"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof" is a false cliche.
, 10:07 PM
Any clarification on this, Jib?
, 10:35 PM
Jibs, when you're done dodging everyone else's questions, here's one more to shy away from...
According to your logic, we all must either live as though we believe aliens exist, or live as though we believe aliens do not exist.
Even if we avoid quibbling about whether this logic is even sound, how can we use this insight if we completely ignore what it means to live as if aliens exist?
According to your logic, we all must either live as though we believe aliens exist, or live as though we believe aliens do not exist.
Even if we avoid quibbling about whether this logic is even sound, how can we use this insight if we completely ignore what it means to live as if aliens exist?
, 11:05 PM
I think this is an example of where the law of excluded middle applies. Either one lives consistently with God existing, or one does not. By living consistently with God not existing one is living inconsistently with God existing. So you cannot both live consistently and inconsistently with God existing. Original Position can correct me if I wrong, but this seems to be true.
Second, you are making a mistake in your reading of bunny's claim. He is not claiming that agnostics are living consistently with a belief in God and inconsistently with a belief in God. Rather, he is claiming that agnostics are living consistently with a belief in God and living consistently with a disbelief in God. This isn't so weird. For example, most people live consistently with a belief that string theory is true and with a belief that string theory is not true. This is because the belief that string theory is true (or false) doesn't have significant implications for actions. Bunny's claim is that the same is true of the belief that God exists. Thus, if you want to show that he is wrong, you'll have to point out these implicated actions, and show how they are taken by agnostics.
I'll also point out that we often act in ways that are inconsistent with our beliefs, but this doesn't mean that we don't still have those beliefs--just that we are fallible human beings. So I'm very skeptical that we'll be able to find actions that are in any strong sense inconsistent with believing that God exists. As it says in the Bible, even the demons believe, and tremble.
, 12:26 AM
Second, you are making a mistake in your reading of bunny's claim. He is not claiming that agnostics are living consistently with a belief in God and inconsistently with a belief in God. Rather, he is claiming that agnostics are living consistently with a belief in God and living consistently with a disbelief in God. This isn't so weird. For example, most people live consistently with a belief that string theory is true and with a belief that string theory is not true. This is because the belief that string theory is true (or false) doesn't have significant implications for actions. Bunny's claim is that the same is true of the belief that God exists. Thus, if you want to show that he is wrong, you'll have to point out these implicated actions, and show how they are taken by agnostics.
if we were talking about a generic deistic god then the conversation would be different, but I did clarify ealier in the thread that I was refering to specific theistic gods, which makes actual requests (or hold some sort of significance to someone) and therefore would have an impact on our actions.
I'll also point out that we often act in ways that are inconsistent with our beliefs, but this doesn't mean that we don't still have those beliefs--just that we are fallible human beings. So I'm very skeptical that we'll be able to find actions that are in any strong sense inconsistent with believing that God exists. As it says in the Bible, even the demons believe, and tremble.
as far as giving specific actions, that would only be necessary if bunny believes that believing god exists has no significant implications on our actions. if that is the case then we will direct the conversation that way.
, 12:28 AM
Jibs, when you're done dodging everyone else's questions, here's one more to shy away from...
According to your logic, we all must either live as though we believe aliens exist, or live as though we believe aliens do not exist.
Even if we avoid quibbling about whether this logic is even sound, how can we use this insight if we completely ignore what it means to live as if aliens exist?
According to your logic, we all must either live as though we believe aliens exist, or live as though we believe aliens do not exist.
Even if we avoid quibbling about whether this logic is even sound, how can we use this insight if we completely ignore what it means to live as if aliens exist?
, 12:37 AM
What are they?
Originally Posted by bunny
When you said:
"But they do not act as if they do not know, they act as if they do know. They live their lives as if God does not exist."
What exactly are my friends doing which makes you assert that?
"But they do not act as if they do not know, they act as if they do know. They live their lives as if God does not exist."
What exactly are my friends doing which makes you assert that?
Originally Posted by bunny
They're obviously doing something that you identify as 'living as if god does not exist'. What is it?
Originally Posted by bunny
What actions are people performing which constitute "living their lives as if God does not exist?" What are they actually doing specifically?
Originally Posted by bunny
I'm interested in trying to pin it down - to go beyond analogies to actual concrete examples.
Originally Posted by bunny
How does one distinguish between living as if God exists and living as if you don't know if God exists?
Originally Posted by bunny
So my friends who say they actually don't know? They're living as if he does or doesn't? How can you tell?
Originally Posted by bunny
You previously declared they were living as if God doesnt exist (ie that their behaviour is inconsistent with believing that God exists) though you seem to have backed off that claim now. My question is how you can possibly tell which of your categories to place them in?
Originally Posted by bunny
How do you decide which group to put them in? I have a friend who doesnt go to church, donates a moderate amount to charity, donates heavy amounts of time in things he considers to be 'worthy causes', really likes hot chocolate, works in the theatre industry, is unmarried (and considers marriage to be an error for everyone), says he doesnt know if God exists but can't see how the universe would just 'pop into' existence, thinks that morality is subjective,....
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk.
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk.
Originally Posted by bunny
what actions does one perform when living consistently with God not existing which you wouldn't do if God existed?
Well, as an example, I may have two sugars in my coffee. Fully consistent with either state of affairs. Extend as necessary through a comprehensive list of all the actions I take....
Originally Posted by bunny
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
How can one do this? How can live both consistent with God existing AND not existing? If one lives as if God exists, that seems to me to by definition exclude living as if God does not exist.
Last edited by bunny; 11-08-2010 at 12:49 AM.
, 03:37 AM
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 606
As far as no knowing whether or not the universe was created, well that depends on what level of "know" you are looking for. I think that there is plenty of information out there, definitely enough to make at least a tentative conclusion. It appears to me that a vast majority of the evidence that we do have leans towards created. Now whether or not you deem the amount of evidence to be a "sufficient" amount I guess is up to you.
As far as how this leads me to the "beyond doubt", first I would not say it so strongly, but I guess it comes out that way as I find pretty much no evidence at all to support the "not-being-not-created" hypothesis. So even if there is not a ton evidence, I don't the evidence that we do have to be a 50/50 shot, or anywhere near.
As the title of the thread states, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". I see the claim of "everything is one happy accident" as possibly the most extraordinary claim every stated.
I disagree. There is tons of evidence that we can draw the conclusion of a "being creator" from.
That's what we do everyday in science. We learn about the universe around us. Can we draw a definitive conclusion, no. But I don't understand what the atheist is waiting for. It seems to me that the best way to understand the cause is to understand the effect.
Yet in the countless "what would turn you away from atheism" almost no one says anything about a scientific discovery but almost always resorts to a personal experience.
You might believe like Durka that the God question is underdetermined, that's fine but if you ask me you can at worst conclude which is more plausible. But again, that's up to you. Just don't pretend that your worldview is based on evidence or reason if you claim that the question is underdetermined. It is just as arbitrary as anyone else's then.
There is definitely more than one step involved. As I have stated throughout many different threads, much of what I believe is based on plausibility. Could the creator be a deistic one that simply struck the cosmic match and walked away, sure. But what I see around us is personal beings and it seems to me that it is more plausible to believe that if the creation is personal that the creator is as well. Again, many many steps involved but you get the gist.
I can agree with this for the purposes of this convo.
I would leave out the "expectations of worship" as that can mean many different things, other than that I think it's a fair sum up.
I can agree with this for the purposes of this convo.
I would leave out the "expectations of worship" as that can mean many different things, other than that I think it's a fair sum up.
What I don't understand is how you can say "I see no way to resolve that question" considering that we are living in the effect. This is not something that is off in some distant area of space or resides in the distant past or something like that, but everything around us. I don't see how you cannot make a conclusion.
I really need to start the thread I have talked about for a while but I have just not had enough time to devout the time necessary to this sort of thread. I really don't see how "I don't know" is possible on a practical level. I don't understand how one can live their lives as "I don't know", I think that it is impossible on the whole. But I really need to take the time to write out the thread when I have a chance so I can articulate my position properly.
I really need to start the thread I have talked about for a while but I have just not had enough time to devout the time necessary to this sort of thread. I really don't see how "I don't know" is possible on a practical level. I don't understand how one can live their lives as "I don't know", I think that it is impossible on the whole. But I really need to take the time to write out the thread when I have a chance so I can articulate my position properly.
, 05:49 PM
Jibninjas? Are you still taking part in this thread?
Any comment as to why this is not 'living consistently with God existing' and 'living consistently with God not existing'? If you think this action is one such thing consistent with both, I think you are conceding the argument (since I can now hypothesise someone who makes only such actions) but if you wish to claim there are some 'essential' actions or choices which we are forced to take a view on - any hypothetical (but specific) example as to what such an action might be?
Well, as an example, I may have two sugars in my coffee. Fully consistent with either state of affairs. Extend as necessary through a comprehensive list of all the actions I take....
Originally Posted by bunny
Originally Posted by Jibninjas
How can one do this? How can live both consistent with God existing AND not existing? If one lives as if God exists, that seems to me to by definition exclude living as if God does not exist.
Last edited by bunny; 11-09-2010 at 06:03 PM.
, 05:56 PM
Also - just a comment with regard to your usage of the law of the excluded middle. You have to be careful in articulating what the negation of a statement is. It's true that either A or not-A must be true. In this context A is "X lives as if God exists" and not-A is "It is not the case that X lives as if God exists". (Taking the bolded phrase as well-defined for the sake of the argument).
A cactus does not 'live as if God exists', but can't be said to live 'as if God does not exist'.
Same with a rock, a comatose patient, my dead grandmother,...None of them 'live as if God exists' but the reason they fail is not because they are 'living as if God doesn't exist'.
You are equating "It is not the case that X lives as if God exists" (not-A) with "X lives as if God does not exist" (call this B) and this is an error. Although every X which satisfies the B also satisfies not-A, there are some things for which not-A is true and B is false (eg the examples I listed above, also my friend dave I alluded to earlier).
You may claim that you mean the statement to range only over some restricted set of objects which all must be alive and must be making a decision one way or the other. However, to assert that these two sets are now exclusive and exhaustive over all conscious people is begging the question. This is why some examples of hypothetical actions would be such an essential part of establishing your claim - I (and others) can see many people who don't satisfy A and also don't satisfy B. I'll repeat my query about my friend Dave:
"I have a friend who doesnt go to church, donates a moderate amount to charity, donates heavy amounts of time in things he considers to be 'worthy causes', really likes hot chocolate, works in the theatre industry, is unmarried (and considers marriage to be an error for everyone), says he doesnt know if God exists but can't see how the universe would just 'pop into' existence, thinks that morality is subjective,....
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk."
A cactus does not 'live as if God exists', but can't be said to live 'as if God does not exist'.
Same with a rock, a comatose patient, my dead grandmother,...None of them 'live as if God exists' but the reason they fail is not because they are 'living as if God doesn't exist'.
You are equating "It is not the case that X lives as if God exists" (not-A) with "X lives as if God does not exist" (call this B) and this is an error. Although every X which satisfies the B also satisfies not-A, there are some things for which not-A is true and B is false (eg the examples I listed above, also my friend dave I alluded to earlier).
You may claim that you mean the statement to range only over some restricted set of objects which all must be alive and must be making a decision one way or the other. However, to assert that these two sets are now exclusive and exhaustive over all conscious people is begging the question. This is why some examples of hypothetical actions would be such an essential part of establishing your claim - I (and others) can see many people who don't satisfy A and also don't satisfy B. I'll repeat my query about my friend Dave:
"I have a friend who doesnt go to church, donates a moderate amount to charity, donates heavy amounts of time in things he considers to be 'worthy causes', really likes hot chocolate, works in the theatre industry, is unmarried (and considers marriage to be an error for everyone), says he doesnt know if God exists but can't see how the universe would just 'pop into' existence, thinks that morality is subjective,....
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk."
Last edited by bunny; 11-09-2010 at 06:02 PM.
, 07:44 PM
Jibninjas? Are you still taking part in this thread?
Any comment as to why this is not 'living consistently with God existing' and 'living consistently with God not existing'? If you think this action is one such thing consistent with both, I think you are conceding the argument (since I can now hypothesise someone who makes only such actions) but if you wish to claim there are some 'essential' actions or choices which we are forced to take a view on - any hypothetical (but specific) example as to what such an action might be?
Any comment as to why this is not 'living consistently with God existing' and 'living consistently with God not existing'? If you think this action is one such thing consistent with both, I think you are conceding the argument (since I can now hypothesise someone who makes only such actions) but if you wish to claim there are some 'essential' actions or choices which we are forced to take a view on - any hypothetical (but specific) example as to what such an action might be?
If you want to argue that belief in, say, the God of the bible will have 0 implications on your actions, then go a head. But that is a completely different conversation then what we have been having. It has been said earlier ITT, I believe, that the reason we were talking specifically about a theistic God as opposed to a deistic God, is because on the implications on your actions.
, 07:55 PM
But you do agree that we all take some actions which are consistent with both beliefs?
I don't think you said that.
You are stating that we must either live as if God exists or that we must live as if God doesnt exist. I am taking 'living as if...' to mean taking deliberate actions and that your view therefore implies there must be some actions which we choose to take which are inconsistent with one of these views. I've asked about a dozen times for a specific example of what sort of action that would be but you haven't provided one. I've made an intentionally poor offering (how I have my coffee) which you rightly dismiss on the grounds that it is obviously consistent with both. That was kind of my point, I wasn't claiming 'you said how I have my coffee is a theological decision', I was claiming that it was possible to only make such decisions. I was also setting the scene for you to present your concrete example of behaviour...
What's an example of an action we take which is inconsistent with one or the other? (And perhaps to clarify: Is it right that you think everyone takes such an action?)
Never once did I say that ever single action that you take is directly a result of your belief in God or disbelief in God. What would you think that I would say that?
You are stating that we must either live as if God exists or that we must live as if God doesnt exist. I am taking 'living as if...' to mean taking deliberate actions and that your view therefore implies there must be some actions which we choose to take which are inconsistent with one of these views. I've asked about a dozen times for a specific example of what sort of action that would be but you haven't provided one. I've made an intentionally poor offering (how I have my coffee) which you rightly dismiss on the grounds that it is obviously consistent with both. That was kind of my point, I wasn't claiming 'you said how I have my coffee is a theological decision', I was claiming that it was possible to only make such decisions. I was also setting the scene for you to present your concrete example of behaviour...
What's an example of an action we take which is inconsistent with one or the other? (And perhaps to clarify: Is it right that you think everyone takes such an action?)
, 07:57 PM
I don't think this is true - my belief in God has had profound implications as to the actions I take. Before I was a theist, my belief that there was no God had equally obvious and easy-to-articulate consequences.
, 08:12 PM
Also - just a comment with regard to your usage of the law of the excluded middle. You have to be careful in articulating what the negation of a statement is. It's true that either A or not-A must be true. In this context A is "X lives as if God exists" and not-A is "It is not the case that X lives as if God exists". (Taking the bolded phrase as well-defined for the sake of the argument).
A cactus does not 'live as if God exists', but can't be said to live 'as if God does not exist'.
Same with a rock, a comatose patient, my dead grandmother,...None of them 'live as if God exists' but the reason they fail is not because they are 'living as if God doesn't exist'.
Same with a rock, a comatose patient, my dead grandmother,...None of them 'live as if God exists' but the reason they fail is not because they are 'living as if God doesn't exist'.
You are equating "It is not the case that X lives as if God exists" (not-A) with "X lives as if God does not exist" (call this B) and this is an error. Although every X which satisfies the B also satisfies not-A, there are some things for which not-A is true and B is false (eg the examples I listed above, also my friend dave I alluded to earlier).
You may claim that you mean the statement to range only over some restricted set of objects which all must be alive and must be making a decision one way or the other. However, to assert that these two sets are now exclusive and exhaustive over all conscious people is begging the question. This is why some examples of hypothetical actions would be such an essential part of establishing your claim - I (and others) can see many people who don't satisfy A and also don't satisfy B. I'll repeat my query about my friend Dave:
"I have a friend who doesnt go to church, donates a moderate amount to charity, donates heavy amounts of time in things he considers to be 'worthy causes', really likes hot chocolate, works in the theatre industry, is unmarried (and considers marriage to be an error for everyone), says he doesnt know if God exists but can't see how the universe would just 'pop into' existence, thinks that morality is subjective,....
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk."
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk."
Or are you going to argue that believing in the God of the bible will have 0 effect on your actions, and that there is not parameters on how to live?
, 08:35 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 5,800
Unless Jibs argument is "non-believers don't believe" , which I think he has watered it down to now since he has provided no examples of "living differently" that he can discern from stalking a person for a month.
Heck, some atheists go to church, some theists don't. What are they doing that identifies ALL of them so clearly. answer ... nothing.
, 08:54 PM
I think this just confuses the issue. There are no actions you take that some atheist somewhere doesn't take.
Unless Jibs argument is "non-believers don't believe" , which I think he has watered it down to now since he has provided no examples of "living differently" that he can discern from stalking a person for a month.
Heck, some atheists go to church, some theists don't. What are they doing that identifies ALL of them so clearly. answer ... nothing.
Unless Jibs argument is "non-believers don't believe" , which I think he has watered it down to now since he has provided no examples of "living differently" that he can discern from stalking a person for a month.
Heck, some atheists go to church, some theists don't. What are they doing that identifies ALL of them so clearly. answer ... nothing.
, 09:06 PM
EDIT: This came off unnecessarily harsh. I meant it as a genuine comment, not in the narky way it sounds. You postulated the law of the excluded middle (A or not-A must be true) and then proposed A and B (where B isn't not-A) as the two statements you were applying it to. In my opinion, basic logic is an excellent course to study on your own, especially if you're interested (as you are) in philosophy. The reason for this unsolicited advice is that it is very clear that you haven't done a formal course in logic, but are rather using 'half rigorous logic and half intuitive logic'. Sorry for the tone - I couldn't believe it when I read it back. :/
Now you are just getting nitty. Non of these things "live" period. So if you would like me to add in "if one is living" then fine, but I don't see how this is changing anything other than wasting time on things that should be a given in this conversation.
There is no error. You are right that I can be more specific in my position, but that is about it. So we can add the qualifier "for every action that can be said to qualify as 'living as if God exists'..."
There is no error. You are right that I can be more specific in my position, but that is about it. So we can add the qualifier "for every action that can be said to qualify as 'living as if God exists'..."
The error is in your application of the law of the excluded middle. A and not-A are not as you indicated.
I'll repeat, bringing up actions that are not effected one way or another is not what is under discussion.
So would you agree that if there are parameters that are defined that my argument holds?
Or are you going to argue that believing in the God of the bible will have 0 effect on your actions, and that there is not parameters on how to live?
Or are you going to argue that believing in the God of the bible will have 0 effect on your actions, and that there is not parameters on how to live?
"I have a friend who doesnt go to church, donates a moderate amount to charity, donates heavy amounts of time in things he considers to be 'worthy causes', really likes hot chocolate, works in the theatre industry, is unmarried (and considers marriage to be an error for everyone), says he doesnt know if God exists but can't see how the universe would just 'pop into' existence, thinks that morality is subjective,....
How is he living? Do you need anything else? When he drinks coffee he has one sugar and milk."
To address you questions:
So would you agree that if there are parameters that are defined that my argument holds?
Or are you going to argue that believing in the God of the bible will have 0 effect on your actions, and that there is not parameters on how to live?
Last edited by bunny; 11-09-2010 at 09:33 PM.
, 09:51 PM
You should study some logic then.
EDIT: This came off unnecessarily harsh. I meant it as a genuine comment, not in the narky way it sounds. You postulated the law of the excluded middle (A or not-A must be true) and then proposed A and B (where B isn't not-A) as the two statements you were applying it to. In my opinion, basic logic is an excellent course to study on your own, especially if you're interested (as you are) in philosophy. The reason for this unsolicited advice is that it is very clear that you haven't done a formal course in logic, but are rather using 'half rigorous logic and half intuitive logic'. Sorry for the tone - I couldn't believe it when I read it back. :/
EDIT: This came off unnecessarily harsh. I meant it as a genuine comment, not in the narky way it sounds. You postulated the law of the excluded middle (A or not-A must be true) and then proposed A and B (where B isn't not-A) as the two statements you were applying it to. In my opinion, basic logic is an excellent course to study on your own, especially if you're interested (as you are) in philosophy. The reason for this unsolicited advice is that it is very clear that you haven't done a formal course in logic, but are rather using 'half rigorous logic and half intuitive logic'. Sorry for the tone - I couldn't believe it when I read it back. :/
Side note: I do agree that I could benefit from studying formal logic further. I have a little but it was a long time ago. So if you know any good online resources I would appreciate if you would link to them.
, 09:59 PM
I am not really going to have time to respond to all of this tonight, but I wanted to touch on this. I have stated earlier that I believe B is equal to not-A. In other words, not living as if God exists is the equivalent to living as if God does not exist. Which is why I see no issue with my earlier application of the law of excluded middle.
Side note: I do agree that I could benefit from studying formal logic further. I have a little but it was a long time ago. So if you know any good online resources I would appreciate if you would link to them.
Side note: I do agree that I could benefit from studying formal logic further. I have a little but it was a long time ago. So if you know any good online resources I would appreciate if you would link to them.
1. the negation of "X lives as if A"
2. "It is not the case that X lives as if A"
3. "It is the case that X lives as if not-A"
are all equivalent?
Because cactuses, coma patients and dead grandmothers illustrates that this isn't true (2 is true, 3 is false).
I think you are claiming that if you restrict X to 'people who live and can make cogent decisions' or similar then 2 and 3 are logically equivalent and this is an error - it is question begging, since this is what we are trying to resolve.
Ultimately, the best way to win is to provide an example. Why is it so hard to do so?
What is an example of some action which, if you observed someone taking it, would lead you to know they are living as if God doesnt exist?
, 10:01 PM
Nah - online is not my thing. I'll rustle up some books I would recommend though.
, 10:08 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 5,800
= I immediately need a taker for my prop -> this will end with " non-believers don't believe", before it gets formally admitted and kills my action.
, 10:35 PM
The more this thread proceeds, the more I think your hopes for any resolution are ill-founded.
, 11:01 PM

Hi Jibs.
, 12:48 AM
I dont want to give any action. But this will end without closure or with non believers taking actions that show they believe in God.
, 03:14 AM
It's a two-letter response or a three-letter response; punctuation optional. Not that there isn't more to come, but really, I don't see the question as complicated.
, 03:42 AM
Yes or no, depending on whether God descends to man or man ascends to God.
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