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06-03-2013 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
I dunno, the scene just felt short and was filmed in such an undramatic way. I kind of feel like this entire sequence was just an exercise in filming the physical events of the Red Wedding in the most succinct, thrifty, and insipid way possible. There just wasn't much cinematic about it, very little style. The Baelor scene in s01e09 was artistic. This episode was a documentary.

There's just nothing artistic about it. Also I thought cutting from the whole thing starting to The Hound/Arya and then back again to be completely jarring. That should have happened completely after the the massacre. I also feel like they should have done some type of scene with showing how happy Edmure is and Ros to a less extent as they are having their clothes torn off down the hall (preferably a well lit place rather than the feast area) and then cut back to the feast are and have it happen. It also hurt that there is not a single general in robb's army that we know besides Bolton and Frey so it's all redshirts getting shot.

Originally Posted by Renton555
The point of Jinglebells was to illustrate how hopeless and desperate Catelyn was. It was her pathetic attempt at hurting Frey. You weren't meant to care for Jinglebells's dying, you were meant to see how absurd and pathetic it was.

Another +1

There's too much political **** to show a ****** being killed on tv though. It's impossible to film, this was a good compromise. It's a bit stupid as this version just adds to show how ruthless Walder is, which we already knew, but Cat comes off as pretty hopeless none the less.

Edit: actually I thought that the closing of the doors was a really nice touch, followed by Cat turning around the band starting to play but it should have cut to greywind and then directly back at that point... not to the hound and arya.
06-03-2013 , 10:47 AM
No idea why anyone is complaining about Hound/Arya stuff. It was great from start to finish.

Also, forgot to mention, silence over the credits was a perfect decision.

Some of those twitter comments are hilarious. I wonder if raitings will actually be down next week with so many ppl claiming to quit the show.
06-03-2013 , 10:49 AM
It just kinda hit me we are going to see Stoneheart next episode. And I am unbelievably pumped to see her wreak bloody vengeance on people next season. Her opening her eyes at the end of the episode is going to get people so ****ing excited.
06-03-2013 , 10:52 AM
The Arya stuff in the books was so stupid, you didn't actually think she was dead, right?
06-03-2013 , 10:52 AM
Seeing wolfhead this ep would have been turrrible.

Very very well done overall, level of shock from people is also not disappointing.

Only nits I can think of:

-There's something kinda clunky about it overall, it's a little drawn out and awkward in places, the way they framed Cat getting sliced is the biggest example I think of where they could have used some better directing, but will have to watch it again

-Roose bouncing off to the left off the screen was pretty wtf but makes me giggle

-The straight up shanking instead of axes makes more sense in the way that they did it with the room lockdown, but Robb getting shanked instead of the sword wrenched through the heart was a let down for me
06-03-2013 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by gobbo
It just kinda hit me we are going to see Stoneheart next episode. And I am unbelievably pumped to see her wreak bloody vengeance on people next season. Her opening her eyes at the end of the episode is going to get people so ****ing excited.
I dunno. I hope so. I think a lot of people might really hate it. Every book reader I know irl hates it. People don't like copout stuff like that.

Hope I'm wrong, though.
06-03-2013 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
Disagree with 2. That arya pov was heart pounding, the threat of her death there. Not sure how that is stupid.
I think that's the key difference between our points of view, I didn't think it was there at all. At some point you still know you're reading a book at that the author isn't going to kill everybody. It just seemed so incredibly cheap and obvious in the book. It would have seemed way worse on the show.
06-03-2013 , 10:59 AM
I hope the TV show does Cat's second chance a lot better than the books did. It doesnt work in the books because she is dragged out the water, then she is seen later alive, and that is basically it until the end of Brienne's walkabout.

Having zombie Cat killing Freys be a bigger part of the show could improve it no end.
06-03-2013 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by Renton555
The point of Jinglebells was to illustrate how hopeless and desperate Catelyn was. It was her pathetic attempt at hurting Frey. You weren't meant to care for Jinglebells's dying, you were meant to see how absurd and pathetic it was.
Show achieves this well with the death of Frey's wife.
06-03-2013 , 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by gobbo
It just kinda hit me we are going to see Stoneheart next episode. And I am unbelievably pumped to see her wreak bloody vengeance on people next season. Her opening her eyes at the end of the episode is going to get people so ****ing excited.

I think people are going to hate this just as much as I do. Bringing Cat back to life is one of the worst choices Martin made (probably 2nd only to the end of book 5). Doing it next ep will make it seem even cheaper. Don't think we'll see it till next season.
06-03-2013 , 11:02 AM
It's all but confirmed we'll see it next episode given the title. Can't really think of anything else "mother" could really apply to at this point in the arc.
06-03-2013 , 11:03 AM
Season should end with Lady Stoneheart opening her eyes.
06-03-2013 , 11:04 AM
stoneheart is completely awful. she kills a frey when she is introduced and thats more than enough. if she is constantly killing freys on the show it will be as awful as the theon torture porn scenes.
06-03-2013 , 11:06 AM
mother will be dany freeing the slaves. but stoneheart probably makes it next episode as well.
06-03-2013 , 11:08 AM
What was so bad with the ending of book 5?

Also - I really think D&D just kind of suck in their adaptations. The best episodes of the season have been the episodes that stick relatively close to the books narrative. They just ... I just don't like them. Maybe I'm biased against them, but I wish Martin had written this episode instead of the Bear and Maiden Fair. He said in his Q&A session at conquest that D/D were the ones that wanted to write this episode and it was just... clunky. It was just awkward. The guy stepping up to slit Cat's throat at the end was just comical. Dunno, maybe I'm just a hater.
06-03-2013 , 11:09 AM
I've said since we got episode titles that the last shot will be Uncat.
06-03-2013 , 11:12 AM
I agree that the RW should have been more sudden and faster. Viewers should have been not quite able to understand what was going on at a first watch and the whole scene should have been more dynamic. Stabbing Robb's wife was a great start but things moved much too slowly after that.
06-03-2013 , 11:12 AM
dracarys was perfect imo
06-03-2013 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by Dids

I think people are going to hate this just as much as I do. Bringing Cat back to life is one of the worst choices Martin made (probably 2nd only to the end of book 5). Doing it next ep will make it seem even cheaper. Don't think we'll see it till next season.
I think it will lessen the sting if she's somewhat normal like Beric. She's so over the top in the books that it borders on the ridiculous. She just had her throat cut in the show and shouldn't end up looking like a full blown zombie.
06-03-2013 , 11:12 AM
Cat being dragged out of the river by the brotherhood with Thoros and Dondarrion there, perhaps. We wont get zombie cat until next season imo. I dont think the show will have Arya's wolf dream.

Title is about Dany freeing the slaves imo and her having to come to terms with having so many "children" who need her protection.
06-03-2013 , 11:15 AM
it wasnt her appearance that bothered me in the shows it was the fact she appeared at all.
06-03-2013 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Cat being dragged out of the river by the brotherhood with Thoros and Dondarrion there, perhaps. We wont get zombie cat until next season imo. I dont think the show will have Arya's wolf dream.

Title is about Dany freeing the slaves imo and her having to come to terms with having so many "children" who need her protection.
Title is the valyrian word for "mother" which means yeah - it'll be about yunkai, but I'm assuming it will involve a lot of the mothers in the show, cat included.
06-03-2013 , 11:21 AM
Most of the titles end to have multiple meanings. Bear and the Maiden Fair could've applied to 3 or 4 storylines. Mhysa could be Dany or Catelyn easily.
06-03-2013 , 11:22 AM
It'll probably end with Cat opening eyes because they need to try to give viewers hope that something good will happen next season.
06-03-2013 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by prizminferno
So awesome.
