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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

04-14-2020 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by Cities
Is there a way to configure how the HUD aligns with the screen? On WPN, my stats are directly over my cards and it is hard to read what the cards are.
Yes, it is just done differently than it was in HM2.

By default the HUD components placed on the table are locked in position to avoid accidentally moving the HUD while playing. To move the HUD component boxes to new locations on the table. Please see this FAQ.

Hold the Control key and left mouse button while dragging the HUD components to the new location.

Once they are positioned how you want them you will want to click the HM3 Table 'HUD' icon and 'Save Layout' or 'Lock & Save Layout'.

You can alternatively click the HM3 'HUD' icon and Unlock the HUD to move HUD groups around on the table without the need to hold the control key. This also applies to moving the HM3 Table 'HUD' icon - hold the modifier key to drag it; and also applies when moving mucked cards and board cards. To see the position of all mucked cards, use the HM3 Table 'HUD' icon to enable "Configure Mucked Cards".

p.s. The Graphical HUD does not have a lock on the HUD and it is moved using the right mouse button, like HM2.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-14-2020 , 09:21 AM
I was watching a poker play video that someone else made today and he mentioned that he switched back to HM2 from HM3 primarily due to how many additional clicks HM3 took to color code players on the HUD. This was the exact issue I reported months ago but was told it didn't have enough interest to fix.

I can't imagine how many others feel the same way but didn't bother writing a ticket for it- who doesn't appreciate something taking less clicks and time to accomplish the same thing, especially since it's a clear downgrade in functionality if that person was coming from HM2.

Is there any interest in optimizing the above at this point in time?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-14-2020 , 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by Haupt_234
I was watching a poker play video that someone else made today and he mentioned that he switched back to HM2 from HM3 primarily due to how many additional clicks HM3 took to color code players on the HUD. This was the exact issue I reported months ago but was told it didn't have enough interest to fix.

I can't imagine how many others feel the same way but didn't bother writing a ticket for it- who doesn't appreciate something taking less clicks and time to accomplish the same thing, especially since it's a clear downgrade in functionality if that person was coming from HM2.

Is there any interest in optimizing the above at this point in time?
We wrote this feature request up on January 22, 2019:

Add quick Player Note Color selection asterisk option (HM2 Feature)

There are currently 4 users asking to be notified when it is implemented so it is still a low priority request with no ETA for when it might be implemented.

If you want to be notified if/when it is added please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-3954 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-14-2020 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
These issues should be resolved now. One of our licensing servers was 2 seconds off of the others which was causing a variety of issues like you described and with new users on first installation not getting a trial license issued.

Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.

Restart HM3 and you should have to login in one, and only one, time.

If you continue to have problems:

Please create a support ticket via the 'Contact Support' link with a link to this thread and your forum username. Please reproduce the problem and attach a set of log files and a screenshot and detailed description of the issue in the support ticket you created.

Customer Support
Thanks, yt works perfectly now, I didn't have to use my credentials.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-14-2020 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Framepler
Thanks, yt works perfectly now, I didn't have to use my credentials.
Excellent, thank you for letting me that it helped you. Hopefully it will also help all these other users that I am replying to in our support ticket system.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-14-2020 , 12:53 PM
I imported my HUD from HM2 to HM3. The main HUD works fine, but the popups now take to long to populate when I click on them. In HM2 Popup stats would immediately display when I hovered over them, in HEM 3 I click on the stat I want the pop up for and the pop up appears with no data for about 20-30 secs, by the time it populates I have already had to play my hand. Is there something I can do to make the popup stats populate immediately?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-14-2020 , 01:23 PM
I hope Holdem Manager makes my decision come October really easy. Missing features, missing plugins, more clicks to achieve the same thing... not something I'm going to want to be paying money for. In fact I'm probably not even going to want to get familiar with the program, because that itself is a huge time investment.

I'm not thrilled by my other options but I'm not going to be paying money for what, from an end-user experience at least, is unnecessary aggravation. Less clicks per information/note/whatever and making sure it does what HM2 currently does at least should be high priority things.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-14-2020 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by mjm
I imported my HUD from HM2 to HM3. The main HUD works fine, but the popups now take to long to populate when I click on them. In HM2 Popup stats would immediately display when I hovered over them, in HEM 3 I click on the stat I want the pop up for and the pop up appears with no data for about 20-30 secs, by the time it populates I have already had to play my hand. Is there something I can do to make the popup stats populate immediately?
Please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and reproduce the issue then send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of that FAQ with a link to this forum thread.

ALso make sure you export the HUD from HM2 and zip/attach it directly to that support you sent the logs in.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-15-2020 , 05:37 PM
Is there a way to center the stats in the report columns? If not could that feature be added? Using HM3.

Thank you
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-15-2020 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Is there a way to center the stats in the report columns? If not could that feature be added? Using HM3.

Thank you
This is not currently possible but has been requested:

Reports grids: add option to center stat column values

And we have a related feature request:

Report Header column text should span/wrap to always display (Missing HM2 Feature)

If you want to be notified if/when they are added please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-4301 and HMT-4302 are Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-16-2020 , 12:52 PM
I just checked my results for this month and they are super inflated on HM3 v3.1.8.0.

I looked at the top winning hand- the pot was ~80bb and I jammed all in (300bb) and got a fold but the 'Net Won' for the pot is showing up as ~340bb.

The next highest winning hand on the month, I jammed 130bb into a 14bb pot and even though villain called and only had ~14bb effective, the net won for that hand is showing up as 150bb so HM3 is definitely really messing up on the accounting.

Is this a known issue and how do I fix it ASAP?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-16-2020 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Haupt_234
I just checked my results for this month and they are super inflated on HM3 v3.1.8.0.

I looked at the top winning hand- the pot was ~80bb and I jammed all in (300bb) and got a fold but the 'Net Won' for the pot is showing up as ~340bb.

The next highest winning hand on the month, I jammed 130bb into a 14bb pot and even though villain called and only had ~14bb effective, the net won for that hand is showing up as 150bb so HM3 is definitely really messing up on the accounting.

Is this a known issue and how do I fix it ASAP?
It doesn't sound like a known issue but I can't really say for sure without knowing what site the hands are played on and having the original hand history files for those hands/days sent in for testing.

Please zip and email the original problem hand histories and tournament summaries to us as instructed at the bottom of this FAQ.

Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-16-2020 , 01:47 PM
How do I remove stake categories/filters in hm2 without making a new database and importing hands?

What are the steps in pgadmin tool?

Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-16-2020 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by matt57225
How do I remove stake categories/filters in hm2 without making a new database and importing hands?

What are the steps in pgadmin tool?

I just replied to the thread you? made about it in the HM2 forum here -

I don't know how it was done in HM1 and asked one of our remote support techs if he knew how to do it HM2 and he doesn't believe that it is possible in HM2 like it was in HM1 due to the split PSQL database design that was done for HM2.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-16-2020 , 03:08 PM
Hi. I am using HM2, and I have hands in a database on PT4 that I would like to transfer over. Is this possible? I exported the hands from PT4, but all the hands go under errors when I try to import onto HM2.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-16-2020 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
I just replied to the thread you? made about it in the HM2 forum here -

I don't know how it was done in HM1 and asked one of our remote support techs if he knew how to do it HM2 and he doesn't believe that it is possible in HM2 like it was in HM1 due to the split PSQL database design that was done for HM2.

Customer Support
Ah ok, thank you for checking on that.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-16-2020 , 03:27 PM
Is there a way to tell HM3 to always show graphs in hands instead of days and without/with certain characteristics (ie bonus/rakeback). Everytime I reopen the program it resets to days and showing bonus which I don't have. Obviously it only takes a couple clicks to switch it but was just wondering if there is a setting I am missing as to how I prefer my graphs
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-17-2020 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by grindpoke
Hi. I am using HM2, and I have hands in a database on PT4 that I would like to transfer over. Is this possible? I exported the hands from PT4, but all the hands go under errors when I try to import onto HM2.
I just replied to your PM:

HM2 can't parse hands that are exported from PT4. You have to import the original hands from their processed folder as explained on our FAQs here.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-17-2020 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by thrasher789
Is there a way to tell HM3 to always show graphs in hands instead of days and without/with certain characteristics (ie bonus/rakeback). Everytime I reopen the program it resets to days and showing bonus which I don't have. Obviously it only takes a couple clicks to switch it but was just wondering if there is a setting I am missing as to how I prefer my graphs
It sounds like there is a bug/corruption in your config file.

Close HM3, exit the server icon from the Windows System Tray and view your C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0 folder with Windows File Explorer. If you can't see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.

Please right-click and 'Copy' ONLY these 2 files:
- HoldemManager.config
- HoldemManager.config.bak

And paste them to a new folder on your desktop.

Open the original C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Roaming\Max Value Software\Holdem Manager\3.0\HoldemManager.config file in a text editor and delete the 2 sections of values you see for 'Section Name="Graph"' and 'Section Name="HoldemManager.PlugIns.Reports"'. You need to delete the entire section of values below those lines and above the next '/Section' tag that ends that section.

Here is an example before editing:

And here is how they should look after being edited:

Save the file, close it, and launch HM3 and now it should remember your graph settings through a restart.

If you continue to have problems exit HM3 fully again and try to simply delete the config file. Note: Resetting the config file to default means you need to check and re-configure any/all settings that might have been customized previously. Auto import folders, Archive folder, pref seating, general settings, etc.

We also have a related feature request you may be interested in adding your up vote to:

Allow users to save graph options per graph instead of globally

If you want to be notified if/when it is added please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-4914 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-17-2020 , 12:53 PM
Hi, where can I find the download for HM2? I have a key code for a few years ago and I like to start using it again. Thanks, Rogbey
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-17-2020 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by Rogbey
Hi, where can I find the download for HM2? I have a key code for a few years ago and I like to start using it again. Thanks, Rogbey
You can still download HM2 from our new site: Support - Support Center - HM2 - Downloads -

Reinstall HM2 from this file -

- After downloading, you should right-click the file, go to properties and click unblock.*
* If you do not see an 'unblock' option you can ignore this step.
- Then, right click the file and run as administrator.

Please update to the latest beta version -

The same code can be used on 2 pc's you own at once and can be reset as often as needed. Please try using our site to retrieve and/or reset the code whenever necessary.

If you have any problems activating the software please see this FAQ for help in resolving licensing issues.

If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and send your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-18-2020 , 02:36 PM
Is the Ignition Hand Grabber broken again?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-19-2020 , 01:08 AM

is there a way to filter these?

1) I open EP->LP 3bets->one of the blinds flat--> i want to know what all i called/4bet

2) I open EP-> one caller--> one of the blinds squeeze--> i want to know what all i called/4bet
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-19-2020 , 08:37 AM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
Is the Ignition Hand Grabber broken again?
It seems to be working fine for me this morning, ignoring the fact that the Ignition Hand Grabber (IHG) app 'Status' says 'No Tables Found' while playing.

HM3 and the HM3 Server/HUD, and the Ignition Hand Grabber (IHG) app processes must always be started before you open the Ignition poker client software. If the Ignition poker client is closed for any reason you must shut down HM3 and restart it fully again.

- Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
- Start HM3 and wait for the HM3 server to start. You will know it has started when the 'Start HUD' button switches to say 'Stop HUD'. If that doesn't happen then you can start it via the HM3 - File - 'Start Auto Import' option.
- Once the HM3 HUD/Server is fully running you only then can start the Ignition client.

Take a seat at one table, allow the HUD to appear before you open a second table and wait for the HUD to appear there before opening a third e.t.c.

If you continue to have problems:

Please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and reproduce the issue then send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of that FAQ in a new support ticket.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-19-2020 , 09:09 AM
Hey Fozzy, appreciate the work you do in this thread.

Do you know if our EV line for SNGs on Party Poker is accurate even if our results aren't? I've set all buy ins/winnings to $0 for just a flat green line but not sure whether to trust the EV line.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
