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Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End.

09-23-2013 , 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by riverboatking
wait really? i'm majorly grunching this thread, but how is this not the default opinion?

its just absurd that walt would go from turning jessie over to be tortured then killed, to going out of his way and risk his life to save him.

would just be atrocious writing, and there is literally not one single precedent from the writers or VG to lead any rational person to believe they would do that.
Agreed re: default opinion.

It is possible though that, whilst assaulting the Nazis, Heisenberg realizes he can use Jesse and the show goes off the air with them cooking again as H goes for 100% purity after stuffing Lydia in a barrel (she leads to Skylar getting killed) and becoming the middle man to Europe/kingpin again
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
So how much cash does Walt have on him? 100k-ish? He's gonna spend a lot of the gun and a car to get back I imagine.

The rest of the 11 milly is still in the cabin and is forever lost. Vacuum cleaner gonna be sippin on Piña Coladas in Cabo soon. AYE!
Hmm. I think he's probably going from the bar back to the cabin, imo. Steal or just buy a car, grab some stuff and his money then go.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:03 AM
This stuff will never get old.

Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
Hmm. I think he's probably going from the bar back to the cabin, imo. Steal or just buy a car, grab some stuff and his money then go.
Really doubt he goes back.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:05 AM
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
Really like the vacuum guys answer when Walt asked him to give his family the $ if found dead.
" would you believe me if I said yes?"
"Trust everyone, but always cut the cards."

Awesome little homage there.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:13 AM
Walt won't kill Gretchen and Elliott, he will frame them for his crimes.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:14 AM
I don't think WW goes back to the cabin just b/c (my guess) the plot will make more sense if he has $100k and not $11m
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:30 AM
Why is Jesse alive?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:36 AM
So he can ride into the sunset with brock
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:43 AM

Ending theory found on the internet:

>Felina ending scene
>Huell tries to climb out of the window
>Falls onto his arm and it snaps
>A passerby runs over and asks, "Are you okay? How's your arm?"
>Huell replies, "It's broke bad."
>Fade to black
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by Rex Banner
(another one in this very episode off the top was how Skylar was mindlessly listening to the horrible news she was being given paralleling Walt getting the news of his cancer - this **** is everywhere in S5 and will be great on re-watches)
lol, I was so caught up in the ep that I didn't catch it, but that's nice.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by waffle

Ending theory found on the internet:
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 09:56 AM
Originally Posted by Innocence
Police use Smith and Western handcuffs, i doubt you can unlock them with a paper clip
Smith and Western... lol.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:03 AM
Better than Johnson and Eastern cuffs tho
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:09 AM
Great ep. Next person to discuss the logistics of jesses escape needs to be banned with extreme prejudice

Loved the counteroffer of staying 1 hour for 10K instead of 2. So cold.

So much to fit in next week, please please please stick the landing.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:11 AM
stumbled across this on the inter webs. Got a good chuckle out of it. Jimmy Fallon Breaking Bad parody.

is 12 mins long but gets better as it goes. the ending is awesome.

Last edited by malleebull1; 09-23-2013 at 10:12 AM. Reason: credit
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:17 AM
I'm surprised so many people think Walt is coming for the Schwartzes. That was their last mention on the show IMO.

I was sort of in the "no way Walt frees Jesse" camp last week, but it makes sense now. Walt is totally alone and has ALWAYS been delusional when it comes to the relationship between him and Jesse. The hug in the desert is a great example of him believing his own bull**** and thinking he's trying to help Jesse (when Walt is really just serving his own interests).

They made a point to show in this episode just how lonely Walt has been for several months. Between that and his delusions about Jesse, I totally buy that Walt's ego will convince himself their relationship can be repaired. He could free Jesse, and then Jesse would immediately kill him as payback for all of his sins (Andrea and Jane being very fresh in his mind). I'm going to go ahead and call my shot now: it'll be similar to the scene in S4 when Walt purposely sets the gun down so Jesse will pick it up...only this time, it won't be on purpose, and Jesse will get in his last monologue before killing Walt.

EDIT: M-60 takes out the Nazis, and the ricin goes in Lydia's packet of Stevia.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:27 AM
still don't see any other way how the show ends

Walt Jr. sits at the table surrounded by dead bodies including the Nazi's, Walt, Skyler, Holly, and Jesse

[Louis enters stage left] "Hey Flynn, Pancakes or Cereal?"

Flynn places the Heisenberg hat on and a devious smile appears on his face. "I want it all Louis." [Fades to black]
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:32 AM
Surprised you guys aren't talking more about how perfectly the Grey Matter interview fit in with Heisenberg's "say my name" fetish. Just when he's resigned to his family, his empire, and his body all crumbling, up on TV pops somebody destroying his name and it kicks in that Heisenberg ego again. He even forced the nazis to show respect by calling Hank by his name before death. There's a real obsession there with name = respect, and it's great how they keep working it in.

Love the ricin / stevia prediction above. That sounds great.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:32 AM
Ricin obv going into the Peanut Butter Cup and Americone Dream Ben and Jerry's, knocking out all the Nazis and Jesse in one fell swoop
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:38 AM
Feel like a moron for not seeing the black and white dog as foreshadowing of grey matter. I think Todd is going to somehow die at the hands of Jesse before Walt gets there to confront the Nazis about not finishing the Jesse job. Obviously the Schwartzes are going to be at some sort of ribbon cutting ceremony where Walt either confronts them in front of media or uses the m60
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by imjosh
Ever since I saw the m60 in the opener 1 year ago I didn't think Walt would use it to physically try to mow down people Scarface style. I think the gun is a red herring and will just be used as a distraction method or just for some other means than shooting bullets in general. No idea how, but I think it will involve one final science trick. The idea of him dousing people in bullets just seems too out of character for me still---
You're probably right, but nothing would please me more than a finally where Walt Rambos off some hip shooting with a 7.62 belt fed machine gun.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by K.O.S.
the ricin goes in Lydia's packet of Stevia.
oooh I like this. That pretentious bitch getting whacked by a glass of hot (not boiling) water with a slice of lemon and a dash of ricin-laced stevia would be fun.

Though I suspect she'll be raped and killed by Todd.

Actually, Jesse escaping and Todd replacing him with Lydia in the gimp hole would also be fun.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Bunkosity
Huell does stand-up comedy IRL.
No, he was just the janitor that they pretended did stand up comedy.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
09-23-2013 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by thesilkworm
Got to feel sorry for Walt when the highlight of his month is playing 7 Card Stud.
haha wp
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
