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12-12-2009 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
All I know, is that I hope this thread hasn't been archived yet when the world wide alien disclosure happens, or the alien attack. So then I can bump it! And then we'll see what You People have to say for yourselves.
Even if that were to happen, it would not mean that we had sufficient evidence to justify belief in such a claim at the time. If 2,000 years ago, someone were going around making claims about, say, quantum mechanics, the people of that time would be justified in rejecting those claims. The question isn't 'can you get the answer right' but rather 'do you have sufficient reason as to why you believe an answer is correct'.
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12-12-2009 , 10:12 AM
First of all, I just want to thank AJ for at least thinking on the same level as me here, as I have addressed most of the outrageous issues in this thread already, I just want to thank you for your support in this, even though obviously what we are dealing with here is pretty weird.

Arouet, please man, I really REALLY do respect your view, and the way you think is astounding to me, I hope you understand this, but I honestly don't think we will ever be on level terms in this argument. I have posted in several threads regarding religion, and I have stated my views. I am a VERY critical thinker, believe it or not (probably the latter) and you must understand I have thought very very carefully about this.

From here on man, I really don't think I will be able to explain it to you, and it saddens me, and trust me, I am not implying you are less intellegent than me, in fact I am 100% sure you are smarter in general than I am, but I honestly don't know how to explain it to you, there is no way I can express my feelings toward this sucject, and this is something that you must understand.

I have expressed my feelings towards your way of thinking now, and I must ask that you respect my way of thinking.

"This is frustrating Majin, I actually hope you are leveling now"

This, to me, is somewhat expected. I had hoped I might appeal to some of the posters in this sub-forum, but I can understand this statement. Honestly, I sort of feel a bit of hurt toward this post, as I know you are such a great poster, but this level that we are talking of here is just so different from any other subject, it is just so hard to express my views in ways that the average joe (not you) will understand.

I have come to the conclusion that only time will be able to convince you guys of my beliefs, as these claims (to the human mind) are just so ****ing crazy that it makes it impossible to believe.

I just hope you can see me in the same light, as I have given your posts a lot of credit, I don't want you to think of me as a "crazy", as I am not. I look at things critically, and if you knew me personally, you would see this, thats why I think this is so important. I cannot express myself further than this, and I trust you will have the sense to look at me in the same way and respect my views, as I respect your own.

Thank you, and thanks for bearing with me on this subject, as I understand it is highly controvertial.
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12-12-2009 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Arouet
For ****'s sake AJ, c'mon man!

How many private satellites are up in space now? How many can see the dark side of the moon? Are they all in on it too?

Guy Laliberte went up in space. Did he have a chance to look at the moon? Did he have to agree to keep the lizard men secret?

How many people have access to viewing this part of the moon? How many people have to keep their mouth shut?

Majin, you still haven't answered why the lizard men who eat our babies don't just take over the planet and make the earth one big human farm.

So far the only thing we all agree is that there is not a lick of evidence to demonstrate any of this.

AJ: you have got to be leveling with these last few posts. All your chrisitian new agey stuff and you're a conspiracy guy too? What're the odds?

This is frustrating. Majin, I actually hope you are leveling now.
Look, 100% of the satellites orbiting the moon at the moment are heavily monitored by NASA and the higher-ups, this is common knowledge, this is an invalid argument, I'm sorry, I mean no disrespect.

As for Guy Laliberte, I am sure he recieved at least some sort of briefing about what he was about to witness in space. Either that, or he was threatened by the government if he told anyone about what he saw (if he saw anything, remember, most of the happenings are underground, which is also pretty common knowledge amongst the experts in the field). I honestly can't answer for him, if you want his take on the situation, ask him himself, as im willing to bet on the fact that he saw nothing, even though I believe in Alex Colliers' seemingly outrageous claims.

As for the aliens eating our children, I don't have an opinion on this. I believe Alex Collier in his entirety, as I have no reason (from past personal experiences and from what he has done in the past) to believe he would lie about this sort of thing. I guess just take it how you want it, if it affects your life, that is brilliant, I hope it changes your life for the better, but if not, so be it, I definitely will not hold it against you, I am not that type of person.

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12-12-2009 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Also, lizard people are a very small subset of aliens. Most are future humans similar to us. Everyone knows this, duh.

I also have to stress this 100%.

You people make it sound more outrageous than it has to be, seriously.

Last edited by MajinBoob; 12-12-2009 at 10:46 AM.
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12-12-2009 , 11:46 AM
Dear majin,

I have knocked heads a little with you previously with regards to abovetopsecret when you posted that aliens would 'come out' soon and put forth Hoagland as a semi-reputable source. Which, with the help of a minor glance at his wiki page, we found to be wrong.
Now this. I havent watched the video, but from what I can tell by the responses, it isnt pretty.
I urge you to install some anti-viral software in that brain of yours while you still can/before being sucked into cult and read over and over again the following book: "How to think about wierd things, critical thinking for a new age".

Good luck,


ps. trip/book report would be very much appreciated, same if you do end up in a cult and somehow manage to get out.
The book is cheap, discusses a number of issues we have come across here in some detail and hey, im advancing it without having a vested financial interest in it, therefore it must be true!

pps. I couldnt help myself with that last bit, read the book though, even if it comes across as a study book rather than a 'reading' book.

Last edited by Tao1; 12-12-2009 at 11:47 AM. Reason: even if you dont do it now, do it when in a few months those promised alien-revelations dont arrive
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12-12-2009 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by MajinBoob
I also have to stress this 100%.

You people make it sound more outrageous than it has to be, seriously.
look, aj's post is obviously making fun of you. even someone who is open to thinking about things the way you do thinks you are crazy, does that mean anything to you?
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12-12-2009 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
look, aj's post is obviously making fun of you. even someone who is open to thinking about things the way you do thinks you are crazy, does that mean anything to you?
Obviously it doesn't.

What's with all the mentally ill posters suddenly appearing in RGT? It seems like ever since Splendour self-banner herself, the lunatics have come out of the woodwork to fill the void that she has left.
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12-12-2009 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by BrokeDonk
look, aj's post is obviously making fun of you.
no, a few of my posts were playful on the topic of aliens. peace.
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12-12-2009 , 02:00 PM

The satellites that can see the dark side of the moon aren't all owned and controlled by NASA. of course you knew that, right?
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12-12-2009 , 02:06 PM
And AJ,

Maijin doesn't fall into this category:

"curiosity behind the specific words spoken. He's just interested in this stuff and wants to talk about it."

if you think that, then you are just as delusional as him. Re-read the OP, it is clear that he has *already made up his mind*. He's not just "interested" in this, and wants to explore the "possibility that its true". He already believes its true and wants all of us to "see the light". Well, I'm sorry, I'm ready to explore the possibility that aliens exist and have contact with humans, but I'm not ready to explore the possibility that these aliens are lizards that live 100-200 miles under the earth and steal human babies, and that there is a global consiparcy, both in the government and private companies, that are hiding the fact that there are secret military bases on the dark side of the moon and mars, etc, etc.

btw, the only person reacting in "fearful anger" is you. I don't see *anyone* getting angry here. Annoyed, perhaps, angry, lol. Personally, I dont think its safe or healthy to be encouraging people to believe theories like this. His beliefs have no effect on my life, so really, I'm doing it for his own good. The fact that you want to encourage this type of behavior makes me hope that you dont have children of your own ....
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12-12-2009 , 04:55 PM
Well, this thread has been fun, but its time to do some investigative work: - starting around 2:30
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12-12-2009 , 05:16 PM
Pretty sure op was a level.
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12-12-2009 , 05:24 PM
to be fair to op, im fairly sure that from a purely objective standpoint this is more likely to be true than talking snakes/thunder gods/flying spaghetti
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12-12-2009 , 05:25 PM
jury is still out on whether its a level or not for me
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12-12-2009 , 05:30 PM
btw if your interested im about 85% sure alex collier is a high functioning paranoid schizophrenic.

he probably does believe completely the things he says.
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12-12-2009 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by Deorum
If 2,000 years ago, someone were going around making claims about, say, quantum mechanics, the people of that time would be justified in rejecting those claims.
Wow, there's so much in your sentence there. Can you see it?

Would they really be wise to reject QM? QM is, isn't it? And it was then, wasn't it?

The mind is a little labelmaker. It unconsciously obsessively classifies things as true/false, good/bad, right/wrong, reject/accept, crazy/sane, etc. There is another way apart from that chatter.

One of the greatest responses we can give in the moment is "Perhaps"....
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12-12-2009 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
One of the greatest responses we can give in the moment is "Perhaps"....
I'm heading out now but just to say that the world of science and critical thinking is that of defining that "perhaps". Degree of confidence = level of perhapsness.
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12-12-2009 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Arouet
the world of...critical thinking is that of defining that "perhaps".
Exactly. The mind's labelmaker defining. You got it.

And it's common for most to live from that source, the mind; as opposed to The Source.

The name of the thing is not the thing. The mind obsesses over the names and deals with the names. The heart, love, appreciates the things. The mind is more concerned with defining love, than loving. Peace.
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12-12-2009 , 07:11 PM
100% not a level.
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12-12-2009 , 10:56 PM
Majin, did you read the links I sent you? or is your mind already made up and your a faithful follower of Alex?
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12-12-2009 , 11:53 PM
Originally Posted by dknightx
Majin, did you read the links I sent you? or is your mind already made up and your a faithful follower of Alex?
My guess is that he has too much invested in believing in this whacko to ever have his mind changed about the veracity of his claims.
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12-13-2009 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by ajmargarine
Wow, there's so much in your sentence there. Can you see it?

Would they really be wise to reject QM? QM is, isn't it? And it was then, wasn't it?
I do. Do you? They would be wise to reject QM. QM is correct. It was correct then. Whether or not it was correct then or is correct now is irrelevant with respect to whether or not they believe it. What is relevant is whether or not one has a reason to believe it. I'll quote myself to emphasize the importance:

The question isn't 'can you get the answer right' but rather 'do you have sufficient reason as to why you believe an answer is correct'.
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12-13-2009 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by dknightx
Majin, did you read the links I sent you? or is your mind already made up and your a faithful follower of Alex?
I haven't read it yet, but I will get to it shortly, I have some things to do first.

Originally Posted by Hopey
My guess is that he has too much invested in believing in this whacko to ever have his mind changed about the veracity of his claims.
Quite the contrary, if you knew me personally you would understand this.

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12-13-2009 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Deorum
What is relevant is whether or not one has a reason to believe it. I'll quote myself to emphasize the importance: The question isn't 'can you get the answer right' but rather 'do you have sufficient reason as to why you believe an answer is correct'.
You said if you don't have evidence, you are justified in rejecting. What is, is; whether one believes it or not. Your emphasized question is a false notion. Peace.

Last edited by ajmargarine; 12-13-2009 at 02:11 AM.
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