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12-10-2009 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by dragonystic
to be even more clear, i was in no way talking about legalities.
Outside of legalities how could he be not allowed to work? Wrestled to the ground?

I guess the second answer then - yes he should be allowed to work, but hopefully nobody will choose to hire him.
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12-10-2009 , 10:31 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
I almost want to watch the video now. Just for the lolz.

As far as I can tell, OP's thoughts are distilled down into this.

Many things are wrong with the world today
Aliens/Lizards are the secret cause of those things
Yes the details sound ridiculous, but look at the big picture

I believe that's as kindly as I can put it.
All I can say is watch the video, it won't take long.
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12-10-2009 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I'm at work with a computer with no sound. Majin, could you answer the following?

1) Does this man provide ANY evidence for his claims?
2) Has anyone else provided ANY evidence for his claims?
3) could his message about what is beneficial for mankind be worthwhile of consideration without any of the alien part being true?
4) What probability to you assign to the following:

a) he is describing actual facts
b) he is severely deluded
c) he is consciously trying to deceive people

I'm not making fun, when presented with such extraordinary claims, we must consider all of that.
1/2) He does not provide evidence, and as far as I know no one else has either, I am basing my analysis of the video on the way he presents himself, and his reputation, which for me to be honest, is evidence enough, call me what you want for that.
3) Definitely
4) a)80%
c)19% (If this is the case, it will help humanity, as opposed to deceiving us for money/fame)

This is purely my view.

What this man says just stands out to me, I have noticed these anomalies in our daily lives, and Alex seems to put it right in its place, he hits it spot on.

I'm going to be honest, it is very hard to take it seriously and I understand that, but put yourself in his shoes while watching the video, and if it helps, try not to think of star trek or star wars while watching this video.

Thanks for your interest Arouet, you are a great poster, by the way.
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12-10-2009 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by dragonystic
ummm....7:58 in video #3

"we have to do this by 2001." ::said with sincerity::

that doesnt bother you at all about the veracity of this guys claims OP?
You pose some interesting points sir, but I don't think this is valid in this situation, as it states in the interview, this is merely an estimate.

I know I am coming across as nutty here, and that is somewhat of an ignorant way of looking at it, but for a lack of better wording that is all I can say about that.
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12-10-2009 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
1/2) He does not provide evidence, and as far as I know no one else has either, I am basing my analysis of the video on the way he presents himself, and his reputation, which for me to be honest, is evidence enough, call me what you want for that.
3) Definitely
4) a)80%
c)19% (If this is the case, it will help humanity, as opposed to deceiving us for money/fame)

This is purely my view.

What this man says just stands out to me, I have noticed these anomalies in our daily lives, and Alex seems to put it right in its place, he hits it spot on.

I'm going to be honest, it is very hard to take it seriously and I understand that, but put yourself in his shoes while watching the video, and if it helps, try not to think of star trek or star wars while watching this video.
I won't have time to watch it til the weekend, but dragon's given a pretty good summary so I think I can continue commenting.

So Majin, what you are basically saying is that his philosophy appeals to you, whatever it is. I appreciate that you want to approach this in a logical manner, so let's do that:

First, whatever the merits of the philosophy (independant of the alien source) we posit that you agree with it, or it resonates with you. Fair enough, as we've admitted, its worthwhile to discuss it independantly of aliens and presumably there is nothing in there that would be impossible to have be crafted by a human mind.

The fact that he presents no evidence must, if we are thinking logically, be a big factor in deciding whether he is talking about facts here. I'm assuming you will not argue with that.

I'm assuming you will also agree that the human mind is very capable of crafting science fiction, and even crafting science fiction with very developped moral and ethical/philosophical structures (see, for example, Robert Heinlein books, where he's created an entire universe modelled on a completely different moral standard to our own). You ask us to try and push star trek and star wars out of our minds, but this, with all due respect, is willful blindness. The fact that we know humans are capable of crafting well developed scicence fiction has to also be a very high factor in evaluating him, especially given the extraordinary nature of his claims as well as the complete lack of any evidence.

Thinking of star trek and star wars also points us to another factor we need to consider: human beings are capable of great acting (probably more star trek than star wars here! We know that actors can be very convincing of the emotions they are projecting. This man may not be a professional actor, but he also may be a decent one, quite capable of projecting real emotion.

But he may not be acting. You've given only 1% chance to the fact he may be deluded. But given the complete lack of evidence and the extraordinary claims, how can you honestly give such a low percentage? Again, I suggest this is willful blindness. You keep on mentioning how crazy it all sounds: this in itself indicates that your 1% is not really what you believe.

Majin, I know you want to believe this stuff, but you have the look of someone who is throwing objectivity completely away. Actually, you seem to be someone on tilt here. Some part of you sees what's going on, but you're talking yourself into making the hero call.

You must know that if you are thinking logically, your gut instinct with regard to this man does not count for much, not matter how much you agree with his philosophy. Go over it again, with a critical mind, and tell me if your percentages stay the same.

Thanks for your interest Arouet, you are a great poster, by the way.
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12-10-2009 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Stephanie Wells
I was contacted by aliens that looked very much like humans. The notable difference was a flap of webbing between the thumb and the forefinger. I found Alex's claim that humans are spread throughout the universe intriguing.
If this is a serious post, then this is very interesting
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12-10-2009 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I won't have time to watch it til the weekend, but dragon's given a pretty good summary so I think I can continue commenting.

So Majin, what you are basically saying is that his philosophy appeals to you, whatever it is. I appreciate that you want to approach this in a logical manner, so let's do that:

First, whatever the merits of the philosophy (independant of the alien source) we posit that you agree with it, or it resonates with you. Fair enough, as we've admitted, its worthwhile to discuss it independantly of aliens and presumably there is nothing in there that would be impossible to have be crafted by a human mind.

The fact that he presents no evidence must, if we are thinking logically, be a big factor in deciding whether he is talking about facts here. I'm assuming you will not argue with that.

I'm assuming you will also agree that the human mind is very capable of crafting science fiction, and even crafting science fiction with very developped moral and ethical/philosophical structures (see, for example, Robert Heinlein books, where he's created an entire universe modelled on a completely different moral standard to our own). You ask us to try and push star trek and star wars out of our minds, but this, with all due respect, is willful blindness. The fact that we know humans are capable of crafting well developed scicence fiction has to also be a very high factor in evaluating him, especially given the extraordinary nature of his claims as well as the complete lack of any evidence.

Thinking of star trek and star wars also points us to another factor we need to consider: human beings are capable of great acting (probably more star trek than star wars here! We know that actors can be very convincing of the emotions they are projecting. This man may not be a professional actor, but he also may be a decent one, quite capable of projecting real emotion.

But he may not be acting. You've given only 1% chance to the fact he may be deluded. But given the complete lack of evidence and the extraordinary claims, how can you honestly give such a low percentage? Again, I suggest this is willful blindness. You keep on mentioning how crazy it all sounds: this in itself indicates that your 1% is not really what you believe.

Majin, I know you want to believe this stuff, but you have the look of someone who is throwing objectivity completely away. Actually, you seem to be someone on tilt here. Some part of you sees what's going on, but you're talking yourself into making the hero call.

You must know that if you are thinking logically, your gut instinct with regard to this man does not count for much, not matter how much you agree with his philosophy. Go over it again, with a critical mind, and tell me if your percentages stay the same.

You have presented yourself very well here, I commend you for that.

I am well aware of the human mind's capabilities, and the implications. I guess at this point, without further lack of evidence, I am basically chalking this up to faith, not only in this man's claims, but in the human race. It may not be obvious, but I am indeed looking at it from both sides, which is why I am choosing to engage in civil conversation with you here, as opposed to saying "NO I REFUSE TO BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU SAY YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID" or something along those lines.

Yes, there are many negatives and grey areas in this man's claims, but the general message, or the philosophy, the backbone of this man's story, is incredibly hard to ignore, whether you believe his claims in it's entirety or not.

The interview in itself is an hour and a half long, and although I thank dragon for his interest in this thread, I can't help but notice he has failed to mention any of the important details at all. He has skipped it all out and has decided to nit-pick for the sake of argument, but thats OK, it has to be done to come to a positive and level resolve.

"Majin, I know you want to believe this stuff, but you have the look of someone who is throwing objectivity completely away. Actually, you seem to be someone on tilt here. Some part of you sees what's going on, but you're talking yourself into making the hero call. "

This interests me quite a bit, and I actually agree with you. The bottom line is that because of the subject matter, I am not going to be able to come across in a sane matter, because what we are dealing with here is just simply to far-fetched in some areas. I even stated this in my first post the part about being like Pletho) as I was sort of predicting that is how I would come across. I think this will make sense a bit more if you have the time to watch the interview, as it does have a point, not just me believing in some far-fetched theory. Vix and dragon haven't really done the interview too much justice here, so I urge you to look at it from your point of view, please don't conform just for the sake of it.

I have done the looking, and as I said, I wouldn't post this unless I had looked at both sides, and come to a reasonable conclusion.

Arouet if I havent answered any questions just let me know, its hard to keep up.

FWIW to you other posters, your posts have definitely opened my eyes more, and made me more aware I suppose, and I want you to know I am not just rushing into this in a blind panic with the "want to believe" attitude. Your posts do matter to me, and I am willing to engage in civil conversation, all I ask is that you look at it from a serious stand-point, and don't rule it out in an instant just because the subject matter is out of your comfort zone/realms of understanding.

Thanks, keep up the discussion!
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12-11-2009 , 12:02 AM
Why do you think it is credible that there are reptile bases on Mars and that astronomers can see this but are keeping it under wraps?
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12-11-2009 , 12:57 AM
ok, honestly majin, i watched the videos. the guy is completely out of his ****ing mind (or a lying attention whore). he provides absolutely zero evidence for what he says so i don't understand how you can agree with him, so you must be trolling.

1) he's crazy

2) he provides no evidence

3) somehow you decide to believe him

*does not compute*
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12-11-2009 , 01:33 AM
The evidence subject is obviously the most controvertial here, but coming from a paranormal backgrond I have my own reasons for why I believe this man, that you will not understand, and will not care to understand, so I don't want to go into it. I guess you just have to think on a deeper level here, its one of those things where you are either 100% for it and can see every reason why it would be true, or you either think its a complete load of bull**** and it doesn't apply to anything, purely because of the subject matter.

To the human mind it all seems ridiculous, so you must jump out of your body for an hour and a half and really see this for what it is, the signs are all there.

Meh im probably too trusting, but I have every reason to believe this guy, its a weird spot to be in really.

I find myself in a position where I am basically required to use my own reasoning, and my own prior knowledge and build a faith off of something, which is the extent of what I am doing, but then I look at all of you christians and I find myself on the same level as you, as sad as it is to admit it.

I am literally at a loss for words, I don't know how to explain it better to you people, i'm sorry. I have a fair idea of what I want to say, but I will draw it out later on and take some time to think about it before I jump into it, feel free to keep questioning me though.
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12-11-2009 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Why do you think it is credible that there are reptile bases on Mars and that astronomers can see this but are keeping it under wraps?
This is, believe it or not, the only part I find hard to believe. I don't know what teh implications of this are, but I'm sure theres an explanation. I don't think Alex Collier suggests there are bases on the surface of Mars and Mercury, its largely underground. As far as I know, anyway. I will have to look further into this, thanks for bringing this up.

As for questioning WHY I believe this, is purely because of my background, and my beliefs about the government, and how they are manipulating the **** out of us, i'll get into this more later probably as the thread progresses.
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12-11-2009 , 01:41 AM
I've started listening too Majin. This is tough to listen to. I'm really sorry Majin, you seem like a really nice guy, but this can't be seen as credible. Even his demeanor isn't what one would expect from someone with such an important message. It almost unsettling.

Majin, I really think you need to take a step back from this and really take a strong look at it. Maybe make a list of the pros and cons and see how they compare.

Does the science he is talking about even make a lick of sense?

Majin, I would check out the Raelians. Similar tale of a guy from Montreal who says he was abducted by aliens in the 70s while visiting the grand canyon and was intrusted with this important message by the aliens who wrote the bible, and basically set up a cult

These alien religion stories are not unique, just as the deity stories are not unique. And like other cult religions, they prey on people who desperately want to believe. I had a friend in the movement, even went to a meeting to check it out. Lots of people there, all believing in this ridiculous story.

Just think, why would these ultra-advanced aliens choose to spread their message in a way that is designed not to be believed. WHy do they tend to focus always on one person who has communication rather than a group of people?

This Collier guy is not unique. The overwhelming odds are that he is delusional or a crook. You have to discount too many problems to believe otherwise.
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12-11-2009 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
I've started listening too Majin. This is tough to listen to. I'm really sorry Majin, you seem like a really nice guy, but this can't be seen as credible. Even his demeanor isn't what one would expect from someone with such an important message. It almost unsettling.

Majin, I really think you need to take a step back from this and really take a strong look at it. Maybe make a list of the pros and cons and see how they compare.

Does the science he is talking about even make a lick of sense?

Majin, I would check out the Raelians. Similar tale of a guy from Montreal who says he was abducted by aliens in the 70s while visiting the grand canyon and was intrusted with this important message by the aliens who wrote the bible, and basically set up a cult

These alien religion stories are not unique, just as the deity stories are not unique. And like other cult religions, they prey on people who desperately want to believe. I had a friend in the movement, even went to a meeting to check it out. Lots of people there, all believing in this ridiculous story.

Just think, why would these ultra-advanced aliens choose to spread their message in a way that is designed not to be believed. WHy do they tend to focus always on one person who has communication rather than a group of people?

This Collier guy is not unique. The overwhelming odds are that he is delusional or a crook. You have to discount too many problems to believe otherwise.
I respect you a lot, and your views, but honestly, I think our ways of thinking are just too different for us to be able to come to a sort of worthwhile resolve. I am aware of all of the other idiots out there who are purely in it for attention/profit or whatever... personal gain, if you will. Don't forget, I have been in and around this scene for a long time now, I have seen all of the other stuff, I don't know, maybe its just me, but I just know this guys the real deal, I don't know how to explain it.

I can understand why you are finding it hard to come to terms with me here, because it is outrageous, I admit it, but I think your logical mind just won't be able to see it like mine does, and im not trying to insult you, with your views you will definitely get more of a positive response within society, as I will be seen as a nuthead/crazy/whatever(which will hopefully change over time as people start to wake up).

This thread was used to try and debunk Alex's claims, but I think it does the exact opposite, I hadn't seen this before I made this thread, funnily enough, which is surprising, but yeah, theres a mountain of good info in here, and arguments for and against.

There is a whole level here that you have to reach before you can start taking this stuff seriously, there is a whole realm of things you need to take into account, so it is going to be very difficult to discuss this matter on level terms, and I'm sure this is true for a lot of you other logical thinkers out there.

The fact is, this defies logic, human logic is primitive, that is why we kill each other, that is why we are greedy, its in our nature, and it shouldn't be.

Last edited by MajinBoob; 12-11-2009 at 02:49 AM.
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12-11-2009 , 03:12 AM
lol, the most hilarious part is that people think that the "NWO" or shadow government (whatever) is threatened by the information that this character has, and has *gasp* threatened him.

If he really had information that was threatening to this supposedly powerful shadow government, they would kill him in a way that would appear natural. Its just hilarious, that you give this "shadow government" so much power, yet then in the same sentence claim that they are unable to gracefully kill someone who is a real threat to their power.

give me a break.

Also love the whole win-win prediction logic:
1. if your prediction comes true, then you can predict the future!
2. if your prediction doesn't come true, then you can predict the future because your prediction caused the people responsible to change their minds because they dont want you to have any credibility!

I really, REALLY want to know why you give this guy so much credit. is it because he stays out of the lime light, or that he isn't offering anything for sale, or that he seems genuinely upset about the lizard people eating our babies? what is it? It seems like you would believe a lot of lies as long as the messenger was either delusional enough or a good enough actor.
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12-11-2009 , 03:18 AM
some quotes from people who believe Alex:

in 2001 one of the biggest tragedies in human history occurred in New York with 9/11.
I really dont know what to believe, all I know is that I personally judge a person by sensing when their being sincere or lying and also by their strength of character
Why come out and do another lecture in 2008, years after his last one with absolutely nothing to gain other than a free weekend away.
In my opinion only a crazy man and one of the best liars in the World would do all of the above for absolutely nothing!
you be the judge
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12-11-2009 , 03:26 AM
I love that there is a website called
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12-11-2009 , 03:47 AM
so basically, at this point the argument is

"I know there's no evidence, and I know this is bat**** crazy, but you have to STEP OUTSIDE YOUR MIND (whatever that means) and believe it anyways."

Cliff notes: Lizards alien conspiracies exist, and evidence is for suckers.
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12-11-2009 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
so basically, at this point the argument is

"I know there's no evidence, and I know this is bat**** crazy, but you have to STEP OUTSIDE YOUR MIND (whatever that means) and believe it anyways."

Cliff notes: Lizards alien conspiracies exist, and evidence is for suckers.
the point is actually that there is no argument. he believes because he believes. thats how these things go.
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12-11-2009 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
I respect you a lot, and your views, but honestly, I think our ways of thinking are just too different for us to be able to come to a sort of worthwhile resolve. I am aware of all of the other idiots out there who are purely in it for attention/profit or whatever... personal gain, if you will. Don't forget, I have been in and around this scene for a long time now, I have seen all of the other stuff, I don't know, maybe its just me, but I just know this guys the real deal, I don't know how to explain it.
Well, you are free to trust your instincts in believing someone who offers no evidence for his claims, maybe people do that all the time. However, you will then have to accept that it is not a rational conclusion you have come to. It is emotional.

[/quote]I can understand why you are finding it hard to come to terms with me here, because it is outrageous, I admit it, but I think your logical mind just won't be able to see it like mine does, and im not trying to insult you, with your views you will definitely get more of a positive response within society, as I will be seen as a nuthead/crazy/whatever(which will hopefully change over time as people start to wake up).[/quote]

We hear those arguments about religion. But what this gentleman is talking about is science. He's not saying these creatures who read minds are supernatural, they are more evolved beings right? There is absolutely no reason to take a religious-style faith based approach to these claims. The claims are all squarely based in the real universe and no laws of physics are suggested to be broken.

There is a whole level here that you have to reach before you can start taking this stuff seriously, there is a whole realm of things you need to take into account, so it is going to be very difficult to discuss this matter on level terms, and I'm sure this is true for a lot of you other logical thinkers out there.
Well, you can rest assured that most of the people on this forum are not going to research all of that in detail, why not give us some cliffnotes.

You showed us the link of that video knowing full well what the reaction would be. The thread has progressed exactly as you predicted. So if you're not going to add anything else, I honestly not sure what you wanted to do with this except maybe some subconscious desire to have yourself set straight.

my cliffs: you're treating this like religion when you should be treating it like science.

The fact is, this defies logic, human logic is primitive, that is why we kill each other, that is why we are greedy, its in our nature, and it shouldn't be.[/QUOTE]
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12-11-2009 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
We hear those arguments about religion. But what this gentleman is talking about is science. He's not saying these creatures who read minds are supernatural, they are more evolved beings right? There is absolutely no reason to take a religious-style faith based approach to these claims. The claims are all squarely based in the real universe and no laws of physics are suggested to be broken.
An OP like this has zero chance of gaining any significant fraction of my attention, but for some reason I did notice your comment. This is an excellent point and summarizes very nicely how and why I completely dismiss these sorts of things without hesitation.
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12-11-2009 , 11:21 AM
One thing I find strange about these lizards, is their amazing modesty.
They are light-years ahead of us technologically and they like to eat humans, still they only go for the occasional sneaky baby meal.
Why do they not use their massive military advantage, to take over earth and keep us as livestock?

Why so sneaky lizard man? Why so sneaky?
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12-11-2009 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by skalf
One thing I find strange about these lizards, is their amazing modesty.
They are light-years ahead of us technologically and they like to eat humans, still they only go for the occasional sneaky baby meal.
Why do they not use their massive military advantage, to take over earth and keep us as livestock?

Why so sneaky lizard man? Why so sneaky?
Lizard man enjoys "Jersey Shore" If mankind enslaved, he no produce funny guido tv program.
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12-11-2009 , 12:38 PM
OP: How peculiar. Or perhaps synchronistic.

After coming across this post on a different forum that references Alex Collier, I searched him out earlier this week, independent of your OP here. The post doesn't reference aliens so I didn't know what I was getting into, heh. I ended up watching this video from a 2009 conference. It might have been a better choice than the link you provided.

Don't let folks get you down, bro. Many are in bondage to the logic world of their minds and believe that's all there is. You know different. Peace.
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12-11-2009 , 12:48 PM

dont think its very productive, or safe, to be supporting OP's delusion. Its one thing to support free thought and exploration of ideas, but its another to say that a belief in lizards who eat human children, and military stations on the moon and mars, etc, etc, is something he "knows".

When people believe crazy ****, they cling on to anything that will support their beliefs, even if its a very small minority. Your posts only help further his delusion since he will now be able to justify his beliefs and fall deeper into his own depravity.

Let me put this another way, when the majority of people at "" believe this Alex character is a fraud (whether purposefully or not), then you really have to start questioning OPs sanity.
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12-11-2009 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
Let me put this another way, when the majority of people at "" believe this Alex character is a fraud (whether purposefully or not), then you really have to start questioning OPs sanity.
Majinboob is leveling you guys. His true intentions are fairly obvious.
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