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Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Atheists, stop struggling with your faith.

09-27-2012 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
That's why I made the thread, period. (From time to time a relationship can get sour...what can I say.) I figured the best way to offend God would be to encourage atheists to not sweat "it"...atheists were just a pawn in my game vs. God, sorry.

That being comment to atheists would be, "repent or perish for all eternity...things will not go well for you if you suppress the wishes"
uh....shouldn't you be the one repenting? I mean, you are the one that actually believes in this god that you are mad at and trying to stick it to.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
That's why I made the thread, period. (From time to time a relationship can get sour...what can I say.) I figured the best way to offend God would be to encourage atheists to not sweat "it"...atheists were just a pawn in my game vs. God, sorry.

That being comment to atheists would be, "repent or perish for all eternity...things will not go well for you if you suppress the wishes"
It amuses me intensely that you think posting a thread on a message board in some way "sticks it to god." I mean... lol, really? You think an all knowing, all powerful eternal being has noticed your posting and thinks, "Man, I was really going along great 'til now, but then... read this! No, really! Geez, now I'm just steamed..."

Who do you think God is? An 11 year old with a developmental disability?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Who do you think God is? An 11 year old with a developmental disability?
well Rommel was made, after all, in god's image
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
It amuses me intensely that you think posting a thread on a message board in some way "sticks it to god." I mean... lol, really? You think an all knowing, all powerful eternal being has noticed your posting and thinks, "Man, I was really going along great 'til now, but then... read this! No, really! Geez, now I'm just steamed..."

Who do you think God is? An 11 year old with a developmental disability?
lol...yeah it's difficult to get to God. I've tried it countless ways; you can be sure of that. I do know that he's serious about how we represent ourselves to others...guess that was the motivation. I dunno...I was raging near a computer...what can I say.

I should point out to you guys, that focusing on me and my issues won't dismiss you from the wrath to come should you not repent. I know that's a hang up for everyone, including myself. Beware. Best.

Edit: Look, here's some more specific advice. In order to repent, you just have to give up what's holding you back. Think about it. You're holding on to something, and you just can't let go. Drop it. Just drop it. You gotta do it man. It's not an option. Now the written word of God is the key, it can unlock that chain. So when you do drop can walk away. The ball-n-chain son!

Last edited by Rommel; 09-27-2012 at 09:22 PM. Reason: more specific steps...
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
lol...yeah it's difficult to get to God. I've tried it countless ways; you can be sure of that. I do know that he's serious about how we represent ourselves to others...guess that was the motivation. I dunno...I was raging near a computer...what can I say.

I should point out to you guys, that focusing on me and my issues won't dismiss you from the wrath to come should you not repent. I know that's a hang up for everyone, including myself. Beware. Best.
no rommell, you better repent. the wrath won't be coming from jehovah. the wrath will be coming from satan, just as soon as he kills jehovah. it will be any day now. kneel down before satan and join the winning team.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
no rommell, you better repent. the wrath won't be coming from jehovah. the wrath will be coming from satan, just as soon as he kills jehovah. it will be any day now. kneel down before satan and join the winning team.
I can't.. I tried...God won't let me go, lol
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
I can't.. I tried...God won't let me go, lol
sure you can. of course he will. haven't you read the bible? just commit the unforgivable sin and jehovah will hate you forever.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 02:29 AM
how can poker players believe in god? any understanding of probability and odds and knowing what results oriented means basically undermines the existence of a higher being that has control over our world...
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
how can poker players believe in god? any understanding of probability and odds and knowing what results oriented means basically undermines the existence of a higher being that has control over our world...
Please, regale us with your understanding of how probability and odds undermines the existence of a higher being. In case you need help formatting your mathematical proof, here's how to format the syntax for LaTeX images.

Take all the time you need. I'll wait.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Please, regale us with your understanding of how probability and odds undermines the existence of a higher being. In case you need help formatting your mathematical proof, here's how to format the syntax for LaTeX images.

Take all the time you need. I'll wait.
not necessarily undermines the existence of a higher being (i dont think theres any way for theists/atheists to prove/disprove that), but the fact that any higher being has any direct control over what happens in our day to day life

take for example when people say an event is a miracle.. its basically people being results oriented, right? its the same as someone hitting a two-outer in a huge all-in pot.. we know that for the most part, they are going to lose than hand, but 5 times out of 100 they will win.. its the same in real life, with much lesser odds but people dont understand how probability works..

for example, X amount of planes crash per year, and people mourn and then forget about it.. and then occasionally there will be one that people walk away from, and people say it is an act of god that he allowed these people to live, when in reality there was a set probability that every for every Y number of planes that crash, Z land safely, and it just happened to occur at that time..

does this make sense at all or am i just rambling?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:04 AM
It is possible to understand that some people walk away from plane crashes and some people don't, and to also believe that a higher being is in control of things. Hope this helped suqata8.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by Xaston
It is possible to understand that some people walk away from plane crashes and some people don't, and to also believe that a higher being is in control of things. Hope this helped suqata8.
yes i understand, i was just explaining further what someone else had asked about my beliefs
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
not necessarily undermines the existence of a higher being (i dont think theres any way for theists/atheists to prove/disprove that), but the fact that any higher being has any direct control over what happens in our day to day life

take for example when people say an event is a miracle.. its basically people being results oriented, right? its the same as someone hitting a two-outer in a huge all-in pot.. we know that for the most part, they are going to lose than hand, but 5 times out of 100 they will win.. its the same in real life, with much lesser odds but people dont understand how probability works..

for example, X amount of planes crash per year, and people mourn and then forget about it.. and then occasionally there will be one that people walk away from, and people say it is an act of god that he allowed these people to live, when in reality there was a set probability that every for every Y number of planes that crash, Z land safely, and it just happened to occur at that time..

does this make sense at all or am i just rambling?
It makes sense, but the examples you gave only serve to argue against specific instances of intervention, and not against the "Whatever" that intervenes.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:15 AM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
It makes sense, but the examples you gave only serve to argue against specific instances of intervention, and not against the "Whatever" that intervenes.
basically the odds/probabilty results in causality, and not an actual "divine intervention"


(im gonna start making weird examples now) if i blindfold myself and throw a dart at a dartboard and it hits bullseye, it wasnt because 'god willed it' to happen at that instance, it is because i applied the right amount of force and the air dynamics and direction of the dart cause it to land that way

every single event can be backtracked to various causes, either mathematically or objectively defined

and for scientific medical "miracles" that we couldnt explain, its possible that our scientific understanding or equipment was not yet knowledgeable enough to be able to explain it... as has been obviously documented hundreds and thousands of years ago in the past

but yes, i will never try to "disprove" the existence of a higher being, because that is theoretically impossible
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:25 AM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
basically the odds/probabilty results in causality, and not an actual "divine intervention"


(im gonna start making weird examples now) if i blindfold myself and throw a dart at a dartboard and it hits bullseye, it wasnt because 'god willed it' to happen at that instance, it is because i applied the right amount of force and the air dynamics and direction of the dart cause it to land that way

every single event can be backtracked to various causes, either mathematically or objectively defined

and for scientific medical "miracles" that we couldnt explain, its possible that our scientific understanding or equipment was not yet knowledgeable enough to be able to explain it... as has been obviously documented hundreds and thousands of years ago in the past

but yes, i will never try to "disprove" the existence of a higher being, because that is theoretically impossible
Just so you know, I'm an atheist. But you're making a lot of strong epistemological claims (rooted in what I perceive to be ontological naturalism). This may, however, be a result of sloppy language.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Just so you know, I'm an atheist. But you're making a lot of strong epistemological claims from a stance of what I perceive to be ontological naturalism. This may, however, be a result of sloppy language.
ya i figured you were atheist from some of your previous posts and wondered why you were confronting me haha

and no, youre very correct, and i will end my rant/thoughts there..

but i have a personal question for you.. how do you reconcile your beliefs and death? like, what brings you solace knowing consciousness will cease (relatively) soon? to me, its haunting and i have like existential crises and i think about it all the time, i just cant imagine not existing...
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by SuqAta8
ya i figured you were atheist from some of your previous posts and wondered why you were confronting me haha

and no, youre very correct, and i will end my rant/thoughts there..

but i have a personal question for you.. how do you reconcile your beliefs and death? like, what brings you solace knowing consciousness will cease (relatively) soon? to me, its haunting and i have like existential crises and i think about it all the time, i just cant imagine not existing...
I personally find solace in a quote from Mark Twain.

Originally Posted by Mark Twain
I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
I personally find solace in a quote from Mark Twain.
i like it, thank you
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
sure you can. of course he will. haven't you read the bible? just commit the unforgivable sin and jehovah will hate you forever.
It's not possible for someone with faith...that's the point.

Faith comes by hearing the written word of God:
Mankind is not currently in good standing with God. In order to get back in good standing, we have to accept our position of being in the wrong with no way out of our own. Jesus takes the place of our deserved punishment. Give your life over to him and avoid the second death.

Hope it worked! Best wishes.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
It's not possible for someone with faith...that's the point.

Faith comes by hearing the written word of God:
Mankind is not currently in good standing with God. In order to get back in good standing, we have to accept our position of being in the wrong with no way out of our own. Jesus takes the place of our deserved punishment. Give your life over to him and avoid the second death.

Hope it worked! Best wishes.
of course it's possible. did you even read my post? if you blaspheme against the holy spirit, jehovah will never ever forgive you. so anyone, even someone "with faith" can turn from jehovah.

besides, why would i want to be in good standing with jehovah. he's inferior to satan and he's a petty jerk. satan is the one true powerful god. give your life over to him. you might not avoid death but you won't avoid it with jehovah either. jehovah is nothing but talk and empty promises. satan is the truth, the light, the way.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by augie_
of course it's possible. did you even read my post? if you blaspheme against the holy spirit, jehovah will never ever forgive you. so anyone, even someone "with faith" can turn from jehovah.
in that case they'd be proving to never have had real faith...yea, in the event i wake up one day and realize that's me, bink...I'd never know if it's truly the case though because it would take up to the last second of life

as of now it isn't...i can't force it...not gonna happen by my best of efforts (can only jump so high)

Originally Posted by augie_
besides, why would i want to be in good standing with jehovah. he's inferior to satan and he's a petty jerk. satan is the one true powerful god. give your life over to him. you might not avoid death but you won't avoid it with jehovah either. jehovah is nothing but talk and empty promises. satan is the truth, the light, the way.
you got a colored name; so, maybe you just spend quite a bit of time posting levels for kicks....i dunno whatever the case may be, this language reminds me of myself..someone once told me that the "anger" or whatever indicates that something is there...meaning something good

since you might be like myself i know there's no words, bats, or bullets that'll change your mind. on the other hand, i never was tested by someone like me??? hurm...i bet my life to x i can beat some sense into you...this isn't a macho thing, i'm actually slightly cripple...i just know i'm crazy enough to shock treat your hardheaded ass
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by giants73756
If you want us to stop struggling with our faith, all we ask is for a reasonable argument for the existence of Hades, or whatever god you believe in.
Hi, it is me human and I think my reasoning_lol solve the universe even though I still can't even go on mars.

I'm an atheist, I've never been anywhere, my overall knowledge about the world is 'bout 0,0000000000000000035% but still I bully people that doesnt think like I do
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-28-2012 , 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Rommel
in that case they'd be proving to never have had real faith...yea, in the event i wake up one day and realize that's me, bink...I'd never know if it's truly the case though because it would take up to the last second of life
That was always the most terrifying part of Christianity to me when I was Christian... the fact that I knew my pastor, all my friends, family, etc. would retcon their view of my entire life as soon as it appeared to them that I turned from my faith.

I worked with tons of teens and adults over the years, spreading a message of love and peace, offering comfort to those in despair, encouragement to the weary, solace to those who thought they couldn't be forgiven, etc. and all the good I did was instantly invalidated and dismissed the moment I started thinking maybe God wasn't real.

Keep marching forward little soldier - you're only one major life stumble away from being erased by all the people you currently surround yourself with.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-29-2012 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
That was always the most terrifying part of Christianity to me when I was Christian... the fact that I knew my pastor, all my friends, family, etc. would retcon their view of my entire life as soon as it appeared to them that I turned from my faith.
sounds like the downside of being a people person...
my life already appears terribad...i really don't care how i'm viewed (i should work on that...nah i don't see myself working on that)

Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I worked with tons of teens and adults over the years, spreading a message of love and peace, offering comfort to those in despair, encouragement to the weary, solace to those who thought they couldn't be forgiven, etc. and all the good I did was instantly invalidated and dismissed the moment I started thinking maybe God wasn't real.
you make it about's not about you, friendly fyi
or you could be confusing christianity with a religious social group that's standards are based on their own lives

Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
Keep marching forward little soldier - you're only one major life stumble away from being erased by all the people you currently surround yourself with.
concerning me, you are terribly confused about my life cause i was tired of stumbling by the age of 11...i nose dive regularly...i still manage to have a relationship with God and a couple christians who aint going nowhere, 10+yrs experience

it sounds like you associate christianity with people more so than know, like the groups of teens that do the christian work...where the guys have that homosexual like voice and enthusiasm and everyone is just fired up about singing real loud to a horribad band. One could certainly have a falling out with that group or many other similar "social religious groups" if you start stumbling. That doesn't imply you've fallen away from God though...just dorks. Take me for instance, I'm the real dirty deal...but i'm still the real deal...just gotta keep direction in mind

my advice to you would be focus on developing a relationship with God first
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-30-2012 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
I worked with tons of teens and adults over the years, spreading a message of love and peace, offering comfort to those in despair, encouragement to the weary, solace to those who thought they couldn't be forgiven, etc. and all the good I did was instantly invalidated and dismissed the moment I started thinking maybe God wasn't real.
Of course it wasn't invalidated. It changed people's lives (maybe in a small way maybe sometimes more than that). You just no longer got credit for it from that group.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
