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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

06-24-2010 , 12:06 AM
Can I only restore the basepod graphcs than and keep the rest?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-24-2010 , 05:44 AM
the lastast version of holdem manager still don‘t show hud on ipoker euro tables,this bug has been reported many times since last year,why don’t you just fix it?
please don‘t tell me to change my os language into english etc,that isn't a solution.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-24-2010 , 09:31 AM
ive had my hem for 2 years and all of a sudden yesterday it says my trial is up and doesnt work anymore, im not really computer literate so i need help
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-24-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by yuyafox
the lastast version of holdem manager still don‘t show hud on ipoker euro tables,this bug has been reported many times since last year,why don’t you just fix it?
please don‘t tell me to change my os language into english etc,that isn't a solution.
Yes, there used to be an issue but it has been resolved. I just confirmed with multiple members of my tech team that play there.

You do not need to change the Language. You only need to change the regional formatting for currency, date, and time. PostgreSQL requires that or it will not be able to properly decipher the data HM is feeding it.

Make sure windows is fully updated and change your Windows Control Panel > Regional Settings > Format to English (USA).

You can leave the computer in your native language, but the formatting must be changed if you want HM and SQL to work.

Please update to the latest beta -

Try the table finder -

*If that doesn't help, Please let me know what time zone you are in and what time/days are convenient for you, so we can schedule a Teamviewer session. Download the Teamviewer Quick Support Module - . I schedule support from 12:00 - 22:00 EDT, 7 days a week.

Originally Posted by BK1248
ive had my hem for 2 years and all of a sudden yesterday it says my trial is up and doesnt work anymore, im not really computer literate so i need help
You should be able to use the same code and just register it again, as pc 1 or 2.

If you are unable, try using our registration system to register your license. Then you will be able to retrieve or reset your own license, as needed.

To get your current license from a running installation of HEM: Help > Show Serial Number

You will need to sign up, login, and then reset your code, then logout/login, to verify it was reset.

If you are still unable to get it working, Please send your Reg.log file from the C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Logs folder, with a link to this thread, and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-24-2010 , 01:05 PM
I go to table options and put the min amount of hands to 25-50 to display stats and the hud hides my stats and shows the other players stats after the 1st hand.

When I put the min amount of hands to 1, it shows everyones stats after 1 hand.

I am trying to set my hud up so that it wont show stats on my opponents until at least 25 hands.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-24-2010 , 01:37 PM
thx fozzy, evrytime i click on those links it doesnt work, i tried reenter my reg code and it says not valid, been ok for 2 years before this tho

i emailed them 3 times and havent gotten a response, i cant play w/o my HUD

Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-24-2010 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by Just a guy
I go to table options and put the min amount of hands to 25-50 to display stats and the hud hides my stats and shows the other players stats after the 1st hand.

When I put the min amount of hands to 1, it shows everyones stats after 1 hand.

I am trying to set my hud up so that it wont show stats on my opponents until at least 25 hands.

This is a known bug that will be fixed in a future update.

Originally Posted by BK1248
thx fozzy, evrytime i click on those links it doesnt work, i tried reenter my reg code and it says not valid, been ok for 2 years before this tho

i emailed them 3 times and havent gotten a response, i cant play w/o my HUD

It is probably in my inbox or the general box still. A couple of guys are off this week so I got a lot of emails waiting to be answered. Send me a PM with your email address so I can find your emails in our system
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 02:04 AM
I played a session at my friend's up house, ended up flopping a royal flush and got paid off it for about 1.8 BI at the 100nl rush. I want this added to my PTR but I don't know how. If i do a HH request from FTP is there anyway i can import it into my graph.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 05:41 AM
they finally got back to me 12 hours later and sent me the same reg code i already have, and also links that never work, fozzy can u look into again please

do these links ( HEM/reg)only not work for me?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 09:34 AM
Originally Posted by hoplo
I played a session at my friend's up house, ended up flopping a royal flush and got paid off it for about 1.8 BI at the 100nl rush. I want this added to my PTR but I don't know how. If i do a HH request from FTP is there anyway i can import it into my graph.

Originally Posted by BK1248
they finally got back to me 12 hours later and sent me the same reg code i already have, and also links that never work, fozzy can u look into again please

do these links ( HEM/reg)only not work for me?

The links work fine. What do you mean? You dont get any webpage there?

Enable the options to see Hidden Files and System Protected Files:

1. Delete C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\holdemmanager.exe.ldat (Program Files (x86) if you have the 64bit version)

2. Delete C:\ProgramData\XHEO INC\SharedLicenses\HoldemManager.lic (XP Users can find the file at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\AppData\XHEO INC\SharedLicenses\HoldemManager.lic)

3. Update to the latest beta -

If you can't find those files, DO NOT delete any other files with similar names.

Please send your Reg.log from the C:\Program Files\RVG Software\Holdem Manager\Logs folder to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 09:35 AM

• Fixed Cereus HU hands not being imported after Cereus update
• Fixed wrong winnings information on Stars tournaments caused by new format for first place winnings
• Fixed GBP and EUR Hands being imported as USD on iPoker

Build has minor graphical errors in Table Scanner. Nothing preventing full functionality. This problem will be fixed in .03 release.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 10:38 AM
Do you know if there are any plans (and if so any schedule) for the table scanner to support the Merge network (Carbon poker)?

(I've asked in the 'sites you want supported' thread on the Table Scanner forums but not gotten an answer.)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:51 AM
This was just asked by on of the support team this week and the answer was no, there are no plans to support Merge for the scanner.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:20 PM
Hey can only get Results Analysis to show detailed stuff (mean, median sd etc.) on very limited numer of stats in the Players tab... Any plan to change this?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
This was just asked by on of the support team this week and the answer was no, there are no plans to support Merge for the scanner.
Thanks - do you know if there are technical issues that make it difficult or if it's because it's not considered a popular enough site to support it?

Only asking because the current lobby at carbon is pretty horrible and jumps around and re-arranges itself a lot which I can imagine could cause problems for the table scanner- this is supposed to be fixed when they launch their new software in July though.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by screwed99
Hey can only get Results Analysis to show detailed stuff (mean, median sd etc.) on very limited numer of stats in the Players tab... Any plan to change this?
It has been suggested for the Sessions tab, so if/when we add it to the sessions tab I would hope it will be added to the Players tab also.

Originally Posted by MinusEV
Thanks - do you know if there are technical issues that make it difficult or if it's because it's not considered a popular enough site to support it?
I would guess the latter, but that is speculation at this point without me asking management.

nly asking because the current lobby at carbon is pretty horrible and jumps around and re-arranges itself a lot which I can imagine could cause problems for the table scanner- this is supposed to be fixed when they launch their new software in July though.
Has their traffic went up significantly since they added those new skins? Perhaps bring this up again when the new software is out and I can run it up the flag pole. I am sure they have no plans to add support for the existing client with a new one so close.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 04:34 PM
absolute worst piece of software I ever used for poker. Def do not recommend. I got the new version for the sole purpose of using it in rush poker but after one week, countless FAQs, troubleshooting procedures, I still haven't been able to use it properly in rush poker. The software sucks and it seems the developers released it without bothering to actually make sure HEM runs smoothly with rush poker.
Among the list of problems that pop up EVERY TIME i use hem with rush....
1. Players stats do not align properly. About 9 out of 10 times that I open rush poker, stats for only 7 players show up, and the panels are never aligned. So while I try to quick fold and play to the speed of rush poker, I simultaneously have to align the stats to the correct player.
2. Stats for the correct players on the table shows up....maybe once every five hands. Thats literally 80 percent of the time when the HUD stats on the table arent even for the players that are sitting at that table.
3. The few times that all the stats do show up in the proper place in one table...I open a 2nd table only to find out that the stats on the second panel are not in the right alignment.
4. Sometimes the HUD doesn't even start if i start a 3rd table.
5. Stats don't update regularly. I'll play a hand against a person and maybe 10 minutes later I'll be seated in the same table again, only to find out that the number of hands on the HUD for that player is still the same even though at the least it should one extra hand attributed to him.
6. Save positions, restore position buttons seem to be for show only. No matter how much I press on them, they never actually save nor restore HUD positions. In fact, sometimes it just actually removes a single HUD from the table so Im left with stats for 7 players.

I spent the past week trying to get this junk to work and it doesnt. I spend about half an hour each time I want to start a session just trying to get the HUD to work. Sometimes Ill just end up playing through the whole session with stats for the wrong people showing up at the wrong place or just flat out missing HUD boxes.

I hope no one else wastes their time or money with the new version of HEM. It really improves nothing from the older version and just adds frustration and work to your sessions. Complete waste.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 06:55 PM
Hey is there any plans to make the replayer show the stats up to that hand?

Originally Posted by akaAlso
Hopefully better late than never eh?

There is a way to export your notes to a spreadsheet to run a search, see here :-

Last edited by Gravity69; 06-25-2010 at 07:04 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 10:40 PM
06-25-2010 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
It has been suggested for the Sessions tab, so if/when we add it to the sessions tab I would hope it will be added to the Players tab also.
I don't think you fully understood what I was asking for here. In the "PLAYERS" tab there is a 'Results Analysis' window. When I run one of the reports this says essentially that it will populate when I 'click on a column to sort'. The problem is that this only works when I click on VPIP, bb/100 and PFR and no other stats.

I can find averages easily at the bottom of each column in the main Player Summary window but not the more advanced statistics.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-25-2010 , 11:17 PM
Post your suggestion in our forums in that case.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-26-2010 , 05:06 AM
OK I apologise I didn't realise that was not done on this thread thanks ;p
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-26-2010 , 12:00 PM
Not a problem. It is just hard for me to keep accurate track of all the suggestions that could come from this thread without making mistakes. We added suggestions forums to our site so that users can post suggestions with a yes/no poll and other users can then discuss and vote on the ideas. That way I cant screw up and forget to write down a suggestion.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:38 PM
So i get an error msg while opening HM and now cannot open it. "The following error occurred while trying to open the database. Failed to establish connection to (IP address)
Then it takes me to PostgreSQL. If i click connect, it tells me that the connection cannot be made and HM cannot start the device. So now i can use it. How do i fix this?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-26-2010 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by vkotlyar
So i get an error msg while opening HM and now cannot open it. "The following error occurred while trying to open the database. Failed to establish connection to (IP address)
Then it takes me to PostgreSQL. If i click connect, it tells me that the connection cannot be made and HM cannot start the device. So now i can use it. How do i fix this?
First reply of Fozzy answer here should do it.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
