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Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Atheists, stop struggling with your faith.

09-21-2012 , 12:43 AM
Faith is when you believe something despite a lack of evidence. Atheists do not have faith. There is substantial evidence against any sort of omniscient, omnipotent presence in this universe.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-21-2012 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by rollthadice4
Faith is when you believe something despite a lack of evidence. Atheists do not have faith. There is substantial evidence against any sort of omniscient, omnipotent presence in this universe.
Substantial evidence against an omniscient, omnipotent presence? (Perhaps I'm just disagreeing with your word choice, and not what you really meant.)

EDIT: If you threw in omnibenevolent as a qualifier I would of agreed with your word choice.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-21-2012 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
No, I wouldn't want to be an atheist. Look at how much miserable effort they have to give to "not believe". I'd rather just be someone that doesn't think about this sort of thing at all.
You should try being an atheist who doesnt think about this sort of thing at all. Ticks all the boxes, it seems to me.
I just made this thread to stick it to God
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-21-2012 , 01:17 AM
Yeah. Flame bait. This is going nowhere.

You know, OP, everyone is attracted to a flame, but if you don't stoke it into a bonfire, people just leave.

You suck at this. Try harder next time.

Last edited by RoundGuy; 09-21-2012 at 01:31 AM.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-21-2012 , 03:11 AM
You think Rommel would be better at tactics.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-21-2012 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
You think I'm here to entertain your questions?
If you're not here for discussion, then don't make threads. No one will care if you just go away.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-21-2012 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by batair
You think Rommel would be better at tactics.
lolz nice
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
It's painfully obvious atheists struggle with their faith here on 2+2.

I'm here to tell you it's not worth it. I'm a christian and "it" blows...God isn't someone you would want to know.

Edit: Maybe I should have posted in Splendour's "knowable" thread...I just saw it after making this thread. Maybe not though...this topic could go a completely different way.
It scares me that there exists people who consider their faith "done".
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:23 AM
The only good that can come out of this thread is a reasonable dialog as to why so many people like Rommel don't grasp what atheism is or means. Or if they do understand, why they think it takes any effort at all to not believe gremlins exist.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by Lestat
The only good that can come out of this thread is a reasonable dialog as to why so many people like Rommel don't grasp what atheism is or means. Or if they do understand, why they think it takes any effort at all to not believe gremlins exist.
I think he's still wrong, but I suspect his point was slightly more coherent than "it takes effort to not believe in something".

I think he meant that, if atheists really didnt believe in God they wouldnt be posting on RGT. He is taking our presence here as indicative of a hidden faithin God trying to assert itself which we drown out by arguing passionately about how silly religion is. (At least that's the most charitable reading I can give it - shades of Stu Pidasso's 'closet theist' if you ask me). It's not an uncommon view amongst Christians, in my experience, although I suppose that might mean I'm reading the familiar argument into Rommel's posts where it really doesnt exist.

The impact religion has on the non-believers is, of course, the motivating element he's ignoring.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 07:36 PM
There's some truth in it. When I started posting on RGT I was semi-hoping that I'd hear good arguments and regain my faith. Now I'm a metaphysical-naturalist so... er... good job theists
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by zumby
Now I'm a metaphysical-naturalist
What do you mean by metaphysical-naturalist? Personally, I view the metaphysical in the same way that I view alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine usually either hasn't been proven to work, or has been proven not to work. Alternative medicine that has been proven to work is called - medicine.

The metaphysical usually either hasn't been proven to exist, or has been proven not to exist. The metaphysical that has been proven to exist is called - the physical.

Can you elaborate on how wrong I am in the above?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
What do you mean by metaphysical-naturalist? Personally, I view the metaphysical in the same way that I view alternative medicine.

Alternative medicine usually either hasn't been proven to work, or has been proven not to work. Alternative medicine that has been proven to work is called - medicine.

The metaphysical usually either hasn't been proven to exist, or has been proven not to exist. The metaphysical that has been proven to exist is called - the physical.

Can you elaborate on how wrong I am in the above?
Here ya' go:

Originally Posted by wiki
Metaphysical naturalism, also called ontological naturalism and philosophical naturalism is a strong belief in naturalism, a worldview with a philosophical aspect which holds that there is nothing but natural elements, principles, and relations of the kind studied by the natural sciences, i.e., those required to understand our physical environment by mathematical modeling.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
Here ya' go:
I don't understand why they insert the term 'metaphysical' there. That term brings about a whole array of negative connotations for me, and when people use it around me, I secretly judge them.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
I don't understand why they insert the term 'metaphysical' there. That term brings about a whole array of negative connotations for me, and when people use it around me, I secretly judge them.
I agree there are certain (negative, from my perspective) connotations typically associated with the term 'metaphysics', mainly due to its colloquial use. However, this needn't be the case when coming from someone who you know uses philosophical terms correctly (zumby obviously falls into this category).

Originally Posted by
metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology, and is intimately connected with epistemology.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
I agree there are certain (negative, from my perspective) connotations typically associated with the term 'metaphysics', mainly due to its colloquial use. However, this needn't be the case when coming from someone who you know to be rational (zumby obviously falls in this category).
Yes, I'm sure he has a suitable response, hence why I asked. But I do still question why they use the term metaphysical there.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
Yes, I'm sure he has a suitable response, hence why I asked. But I do still question why they use the term metaphysical there.
To differentiate it from methodological naturalism.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by asdfasdf32
To differentiate it from methodological naturalism.
Couldn't a different term that doesn't have the same connotations do the same thing?
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:35 PM
Do I have this right, if atheists respond to OP, it shows they doth protest too much?


OP, do you struggle with your faith?

A "no" answer means you're insecure and have to shout affirmations.

Not responding at all means you are blocking.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-26-2012 , 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by VeeDDzz`
Couldn't a different term that doesn't have the same connotations do the same thing?
Sure, ontological naturalism and philosophical naturalism would of gotten the same idea across. Perhaps zumby doesn't perceive 'metaphysics' to have a negative connotation.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 12:33 AM
agree on bad connotations of "metaphysical".
but as others stated probably based on colloquial use.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 01:53 AM
If I was more worried about avoiding negative connotations than accurately describing my beliefs, I wouldn't call myself an atheist either.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by bunny
The impact religion has on the non-believers is, of course, the motivating element he's ignoring.
I was going to start a thread about why atheists post myself. The impact that religion has on non-believers is why I originally started posting. However, if I'm to be honest, I suppose I continued (longer than I should have) for the game. It was fun destroying the faulty logic of unsophisticated theists. I also find it rewarding those times I won on points against the more well thought out arguments against sophisticated theists.

I tired of that (or deemed it not worth the frustration) after realizing that theism runs deeper than mere logic in many cases. Too many seem to be so mired in faith that they have a logic be damned attitude.

Now I'm back to square one and the impact religion has on non-believers. I find it incredibly sad that a sizable percentage of the world seems currently ablaze and locked in mortal dispute over differing versions of ancient fairy tales. I am almost apocalyptic in my view that something terrible is on the near horizon. That it's just a matter of time before some religious nutcase(s) gets their hands on WMDs and starts using them, while rational thinkers just sit back quietly and watch it happen. I find it tragic.
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Rommel
I just made this thread to stick it to God; so, someone can lock it...i don't care.
That's why I made the thread, period. (From time to time a relationship can get sour...what can I say.) I figured the best way to offend God would be to encourage atheists to not sweat "it"...atheists were just a pawn in my game vs. God, sorry.

That being comment to atheists would be, "repent or perish for all eternity...things will not go well for you if you suppress the wishes"
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
09-27-2012 , 05:40 PM
Atheists, stop struggling with your faith. Quote
