01b, fwiw, and ty.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 06:42 AM
50/100 PLO CAP on ftp results not showing up in HEM? even tho i had stats when playing it

have newest version
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 09:51 AM
Im looking for a good 6 Max Turbo SNG HUD with colour coding's but the HEM "Share your HUD" section is full of 9max + cash game HUD's, anyone got any idea's??
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by insyder19
50/100 PLO CAP on ftp results not showing up in HEM? even tho i had stats when playing it

have newest version
just imported those hands again and it said it found dublicate hands. so basically it did correctly import them but i dont see them in my graph or sessions.

filters are all disabled.

i also have HEM+PLO version of HEM
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by The Lee
I got a new computer around xmas time and haven't played omaha or imported any omaha hands into HEM since then, now that I try to it says I don't have the omaha version but I know I do because I used to use it when I played on my other pc, and I just transferred the registration key to this computer, how do I get this fixed?
It sounds like you transferred the old PRO code instead of the updated PR2 code. Check your email for the newer code. If you cant find it, Please email your details/questions to

Once you have the proper code in your possession:

Enable the options to see Hidden Files and System Protected Files:

1. Delete C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\holdemmanager.exe.ldat (Program Files (x86) if you have the 64bit version)

2. Delete C:\ProgramData\XHEO INC\SharedLicenses\HoldemManager.lic (XP Users can find the file at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\AppData\XHEO INC\SharedLicenses\HoldemManager.lic)

3. Update to the latest beta -

If you can't find those files, DO NOT delete any other files with similar names.

Please send your Reg.log from the C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Logs folder to

Originally Posted by theRealOmahaKid
Is cash games rush poker supported now in 1.11.02b? or do I still have to use an old version? I have tried many of the other versions, but it is just waste of time since they are not working for rush.

How about tournaments?
Try our latest pre-release version for rush hud fixes -

Originally Posted by DrBotwin
How can I see what my rake paid is, not rake contributed?

I want to filter "Won Hand" and then I want to see how much more I would have if there was no rake... I want to know total rake in hands that I won.
Originally Posted by DrBotwin
would doing "filter # of players equal to" 6,5,4,3,2 and filter "Hero Won Hand" and then multiple the rake by the number of players and then adding those numbers together tell me my rake paid, not contributed?
I have forwarded this question to get a proper answer. I don't want to give you any misinformation.

Originally Posted by insyder19
50/100 PLO CAP on ftp results not showing up in HEM? even tho i had stats when playing it

have newest version
Originally Posted by insyder19
just imported those hands again and it said it found dublicate hands. so basically it did correctly import them but i dont see them in my graph or sessions.

filters are all disabled.

I also have HEM+PLO version of HEM
Make sure you have the latest version from the link above.

go to Filter > Clear and then Filter > Use for all. Also try enabling the Options > Settings... > Miscellaneous > [x] Auto apply filter changes to all tabs

If you still can't see them, try importing them to a new DB. If you duplicate the problem in a new DB, Please the hands and email them to me at, with a link to this thread.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 01:11 PM
Hello, I am writing to tell you about a problem that occurs when displaying bonuses on the graph in HEM.

My first session played this year started on 01/01/10 13:57.

When I set my graph to show results "After 01/01/10 00:00:00", if I enter a bonus dated 01/01/10 08:00:00 (BEFORE my first session) that bonus does not show up on the graph despite the fact that I received the bonus after 01/01/10 00:00:00.

There seem to be some other issues with bonuses not displaying correctly as well, possibly because I did not play a session on the day in which the bonus was received.


Also, the new format for entering rakeback and bonuses in version 1.11.02b is much worse than before. The rakeback & bonuses tab under Options -> Settings is not resizeable, and you can't even see all four columns of information about each bonus (Description, Player Name, Amount, Date) without scrolling. This is a terrible oversight.

Last edited by theballer84; 07-17-2010 at 01:27 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 04:13 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
I believe this is a known issue. If you want to send me an email with some hands I will take a closer look at it and get a proper, detailed answer for you.
I can do that. As i can't attach files via the forums, how best to send these?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 07:06 PM
Small bug to report.

When Im running holdem manager and an ipoker client at the same time, I cant click any of the buttons which are used to sort. For example, in sessions I cant sort by $ won because the button wont click. Once I close down the ipoker client the buttons work again. A bit annoying because I have to close down ipoker to look through my hands and the like.

Only seems to happen with ipoker, others poker clients work fine at the same time.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 07:20 PM
I haven't upgraded past the latest version 10 (or around there), waiting for all these friggin bugs to work out (don't play on Cereus).

Long Names, Numbers in Names (mine is that way), etc - don't have a problem.

SNG's import okay. Summary files import okay.

Don't use HUD on rush.

Waiting breathlessly for the official 11.03 release.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 07:33 PM
Hi fozzy

so thanks for pm'img me back like a few months ago about the HEM license thing. Saved me money. Totally was about to just buy a new one.

Anyway, I saved my elaborate HUD setup (mostly crazy popup stat modding) from my old computer and exported it into my new HEM here.

But I can't change anything. Even my HUD abbreviations or stats nothing happens once i click apply or whatever. halp
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 07:34 PM
I play lots of sngs on stars from hyper sats to 180 mans and I just don't get why the developers can't get the payouts right in my manager for the 180s and those 6 max hypers. It seems at times they have had the hyper sat payouts correctly with some updates and then boom it changes in the next HEM software update which I don't understand why that is.

Can we please get this issue worked on as it's way overdue here. I hate manually editing stuff in myself which for some of these I'm left no choice but to do that if I want the stats as accurate as possible.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-17-2010 , 08:49 PM
Two queries:

SELECT * FROM handhistories WHERE pokerhand_id = 1705298
select * from pokerhands where pokerhand_id = 1705298

The second one returns a record, the first does not. I haven't done any data mining or purging or tournaments etc. Does this happen often for other reasons? Sorry about the incoherent writing, I am on hour 14 for the day
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-18-2010 , 12:52 AM
Do PT3 and HEM delete the hand history files after they import them? I've been using the PT3 trial for a while and have been auto importing my hands when I'm done playing (not while I'm playing). I play for a few hours on PS. Then I install HEM to do the trial, do auto import of my hands, it only gets some of my most recent ones. Then I go to PT3 to auto import them and it only gets a few. Now I have my hands split between both, as they seem to delete the hand history files after importing them. How can I combine them and have the programs save all the hand history files on my computer?

Edit: OK they get moved into the "Processed folder."

Edit 2: Where do the imported hands in HEM go? I was able to get the PT3 ones for HEM but I don't know how to get the HEM ones for PT3.

Last edited by synth_floyd; 07-18-2010 at 01:11 AM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-18-2010 , 06:10 AM
Some of my hands are incorrectly labeled within Omaha Tracker as "$0.25/0.5 RUSH NL". They are actually $0.25/0.5 NL hands and I would like them to group with the other hands of the same Game Type Description. I only play Omaha-8 and NL is not available for rush (only standard ring games). Is there a way to correct these hands (about 75) quickly so that it fixes the data on the CASH GAMES "Reports" page? Thanks in advance.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-18-2010 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by synth_floyd

Edit 2: Where do the imported hands in HEM go? I was able to get the PT3 ones for HEM but I don't know how to get the HEM ones for PT3.
I think by default into C:|HMArchive, sorted by date
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-18-2010 , 03:20 PM
I thought I read somewhere that Rush isn't supported by HEM? I downloaded the trial and imported around 6k hands but I'm only able to see about 150 hands of data from non-rush games. Is there any way that you can see your results from rush or does HEM not even acknowledge those hands?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-18-2010 , 03:20 PM
I have two questions regarding HEM. This is for the purchased version.

- RE: the HUD, I moved the boxes around so even though I have the seat preferences set between HEM and Stars, I'm still not in the right place. Which means I still have to move stuff around! Their FAQ says to play a few hands and wait for the HUD to catch up but it isn't doing anything. Do I need to relaunch it to get it straight? I have tried the relaunch option but that doesn't seem to work.

- How do I view stats on tables that I'm not actually sitting at?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-18-2010 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by wengleha
I thought I read somewhere that Rush isn't supported by HEM? I downloaded the trial and imported around 6k hands but I'm only able to see about 150 hands of data from non-rush games. Is there any way that you can see your results from rush or does HEM not even acknowledge those hands?
Looks like if I go to players and search myself...I get data for 4700 hands so this must include Rush. Is it possible to get the rush results to show in the cash reports and graphs etc.?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
07-18-2010 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by wengleha
Looks like if I go to players and search myself...I get data for 4700 hands so this must include Rush. Is it possible to get the rush results to show in the cash reports and graphs etc.?
Nvm - needed to clear my filters. Hopefully this helps someone else.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
