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III chess tournament 2p2 III chess tournament 2p2

04-18-2010 , 03:56 PM
doncasti 4-0 Cadaz.
I understand youknowwho quits, bobjoejim and hoyasaxa wins K-0.
Next pairing in few minutes.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-18-2010 , 04:09 PM
pair me for the next round, hopefulyl ill figure it out ill post the screen of the error code later today
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-18-2010 , 04:13 PM
You can use other clients than babaschess...maybe try Winboard, iNemesis or Thief...also check if your OS is babas-compatible

Originally Posted by PyramidScheme
someone who understands babaschess please help me i got really irritated playing those 4 games. it simply wont start, im getting some weird error code i REDOWNLOADED it but it still doesnt work, it will not let me log on. If I cant fix it Id rather withdraw than play on winboard again, if it cant be fixed can someone suggest an interface that was created by an American not a chinamen. The pieces look like a chinese restaurant.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-18-2010 , 05:53 PM

Since babas worked earlier i dont see how it can be a combustibility issue.

Also I was using winboard, its oriental trash. Id rather watch Oliver Perez pitch then play on that again.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-18-2010 , 06:40 PM
R3 results:

nikitheone-youknnowwho 1-0
nezh-damagor 1-0
tom martell-hackdeath 1-0
allinmclovin-fezjones 1-0
grasshopperAA-m07 1/2-1/2
omgzacefron-bobjoejim -/+
warboat-hoyasaxa -/+
punker-pyramidscheme 1-0
holla-montrealcorp 1-0
cadaz-doncasti 0-1
supersnort-sink 1-0
chessterfish-BYE +/-

standings after R3 without tiebreaks:

nikitheone 3.0*
nezh 3.0*
tom martell 2.5*
hoyasaxa 2.0*
holla 2.0*
punker 2.0*
bobjoejim 2.0*
allinmclovin 2.0*
hackdeath 2.0*
damagor 2.0*
m07 1.5*
grasshopperAA 1.5*
fezjones 1.5*
pyramidscheme 1.0*
supersnort 1.0*
warboat 1.0*
chessterfish 1.0*
doncasti 1.0*
omgzacefron 1.0*
montrealcorp 0.5*
sink 0.0*
cadaz 0.0*

R4 pairing:

tom martell[2.5]-punker[2.0]

R5 last round pairing: next sunday
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-18-2010 , 06:48 PM
apologies to hoyasaxa, I've been busy and away and only had access via PDA which I can't play chess on or PM (ok, I could but I've got 2p2 in mobile mode). If it's ok, I would still like to play R3 match albeit late?
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 01:15 PM
it would be okay with me, organizers?
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 01:46 PM
I'm not a tourney organizer so it's not my call whether it will count in the tourney standings. If you guys play your R3 match late I WILL definitely include it in the ratings list though.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by warboat
apologies to hoyasaxa, I've been busy and away and only had access via PDA which I can't play chess on or PM (ok, I could but I've got 2p2 in mobile mode). If it's ok, I would still like to play R3 match albeit late?
Originally Posted by hoyasaxa
it would be okay with me, organizers?
At first, i didnt see much of a problem if u just manage to play both games (R3 & R4) before sunday. But then i thought its unfair for other players that have also missed matches. So, FOR THIS ONE TIME ONLY, u can play your match.
Then, that goes also for the other missed match from R3: omgzacefron-bobjoejim. (Although its up to bobjoejim if he wants/can play it or not). For previous rounds its just to much trouble; there's nothing to be done.
I suggest u play first R4 cause last pairing is on sunday no matter what. (Actually you should, to give priority to R4 opponent).
However, R4 pairing keeps the same, no matter the result. And the update of points will be done before R5 pairing.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 05:53 PM
m07 4-0
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 07:35 PM
Doncasti 2.5 - 1.5 GrasshopperAA
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 07:39 PM
apologies to any opps i didn't play- i moved last month and only recently got a regular internet connection again.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 09:25 PM
DaMaGor def. BobJoeJim 4-0
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-19-2010 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by ToTheDeath
apologies to any opps i didn't play- i moved last month and only recently got a regular internet connection again.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-20-2010 , 09:49 AM
Cadaz 4-0 sink
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-20-2010 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Cadaz
Cadaz 4-0 sink
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-21-2010 , 08:15 PM
Hackdeath 4-0 hoyasaxa
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-22-2010 , 07:33 AM
Originally Posted by Hackdeath
Hackdeath 4-0 hoyasaxa
it was ugly

also i think i was seriously late - i was working latish and just happened to be taking a break when hackdeath challenged me, so for that im sorry
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-23-2010 , 03:50 PM
My opponent is not answering my PMs
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-23-2010 , 07:25 PM
All-inMcLovin 3 - Holla 1

I lost the first game.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-24-2010 , 05:26 PM
lost my match 2.5-1.5 vs supersnort
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-24-2010 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by chessterfish
lost my match 2.5-1.5 vs supersnort
Ooh, good match. Tied 1.5-1.5 after three games, you guys played a 58 move 4th game, with supersnort pulling it out as black? I might actually have to look through that game, should be interesting to see how it went.
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-24-2010 , 09:01 PM
still no answer
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-25-2010 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by BobJoeJim
Ooh, good match. Tied 1.5-1.5 after three games, you guys played a 58 move 4th game, with supersnort pulling it out as black? I might actually have to look through that game, should be interesting to see how it went.
just ignore my queen going walkabout in game 3
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
04-25-2010 , 04:03 PM
yeah well idk what happens here my match didnt happen/ i guess wont happen never answered any of my PMs
III chess tournament 2p2 Quote
