"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof" is a false cliche.
, 04:23 AM
Last edited by All-In Flynn; 11-10-2010 at 04:25 AM.
Reason: damn wireless keyboard
, 05:11 AM
Jibs, when you're done dodging everyone else's questions, here's one more to shy away from...
According to your logic, we all must either live as though we believe aliens exist, or live as though we believe aliens do not exist.
Even if we avoid quibbling about whether this logic is even sound, how can we use this insight if we completely ignore what it means to live as if aliens exist?
According to your logic, we all must either live as though we believe aliens exist, or live as though we believe aliens do not exist.
Even if we avoid quibbling about whether this logic is even sound, how can we use this insight if we completely ignore what it means to live as if aliens exist?
If you can't see that he has good reason to call you out for dodging questions, well, I'd ask that you take a look again I guess.
, 10:12 AM
I'll put $50 that your wrong. Considering this is the exact opposite of everything that I have been say, I feel it is unlikely that it will end like this.
, 10:50 AM
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 606
, 10:50 AM
I'm pretty sure that I did answer this. If we are talking about a deistic god then there is no implications on your actions. If you are talking about Hinduism, it depends on what flavor you subscribe to.
, 11:26 AM
Answered earlier.
The level of “know” I would expect is a fairly standard definition: ”To be aware of the truth or factuality of; be convinced or certain of.” You say the “vast majority of the evidence that we do have leans towards created.” I didn’t see a response to my request, but I’d still like to see this. I’m not aware of any evidence from outside the universe, let alone “before” the Big Bang, so I’m not even sure how we could know this. So I’d still like to know what evidence you see here.
The level of “know” I would expect is a fairly standard definition: ”To be aware of the truth or factuality of; be convinced or certain of.” You say the “vast majority of the evidence that we do have leans towards created.” I didn’t see a response to my request, but I’d still like to see this. I’m not aware of any evidence from outside the universe, let alone “before” the Big Bang, so I’m not even sure how we could know this. So I’d still like to know what evidence you see here.
For something to be unknown or uncertain, it certainly doesn’t require that the evidence be 50/50 for and against. 100% of the available evidence could support a position, without that position being compelling. But here you refer to the vast majority of evidence supporting one position, with pretty much no evidence to the contrary, such that you are forced to accept the theistic position. This sounds like compelling evidence, and I would like to see it.
Good thing that noone is making that claim.
Again you say “tons of evidence.” Let’s see it.
I don’t understand this claim at all. Can you elaborate?
I have never had an experience that has caused me to doubt my atheism, but I have no doubt that a personal experience could be compelling, so I am open to that possibility. But I am also open to scientific evidence for the existence of a god. If you have any, please share.
I’m not sure where this came from. On the God question, I have a strong belief about which position is more plausible. But I also don’t understand why claiming that the God question is underdetermined is inconsistent with evidence or reason.
Can you link to a thread that lays out your beliefs?
I don’t see how you can “know” without compelling evidence. And I certainly don’t see compelling evidence on any of these questions. So for me “I don’t know” is the only possible position.
, 11:58 AM
Are you saying that:
1. the negation of "X lives as if A"
2. "It is not the case that X lives as if A"
3. "It is the case that X lives as if not-A"
are all equivalent?
Because cactuses, coma patients and dead grandmothers illustrates that this isn't true (2 is true, 3 is false).
I think you are claiming that if you restrict X to 'people who live and can make cogent decisions' or similar then 2 and 3 are logically equivalent and this is an error - it is question begging, since this is what we are trying to resolve.
Ultimately, the best way to win is to provide an example. Why is it so hard to do so?
What is an example of some action which, if you observed someone taking it, would lead you to know they are living as if God doesnt exist?
1. the negation of "X lives as if A"
2. "It is not the case that X lives as if A"
3. "It is the case that X lives as if not-A"
are all equivalent?
Because cactuses, coma patients and dead grandmothers illustrates that this isn't true (2 is true, 3 is false).
I think you are claiming that if you restrict X to 'people who live and can make cogent decisions' or similar then 2 and 3 are logically equivalent and this is an error - it is question begging, since this is what we are trying to resolve.
Ultimately, the best way to win is to provide an example. Why is it so hard to do so?
What is an example of some action which, if you observed someone taking it, would lead you to know they are living as if God doesnt exist?
As far as a specific action, I don't have to provide one. I only have to make the case that there are specific actions that one would take if one was to live as if God exists. Everything else falls in line after that.
If I start bringing up specific actions the entire conversation will then turn to arguing over those actions and we will never get anywhere. What actions are inconsequential really.
Remember, my argument is not that "these" people here or "those" people there are living as if God does not exist, but that living as if "I don't know" is an empty statement because it is impossible. Let's look at a "specific" action.
Person A is said to be living as if God exists if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if God does not exist if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
, 12:23 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 5,800
How is that question begging? The question is not whether or not people live, it is what categories those people who are living fall under.
As far as a specific action, I don't have to provide one. I only have to make the case that there are specific actions that one would take if one was to live as if God exists. Everything else falls in line after that.
If I start bringing up specific actions the entire conversation will then turn to arguing over those actions and we will never get anywhere. What actions are inconsequential really.
Remember, my argument is not that "these" people here or "those" people there are living as if God does not exist, but that living as if "I don't know" is an empty statement because it is impossible. Let's look at a "specific" action.
Person A is said to be living as if God exists if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if God does not exist if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
As far as a specific action, I don't have to provide one. I only have to make the case that there are specific actions that one would take if one was to live as if God exists. Everything else falls in line after that.
If I start bringing up specific actions the entire conversation will then turn to arguing over those actions and we will never get anywhere. What actions are inconsequential really.
Remember, my argument is not that "these" people here or "those" people there are living as if God does not exist, but that living as if "I don't know" is an empty statement because it is impossible. Let's look at a "specific" action.
Person A is said to be living as if God exists if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if God does not exist if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
Person A is said to be living as if their mother is not alive if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know if my mother is alive" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
lol. I'll let you know where to send the $50
, 12:37 PM
Person A is said to be living as if their mother is alive if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if their mother is not alive if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know if my mother is alive" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
lol. I'll let you know where to send the $50
Person A is said to be living as if their mother is not alive if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know if my mother is alive" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
lol. I'll let you know where to send the $50
Again, so seem to no understanding of what I am even saying, which is clearly seen by this post, as you keep asserting that I am going to say something that is the complete opposite of my argument. Do do understand that, don't you?
, 12:59 PM
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know if my mother is alive" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
Cytri's alien post pretty clearly showed that this position is nonsensical. I cannot claim I am certain aliens exist, invent a bunch of arbitrary rules and rituals that I claim the aliens want us to do and then say that everybody who ignores these rules thinks that aliens cannot or do not exist. Funny that he only got a troll response
, 02:07 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 5,800
You realize you just made my point? So you agree that there is not category for living as if "I don't know", right?
Again, so seem to no understanding of what I am even saying, which is clearly seen by this post, as you keep asserting that I am going to say something that is the complete opposite of my argument. Do do understand that, don't you?
Again, so seem to no understanding of what I am even saying, which is clearly seen by this post, as you keep asserting that I am going to say something that is the complete opposite of my argument. Do do understand that, don't you?
a) You must know there are people who don't know whether their mother is alive or not.
b) You claim they can't choose to do X and they can't choose not to do X because then they are living either as if they know she's alive or they know she isn't.
Even though those people exist and make choices whether to do X or not.
, 02:28 PM
You're cracking me up.
a) You must know there are people who don't know whether their mother is alive or not.
b) You claim they can't choose to do X and they can't choose not to do X because then they are living either as if they know she's alive or they know she isn't.
Even though those people exist and make choices whether to do X or not.
a) You must know there are people who don't know whether their mother is alive or not.
b) You claim they can't choose to do X and they can't choose not to do X because then they are living either as if they know she's alive or they know she isn't.
Even though those people exist and make choices whether to do X or not.
a) yes, there are people that do not know whether their mother is alive or not
b) I claim they can choose either and that there is no other choice.
Maybe you are not grasping the phrase "as if".
Let's say that Person A believes that "God exists" so when presented with situation Y chooses action X.
Now Person B believes that "God does not exist" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C hold no belief that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true
If Person C choose action -X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God does not exist" is true.
, 03:25 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 5,800
lol, I cannot for the life of me figure out why this is so tough for you. You do realize that actions are different from beliefs, right?
a) yes, there are people that do not know whether their mother is alive or not
b) I claim they can choose either and that there is no other choice.
Maybe you are not grasping the phrase "as if".
Let's say that Person A believes that "God exists" so when presented with situation Y chooses action X.
Now Person B believes that "God does not exist" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C hold no belief that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true
If Person C choose action -X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God does not exist" is true.
a) yes, there are people that do not know whether their mother is alive or not
b) I claim they can choose either and that there is no other choice.
Maybe you are not grasping the phrase "as if".
Let's say that Person A believes that "God exists" so when presented with situation Y chooses action X.
Now Person B believes that "God does not exist" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C hold no belief that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true
If Person C choose action -X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God does not exist" is true.
Now Person B believes "I don't know whether God exists" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C doesn't believe that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true
If Person C choose action -X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" he doesn't know whether "God exists" is true.
So nobody acts as if they don't believe god exists.
, 04:27 PM
I'm on my phone now so it's too hard to do the multi-quoting and editing I'd want to do. So I'll just summarize my findings instead: Jib is incredibly sad. His argument makes the same logical mistake over and over and his refusal to be anything but vague is a clear sign that he can't support the idea he's presenting. I don't get how you rationalize this to yourself.
, 04:32 PM
I'm on my phone now so it's too hard to do the multi-quoting and editing I'd want to do. So I'll just summarize my findings instead: Jib is incredibly sad. His argument makes the same logical mistake over and over and his refusal to be anything but vague is a clear sign that he can't support the idea he's presenting. I don't get how you rationalize this to yourself.
, 04:43 PM
Let's say that Person A believes that "God exists" so when presented with situation Y chooses action X.
Now Person B believes that "God does not exist" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C hold no belief that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true.
Now Person B believes that "God does not exist" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C hold no belief that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true.
, 05:23 PM
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 606
Let's say that Person A believes that "God exists" so when presented with situation Y chooses action X.
Now Person B believes that "God does not exist" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C hold no belief that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true
If Person C choose action -X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God does not exist" is true.
Now Person B believes that "God does not exist" so when presented with situation Y chooses action -X.
Person C hold no belief that "God exists", so when presented with situation Y chooses action ?? Is there a 3rd option? No.
So if person C chooses action X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God exists" is true
If Person C choose action -X, we would say that Person C is "acting as if" "God does not exist" is true.
, 05:33 PM
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 606
I doubt I have any knowledge that you don't have.
This is exactly the claim many are making. If you claim God does not exist, or really even if you are claiming that it is possible that God does not exist, then you are making this claim as at least possible. So again, I would require extraordinary evidence to be convinced this is a possibility.
You've seen it, you just pretend it either isn't evidence or isn't compelling.
The universe is a product. If we want to figure out a product of what, we should study the product.
I've never had a personal experience, so I cannot help you there.
Left field probably. If the "God question" is underdetermined that means that there cannot be any evidence for or against God's existence. If there cannot be any evidence for or against then stating your position is based on evidence makes no sense.
I have no one thread that lays everything out.
I don't see how you can see the evidence available (and lack of evidence) and claim there is no compelling evidence. This is where we are going to be at an impasse.
, 05:36 PM
How is that question begging? The question is not whether or not people live, it is what categories those people who are living fall under.
As far as a specific action, I don't have to provide one. I only have to make the case that there are specific actions that one would take if one was to live as if God exists. Everything else falls in line after that.
If I start bringing up specific actions the entire conversation will then turn to arguing over those actions and we will never get anywhere. What actions are inconsequential really.
Remember, my argument is not that "these" people here or "those" people there are living as if God does not exist, but that living as if "I don't know" is an empty statement because it is impossible. Let's look at a "specific" action.
Person A is said to be living as if God exists if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if God does not exist if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
As far as a specific action, I don't have to provide one. I only have to make the case that there are specific actions that one would take if one was to live as if God exists. Everything else falls in line after that.
If I start bringing up specific actions the entire conversation will then turn to arguing over those actions and we will never get anywhere. What actions are inconsequential really.
Remember, my argument is not that "these" people here or "those" people there are living as if God does not exist, but that living as if "I don't know" is an empty statement because it is impossible. Let's look at a "specific" action.
Person A is said to be living as if God exists if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if God does not exist if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
Here's an example. Suppose that it is inconsistent with living as if the Christian God exists that you commit a murder every weekend. So we can say that anyone who does that is living inconsistently with a belief in God. However, this doesn't mean that everyone who is not committing such murders is living inconsistently with God not existing. This is because it is not an implication of believing that God doesn't exist that you kill someone every week. It's not inconsistent with that belief, but it is also not an implication.
In other words, in order for you to prove your point, you will have to find an action that is both inconsistent with believing that God exists and an implication of a belief that the Christian God doesn't exist. It is my view (and bunny's, I take it), that there is no plausible candidate for such an action.
, 06:00 PM
In other words, in order for you to prove your point, you will have to find an action that is both inconsistent with believing that God exists and an implication of a belief that the Christian God doesn't exist. It is my view (and bunny's, I take it), that there is no plausible candidate for such an action.
, 06:13 PM
Whoops, all that build-up and I miss the finale. What I meant to say was, "In order for you [Jib] to prove your point, you will have to find an action that is both inconsistent with believing that God exists and an implication of a belief that the Christian God doesn't exist and that is unavoidable."
, 06:15 PM
Bear in mind it is not obvious to me and (as far as I can tell) to anyone else in this thread that anyone who is not 'living as if God exists' is therefore 'living as if God doesnt exist'. This is your claim which is being challenged - repeating that it's obvious, or providing an argument where it is implictly assumed within the premises is not a fruitful exercise.
I am prepared to provide a proof by counterexample - my friend Dave*. I don't think you will classify him as living as if God exists. I also don't think you will classify him as living as if God doesnt exist. I know him really well (and can ring him if necessary) so I think I will be able to answer any questions you might need to know the answers to. You don't have to engage with this counterexample, however given one has been proposed and you don't have any argument to establish your claim beyond 'it's obviously true' I hope you will at least concede that there's no reason for anyone else to believe you?
As far as a specific action, I don't have to provide one. I only have to make the case that there are specific actions that one would take if one was to live as if God exists. Everything else falls in line after that.
If I start bringing up specific actions the entire conversation will then turn to arguing over those actions and we will never get anywhere. What actions are inconsequential really.
Bear in mind though, it is not actually enough to demonstrate an action which everyone who lives as if God exists must take. You also have to demonstrate that one wouldn't take that action if one was living as if God doesnt exist.
Remember, my argument is not that "these" people here or "those" people there are living as if God does not exist, but that living as if "I don't know" is an empty statement because it is impossible.
Let's look at a "specific" action.
Person A is said to be living as if God exists if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if God does not exist if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
Person A is said to be living as if God exists if Person A makes choice X in situation Y
Person A is said to be living as if God does not exist if Person A does not make choice X in situation Y
Ok, now where does someone who lives as if "I don't know" fall? What action can they make that does not fall them into one of the two statements?
If they exist, it would be great to hear what they are.
EDIT: *To repeat the counterexample to your claim that everyone falls into one of those two categories:
"I have a friend who doesnt go to church, donates a moderate amount to charity, donates heavy amounts of time in things he considers to be 'worthy causes', really likes hot chocolate, works in the theatre industry, is unmarried (and considers marriage to be an error for everyone), says he doesnt know if God exists but can't see how the universe would just 'pop into' existence, thinks that morality is subjective,....
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk."
, 06:23 PM
Whoops, all that build-up and I miss the finale. What I meant to say was, "In order for you [Jib] to prove your point, you will have to find an action that is both inconsistent with believing that God exists and an implication of a belief that the Christian God doesn't exist and that is unavoidable."
The important actions though are those which would be implied by 'living as if God doesnt exist' I wonder if Jibninjas thinks it is purely failure to take a God-consistent action?
, 08:11 PM
Well, you didn't, and you continue not answering it below.
I can't tell if this is 'Yes, deists are living as though god does not exist' or 'No, deists are not living as though god does not exist'.
As above. I am not being unreasonable here; this is not a courtroom and I can't insist you answer solely 'Yes' or 'No'. In fact, I'm happy if you do more than that, and go into detail about why you think what you think. But neither do I have to pretend a whitewash is anything other than a whitewash.
And like I said, yes, there's more to come once you finally do answer. The fact that we can't get there until you answer is not my responsibility.
If we are talking about a deistic god then there is no implications on your actions.
If you are talking about Hinduism, it depends on what flavor you subscribe to.
And like I said, yes, there's more to come once you finally do answer. The fact that we can't get there until you answer is not my responsibility.
, 11:06 PM
So, here is bunny backing up my insults that you're being illogical in your arguments here:
No the question is "Does everyone who cannot be said to be 'living as if God exists' therefore be said to be 'living as if God doesnt exist'?" You have stated many times that this is obviously true, that you can't see how anyone can deny it, that it seems clear to you, etcetera... The only attempt at justifying it through argument was to claim it was implied by the law of the excluded middle. However, as you then conceded, the negation of "X lives as if God exists" is "It is not the case that X lives as if God exists". You are then incorrectly deeming this to be logically equivalent to "X lives as if God does not exist" - this is begging the question, since it implicitly assumes the conclusion in dispute.
But I've been wrong before. Maybe you just really don't get it.
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