Originally Posted by PokerHero77
Kuchar said he obviously would have
That is just a bs excuse. Kuchar could've just walked on without making an issue of it if that was really his intention and nobody would've even thought to question it.
If you're going to win the hole on a "technicality" then at least own it. I have no issue with him claiming the hole if that's how he wants to do it (well, a bit of a problem, but a different one) - but the whole "sorry, out of my hands guys. I'm such a nice guy, but I'm just not allowed to be!"-shtick is so fake.
Sergio is an annoying whiner and asking for a concession on the next hole was dumb, but I don't really see how anyone is taking Kuchars side on this unless they're just basing it on not liking Sergio and not on the actual situation.
As mentioned, Pettersen got crucified for way less than what Kuchar did here. And she owned it, until she was forced to make an apology she never should have had to.