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Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project

12-05-2011 , 06:42 PM
Garrard's still out recovering from back surgery; he won't play anywhere this year.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-06-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
The problem is neither Smith nor Martz will change a thing. That is their theme. They do something, and do it forever no matter the success with the current staff. Its called the "Martz System". Forget all exterior factors, 7 step drop! 3rd and 12, draw to Marion!
Ding, ding, ding. This wins the prize. Reading the chitown papers, Martz is out after this year. I suppose Smith is worried about "losing the locker room" as Hanie has been with the team and presumably practicing well so benching him might turn a few players off. Then again the players on the Bears want to get into the playoffs I assume so maybe not. There is something to be said for keeping Hanie and working on getting better as really the Bears can't play too much worse on offense than they did on Sunday vs. Chiefs.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-06-2011 , 05:45 PM
Who would they bench him for? McCown?

I mean McNabb & Farve are not realistic they could never learn the offense in time. Maybe if Mark Bulger is in shape somewhere, but I'm not so sure he is better.

This one is on Martz to find a way to get the best out of Hanie.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-06-2011 , 10:57 PM
OK, to all those who said in this thread a month ago "it makes good business sense to not resign Forte, and then just Franchise him the next two years"

How much sense does it make when Matt sits out the rest of the year because "I'm not risking any chance of further damage for a team that didn't resign me, and has me playing for 600K"?
And we then miss the Playoffs (and any Packers-like backdoor into a Championship) because as well as being without Cutler we have to win without our star RB too.

I personally wouldn't blame him for a second saying "I don't feel right. I can't play" if I'm at 95%, when I would have bit the bullet for them in a second if they'd given me a proper contract.

Karma is a bitch.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-07-2011 , 02:33 AM
Reading the NFL Discussion thread, the Lions GM track record with free agents came up, the guy is either running white hot or is awesome at finding FAs. And it really pissed me off thinking of our track record with free agents:

Frank Omiyale (lol)
Roy Williams (I mean really bro)
Chester Taylor (lololololol)
Adam Archuleta
Fred Miller

Angelo's had some good ones, (Peppers, Tim Jennings) but combined with his draft record jesus ****ing christ.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-07-2011 , 09:34 AM
I don't think Hanie's nearly as bad as he seems to be in the last two games, and especially in the Kansas City game where to my eyes it appeared the line was just awful. You can't fully appreciate Cutler and his ability to play competently behind this line.

I think Favre is by far the best option of any of the quarterbacks out there because he's the only one who can actually play. The guy was really good as recently as 2009 and last year suffered through an injury-riddled campaign. I don't know how well he could do given such a short time to prepare in this offense, though.

If we're not going to get Favre I say yeah, fine, take McNabb but don't expect anything out of him and I wouldn't put him in over Hanie yet. Basically, I feel like there's still a tiny chance Favre can pull a miracle and still be a good QB that can make a run, but McNabb is unquestionably pure rubbish now.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-09-2011 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Michael Davis
I don't think Hanie's nearly as bad as he seems to be in the last two games, and especially in the Kansas City game where to my eyes it appeared the line was just awful. You can't fully appreciate Cutler and his ability to play competently behind this line.

I think Favre is by far the best option of any of the quarterbacks out there because he's the only one who can actually play. The guy was really good as recently as 2009 and last year suffered through an injury-riddled campaign. I don't know how well he could do given such a short time to prepare in this offense, though.

If we're not going to get Favre I say yeah, fine, take McNabb but don't expect anything out of him and I wouldn't put him in over Hanie yet. Basically, I feel like there's still a tiny chance Favre can pull a miracle and still be a good QB that can make a run, but McNabb is unquestionably pure rubbish now.
Dude, get over it. They are not bringing anyone in.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-09-2011 , 09:56 PM
I'm over it? Perhaps I misunderstood the purpose of a discussion forum.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-10-2011 , 02:48 AM
in my heart i think they can win sunday, in my head i'm trying to figure out how hanie gets the ball up the field vs denver d

the over under on this game has to be 9.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-10-2011 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by willie
in my heart i think they can win sunday, in my head i'm trying to figure out how hanie gets the ball up the field vs denver d

the over under on this game has to be 9.
Lol, I agree. I think we can hold Denver to under 12 points, we really need points from defense/special teams.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-10-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by willie
in my heart i think they can win sunday, in my head i'm trying to figure out how hanie gets the ball up the field vs denver d

the over under on this game has to be 9.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by willie
in my heart i think they can win sunday, in my head i'm trying to figure out how hanie gets the ball up the field vs denver d

the over under on this game has to be 9.
tomorrow martz opens up the playbook, pretending we have to win the game because it's the nfc championship (and we ****ing do), offense gives us 14-20, one from defense or special teams, and we eke out a 23-17 win.

do or die, cmon guys, it's tim ****in tebow, just light him up!

beer is good.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by five4suited
beer is good.
Amen. You guys are screwed beyond belief. Can't wait for the first Tebow NFL blowout.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 05:55 AM
i think were gonna get tebowed today.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 05:56 AM
Originally Posted by Number1Hater
i think were gonna get tebowed today.
Wheres the faith?!?!?! PPL will be "Hanieing" all over the world after this game
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Wheres the faith?!?!?! PPL will be "Hanieing" all over the world after this game
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 12:42 PM
rumors that Jerry Angelo will retire at end of season
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 06:40 PM

Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 08:08 PM
Thanks Barber. Thanks Martz for calling a run to the short side when it's on the hash, and we only need to run 3 straight times.

Now go win the f***ing game.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 08:12 PM
gg barber
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by SharkSandwich
F*** You Barber.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by five4suited
tomorrow martz opens up the playbook, pretending we have to win the game because it's the nfc championship (and we ****ing do), offense gives us 14-20, one from defense or special teams, and we eke out a 23-17 win.

do or die, cmon guys, it's tim ****in tebow, just light him up!

beer is good.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 08:24 PM
Why on earth do they run a prevent defense when they are shutting the other team out the whole game. Lovie needs to go ffs
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Tbird05
Why on earth do they run a prevent defense when they are shutting the other team out the whole game. Lovie needs to go ffs
Agree entirely, it's ****ing Lovie all over. I mean even if they don't score the TD in the 4th, they handed them 3, and still just need the onside.

I've had it with Lovie now. Follow f***ing Angelo and Martz out the door.

Cowher would never let that happen. Let's lose out and clean house.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-11-2011 , 08:29 PM
Im speechless. On no planet should we have lost that game
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
