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Holdem Manager Support Holdem Manager Support

03-29-2020 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Thanks for hot key info.

Another question...I have some tournaments tagged, how do I find them?
Similar to how it was done in HM2. Open the Report Selector - Analysis - 'Tag' report and/or use the '[x] Tagged Hands' filter on any of the Reports or Live Play view:

^Note: I circled the 'Bad Beats' line but I was actually active/selected on the 'Unmarked' line, hence all the hands in the hands grid portion of the report instead of just the 1 hand.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 11:59 AM
Maybe I'm an idiot and just not getting it, but I'm trying to find tagged tournaments, not tagged hands.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Maybe I'm an idiot and just not getting it, but I'm trying to find tagged tournaments, not tagged hands.
No, you are not an idiot. I misinterpreted your post as I am not a tourney player, and forgot we added tournament tags back in November. Those have to be filtered for in the Reports using the HMQL Filter Editor field above the reports or in the Tournament Filter Editor - Basic - 'Tournament' filter menu:

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 12:15 PM
Perfect! Thank you Fozzy and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
Perfect! Thank you Fozzy and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.
You also, and stay safe/inside and wash your hands.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 01:52 PM
I was just going to reply to you @Haupt but when I quoted you the quote wasn't there. I assume you found it on our main site's downloads page and deleted your post here before I could reply.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 03:34 PM
is there a way to make it work properly with Ignition? Before the update I was getting detecting unknown Ignition version. Now it is saying "grabbing ignition hands" but no table founds and not importing anything. Is there a third party software I can use to make it more realible? I have HM3
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by ka1z0ku
is there a way to make it work properly with Ignition? Before the update I was getting detecting unknown Ignition version. Now it is saying "grabbing ignition hands" but no table founds and not importing anything. Is there a third party software I can use to make it more realible? I have HM3
Are you using our grabber or a third party card catcher? If you are using a 3rd party grabber you should ask their support. One user posted that v5770 wasn't working with the ICC from Ace Poker Solutions and he was asking where to download from, which you can do here.

If using our grabber you have to update to v5770. If you have not done that yet, please do that first from this link.

Then make sure that our grabber and HM3 are properly configured to save and auto import the hand history files.

HM3 and the HM3 Server/HUD must always be started before you start the IGN poker client.

- Close your poker clients, close HM3 and right-click - 'Exit' the HM3 Server icon in the Windows Notification Tray.
- Start HM3 and wait for the HM3 server to start. You will know it has started when the 'Start HUD' button switches to say 'Stop HUD'. If that doesn't happen then you can start it via the HM3 - File - 'Start Auto Import' option.
- Once the HM3 HUD/Server is fully running you can then start the Ignition client.

Take a seat at one table, allow the HUD to appear before you open a second table and wait for the HUD to appear there before opening a third e.t.c.

If you continue to have problems:

a) Take a screenshot of the table/desktop before and after the problems
- Try to include the Live Play tab, Tools - Import details - Live Play and Errors, your poker client lobby and a browser page of this site - - visible in the screen shot.
- Select all the hands for this session in the 'Sessions' report with the Ctrl+A keys then right-click - 'Export' those hands and zip/attach them as well. We need the grabbed and exported versions of these hands to compare with the logs to look for name mismatches.
- Close HM3 and the Holdem Manager Server icon in the system tray.
- If it is not running or fully launched please open your Windows Task Manager and right-click - End Task on 'Holdem Manager 3', *'HM3 HUD' and 'HoldemManager.Server' if you see them. *
- Attach a copy of the original Hand history for the table with the issue*

b)*Click Start - All Apps - Holdem Manager 3 - 'Copy HM3 Log Files to Desktop'

c) Then zip and attach** all (Ctrl+A - Right-Click - Send to - Compressed (zipped) folder) files in that folder to this same support ticket with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you are having. *Here is a direct link to your My Tickets page -

*All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM3Archive is in C:\HM3Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Network\Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM3Archive\SiteName\HM3Archive\2016\07\31).* It is configured in the Tools - Settings - Import menu.

**If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like or dropbox, then right-click - 'copy dropbox link' and paste the download link directly into the support ticket email. If you have any problems with dropbox please try using google drive or instead.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-29-2020 , 08:47 PM
Im thinking about buying hm3 because i play on winamax anonym tables quite often and hm2 doesent have hud for that currently. Can i see the hud properly with hm3 on winamax anonym tables?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-30-2020 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by dont3betme
Im thinking about buying hm3 because i play on winamax anonym tables quite often and hm2 doesent have hud for that currently. Can i see the hud properly with hm3 on winamax anonym tables?
a) The HM3 HUD works there but it won't reset properly when new players sit down so you have to reset the HUD for that player to Session Stats manually if/when you notice a player change.

This issue has been documented in detail and provided to the developers to resolve. If you want to be notified when it is fixed please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-3368 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

b) Is your HM2 HUD working on regular tables? Is the Anon HUD simply not resetting like I mentioned for HM3?

I don't see any open bugs about HM2 HUD not working on Winamax Anon tables, so it could just be that you need to update HM2 or possibly have a bad setting in your HM2 such as the Site Time Adjustment not corrected for the recent Daylight Savings Time switch.

Please update to the latest beta 8695 version if you haven't updated yet -

- After downloading, you should right-click the file, go to properties and click unblock.*
* If you do not see an 'unblock' option you can ignore this step.
- Then, right click the file and run as administrator.

Make sure that the Site Time Adjustment is properly configured such that the Time Stamp in the Reports for the hand matches your local windows clock time.

If you continue to have problems follow the steps below so we can review your settings and logs:

Please create a support ticket via the Contact Support link and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread. In the ticket send all the following:

Please follow the instructions in this FAQ and reply back with the answers to the 12 questions in that FAQ. Those answers should help us quickly identify your issue, skipping questions will just mean we have to ask again in the next email and will delay the resolution of the issue.

Please enable the Settings > Feature Logging > [x] 'HUDStats' and 'FastPoker' option and increase the Max number of log files option to 10 so old logs are saved with date/time stamps. You can also enable this before you launch HM2 from the Start Menu.

Please reproduce the problem and:
- Attach a screenshot of the table/desktop
- Try to include the Active Sessions tab and/or Sessions Report that also includes your windows clock and poker client lobby clock in the screen shot
- Attach a copy of the original Hand history for the table with the issue*
- Close HM2 and send your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

* All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD.* It is configured in the Site Setup - Auto Import Folders menu.

With all the above information we should be able to narrow down what is causing the issue. If all the information is not included we will need to email you again to request it.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-30-2020 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Holdem Manager
a) The HM3 HUD works there but it won't reset properly when new players sit down so you have to reset the HUD for that player to Session Stats manually if/when you notice a player change.

This issue has been documented in detail and provided to the developers to resolve. If you want to be notified when it is fixed please

Customer Support
i checked and it was documented by you on your forum months ago.
i play 8-12 midstakes table, i have no time to clicking anything while i play sadly. when someone new joins in, it doesent even reset pls work with on it

Last edited by dont3betme; 03-30-2020 at 10:31 AM.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-30-2020 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by dont3betme
i checked and it was documented by you on your forum months ago.
i play 8-12 midstakes table, i have no time to clicking anything while i play sadly. when someone new joins in, it doesent even reset pls work with on it
I just spoke to our QA/Testing Manager and he said he would talk to the developers to get this HMT-3368 ticket moved up to the top of the list to be worked on once a developer has some time for it.

If you want to be notified when it is fixed please send an email via the 'Contact Support' link and include "Notify Me When HMT-3368 Is Resolved" in the subject line and body of the email.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-30-2020 , 08:26 PM
thank you fozzy! best of wishes
Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-31-2020 , 05:46 PM
Anyone else getting duplicate hhs when trying to import party hhs to hm2?

not all hhs are duplicated but have some duplicates like this

Holdem Manager Support Quote
03-31-2020 , 09:13 PM
Im trying to look at my EV bb/100 and my bb/100 and all my stats through a few years in my database. Well it could be less because i vacuumed it once. The thing is i also played a ton of spin and go sngs and some sngs in the process. How do i completely remove the spin and goes and sngs i played when doing the filtering? After every session, i can go to overall and stack size and look at my ev bb/100, bb/100 and my pfr and other stats but i want to look at this over my database sample and remove any spin and goes and sngs that i played since obviously i dont want any of that in it and your prf, vip etc is going to be inflated because those are 3 handed etc.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-01-2020 , 04:33 AM
Notecaddy no longer creates new notes. After some googling it seems that the source of this problem could be a bugged HH in my databse, but I have no idea which hand to look for. How do I know which hands to purge in order to get notecaddy working again ?
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-01-2020 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by doctor877
Anyone else getting duplicate hhs when trying to import party hhs to hm2?

not all hhs are duplicated but have some duplicates like this

i) Please try to vacuum/analyze and reindex your database.

ii) If you continue to have problems, try the following:

Try creating a new DataBase and import a small portion of your \HM2Archive so you can see if the problem exists in the new DB.

If the new database seems to work properly, it sounds like your database might be corrupt. Please continue to use the new database and import the rest of your hands using the steps above. This is why regular backups are a good idea. If your database becomes corrupt you can restore a backup and only have to import the most recent hands (that were played after the backup was created) and edit any tournament results if necessary. I recommend keeping at least the most recent 2 or 3 backups in case the most recent one does not restore properly you can try the previous backup.

Here is a FAQ explaining how to backup your database and all settings in one easy step.

iii) If none of that helps please zip and email the problem hand histories, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to us using the 'Contact Support' link.

Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-01-2020 , 08:29 AM
Originally Posted by netstorm
Notecaddy no longer creates new notes. After some googling it seems that the source of this problem could be a bugged HH in my databse, but I have no idea which hand to look for. How do I know which hands to purge in order to get notecaddy working again ?
I don't use NC myself or do NC support in this thread. You can try asking in the NC thread here on 2p2 to see if anyone in that thread can help. If you can't get any help from power users in that thread then send some logs/screenshots in a support ticket and I can forward them to our part time NC support worker or our QA/Testing Manager for review to see if they can assist you.

HM2: If you continue to have problems, please reproduce the problem and send your HM2Logs folder with screenshots and a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing, with a link to this thread and your forum name.

HM3: Please create a support ticket via the 'Contact Support' link with a link to this thread and your forum username. Please reproduce the problem and attach a set of log files and a screenshot and detailed description of the issue in the support ticket you created.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-01-2020 , 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by PaulyJames200x
Im trying to look at my EV bb/100 and my bb/100 and all my stats through a few years in my database. Well it could be less because i vacuumed it once. The thing is i also played a ton of spin and go sngs and some sngs in the process. How do i completely remove the spin and goes and sngs i played when doing the filtering? After every session, i can go to overall and stack size and look at my ev bb/100, bb/100 and my pfr and other stats but i want to look at this over my database sample and remove any spin and goes and sngs that i played since obviously i dont want any of that in it and your prf, vip etc is going to be inflated because those are 3 handed etc.
You are still using HM2 I assume?

More Filters - Tournament Filters - 'Number of Players: Tournament Table Size' - 'Greater than 3'

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-01-2020 , 10:08 AM
Has Holdem Manager taken over development of Notecaddy? I noticed the assaultware guy kind of stopped caring right about the time Stars introduced all of the restrictions.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-01-2020 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by VforVendetata
Has Holdem Manager taken over the development of Notecaddy? I noticed the assaultware guy kind of stopped caring right about the time Stars introduced all of the restrictions.
We are finalizing a NC for HM2 Beta update now. I will post an additional reply when that is official.

We have been working extensively with the NC developer for the last few months on both NC for HM3 and NC for HM2.

NC for HM3 has been in private beta for a couple of months and most of the issues we have been addressing will result in an update for both HM2 and HM3 versions.

When the public Beta of NC for HM3 is released (followed up by an update of NC for HM2), we will also be freeing up more testing and development resources for ongoing NC support.

I hope to have a formal announcement soon on the NC for HM3 public beta.


Jim Varnon
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-01-2020 , 06:43 PM
Hi can someone please help me get my HUD working on ACR? It seems the time is off. I have no HUD, the hands do show up in my database the next day, but the live play is not current. I can't find how to adjust it in ACR if needed. I'm sorry, I've watched the videos and still can't figure it out. Thank you.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-02-2020 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by spaceman
Hi can someone please help me get my HUD working on ACR? It seems the time is off. I have no HUD, the hands do show up in my database the next day, but the live play is not current. I can't find how to adjust it in ACR if needed. I'm sorry, I've watched the videos and still can't figure it out. Thank you.
HM2 or HM3?


Make sure you have the latest beta version from our forums installed.

Please edit the Tools - Site Settings - {your site/network name} - Time Zone Adjustment - [x] 'Manual hand time adjustment (in hours)' option so that the time for the hands in the Reports will match your local time if the Auto Detect method did not properly set the offset value.

If you continue to have problems:

Please see our HUD Troubleshooting FAQ and if that does not help then please send the requested logs, screenshots, and hand history files in a support ticket as instructed at the bottom of that FAQ.


Make sure you have the latest beta version from our forums installed.

Make sure that the Site Time Adjustment is properly configured such that the Time Stamp in the Reports for the hand matches your local windows clock time.

If you continue to have problems:

Please create a support ticket via the Contact Support link and if there is a forum thread with additional information please link to this thread. In the ticket send all the following:

Please follow the instructions in this FAQ and reply back with the answers to the 12 questions in that FAQ. Those answers should help us quickly identify your issue, skipping questions will just mean we have to ask again in the next email and will delay the resolution of the issue.

Please enable the Settings > Feature Logging > [x] 'HUDStats' and 'FastPoker' option and increase the Max number of log files option to 10 so old logs are saved with date/time stamps. You can also enable this before you launch HM2 from the Start Menu.

Please reproduce the problem and:
- Attach a screenshot of the table/desktop
- Try to include the Active Sessions tab and/or Sessions Report that also includes your windows clock and poker client lobby clock in the screen shot
- Attach a copy of the original Hand history for the table with the issue*
- Close HM2 and send your HM2Logs folder with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing.

* All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: D:\HM2Archive\2009\07\31) or if it was auto-imported with 7283+ it would be in \HM2Archive\SiteName\YYYY\MM\DD.* It is configured in the Site Setup - Auto Import Folders menu.

With all the above information we should be able to narrow down what is causing the issue. If all the information is not included we will need to email you again to request it.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-02-2020 , 05:54 PM
This probably has been answered before but who's going to read 2000 pages of questions right.

I'm wondering how come HM2 sometimes doesnt seem to process allin EV and whether there's some way to manually fix these mistakes. I could browse for several examples but this one just popped up while reviewing my most recent session.

I get in KK in pre vs KJ and 99 for 100bb and 88bb respectively + some dead money. Having about 68% equity my allinEV should be around 200bb, at 25nl being +$25.

I proceed to beat KJ and lose to JJ, returning 24bb or $6

afaik this should mean my $EVdiff should say +$44. Instead it states a $EVdiff of -0.89 meaning i'm supposedly expected to lose even more than I did.

Is this a known problem, and what causes HM2 to read the hand like this? It's a thing that I wouldn't say happens often, but does happen regularly and it screws with my reported EV line.
Holdem Manager Support Quote
04-03-2020 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by philhermouth
This probably has been answered before but who's going to read 2000 pages of questions right.

I'm wondering how come HM2 sometimes doesnt seem to process allin EV and whether there's some way to manually fix these mistakes. I could browse for several examples but this one just popped up while reviewing my most recent session.

I get in KK in pre vs KJ and 99 for 100bb and 88bb respectively + some dead money. Having about 68% equity my allinEV should be around 200bb, at 25nl being +$25.

I proceed to beat KJ and lose to JJ, returning 24bb or $6

afaik this should mean my $EVdiff should say +$44. Instead it states a $EVdiff of -0.89 meaning i'm supposedly expected to lose even more than I did.

Is this a known problem, and what causes HM2 to read the hand like this? It's a thing that I wouldn't say happens often, but does happen regularly and it screws with my reported EV line.
This isn't something I have the knowledge to answer personally. If you want to send us the original HH file, or export it from the database, and zip/attach it to a support ticket for testing I can have one of our testers that is versed in EV review if it is a bug or not for you.

Please zip and email the problem hand histories, with a link to this thread and your forum name, to us using the 'Contact Support' link.

Make sure you also include screenshots of your reports/filters and a detailed description by tournament number, session, hole cards, filter, stat, etc. of some of the errors we need to test.

All original hands that are auto-imported get moved to an archive for performance reasons. Your \HM2Archive is in C:\HM2Archive by default, but you may have put it anywhere. The archive should be organized by \Month\DayOfMonth (example: C:\HM2Archive\2016\07\31).

When sending any files please zip them (right-click > send to > compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. *If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox, then click 'Share' > 'Create Link' > Copy Link' *and right-click > 'Paste' the download link directly into the support ticket email. If you have any problems with dropbox try using or google drive.

Customer Support
Holdem Manager Support Quote
