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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

06-28-2010 , 01:32 PM
Hi, I am using PT3 when i play and then importing all the files when i am done with the session into HEM.

However today it missed 68 hands in my HEM database vs. the PT3 database, never had this problem before but the import showed up with 74 import errors when i "import from folder". These are NL10 Rush 6max hands. I then tried to export the hands from PT3 and import into HEM, and the 74 import errors appeared again. But HEM says that 9828 hands were imported, and thats exactly how many NL10 Rush 6max hands i have played. But in the cashgame reports in HEM, it shows 9760 hands, so the 68 hands from today is still missing
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by PokerChick90
Hi, I am using PT3 when i play and then importing all the files when i am done with the session into HEM.

However today it missed 68 hands in my HEM database vs. the PT3 database, never had this problem before but the import showed up with 74 import errors when i "import from folder". These are NL10 Rush 6max hands. I then tried to export the hands from PT3 and import into HEM, and the 74 import errors appeared again. But HEM says that 9828 hands were imported, and thats exactly how many NL10 Rush 6max hands i have played. But in the cashgame reports in HEM, it shows 9760 hands, so the 68 hands from today is still missing
What version of HM? 1.11.02b? If not, please update to the latest beta -

To get all your missed hands imported after updating.

1) Right-Click your Desktop > New > Folder.
2) Go to your \HMArchive folder - To verify the path, go to Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Edit > Archive Folder: _________.
3) Open that folder and copy the hands (folders of hands) you think it has missed. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HMArchive\2009\07\31). Also get any hand files that are in your \poker site\hand history folder.
4) Paste them into your new desktop folder > HM > Import From Folder.

If you are still unable to get them to import, Please zip and email the problem hand histories, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 02:12 PM
i made 2 appointments with you twice for teamviewer and u stood me up both times, since you cant get it to work can i get a refund and ill just go back to PT3
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
What version of HM? 1.11.02b? If not, please update to the latest beta -

To get all your missed hands imported after updating.

1) Right-Click your Desktop > New > Folder.
2) Go to your \HMArchive folder - To verify the path, go to Options > Configure Auto Import Folders > Edit > Archive Folder: _________.
3) Open that folder and copy the hands (folders of hands) you think it has missed. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HMArchive\2009\07\31). Also get any hand files that are in your \poker site\hand history folder.
4) Paste them into your new desktop folder > HM > Import From Folder.

If you are still unable to get them to import, Please zip and email the problem hand histories, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to
Was running 1.11.02, updated to 1.11.02b now.

There is nothing in the HMArchive folder, as i am autoimporting with PT3 and not HEM. I am only using HEM to review sessions because its easier to use player aliases than in PT3. Tried to do a new import after updating to latest version but still the same problem. When i am running the import from files in the folder where all my hand histories are, it processes 1 file which returns 74 import errors. Is it possible to see which file it processes to find out where the import errors comes from?

Edit: The 74 import errors comes when importing the exported hands from PT3, no import errors from the original hand histories but still missing hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 04:04 PM
Can you explain the meaning of something in "Cash Games" > "Reports". I'm using the "1 - Leak Buster - Stakes" report.
Say that over x hands I lost $150 (-$150 in the $ column).
And say, in the "$(EV adjusted)" column it says -$55.
What does that mean? Does it mean I "should" only have lost $55, and that I ran badly over the sample in question?
I have seen explanations of "$(EV adjusted)" in various places including the HEM forums and FAQs but I still don't understand exactly what it means.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by BK1248
i made 2 appointments with you twice for teamviewer and u stood me up both times, since you cant get it to work can i get a refund and ill just go back to PT3
Actually, we had 3 meetings scheduled. The first was on Sunday morning when we met. I met you the first time, and spent over an hour trying to fix your issues, then we rescheduled for later when you had finished updating windows because you had XP SP3 but did not have IE8 yet (which HM needs to be able to register with).

I had some things come up which caused to me to be very late last night, and I apologize. I was running an hour late this morning and let you know via email but you did not respond to that last message I sent.

My support manager seems to feel you are infected with malware after I have explained what is happening and all the things I already tried. I am fairly confident if you get the malware cleaned up and/or reinstall windows it will be able to register fine.

If you are unable to do that, or don't want to, then you can email and ask for a refund. Make sure you email them from your same email address and they will see our email and chat history so they can ask me if they need clarification. I will make sure to copy this post/reply to that support ticket in case they have any questions.

Last edited by fozzy71; 06-28-2010 at 05:54 PM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by PokerChick90
Was running 1.11.02, updated to 1.11.02b now.

There is nothing in the HMArchive folder, as i am autoimporting with PT3 and not HEM. I am only using HEM to review sessions because its easier to use player aliases than in PT3. Tried to do a new import after updating to latest version but still the same problem. When i am running the import from files in the folder where all my hand histories are, it processes 1 file which returns 74 import errors. Is it possible to see which file it processes to find out where the import errors comes from?

Edit: The 74 import errors comes when importing the exported hands from PT3, no import errors from the original hand histories but still missing hands.
If you auto import with pt3 it will move them to \poker tracker 3\processed. HM will not archive files when using the manual import from folder/file method.

What site are the hands from? The originals import but the exported pt3 hands dont?

Please the hands and email them to me at, with a link to this thread and your forum name.

If it is for Microgaming it may not be possible to fix:

My Poker Tracker Hands don't Import into Holdem Manager.
Poker Tracker puts different dollar amounts and different names for the players when they export hands. These hands do not import back into Poker Tracker either. If you can import the hand back into Poker Tracker with a new database, send us an email with the exported Poker Tracker hands and we'll investigate further.

Originally Posted by leyhal
Can you explain the meaning of something in "Cash Games" > "Reports". I'm using the "1 - Leak Buster - Stakes" report.
Say that over x hands I lost $150 (-$150 in the $ column).
And say, in the "$(EV adjusted)" column it says -$55.
What does that mean? Does it mean I "should" only have lost $55, and that I ran badly over the sample in question?
I have seen explanations of "$(EV adjusted)" in various places including the HEM forums and FAQs but I still don't understand exactly what it means.

In short, you should have lost $55 but you actually lost $150, so you were running above all-in expectation.

This is the best explanation I have seen and far better than I could do.

Watch this video -


What EV can do / how it can be used:
Any allin situation, before the river, where a player has at least one "out" results in a EV $ Diff.
$Won + EV $ Diff = $USD EV
(AA vs KK is the most fun example... AK vs QQ is the most common "coinflip")

The "problem" what some people don't understand:
A: If a player has 0 outs, or
B: the allin situation takes place on the river there is NO EV DIFFERENCE.
C: If a shortstack goes allin preflop, and is called by two bigstacks. And the two bigstacks continue to bet on the flop, turn or river, this situation is treated as situation B. (EV = 0)
Fozzy AHK: "You can't calculate all-in equity if you don't know the hands you are up against."
D: If you commit 80% of your stack with the best hand, but your last 20% goes allin with the worst hand, the $EV Difference will be calculated by your entire stack.

Why "EV by street" (which people who often see situation D want) is a bad thing:
Best explanation here -

Summary of that thread:
- you have AA, you raise to 80% of your stack, donkey calls, flop comes K83 rainbow.
- you then go all-in, no matter the flop, because you're committed.
- out of 100 times, 88 times donkey folds.
- 12 times donkeys calls with a set (33/88/KK).
What shall EV by street bogusly do? It shall do no computations for the 88 times where donkey folded--> "no more calculation".
What shall EV by street do the 12 times where donkey calls with a set? "Show that donkey sucked out and that you got unlucky".

So although you ran obviously uber-good by having donkey folding 88 times out of 100. EV by street focuses on the 12 times where donkey hit his set and tells that you're running below EV.
This is a well-known gambler fallacy. And this is why "EV by street" is completely bogus and should not be implemented.

Note: Tristanblue writes "it's precisely because EV by street does nothing to your adjusted-graph on these cases where the opponent folded that it is completely bogus."
But what if your opponent never folds? Suppose there are two players A and B.
Player A has AA, B has KK. (both have $100 stacks). They commit half their stack preflop and the flop comes AK6. Player B (KK has 1 "out") to win the hand.
If I would play this hand I would always make sure I'm allin on the turn.
However Player X always commits the rest of his stack on the flop and turn *except for one dollar*. And he commits on the river.
Of course, 4% of the time, the rivercard is the case King. Player X's EV Diff is always 0.
My EV Diff is -$4 (96 out of 100 times) and +$96 (4 out of 100 times)
So our EV graph actually looks the same after 100 of these hands.


*Single Table Tournaments only (includes: Double or Nothings, Headsup, etc.... excludes: single table satellites!)
*cEV Diff (chip EV difference)....: this works exactly the same as the $EV Won for cashgames.
*$EV Diff (dollar EV difference)
*$Won + SUM $EV Diff = $EV Won
*The same "why EV per street is bad" applies for tourneys too.

-->Confusion: $EV Won vs $USD EV vs EV $ Diff vs $EV Diff vs cEV Diff vs $Won vs Luck Adjusted Winnings vs All-in EV (do we need eight different terms for three different things?)

*In addition: the $EV Won can be confusing when it's negative and a larger number than the actual buyin, or positive and a larger number than the actual first price money.
You have some extreme situations (often in Double or Nothing and in SUPER TURBO SNGs)

Extreme examples:
$169 buyin SUPER TURBO, $Won = $720 (1th place)---> $EV Won = -$196 (a negative value, that is higher than the actual buyin)
$5.20 buyin DoN, $Won = $10---> $EV Won = $11.35 (more than you can actually win)

So EV becomes quite a meaningless number if you focus on one game (or in the "case King hits the river" AA vs KK example on that one hand)
The more you play, the more accurate it gives a representation of your overall "luck".

And it doesn't take into account coolers. There was a program called set-o-meter (worked with PT2) where you could see how often you'd hit a set.
EV doesn't take into account how often (and how much) you win/lose with an overpair against a set (and vice versa).
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
Actually, we had 3 meetings scheduled. The first was on Sunday morning when we met. I met you the first time, and spent over an hour trying to fix your issues, then we rescheduled for later when you had finished updating windows because you had XP SP3 but did not have IE8 yet (which HM needs to be able to register with).

I had some things come up which caused to me to be very late last night, and I apologize. I was running an hour late this morning and let you know via email but you did not respond to that last message I sent.

My support manager seems to feel you are infected with malware after I have explained what is happening and all the things I already tried. I am fairly confident if you get the malware cleaned up and/or reinstall windows it will be able to register fine.

If you are unable to do that, or don't want to, then you can email and ask for a refund. Make sure you email them from your same email address and they will see our email and chat history so they can ask me if they need clarification. I will make sure to copy this post/reply to that support ticket in case they have any questions.
i understand ur busy and all, but if u could let ppl know in advance when the meeting is not gonna happen I think that is good business. I could see one time but being stood up 2 times in 15 hours is a bit ridiculous. I reset my day to be prepared for these meetings and I dont even get an email.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 07:31 PM
In short, you should have lost $55 but you actually lost $150, so you were running above all-in expectation.

Thanks for that info and the link...

One thing though: Surely if I "should have" lost 55 but actually lost 150 then, I was running below all-in expectation, not above ?
I.E. I lost more than I "should have" ?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-28-2010 , 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by fozzy71
If you auto import with pt3 it will move them to \poker tracker 3\processed. HM will not archive files when using the manual import from folder/file method.

What site are the hands from? The originals import but the exported pt3 hands dont?

Please the hands and email them to me at, with a link to this thread and your forum name.

If it is for Microgaming it may not be possible to fix:

My Poker Tracker Hands don't Import into Holdem Manager.
Poker Tracker puts different dollar amounts and different names for the players when they export hands. These hands do not import back into Poker Tracker either. If you can import the hand back into Poker Tracker with a new database, send us an email with the exported Poker Tracker hands and we'll investigate further.
It is FTP, Rushpoker. I tried to make a new fresh database in HEM and imported my hands from this month, and that actually worked for all hands

Tried to purge the hands for this month in my old database and reimport, but that failed, over 200 hands missing there now. Very weird, but i think i'll just reimport all hands to the new database i set up where it worked as before, hopefully this wont happen again. Is it possible to export an alias from the old database to the new one, so i dont have to set them up all again?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-29-2010 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by leyhal
In short, you should have lost $55 but you actually lost $150, so you were running above all-in expectation.

Thanks for that info and the link...

One thing though: Surely if I "should have" lost 55 but actually lost 150 then, I was running below all-in expectation, not above ?
I.E. I lost more than I "should have" ?
I am very sorry, yes. I should have re-read my answer after posting it. I turned them around.

Your expected winnings were $55 and you actually lost $150, so you lost $95 more than you should have. You were unlucky because if you ran at expectation you would have more money in your pocket.

Originally Posted by PokerChick90
It is FTP, Rushpoker. I tried to make a new fresh database in HEM and imported my hands from this month, and that actually worked for all hands

Tried to purge the hands for this month in my old database and reimport, but that failed, over 200 hands missing there now. Very weird, but i think i'll just reimport all hands to the new database i set up where it worked as before, hopefully this wont happen again. Is it possible to export an alias from the old database to the new one, so i dont have to set them up all again?
Not yet, but it has been suggested -
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-29-2010 , 12:09 PM
is there a way to mark hands while using rush poker

if not, will there be?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-29-2010 , 12:29 PM
The only way would be manually by using the Hands tab in HM or similar. If you refresh and find the hand/holecards you can left-click the hand > right-click > mark selected hands. I am not sure if it is planned but you are not the first to ask. I am not sure if it has been posted in our suggestions forum but it couldnt hurt to do so. The table averages HUD was removed, I think, because it only shows the last 3 hands and you may have quick folded 3 times and those hands are lagging behind.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-29-2010 , 01:57 PM
Hello all, My apologies if this has been covered.

A few months back I updated hem and found it doesnt work with win2k, which is all i have to work with atm. Is there a way to "go backwards" so I can continue to use it with win2k until i get win 7 or whatnot.

Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-29-2010 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by shanei74
Hello all, My apologies if this has been covered.

A few months back I updated hem and found it doesnt work with win2k, which is all i have to work with atm. Is there a way to "go backwards" so I can continue to use it with win2k until i get win 7 or whatnot.

Unfortunately I don't think it is possible any longer. The last version that worked with win2k was 1.09.03 I think, and chances are all of the major sites have had too many updates since then.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-29-2010 , 09:38 PM
I got a support request from someone who showed me that there are notes in his HEM database but no notes were showing up in his HUD or in HEM anywhere. The query that was used to grab the notes is:

SELECT p.playername, h.note
FROM hemplayernotes h
join players p on h.player_id = p.player_id
order by p.playername

Is there any setting in HEM that might prevent notes from showing up?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-29-2010 , 11:19 PM
Fozzy, what does this mean?

Uploaded with
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 12:19 AM
Never had any trouble with the HEM HUD, haven't made any changes to anything on HEM since yesterday, now HEM is still importing my hands fine, but the HUD isn't reading my tables anymore.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 12:53 AM
Interesting. I downloaded an update here and now can't run HEM at all. Just get the folllowing pop up .

Kind of impressive turn of events. Assuming something is wrong with my computer, but prob doesn't help that I'm ******ed.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 02:57 AM
n/m, figured it out once I was able to run it as administrator. Apologies to Fozzy for wasting his time when he reads this.

(scurries away)
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by JPE23
Fozzy, what does this mean?

Uploaded with
EDIT: Sorted it Fozzy, was to do with firewall. Apologies.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 11:45 AM
Is there any way to save my holdem manager when reinstalling pc?

I think i will reinstall pc soon and i dont want to lose my hem licence.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Wafflelord
Is there any way to save my holdem manager when reinstalling pc?

I think i will reinstall pc soon and i dont want to lose my hem licence.

Your code is valid for 2 pc's at once and you can reset the code as needed. If you bought your license this year you can login to and reset the codes if needed. If you bought it before 2010 you will need to use our previous registration site until we have a way to integrate old codes into the new site.

Please try using our registration system to register your current/new license. Then you will be able to retrieve or reset your own license, as needed.

To get your current license from your running installation of HEM: Help > Show Serial Number

You will need to sign up, login, and then reset your code, then logout/login, to verify it was reset.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 08:29 PM
Hello all,

As of yesterday, I am a proud owner of HEM software. I didn't know where else to post this, and I didn't want to create a new HEM thread, so I hope this is appropriate.

Last night I spent about 2 hours trying to configure my HEM and HUD and it left me feeling frustrated and confused. I was able to get my hand histories loaded and the hud showed up on full tilt. Here are where my problems lie:

1. The hud seems extremely jumbled and covers most of the table. It is obscuring player stacks, names, board cards, etc... When I tried to move things around, a little box appeared around each players stats which allowed me to shift the stat position to the right or left by 1 centimeter or so. Is there a way to adjust both the size of the stats as well as a way to drag and drop the position of each stat box?

2. I have noticed in a lot of the HEM videos I have seen, people using a slick looking skin for the table and the cards are all solid color coded (at least for full tilt). Their HUD data also seems to be neatly boxed and organized next to each player. How do I activate this skin and keep everything clean and easily visible? Is it better to use the HUD with the standard full tilt table layout, or the race track layout?

3. Lastly, is there a place I can go to see what people are using for their HUD stats? I am a mostly a 6-max cash and sng player. I would like to create two different templates for these games. I have browsed through the HEM website forums, but the posts seem more problem and tech related, than insightful stat discussion. I need to find somewhere to begin my learning; and by learning I mean explanation of stats as well as ranges and values being assigned.

I am sure I will have a lot more questions in the future, but these are sure to keep me busy this week! Thanks for taking the time to address my noob issues with the software
Holdem Manager Support Quote
06-30-2010 , 09:18 PM
My question is this: in order to get HUD stats on someone, will I need to have played so many hands already with them, or does HEM automatically locate stats for players that sit at the same table with you?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
