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Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds

03-01-2011 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
If the kid won't compete against a woman in sports, would he:

Vote for a woman running for public office?
Hire a woman to work for him?
Take orders from a female boss?

And would not doing any of the above be seen as the kid having 'pure integrity' by those who salute him for not wrestling against a girl?
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
Oh here comes off tstretch armstrong again.

What does this have to do with physical competition between men and women? I would vote for a woman, hire a woman, and i've worked for a woman before. Yet, i still don't believe in mixed gender competition? What the hell are you trying to prove? Weak.
So it's only virtuous to discriminate against a woman in an athletic competition? It's not acceptable in any other circumstance?
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-01-2011 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
So it's only virtuous to discriminate against a woman in an athletic competition? It's not acceptable in any other circumstance?
If the woman in question is not claiming discrimination, nor most other women that i hear from on the topic, what gives you the right to claim it?
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-01-2011 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
If the woman in question is not claiming discrimination, nor most other women that i hear from on the topic, what gives you the right to claim it?
Discrimination: treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-01-2011 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Discrimination: treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit.
thanks wikipedia, you really cleared that up for me (as always)
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 06:55 AM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
You guys can attack me from any which angle you like, but you're still wrong...and here's why...

I've given you all sorts of different information and examples in regards to why mixed gender competition is unfair.
You didn't respond to my last post. Does that mean you concede that the "males are advantaged on average" and "no female could compete with the top x males" lines of reasoning are hopeless, not only in this particular case but in general? They commit you to consider the usain-bolt-and-inferior-sprinters-competition to be unfair as well.
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
In fact, i'll go to the extreme in this argument and say i don't believe there is a woman in the world that can compete in professional men's sports. Prove me wrong.
There isn't a sprinter in the world that can compete with Tyson Gay and Usain Bolt over 100m. Prove me wrong!

If we take the argument you've offered to its logical conclusion, the only genuinely fair competetion is one where only a single person and clones of that person can compete.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
Thank you, Splendour, for your voice of reason. Perhaps these other monkeys will wake up and stop blindly comparing apples to oranges in the name of equality.
Well you do have to realize very few will agree with you on here.

They do like their arguments from logic. It's just they don't like their logic to be reality based.

For instance they reject emotions (emotions are reality based) as the emotional conduit of logic since emotions are partly perceptual and partly expressive. They ignore the perceptual function in favor of the few instances where emotions are expressed extremely and negatively. If they can miscategorize emotions as "always irrational" then they can ignore the messages emotions send them in favor of what they personally are interested in upholding.

Its simply reality to say that one girl is not representative of a whole gender group and they are upholding the outliers like only the outliers' rights should be respected instead of the group being considered as a whole. They make the exceptions the rule then instead of going with the norm of the majority. This way their logic doesn't contradict. But practical reality sometimes paradoxically injects itself into logic. Practical logic usually would never dismiss reality in the favor of a few just based on an argument that seems to not have any holes in it. Actual experience gives life to the holes.

They should try polling girls and see how many of them think sports should be combined. I imagine extremely few would advocate combined professional sports. Even most of the champion girls wouldn't see an advantage in it. There would be fewer trophies to be won if you combined men and women in sports and so less chances to rise to the top.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Well you do have to realize very few will agree with you on here.

They do like their arguments from logic. It's just they don't like their logic to be reality based.

For instance they reject emotions (emotions are reality based) as the emotional conduit of logic since emotions are partly perceptual and partly expressive. They ignore the perceptual function in favor of the few instances where emotions are expressed extremely and negatively. If they can miscategorize emotions as "always irrational" then they can ignore the messages emotions send them in favor of what they personally are interested in upholding.

Its simply reality to say that one girl is not representative of a whole gender group and they are upholding the outliers like only the outliers' rights should be respected instead of the group being considered as a whole. They make the exceptions the rule then instead of going with the norm of the majority. This way their logic doesn't contradict. But practical reality sometimes paradoxically injects itself into logic. Practical logic usually would never dismiss reality in the favor of a few just based on an argument that seems to not have any holes in it. Actual experience gives life to the holes.

They should try polling girls and see how many of them think sports should be combined. I imagine extremely few would advocate combined professional sports. Even most of the champion girls wouldn't see an advantage in it. There would be fewer trophies to be won if you combined men and women in sports and so less chances to rise to the top.
The wrestler would of had a problem sparring and training with you in judo.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by batair
The wrestler would of had a problem sparring and training with you in judo.
LOL...I will admit a young guy did show up to the dojo once with a yellow belt on and an attitude. The black belt girls had some fun teaching him a new found respect.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
LOL...I will admit a young guy did show up to the dojo once with a yellow belt on and an attitude. The black belt girls had some fun teaching him a new found respect.
They should of refused to allow the girls to teach that respect.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by batair
They should of refused to allow the girls to teach that respect.
Why? If you don't learn respect you will continue to do foolish things.

A black belt is a sign of technical expertise. Nobody hurt him. It's an unspoken rule in a dojo that you don't hurt your training partners. We just demonstrated a little technical expertise.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Well you do have to realize very few will agree with you on here.

They do like their arguments from logic. It's just they don't like their logic to be reality based.

For instance they reject emotions (emotions are reality based) as the emotional conduit of logic since emotions are partly perceptual and partly expressive. They ignore the perceptual function in favor of the few instances where emotions are expressed extremely and negatively. If they can miscategorize emotions as "always irrational" then they can ignore the messages emotions send them in favor of what they personally are interested in upholding.

Its simply reality to say that one girl is not representative of a whole gender group and they are upholding the outliers like only the outliers' rights should be respected instead of the group being considered as a whole. They make the exceptions the rule then instead of going with the norm of the majority. This way their logic doesn't contradict. But practical reality sometimes paradoxically injects itself into logic. Practical logic usually would never dismiss reality in the favor of a few just based on an argument that seems to not have any holes in it. Actual experience gives life to the holes.

They should try polling girls and see how many of them think sports should be combined. I imagine extremely few would advocate combined professional sports. Even most of the champion girls wouldn't see an advantage in it. There would be fewer trophies to be won if you combined men and women in sports and so less chances to rise to the top.
Nobody is arguing that men's and women's sports should be combined. What we're saying is that if a girl wishes to compete with boys (for instance, if a girl's league for the sport in question doesn't exist), she should be allowed to try to do so without being discriminated against.

You and Icheckforvalue are arguing that girls shouldn't even be allowed to try to compete with boys.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by batair
They should of refused to allow the girls to teach that respect.
Originally Posted by Splendour
Why? If you don't learn respect you will continue to do foolish things.
You have zero sense of humour.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Nobody is arguing that men's and women's sports should be combined. What we're saying is that if a girl wishes to compete with boys (for instance, if a girl's league for the sport in question doesn't exist), she should be allowed to try to do so without being discriminated against.
Then the boy can claim reverse discrimination.

Some people are very strange about letting the opposite sex touch them. I know someone who told me the other day that coachs shouldn't be touching injured teenage girls but that they should just call the paramedics. I'm not sure if I agree with that but it's something to think about.

This was a statement made by a Christian nurse.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Why? If you don't learn respect you will continue to do foolish things.

A black belt is a sign of technical expertise. Nobody hurt him. It's an unspoken rule in a dojo that you don't hurt your training partners. We just demonstrated a little technical expertise.
Because both wrestling and judo have close and similar physical contact so anyone thinking like the wrestler in the op should refuse to spar the girls you speak of.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Some people are very strange about letting the opposite sex touch them. I know someone who told me the other day that coachs shouldn't be touching injured teenage girls but that they should just call the paramedics. I'm not sure if I agree with that but it's something to think about.

This was a statement made by a Christian nurse.
What if the paramedics are male? Why is the nurse allowed to touch a boy?
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Then the boy can claim reverse discrimination.
No he wouldn't, because nobody would be attempting to keep him from doing something based on his gender.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Hopey
Nobody is arguing that men's and women's sports should be combined. What we're saying is that if a girl wishes to compete with boys (for instance, if a girl's league for the sport in question doesn't exist), she should be allowed to try to do so without being discriminated against.

You and Icheckforvalue are arguing that girls shouldn't even be allowed to try to compete with boys.
Exactly, you are trying to present an issue that nobody has brought up. We said in this instance, in a high school sports that specifically allows for gender mixing, that this kid refusing to compete against a girl with a proven skillful ability because of his "religious values" is pretty stupid.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Icheckforvalue
Well thats very convenient of you to be able to expand and contract the definition of logical at your own leisure.

You're clearly missing my point. Men are athletically more adept creatures than women. This is a physiological fact. You cannot argue this. And the reason for this, is the production of a hormone called testosterone which results in muscle mass, strength, bone, etc. Speed is also proportional to muscle force.

So in almost all major recognized sports, men will athletically dominate females. Im sorry to burst your bubble. Now...i am not saying this girl could not have gone on to win the tournament, because she really may have been the most skilled wrestler. What i am saying is that this child forfeited out of principle and that i can respect. If he accepted the match, he is in fact accepting open competition in any sport between male and female competitors. Im not sure how you would look at that, but thats biologically unfair, given the fact that men create up to over 10x as much testosterone as women.
You logic, I believe, is still flawed. It is a fact that men are prone to being stronger then men due to their physiological differences. That is different then saying all atheletic men of X weight are stronger then women of the same weight.

This woman has already been competing against men of the same weight class and beating them.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by schef
What if the paramedics are male? Why is the nurse allowed to touch a boy?
I think you misread my post.

I was quoting a nurse I know. I'm not exactly sure I follow her reasoning partly because she didn't explain it all. It's probably more reasonable to insist a coach knows CPR and first aid. I watched a guy the other day on t.v. that had a motorcycle accident where he landed on the top of his head. The bystanders rushed up and pulled him to his feet but that's not right with that type of an injury/accident. He could have injured his spine and needed to be checked for that before they pulled him to his feet. People in general don't know the basics of first aid. If he'd injured his spine they could have paralyzed him by pulling him up on his feet.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
You logic, I believe, is still flawed. It is a fact that men are prone to being stronger then men due to their physiological differences. That is different then saying all atheletic men of X weight are stronger then women of the same weight.

This woman has already been competing against men of the same weight class and beating them.
This was pointed out to him repeatedly throughout the thread. At first he ignored it, and then he started making nonsensical arguments such as "who cares about her beating boys, could she beat a full-grown man????!"

I'm pretty sure Splendour has managed to snag a mate and has convinced him to start posting on this message board.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I think you misread my post.

I was quoting a nurse I know. I'm not exactly sure I follow her reasoning partly because she didn't explain it all. It's probably more reasonable to insist a coach knows CPR and first aid. I watched a guy the other day on t.v. that had a motorcycle accident where he landed on the top of his head. The bystanders rushed up and pulled him to his feet but that's not right with that type of an injury/accident. He could have injured his spine and needed to be checked for that before they pulled him to his feet. People in general don't know the basics of first aid. If he'd injured his spine they could have paralyzed him by pulling him up on his feet.
I do agree that it can be counterproductive if a layman tries to help an injured person, however from what I have read, the consensus is that most of the time any help is still better then no help. (e.g. many people do in fact know that you shouldn't move a person with a head/back injury.)

If this is the point of your nurse, why would you bring up the gender of the injured person in a thread which discusses a gender issue? You even prefaced it with this:
Some people are very strange about letting the opposite sex touch them.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
I think you misread my post.

I was quoting a nurse I know. I'm not exactly sure I follow her reasoning partly because she didn't explain it all. It's probably more reasonable to insist a coach knows CPR and first aid. I watched a guy the other day on t.v. that had a motorcycle accident where he landed on the top of his head. The bystanders rushed up and pulled him to his feet but that's not right with that type of an injury/accident. He could have injured his spine and needed to be checked for that before they pulled him to his feet. People in general don't know the basics of first aid. If he'd injured his spine they could have paralyzed him by pulling him up on his feet.
what does your blog story have to do with the issues in the thread? One second we're discussing gender issues and now...
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Splendour
Well you do have to realize very few will agree with you on here.

They do like their arguments from logic. It's just they don't like their logic to be reality based.

For instance they reject emotions (emotions are reality based) as the emotional conduit of logic since emotions are partly perceptual and partly expressive. They ignore the perceptual function in favor of the few instances where emotions are expressed extremely and negatively. If they can miscategorize emotions as "always irrational" then they can ignore the messages emotions send them in favor of what they personally are interested in upholding.

Its simply reality to say that one girl is not representative of a whole gender group and they are upholding the outliers like only the outliers' rights should be respected instead of the group being considered as a whole. They make the exceptions the rule then instead of going with the norm of the majority. This way their logic doesn't contradict. But practical reality sometimes paradoxically injects itself into logic. Practical logic usually would never dismiss reality in the favor of a few just based on an argument that seems to not have any holes in it. Actual experience gives life to the holes.

They should try polling girls and see how many of them think sports should be combined. I imagine extremely few would advocate combined professional sports. Even most of the champion girls wouldn't see an advantage in it. There would be fewer trophies to be won if you combined men and women in sports and so less chances to rise to the top.
Well stated...there's a reason this post is on the theological forums. His reaction is a question of morality. I see it as a morality that transcends logic. Its like trying to quantify or give absolute meaning to God using logic. It can't be done. Its a spiritual/metaphysical issue.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 07:40 PM
I cant be the only one that is actually dumbfounded that somebody is trying to make a valid point and using Splenda quotes to back them up can I?

I mean, wow. Although I did laugh. This gets better with each post.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
03-02-2011 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
You logic, I believe, is still flawed. It is a fact that men are prone to being stronger then men due to their physiological differences. That is different then saying all atheletic men of X weight are stronger then women of the same weight.

This woman has already been competing against men of the same weight class and beating them.
Are you kidding me? Obviously there are weaker men than women on this planet. We're talking about averages.
Wrestler refuses a match on religious grounds Quote
