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12-14-2009 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by LVGambler
The new V is a good show. The blonde is hot. I'd do a 3-way with mom in a heartbeat.
Originally Posted by AntonHeat
Majin , I think you'd like that show V something along these lines.. btw lol some people are so naive lol scamaments
Thanks, i'm assuming you mean the mini-series "V"?

I don't think I am being naive, I think you are using the wrong word here.
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12-14-2009 , 05:18 AM
If humans came from Lyria...

..then why is our DNA so similar to that of other animals?

Did they devolve from us? Or were they always here, we came later, and we coincidentally have similar DNA and body structures? Apologies if this was answered in the video.
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12-14-2009 , 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
Thanks, i'm assuming you mean the mini-series "V"?

I don't think I am being naive, I think you are using the wrong word here.
Is 3-way not an appropriate term for having sex with the blonde and her mom at the same time? J/K

I never said you were naive. I might say you were being amenable (agreeable?). After all, anyone who takes any other one person's account for something is not a very conscientious person. Take for example aliens, in general. I would never rule them out (I'm pretty sure they exist somewhere in our universe), but I don't necessarily believe people when they say they've had encounters with them. Would I say they were insane or that they are outright lying? No, not really. In my mind, I'd say the jury is still out. I'm undecided until I get some proof. Now if everyone I knew (my friends and family) had encounters with aliens and they seemed genuine and sincere with their accounts, then I might not need any proof at all. But it would take more than just one of them to convince me.
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12-14-2009 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by AntonHeat
Majin , I think you'd like that show V something along these lines.. btw lol some people are so naive lol scamaments
im at least 95% sure this isnt a scam

its a man with severe mental problems, that for whatever reason rather than getting medication to help him cope, has been encouraged by those around him to believe and pursue his delusions
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12-14-2009 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
It all depends on how you look at it.. to the logical mind who refuses to accept even the possibility that people are/could be tampering with their reality without them knowing, then yes it definitely is a form of escapism, whether you take in to account if the whole situation is real or not. To others, who are willing to explore the possibilities, and who are willing to question the intentions of the powers that be, it can become reality, which I will admit it sort of has become to me, call me clinically insane, call me what you like.
you seem very confused here. i dont deny even the possibility. im open to any possibility...i simply go where the data points. this man is no different than any other person espousing extremely large claims with absolutely no evidence. anyone can do that.

i can do that right now. there is a small group of invisible, mind-controlling elves that live under your bed and make you believe people like Alex are correct. i hope you wake up to this obvious reality some day.
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12-14-2009 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by brianpower
guess im at the very bottom right corner lol
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12-14-2009 , 12:00 PM
Too bad we can't ask Walter Bishop what he thinks. Or get Olivia Dunham to ask the people over at Massive Dynamics if they know anything about it.
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12-14-2009 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Great post, my friend. I'm glad we agree.

Wait, wat? I spoke on the believing game. You are speaking on the believing game and it's tragedy when taken to extreme.

There is another way. There is a knowing consciousness apart from a mind that merely believes. We are tripartite. First, we have a body. Second, we have a mind, which is part of what some call soul. And we have a 3rd part, called consciousness or spirit or awareness or w/e. In that 3rd part, the part that can observe the mind thinking, the error of the mind's believing game is apparent. Your 3rd part expressed it well in your own unique way, your 2nd part just missed it. Peace
There is a large amount of fail in the last paragraph. I think Qualiasoup does a better explaining job than I could, so watch THIS.
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12-14-2009 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
It all depends on how you look at it.. to the logical mind who refuses to accept even the possibility that people are/could be tampering with their reality without them knowing, then yes it definitely is a form of escapism, whether you take in to account if the whole situation is real or not. To others, who are willing to explore the possibilities, and who are willing to question the intentions of the powers that be, it can become reality, which I will admit it sort of has become to me, call me clinically insane, call me what you like.
Here you are making the good old new age-ist argument "you're just closeminded, unlike us".
The fact of the matter is that keeping an open mind does not necessitate allowing in all manner of ideas. It means only that one considers ideas fairly.
In ignoring the evidence laid to bear, in favor of keeping those strange ideas that conflict with said evidence, one is showing himself to be the close-minded one.
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12-14-2009 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by Tao1
Here you are making the good old new age-ist argument "you're just closeminded, unlike us".
The fact of the matter is that keeping an open mind does not necessitate allowing in all manner of ideas. It means only that one considers ideas fairly.
In ignoring the evidence laid to bear, in favor of keeping those strange ideas that conflict with said evidence, one is showing himself to be the close-minded one.
+2 well said. Be a conscientious person, while keeping an open mind.
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12-14-2009 , 08:00 PM
I think this Alex guy should contact JJ Abrams.. immediately! Maybe MajinBoob can get in on it, too.
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12-14-2009 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
If I touch the snow, I know it will be wet and cold. I don't have to believe it, I know it.

I know there is a consciousness apart because of my experiences. It's not a belief for me, it's a knowing. You don't believe it to be for whatever reasons you don't believe it. For you it's a belief, part of your believing game.
Knowledge is a subset of belief. When most people talk about what they know, essentially what they are saying is they believe something to the point that it would be utterly absurd to find out that they were wrong about it. You know the snow will be cold when you touch it. You know your pen will fall to the floor if you drop it. You know the sun will rise tomorrow. These things are not knowledge in terms of absolute certainty, they are only beliefs for which you have so much evidence that they are true that to find out they were not correct would be preposterous. However, let us examine the possibility that we are part of a matrix and somebody is in charge of it. They could potentially change the code for gravity such that starting now, things fall up when we drop them. That is a possibility. That which you claim to know, you also believe. In fact, knowledge is belief. It is just a belief that has achieved a very high level of certainty within your mind. Your idea about consciousness apart from your mind is a belief, and is part of your believing game.
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12-14-2009 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by LagyLikeDurrrr
guess im at the very bottom right corner lol
I was actually going to edit the picture to put you in at the far right but I'm too lazy. Also no offense but you wouldn't have been at the very bottom, I think sane people tend to not want to insult other people no matter how much they disagree with them.
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03-15-2011 , 12:45 AM
OK, I'm seeing this and there's an inconsistency. He claims that aliens made contact in 1980, but then later talks about aliens contacting Nazi Germany 1933 and later 1954 with the US.

He also says there are underground bases on the Moon. This should be fairly easy to verify his story.
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03-15-2011 , 03:23 PM
all this info has to be taken with a grain of salt, obviously..... but it looks like most people have already made their decisions on the subject.
good read and interesting "info" AC is giving
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03-16-2011 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
if you choose to accept it as a fact
That is not how facts work. That is how unfounded beliefs work. I have no interest in unfounded beliefs, but thank you for your kind offer just the same.
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03-16-2011 , 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
[taken from OP] I am an avid believer(for the lack of a better word) in this sort of thing, and even before watching this startling video, I had the feeling this was the sort of thing that was happening. Don't ask me how, as I have no idea, I have just never bought the type of crap that comes through our mainstream media today.

What I have just said will make more sense when you watch the video.
This is a big CLUE in figuring out where your head was at when you "got into this". LOL at thinking you had an open mind though
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03-16-2011 , 02:55 PM
who wouldnt sound crazy talking about this....
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