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12-01-2015 , 04:00 AM
yup and i was running so bad yesterday after i got KK vs AA again i had to sit in 25-50 games during merry xmas happynewyear 86k jackpot time
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12-01-2015 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
merry xmas happynewyear 86k jackpot time
Isn't the jackpot taken 1-2 times a month on average? It will probably be taken before Xmas.
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12-02-2015 , 03:45 AM
sometimes it hits twice in a week, sometimes it goes 2+ months, u never know
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12-02-2015 , 05:04 AM
btw **** you guys who didnt knock on wood when talking about how i was running, two weeks of BS ever since *******s
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12-02-2015 , 02:29 PM
I would actually love it if K2 won the 86k or higher jackpot - Seeing the haters ooze venom while he slowly spends it at a rate of 1500 per month would be epic
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12-02-2015 , 03:17 PM
The problem is that he won't because he doesn't pay JP fees in the first place. He can't afford to because he openfolds stuff like 87s UTG and doesn't hit enough straightflushes to make playing for the JP +EV.

Originally Posted by kick2dante
btw **** you guys who didnt knock on wood
I did.
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12-02-2015 , 03:52 PM
its not +ev either way

if you get quads you get .5%, so you wanted to start playing at 60k jackpot..... thats $300 for quads, straight flush might pay $600 (maybe more, not sure what the %is, i guess it may be 2% so 1200?), another royal 6k, spade royal 60k

you are not making those hands nearly enough to pay $175ish an hour

every once in awhile you dont untick post jp in time if they are dealing right as you first sit down and want to try and sneak a hand in and get it unticked..... happens once a week maybe........ oh i dream of that once a week being my first spade royal on 888 (i have made one nonspade royal on the site and have played close to a million hands there)

poots i would probably go above 1500 if i hit the jackpot, hell i am already gonna spend 1500 for 6 months next year when i travel

when you sell 10 ebooks in a day you must reward yourself

while looking for the right place to live where i can spend 1200ish a month the next 2 years.... would love to choose pattaya , really really would.... but ****ing visa runs

today i played the least amount of hours i have played in the last 2ish months

5 hours 45 minutes


insert akon i just had sex youtube video here

Last edited by kick2dante; 12-02-2015 at 04:15 PM.
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12-02-2015 , 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by kick2dante
straight flush might pay $600 (maybe more, not sure what the %is, i guess it may be 2% so 1200?)
It's 2%.
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12-02-2015 , 07:28 PM
I wonder if there are regs on 888 who fold almost every time when you limp before them (but 3bet you lighter), except when there are no aggrotards behind them and they can overlimp safely. It seems such an easy adjustment.
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12-02-2015 , 08:51 PM
Yes but k2d's frequent l/rr play can minimize the raises he faces after limping which allows him to play more hands for a cheaper price should he choose to do that.
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12-02-2015 , 08:54 PM
I've got an impression that he limps nothing but PPs. If he included SCs on a permanent basis, I'd be more confident of the viability of his strategy.
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12-02-2015 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by coon74
Isn't the jackpot taken 1-2 times a month on average? It will probably be taken before Xmas.
Oops, it has just been reset to $5K So k2d has time for a regeneration break now - not enough tables are running anyway.
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12-03-2015 , 05:07 AM
ya xmas is over already

its funny but i feel like most regs dont have a clue how i play, they just look at their pokertracker stats on me and see im a 10/5 or whatever and make the same standard play that they would on anyone else..... they are totally set in their ways so if osmeone limps they always raise 4x behind

im not playing as 'by the book' as i used to, ive started mixing things up, like now i may limp utg with a suited connector and when the aggrotard does the predictable 4x aggrotard raise i 3bet big and he puts me on AA and folds

or ill open utg to like 2.25 and they see a 10/5 raising utg and think it has to be AA or KK and fold (even though clearly you should be calling to crack)

overall the stepping out of the box stuff has worked pretty well, there are a handful of guys that just own me hard, they play tons of hands vs me and always put in the raise on the right street........ it seems completely impossible that they could be as active against me as they are and NEVER make the bet or raise when i actually have a good enough hand to play back....... but somehow they never do

thats the most tilting part about being more active, at some point their timing cant stay perfect..... so far it has
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12-03-2015 , 10:23 AM
well played mcdonalds, well played

walking through the mall with a headache i see a sign for a new hazelnut brownie sundae, only 4 pesos more to add brownies to my sundae, im in

i generally dont get mcdonalds ice cream, once you have walked home with one and seen what it looks like melted you wouldnt either...... but im trying this for sure

the guy hands me the sundae and first thing i am thinking is umm where are the brownies, i guess they are at the bottom

nope...... the old bait n switch, its just a different type of chocolate, no brownies

ive been playing poker for 3 minutes, one of first hands i 3bet nonreg with AK he calls huoop flop K66 he check folds, 2 hands later i 3bet him again with AA and he jams 10s..... river 10

i hate this game, i knew when i looked at the table and saw he raised again and i had AA that he wasnt gonna believe me a 2nd time......
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12-04-2015 , 08:31 AM
why is it that every time i try and PLO i force someone to call to run a race (calling some of these races is being generous to the other party) and they call and they win and then i dont play again for 6 months and i lit more money on fire

i seriously dont think i have had one winning PLO session online (maybe 10ish sample size) or live (sample size one but was 70ish percent favorite with fold equity) since i moved to asia

its just sit down get it in when i should make them call lose dont play anymore
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12-04-2015 , 12:15 PM
i had a bird **** on my shoulder earlier this week, first time thats happened in like 8 years

that pretty much sums up how ive been running recently

yesterday im at the mall and this salesgirl gives me a huge smile as im going down the escalator, i came back later and gave her my number, she was wearing a xmas hat and some loose clothes and i thought she was just average looking 25ish year old standard filipina

she texts me and i ask if she wants to hang out the next night after work... she tanks for a bit and surprisingly says yes even though she gets off quite late

i go to pick her up at her work and she is smooooooooooooooking hot today (ok she is like an 8, but for philippines that is smoking hot)

we get a taxi and chat on the short ride to my place, i ask if her family is here or in the province and she says that her mom is here in town for the weekend waiting for her to get home......

im like o ok um arent we hanging out (as we are in the taxi to my place) and she says yes but i have to be home at 11

it was 1015......... thanks for making me waste my entire night to be able to take a ten minute taxi ride with you, have you come in my place for 10 minutes, and then pay your taxi home.... that was lots of fun

was actually the 2nd ****ing time this week that happened..... the first time there is a small chance i may have ****ed something up, but this time there was literally no chance i was ever gonna score, i even tried to give her a quick kiss and she jumped away

and as i type this im trying PLO again, only .10-.25, and in the 5 minutes it takes me to type this i bet into the preflop raiser on 862r he pots it to 4 from 1, i make it 16 getting 60% of stacks in cleary the committing bet..... he blindly shoves it in with A753 for the massive open ender and gets there..... and i get it in with the nuts on Q865cc vs two players one with a set the other has two pair and gutshot, neither has clubs, and i get scooped by the gutshot

im enjoying my life right now
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12-04-2015 , 12:27 PM
Do you think some of these inconvenient engagements and time restraints that these girls suddenly happen to remember might be due to you coming off a bit too strong (kind word for creepy)?
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12-04-2015 , 12:39 PM
Yeah, that's what I've also noticed. Girls have various degrees of 'being busy'... some are so busy that they don't have enough time to drop a one-line reply on Skype for weeks, while others take only a few days.

Originally Posted by kick2dante
i had a bird **** on my shoulder earlier this week, first time thats happened in like 8 years

that pretty much sums up how ive been running recently
It’s considered good luck because you’re lucky that horses can’t fly.

Originally Posted by kick2dante
i go to pick her up at her work and she is smooooooooooooooking hot today (ok she is like an 8, but for philippines that is smoking hot) <snip>

thanks for making me waste my entire night to be able to take a ten minute taxi ride with you, have you come in my place for 10 minutes, and then pay your taxi home.... that was lots of fun
What's more 'fun' to you - 10 minutes with an 8 or 10 hours with a 4?

Originally Posted by kick2dante
Q865cc vs two players
Were you on free play in the BB? Otherwise you seem far less nitty in PLO than in NLHE
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12-04-2015 , 12:42 PM
8s dont exist in phils
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12-04-2015 , 12:46 PM
Alcohol does exist there, though.
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12-04-2015 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Do you think some of these inconvenient engagements and time restraints that these girls suddenly happen to remember might be due to you coming off a bit too strong (kind word for creepy)?
i definitely think i may have somehow ****ed up with the girl earlier this week, but tonight there was really no reason.... if i 'came on to strong' it would have been by inviting her to my apartment to soon (which was to strong, and it shocked me when she said yes)

but if she thinks that is to strong/creepy then why in the world is she saying yes and actually going there only to put herself in a potentially dangerous situation so that she can come over for 10 minutes and then get a taxi home

i know i know its a message board and the OP is always at fault, but i really cant think of any blameworthy thing i did on this one...... i chatted with her and her friends for a bit and then asked if she wanted to go (was worried about the friends coming with)

she had ample opportunity there to back out or make an excuse, 2 minutes into the ride while making small talk i ask about where her family was and she says her mom was there........ like what could have happened in that two minutes that made her go from 'i want to go hang out with him' and 'i need to make up a lie to get out of this situation'

this doesnt happen often but it does happen occasionally, i think there are times where i may **** it up, and there are times where they are just inconsiderate girls that dont realize they are completely ****ing up my whole night (in the same way that people cut in lines here constantly, or in traffic they only think about where they are heading and not anyonee else on the road) that use the first meet as a feeling out process that want to come over and make sure i dont have a torture chamber set up before actually hanging out with me

obvv thats a ******ed strat because they are putting themselves at risk for nothing, generally the girls here arent hot enough to give a 2nd chance to if they dont put out the first time so i never really find out what the deal is..... the girl from earlier in the week got deleted when she left, there was no point in playing more games with her (she had flaked also, then comes over for 10 minutes)

Originally Posted by coon74
Were you on free play in the BB? Otherwise you seem far less nitty in PLO than in NLHE
that was the board silly

but i definitely do splash around more pre in PLO than in holdem, a lot easier for Q865 to flop something than for 76s

Originally Posted by Dace
8s dont exist in phils
in 3 years ive seen one ten, 5-10 nines, and maybe 100 8's

if this girls body was as good as it looked in her work uniform tonight then she is definitely an 8, i hope i get to confirm, but girls are so flaky i am not sure i will ever get a 2nd chance
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12-04-2015 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
but if she thinks that is to strong/creepy then why in the world is she saying yes and actually going there only to put herself in a potentially dangerous situation so that she can come over for 10 minutes and then get a taxi home
Maybe she was doing a Room Raiders style checkup before deciding upon a long romantic commitment, which included a search for traces of other girls in your room.

Originally Posted by kick2dante
if this girls body was as good as it looked in her work uniform tonight then she is definitely an 8
Is the salesgirl uniform your fetish?

Last edited by coon74; 12-04-2015 at 01:42 PM. Reason: 2nd quote added
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12-04-2015 , 01:57 PM
Not hating but you said you don't change your underwear or wash clothes much, or use much air con, is there a chance you didn't have an odor in the air conditioned mall but in the taxi you did, or your room smelt / was untidy enough to scare her off.

I mean in 'filipino time' she could've easily stayed over an hour and been home for 12. That's prob what would've happened if it'd been Dace's apartment.

Women have '**** tests' that you probably have a high failure rate on but since it's the easiest country in the world to bang in you still get laid a lot therefore don't address any of the issues that if solved would result in you getting laid 10x more, and with the higher end girls.

Don't pack clothes when you come bkk (includes baseball caps) come with an empty suitcase we'll go girly shopping, whole wardrobe change, nice clothes are cheaper here.

Last edited by jspill; 12-04-2015 at 02:09 PM.
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12-04-2015 , 02:10 PM
TIL: The Smell Report - not all sweat pheromones are attractive
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12-04-2015 , 02:27 PM
lol i dont wear dirty clothes when meeting up with non hookers........

she started work at 9am, she was up and texting me at 7am, she has work tomorrow at 9am and had just come off a 12 hour shift....... there is a small chance that just maybe she wanted to go home and sleep

earlier in the week may have been on me...... im quite certain this is a good good girl that i had 0% chance with tonight..... and honestly i dont think i have more than 1% if she comes back over....... but she is hot so i have a debate on my hands.....
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