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Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Atheists, stop struggling with your faith.

09-30-2012 , 09:10 PM
QUESTION: For regular, long time RGT'ers...has there ever been a poster who has converted to christianity on this forum. say for instance someone was posting for a period of time and all the sudden believed and had faith thereby giving up their own futile, darkened understanding

all you have to do is's simple
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-30-2012 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
QUESTION: For regular, long time RGT'ers...has there ever been a poster who has converted to christianity on this forum. say for instance someone was posting for a period of time and all the sudden believed and had faith thereby giving up their own futile, darkened understanding
Not as far as I can recall. There are several who have claimed they used to be ardent atheists - but the atheism they generally attack is generally the caricature kind, so it's hard to take those claims at face value.
all you have to do is's simple
Belief isn't a choice.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 12:34 AM
Rommell why don't you tell us your story? probably interesting.
bunny why don't you think belief is a choice?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 01:04 AM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
bunny why don't you think belief is a choice?
Can you choose to believe, really believe, that the sun is made of cream cheese? Why or why not?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 01:24 AM
Why should it matter if God exists or not regarding spreading love, hope and joy?

Isn't God happy with us now since 'he sent his only son knowing he would die'? *old vs new testament

Does OP need a hug?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
bunny why don't you think belief is a choice?
Because, if it were, you'd be able to choose to believe something you think is false (or decide to disbelieve something you think is true). And nobody can.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 08:21 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
Belief isn't a choice.
It is a command. You, you...whoever you are...and anybody else (including myself) are commanded to believe by the creator and judge. Why don't you and others do that...because you prefer to hold on to your sins. Repent. Let go of those things...and turn to belief in God. Believe when you pray. Believe when you read the Bible. It is a command. The promises and warnings are for real!! This is not a game. This is not a debate. You are required to repent and turn to God. Best Wishes.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
It is a command. You, you...whoever you are...and anybody else (including myself) are commanded to believe by the creator and judge. Why don't you and others do that...because you prefer to hold on to your sins. Repent. Let go of those things...and turn to belief in God. Believe when you pray. Believe when you read the Bible. It is a command. The promises and warnings are for real!! This is not a game. This is not a debate. You are required to repent and turn to God. Best Wishes.
It's unsettling when you're really rooting for something to be a level, but realize what you just read is probably the way the poster really thinks.

Unsettling, because on one hand you pity someone with such an addled mind, and scary that such a person is walking among us intermingled and unnoticed within society.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
It is a command. You, you...whoever you are...and anybody else (including myself) are commanded to believe by the creator and judge. Why don't you and others do that...because you prefer to hold on to your sins. Repent. Let go of those things...and turn to belief in God. Believe when you pray. Believe when you read the Bible. It is a command. The promises and warnings are for real!! This is not a game. This is not a debate. You are required to repent and turn to God. Best Wishes.
Luckily, god is presumed to be a decent chap. I reckon he understands that belief isn't a matter of choice, even if his followers don't.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
Luckily, god is presumed to be a decent chap. I reckon he understands that belief isn't a matter of choice, even if his followers don't.
Repost, but relevant:

Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 09:12 AM
Repent or perish.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
Repent or perish.

Damn. What now? I'll have to hope for a just god, I guess.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by bunny

Damn. What now? I'll have to hope for a just god, I guess.
That's the most pathetic effort...and won't excuse you from eternal fire. (I'm rooting for you)

Stop sinning, turn away from sins...continually seek God with everything you've got (strength, mind, heart,...all of it) stand to lose it all. You stand to lose every little comfort. A man died an unbeliever and looked up to heaven asking for a drop of wasn't and couldn't be given. Wake UP!
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 09:47 AM
i think you're mistaken.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
That's the most pathetic effort...and won't excuse you from eternal fire. (I'm rooting for you)

Stop sinning, turn away from sins...continually seek God with everything you've got (strength, mind, heart,...all of it) stand to lose it all. You stand to lose every little comfort. A man died an unbeliever and looked up to heaven asking for a drop of wasn't and couldn't be given. Wake UP!
no, rommell, you need to wake up. you're worshiping the wrong god. forget about jehovah, bow down before satan, the one true and almighty god.

satan doesn't make any empty promises like jehovah. satan simply does what he wants and jehovah is powerless to stop him. join the winning team, join satan.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
A man died an unbeliever and looked up to heaven asking for a drop of wasn't and couldn't be given. Wake UP!
How do you know?

Why couldnt god give him water? Is that the extent of his supposed omnibenevolence?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by neeeel
Why couldnt god give him water? Is that the extent of his supposed omnibenevolence?
He was dead, dead men don't need water, ldo.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Can you choose to believe, really believe, that the sun is made of cream cheese? Why or why not?
I am not saying belief is a choice.
I am not sure. Just wanted to open it up.

In reference to your example. I cannot choose to believe something I know is false.

To what extent can I choose to believe something that might be true or might be false?

Some parts in the bible reference that faith is a gift from God so that is interesting to point out too.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 01:51 PM

I love how your OP is "sticking it to God" and then the rest of the thread is you preaching hardcore.

I am not mocking you. I just find this ironic.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST
I am not saying belief is a choice.
I am not sure. Just wanted to open it up.

In reference to your example. I cannot choose to believe something I know is false.
Exactly. You have no choice over that belief.

To what extent can I choose to believe something that might be true or might be false?
Very little to none depending on your definition of 'choice'. Each of us has a personal level of necessary evidence/logic/reasoning needed to accept a proposition as "true" or "false". You will (under no control of your own) refer to this standard when believing or disbelieving a proposition. Now, you may be able to change this standard, but that might not be your choice either.

Some parts in the bible reference that faith is a gift from God so that is interesting to point out too.
Well, I disagree, but that's not exactly on topic.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST

Some parts in the bible reference that faith is a gift from God so that is interesting to point out too.
So, obviously god hasnt given me the gift of faith, and yet still intends to punish me for not having faith and believing? You still dont see how stupid this is?

Why would god give it to some and not others?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by LEMONZEST

I love how your OP is "sticking it to God" and then the rest of the thread is you preaching hardcore.

I am not mocking you. I just find this ironic.
sometimes i'm walking in the flesh...sometimes i'm walking in the spirit...all the time i'm acknowledging a real being i personally know, God
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
all the time i'm acknowledging a real being i personally know, God
It's pretty hard to argue with that. Can't say I ever experienced it when I was a Christian. Does God speak to you? Does he answer your questions?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
10-01-2012 , 03:38 PM
A young man was the lone survivor of a sea wreck. He drifted on the water, no land in sight. He lifted his eye to Heaven. Late one day, a ship passed by.

A crewman yelled out to the young man, "Hey! Do you need help?"

"No thanks," the young man said. "God will save me."

The crewman shrugged and the boat left.

The next day, a small one-manned tugboat went by. The captain saw the young men and yelled, "Hey! Do you need help?"

The young man said, "No thanks. God will save me."

Soon after the young man died and went to Heaven. When he saw God, he asked, "God, why didn't you save me?"

God said, "You dummy, I sent you two boats!"
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
03-13-2013 , 02:27 PM
F that prick F in the sky

You haven't broken me yet you B you

for the record
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
