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12-13-2009 , 05:07 AM
I always found it justified that my math professor would refuse to give points for correct answers with incorrect approaches.
Would you agree with him aj, or do you think that not understanding how things work is just as 'good' as understanding, as long as you get the answer right?
If you answer in the affirmative, how then do you distinguish between competing ideas concerning reality?
How do you feel one's approach to the long term problem of understanding reality should be?
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12-13-2009 , 05:38 AM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
You said if you don't have evidence, you are justified in rejecting.

What is, is; whether one believes it or not.

Your emphasized question is a false notion. Peace.
No. Without evidence we have not any basis to believe any answer over any other answer. It is for this reason that belief is to be based on evidence. Without any evidence to justify a claim, no answer is more likely to be correct than any other answer. We are then only justified in our beliefs if we have reason to believe that they are true. If you do not have reason to believe something is true, then it is by definition an unreasonable belief. Let us say I flip a coin and ask you to call it in the air, you believe it will be heads and call heads, then it comes up heads. Was your belief justified? Does the fact that you got the answer correct mean anything? What if the coin had come up tails? Would that have somehow changed the situation to make your belief unjustified?
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12-13-2009 , 05:41 AM
FWIW, i watched the first 4 videos, and really tried to keep an open mind. I like to think of myself as open to any viewpoint with a reasonable stance. But this was completely looney, it's hard for me to take OP seriously when i watch a video like this.
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12-13-2009 , 05:52 AM

Can you answer my questions above? Just to repeat.

What could falsify your beliefs? If you were allowed access to a powerful telescope and could not find any evidence for bases on the moon or Mars, etc, would this falsify all of your beliefs? Can you think of any other tests that would make you dismiss it?
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12-13-2009 , 06:56 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator

Can you answer my questions above? Just to repeat.

What could falsify your beliefs? If you were allowed access to a powerful telescope and could not find any evidence for bases on the moon or Mars, etc, would this falsify all of your beliefs? Can you think of any other tests that would make you dismiss it?
I think to an extent this would definitely shaken my belief for sure, but the majority of the activity is underground and hugely top secret. TPTB have hidden this very well, and the fact that this type of belief is alienated (excuse the pun) amongst every day citizens means they have done their job.

As for completely falsifying my beliefs, I think it would take going the whole nine yards, and me actually going to the planets myself and experiencing these things for myself.

Does this answer your question? If not, please let me know.
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12-13-2009 , 07:02 AM
The new V is a good show. The blonde is hot. I'd do a 3-way with mom in a heartbeat.
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12-13-2009 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
I think to an extent this would definitely shaken my belief for sure, but the majority of the activity is underground and hugely top secret. TPTB have hidden this very well, and the fact that this type of belief is alienated (excuse the pun) amongst every day citizens means they have done their job.

As for completely falsifying my beliefs, I think it would take going the whole nine yards, and me actually going to the planets myself and experiencing these things for myself.


Does this answer your question? If not, please let me know.
***For some reason I couldn't edit my last post, so I will elaborate in this post.: Let me elaborate; my beliefs are definitely subject to change, at the moment I do feel strongly about Collier's claims, but as I have said in the past I am up for debate on the subject, hence why I created this thread.

I admit, I haven't thought from the logical perspective much in this thread, and my good friend Arouet has helped me understand that, so I will try and see it from both sides a bit better, in order to take a more critical approach, and to not rush into things, as my previous approach to this situation on some levels is unhealthy.

You must understand that this is a very fragile subject, which has been demonstrated very well by most of the replies/obnoxious retorts in this thread. It is very hard for someone who hasn't experienced the background knowledge, or has had the chance to delve deeper into the sort of things that go on behind the scenes to make this sort of cover up possible.

To the average Joe, these types of claims are obviously unfathomable, as it completely destroys his reality, and forces him to take responsibility for himself, as opposed to relying/accepting that the government has 100% control over him.

Looking at these ideas and really thinking hard about them and analysing the situation as a whole is a very exciting thing, and I urge you to take my side on this factor here at least, try thinking outside of the box for once.

I am not asking you to jump into things, and I am not asking you to throw away your critical/analytical abilities, all I ask is that you begin to question more, because it is very important.

If it helps, look at it from a completely hypothetical situation, forget this thread, forget what I have said up to this point, and search for yourself, just as an exercise.

I really hope this helps, and let me reassure you I am not here to make enemies.

Last edited by MajinBoob; 12-13-2009 at 09:08 AM.
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12-13-2009 , 09:16 AM
Originally Posted by LVGambler
I'd do a 3-way with mom in a heartbeat.
just highlighting this for posterity
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12-13-2009 , 09:27 AM
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12-13-2009 , 11:09 AM
^ most excellent "graph"
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12-13-2009 , 01:24 PM
Tao and Deorum, good posts.

I am saying that the mental gymnastics of the believing game is a game that one doesn't have to play. What is, is.

2000 years ago a man said "QM? No way, this is stupid." Today a man says, "QM? Yes, this is cool." Does either belief matter? No, QM is. Now extrapolate that concept out to aliens, the lost city of Atlantis, God, you believing your boss hates you, etc.

The unconscious, obsessive yay or nay labeling of the believing game is played entirely in one's mind, apart from reality. It's a poor substitute for living in actual reality.
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12-13-2009 , 04:00 PM
I believe there are certain truths based in reality (OUR reality as human beings living on the planet Earth). We use science to determine what most of these truths are. If it weren't for science, then I'd agree with you 100%. The subconscious may not deal with reality directly, but it is based upon it. The conscious mind, I guess, would depend on the individual person (see chart above)
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12-13-2009 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
I am saying that the mental gymnastics of the believing game is a game that one doesn't have to play.
We do if we care about what is real and what is not.

What is, is.

2000 years ago a man said "QM? No way, this is stupid." Today a man says, "QM? Yes, this is cool." Does either belief matter? No, QM is. Now extrapolate that concept out to aliens, the lost city of Atlantis, God, you believing your boss hates you, etc.
All of these beliefs matter, just not with respect to what is or is not real. They matter to our perception of what is real.

The unconscious, obsessive yay or nay labeling of the believing game is played entirely in one's mind, apart from reality. It's a poor substitute for living in actual reality.
Well, this is probably a nitty point, but our beliefs are part of reality, they are just not part of the realities we are talking about. That is to say our thoughts themselves exist. As for their being a poor substitute for living in reality, I disagree. Our beliefs are the means by which we discern reality. Understanding that which is real allows us to advance. It allows us to harness the power of those realities as well as new ones we discover while studying the old ones.
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12-13-2009 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
***For some reason I couldn't edit my last post, so I will elaborate in this post.: Let me elaborate; my beliefs are definitely subject to change, at the moment I do feel strongly about Collier's claims, but as I have said in the past I am up for debate on the subject, hence why I created this thread.

I admit, I haven't thought from the logical perspective much in this thread, and my good friend Arouet has helped me understand that, so I will try and see it from both sides a bit better, in order to take a more critical approach, and to not rush into things, as my previous approach to this situation on some levels is unhealthy.

You must understand that this is a very fragile subject, which has been demonstrated very well by most of the replies/obnoxious retorts in this thread. It is very hard for someone who hasn't experienced the background knowledge, or has had the chance to delve deeper into the sort of things that go on behind the scenes to make this sort of cover up possible.

To the average Joe, these types of claims are obviously unfathomable, as it completely destroys his reality, and forces him to take responsibility for himself, as opposed to relying/accepting that the government has 100% control over him.

Looking at these ideas and really thinking hard about them and analysing the situation as a whole is a very exciting thing, and I urge you to take my side on this factor here at least, try thinking outside of the box for once.

I am not asking you to jump into things, and I am not asking you to throw away your critical/analytical abilities, all I ask is that you begin to question more, because it is very important.

If it helps, look at it from a completely hypothetical situation, forget this thread, forget what I have said up to this point, and search for yourself, just as an exercise.

I really hope this helps, and let me reassure you I am not here to make enemies.
i dont see how those are connected at all here. if anything, these kinds of beliefs are a form of escapism. and allow people to deny reality and its responsibilities.

"what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

few things more need be said here.
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12-13-2009 , 05:24 PM
I really hope OP is just demonstrating, in an entertaing way, how silly all religious belief can be.

Then again, he could just be insane.
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12-13-2009 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Tao and Deorum, good posts.

I am saying that the mental gymnastics of the believing game is a game that one doesn't have to play. What is, is.

2000 years ago a man said "QM? No way, this is stupid." Today a man says, "QM? Yes, this is cool." Does either belief matter? No, QM is. Now extrapolate that concept out to aliens, the lost city of Atlantis, God, you believing your boss hates you, etc.
This is wrong. Belief matters. People do cruel, stupid things in the name of ill-advised beliefs. Belief matters a ****load. Do you know how many people have been tortured or killed because of a belief in a God?

The unconscious, obsessive yay or nay labeling of the believing game is played entirely in one's mind, apart from reality. It's a poor substitute for living in actual reality.
Define 'living in actual reality'. Does your house exist? Do your children exist? Is 2p2 full of real people or is it an internet program? Will you be rewarded for showing up to work? Are homosexuals evil? Will God give you virgins for blowing up Jews? These are all just 'beliefs'. There's no such thing as 'living in actual reality', because reality is defined by what we believe.
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12-13-2009 , 06:46 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
This is wrong. Belief matters. People do cruel, stupid things in the name of ill-advised beliefs. Belief matters a ****load. Do you know how many people have been tortured or killed because of a belief in a God?
Great post, my friend. I'm glad we agree.

Wait, wat? I spoke on the believing game. You are speaking on the believing game and it's tragedy when taken to extreme.

There is another way. There is a knowing consciousness apart from a mind that merely believes. We are tripartite. First, we have a body. Second, we have a mind, which is part of what some call soul. And we have a 3rd part, called consciousness or spirit or awareness or w/e. In that 3rd part, the part that can observe the mind thinking, the error of the mind's believing game is apparent. Your 3rd part expressed it well in your own unique way, your 2nd part just missed it. Peace

Last edited by ajmargarine; 12-13-2009 at 06:58 PM. Reason: oops, I added some more while you were writing, Danny
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12-13-2009 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Great post, my friend. I'm glad we agree.

Wait, wat? I spoke on the believing game. You are speaking on the believing game and it's tragedy when taken to extreme.

There is another way. There is a knowing consciousness apart from a mind that merely believes.
I feel like you're missing my point. There ISN'T a knowing consciousness apart. You BELIEVE there is. I BELIEVE there is not. These are beliefs and neither can be 'true' in a rigorous sense. People act on beliefs that may or may not be true because there is no real rigorous truth when you get down to it.

My greater point is that it matters what this delusional guy and others believe, whereas you seem to shrug it off because 'what is, is'. There is no 'what is, is' because nothing can be proven and we need to be rational and go with what we can logically determine to the best of our knowledge and ability at the time. Irrationality based on 'beliefs' leads to crap like this thread, the Inquisitions, Jihads, etc.

You are acknowledging that irrational 'belief' based actions can be tragic, but using your own purely belief based ideas to come to this conclusion.
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12-13-2009 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Tao and Deorum, good posts.

I am saying that the mental gymnastics of the believing game is a game that one doesn't have to play. What is, is.

2000 years ago a man said "QM? No way, this is stupid." Today a man says, "QM? Yes, this is cool." Does either belief matter? No, QM is. Now extrapolate that concept out to aliens, the lost city of Atlantis, God, you believing your boss hates you, etc.

The unconscious, obsessive yay or nay labeling of the believing game is played entirely in one's mind, apart from reality. It's a poor substitute for living in actual reality.
If you have no way of understanding and differentiating "what is", then it's completely irrelevant to you "what is".

It's not about beliefs it's about understanding the statement and being able to differentiate it from other statements. So 2k years ago someone who talked about QM would likely not have been understood by anyone and it's likely no one would be able to distinguish that from some "God did it" story. Given such conditions the correct thing to do at the time would be to NOT give that story any more credit than to the "God did it" one.
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12-13-2009 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_
There ISN'T a knowing consciousness apart. You BELIEVE there is. I BELIEVE there is not. These are beliefs...
If I touch the snow, I know it will be wet and cold. I don't have to believe it, I know it.

I know there is a consciousness apart because of my experiences. It's not a belief for me, it's a knowing. You don't believe it to be for whatever reasons you don't believe it. For you it's a belief, part of your believing game.
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12-14-2009 , 12:40 AM
Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences.

Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible.

So now I'm confused. The entire thread Majin spent saying there is no evidence, but these are the first two paragraphs when you click the link, so evidently they think otherwise? What is this physical evidence?
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12-14-2009 , 12:48 AM
Majin , I think you'd like that show V something along these lines.. btw lol some people are so naive lol scamaments
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12-14-2009 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by xxmagicianxx
Alex Collier claims to be a 'contactee' with a race of Nordic looking humans from the constellation of Andromeda. He has had a number of contact experiences since his childhood and this developed over the years as he was given more and more information by his Andromedan contacts. I have analyzed Alex Collier's information, had phone interviews with him, and also interverviewed him over a four day period in September 2005. I have witnessed some physical evidence he has provided to support his testimony. I have also spoken with a direct witness verifying various aspects of Alex's contact experiences.

Alex has also revealed that he was the recipient of threats from shadow government agencies and abruptly chose to stop disseminating his information in 2000. Furthermore, Alex has give face to face interviews with veteran UFO researcher Paola Harris who has had the opportunity to examine the evidence supporting his testimony and concludes he is credible.

So now I'm confused. The entire thread Majin spent saying there is no evidence, but these are the first two paragraphs when you click the link, so evidently they think otherwise? What is this physical evidence?
I have been searching for this aswell, give me some time. I never said there wasn't any evidence, by the way, I just made it clear that I was aware none had been presented (to me, and to all of you).
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12-14-2009 , 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by dragonystic
i dont see how those are connected at all here. if anything, these kinds of beliefs are a form of escapism. and allow people to deny reality and its responsibilities.

"what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

few things more need be said here.
It all depends on how you look at it.. to the logical mind who refuses to accept even the possibility that people are/could be tampering with their reality without them knowing, then yes it definitely is a form of escapism, whether you take in to account if the whole situation is real or not. To others, who are willing to explore the possibilities, and who are willing to question the intentions of the powers that be, it can become reality, which I will admit it sort of has become to me, call me clinically insane, call me what you like.
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12-14-2009 , 04:11 AM
Originally Posted by brianpower
Yeah I won't dispute this, I'll admit it made me laugh haha
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