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Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

01-25-2013 , 08:51 PM
had the best night ive had in a long time last night, pretty sure it was the most fun since the first night with flaky girl right before halloween when i got a ridiculous body high that night and the next day

she comes over and the power was out so couldnt use the AC, i had just got done lugging 9 liters of water in my backpack plus taking a lil walk in the sun so was really hot, hop in for a quick cold shower then lay down in bed next to her with 3 fans on us

i dont really have weird fetishes or anything like that (i hope to never get to pooter level if i do please kill me, no offense poots) but i guess my fetishes would be 1. upskirt 2. panties 3. azn

so she's wearing a skirt and as mentioned multiple times the girls out here arent adventurous at all, they cant stand when you even look at their butts, dont want the lights on (i hope im not that hideous but they all say its cuz theyre shy) and whenever i try to lift up their skirt they have the audacity to pull it right back down, or if they get in bed after showering they come over wrapped in towel and keep trying to cover up the whole time until actually in full boom boom

so we're laying in bed and shes in a lil skirt/dress thingy and i start feeling around hand goes up under the skirt she pushes it away, then it goes back she pushes it way but lighter that time, then it goes back and stays get her wet as can be through the panties im turned on as ive ever been at this point put her in doggie and cum way way way to fast, could tell right as it went in that i wasnt lasting long at all

so then shower get back in bed "cuddle" for a bit hand goes back down but this time i go down and take up a front row view, you know those azn porn vids where they give you the up close view of getting girls off through panties cuz they sensor the actual box?? did that for like 30 minutes she was loving it (i was having a lil fun with it as well) she has such smooth legs and such a soft @ss i was basically in heaven

since prostitution is illegal and immoral i just "bought her a drink" and "paid for her dinner" and "gave her cab fare" (meaning gave her less than i used to)

Originally Posted by Vuck you
Ramble, ramble, ramble. Go on a day trip somewhere or do something interesting instead of moaning your bored and there is nothing to do.
day trip to me is more boring to me then sitting in a chair doing nothing (or moaning about being bored)

Originally Posted by Kardnel
Go to the gym and improve yourself. Then maybe you'll get that chick you want or white chicks on vacation will slut it up with you.
i used to go to the gym all the time, from 2008 till november i was a work out fiend but i tried some different lifts out here and one re-injured an old shoulder injury so until that heals i cant lift and im not paying $45 a month to do cardio

plus it really is a waste of time for me, at my peak i was in the gym 10+ hours a week, gained very little muscle and looked like i hadnt ever stepped foot in one, probably doing more harm to my joints than i was doing good for my muscles

Originally Posted by dogarse

Why don't you go nit it up in the casino in the afternoons/early evenings, I'm sure with your crazy hair and beard you'll get tons of action.
live play is awful and ive heard the game sucks until that one bad player sits down, im used to being in vegas with mass table selection and dont have the patience for the sit at the one table thats running and hoping for one fish to sit down and hoping that you are the one that stacks him, plus i kinda suck at cash, i guess i dont really suck at it im just not good at it

Originally Posted by dogarse
I think the most awesome thing to do would be to make crazy your girl friend but do another month deal with shack girl at the same time and organise a surprise 3 some
LOL, awesome

crazy girl still says she wants to watch me boom boom another girl (but wont join in)

no clue at all what her end game is with that

Originally Posted by sofocused978
Do they even have barber shops and salons out there?

Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
K2D after one of your long yadda yadda yadda posts can you put cliff notes at the bottom.

Originally Posted by Wabby
You can try to find the setting, so that your laptop does NOT shut down or go to sleep mode when you close the lid. Then it will just close the light in the monitor, and all will be dark, while it still keeps doing what its doing.
not gonna lie every time i see wabby was the last person to post in this thread when on the main travel forum page i get a lil scared even though most of his posts are still offering help

Last edited by kick2dante; 01-25-2013 at 08:54 PM. Reason: pooter im not gonna drink, im not to complete give up on life mode just yet, ill let you know when i get there dont worry
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-25-2013 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante

not gonna lie every time i see wabby was the last person to post in this thread when on the main travel forum page i get a lil scared even though most of his posts are still offering help
Here is another one
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-26-2013 , 11:51 AM
What was your program? What is your height and weight? How many calories and how much protein were you eating when you were lifting?

Why on earth did you lift for 10 hours a week? All you need is like 4 hours a week max. Did you spend an hour doing various types of bicep curls or something?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-26-2013 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
What was your program? What is your height and weight? How many calories and how much protein were you eating when you were lifting?

Why on earth did you lift for 10 hours a week? All you need is like 4 hours a week max. Did you spend an hour doing various types of bicep curls or something?
wanted to ask similar questions^^

As much as I have you inmy heart, Dante - it seems that knowledge-wise you would need some support and infos what to do to build up muscle mass...

Basically you need a solid Exercise-plan - for the beginning a plan heavily shifted towards composite exercises (those are exercises where several musclegroups are trained at once).
Furthermore a solid diet-plan and proper regeneration/rest of course...

Otherwise when you do the wrong things, then you can pump like 10 years with hardly any solid results.^^
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-26-2013 , 08:41 PM
i didnt lift 10 hours a week, i worked out 10 hours a week, i do a lot of cardio

when i was in way overdoing it mode i would do cardio for 45 minutes to an hour 6 days a week and then lift every other day for 1.5-2 hours then take sundays off, pretty much did this schedule for a year and a half

i tried upping my protein and eating healthier, didnt make much of a difference

i took weights classes in high school so i basically know what to do, maybe if i got a personal trainer i might get slightly better results but im pretty sure no matter what i do (outside of steroids) it wouldnt have made much of a difference, not that i was looking to get huge but i wouldnt have minded a lil more than i got

just got done taking an early morning beach walk, some cambo guy comes up to me asks me how i am, he has a man purse on and his voice is a tad fruity, i say fine he continues to walk next to and then asks me if i want to have sex on the beach

been trying to get a girl to do that for awhile now but they all say no and the one time someone finally wants to do it its a dude

the dog from the shop next to my hotel loves to sleep right in the middle of the street, he is doing this at 6am and moto drivers are still just zooming past him, i wake him up and try to explain to him that there is a much safer spot to sleep 5 feet away but he was to stubborn to listen

guy was trying to bring a girl back to his room when i got back but way to into his job security guard was having some issue with the girl, he actually didnt let them in for some reason she was getting really loud so the owner came out, anyways i go back down to get a water out of the fridge at 7 and now that security guy is gone the guy brings her back....... but he added a 2nd girl now hehe

around new years i mentioned i went with a girl who had previously rejected me who had great boobs and was one of the better looking girls out here, when i tried calling her a few days later she told me she was in phnom penh, well in my super bored state 2 days ago i decided to call her, she didnt pick up but called right as crazy was leaving (somehow this didnt make crazy go crazy) and said she had just
got back to snooky that day (nice timing) and we made plans to see each other yesterday

well i also had told milky i was gonna see her, and wanted to go with crazy girl again after the great night before, but i had to give this new girl who isnt around often first chance and she came right over, she LOVES having her tits sucked and she has great boobs and i was more than willing to do that for her, was a nice change of pace after the great @ss/legs stuff with crazy the night before

milky called me around bed time i was tempted to go for seconds but passed, crazy called also from some random numbers but i didnt pick up, also ran into m3thie she got a cell phone again and gave me her number which is great because she will definitely be available in the daytime, but if the over under on how long she will have her phone before pawning it is a day and a half ill take the under

not really liking parading different girls past cute hotel chick and theother girls that work here during the day and having to see their giggles and them saying oooooo many ladies hehe..... not a big deal but was better at night when they didnt see, so i ask the girls to come meet me in my room but they still always know where they are going

was reading on another forum where a guy placed a flight with tiger airlines that cost 2,000 baht, but at the end you can purchase the option to be able to change your flight whenever you want... the cost for this option is a very reasonable 7,000 baht

who would ever pay that for a 2k baht flight? so is the airline just putting that up there as an option hoping that you misclick?

Last edited by kick2dante; 01-26-2013 at 09:10 PM. Reason: will always remember my first time having sex on the beach
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-26-2013 , 09:49 PM
what is a good value guesthouse in snooky? under $15.

k2d, do you know the name of the guesthouse if you are going up the road from o.beach towards roundabout, on your right just before you reach the top of the hill?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-26-2013 , 10:06 PM
sokhom or mohachai should work, with aircon they might be a tad more than $15 since its peak season, if staying at sokhom be sure to ask and make sure to tell them you need room with wifi (if you do)

not really sure which on you are talking about, the hill stops before utopia so do you mean before utopia? up that way its mostly shops the last two guesthouses on the right side are mohachai and some brittish place i dont know the name of...... if you mean past utopia then its cinderella or beach road, i liked cinderella when i stayed there a few nights but its probably more expensive now

yesterday i had headache so didnt talk to loud TV man during the day, headache went away after boom boom but then he wasnt in his room so i left a note on his door like last time, didnt wanna do that cuz now he knows im the same on who complained then (as if i care i guess) and was gonna talk to him today but he moved out today....... sweet someone elses problem now
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-26-2013 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
sokhom or mohachai should work, with aircon they might be a tad more than $15 since its peak season, if staying at sokhom be sure to ask and make sure to tell them you need room with wifi (if you do)

not really sure which on you are talking about, the hill stops before utopia so do you mean before utopia? up that way its mostly shops the last two guesthouses on the right side are mohachai and some brittish place i dont know the name of...... if you mean past utopia then its cinderella or beach road, i liked cinderella when i stayed there a few nights but its probably more expensive now

yesterday i had headache so didnt talk to loud TV man during the day, headache went away after boom boom but then he wasnt in his room so i left a note on his door like last time, didnt wanna do that cuz now he knows im the same on who complained then (as if i care i guess) and was gonna talk to him today but he moved out today....... sweet someone elses problem now
yes it is before utopia
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-26-2013 , 11:16 PM
do you mean going straight from the beach up to utopia (serendipity road) or when walking on the road perpendicular to the beach a few hundred yards in land? cuz on the right of serendipity near the top of the hill there really arent guesthouses its a few shops, when i walk by ill check out the name of the last place on the right
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 02:53 AM
i didnt lift 10 hours a week, i worked out 10 hours a week, i do a lot of cardio

when i was in way overdoing it mode i would do cardio for 45 minutes to an hour 6 days a week and then lift every other day for 1.5-2 hours then take sundays off, pretty much did this schedule for a year and a half

i tried upping my protein and eating healthier, didnt make much of a difference

i took weights classes in high school so i basically know what to do, maybe if i got a personal trainer i might get slightly better results but im pretty sure no matter what i do (outside of steroids) it wouldnt have made much of a difference, not that i was looking to get huge but i wouldnt have minded a lil more than i got
This is so vague, poorly thought out and ego ridden that it is no surprise at all to me that you failed. Somehow you didn't even respond with your height and weight, which I am beginning to suspect would paint a very clear picture.

You took a weight lifting classes in *high school* so you think you know what to do? Don't you realize how ridiculous that makes you sound? People don't learn anything at all in these classes.

Doing that much cardio is going to seriously hinder muscle gains in the gym. Why did you do that?

What were your big 4 lifts? Did you even do those? You "ate more protein and tried to eat healthy" even though I doubt you even know what eating healthy means. Did you bother to track your macro nutrients and calories - of course I doubt it since you'd probably have wrote something about that in your post.

Basically you've told me that you clearly did things wrong and you are blaming anything you can besides yourself in order to protect your ego. This type of defeatist attitude is unbearable and will limit what you accomplish.

BTW a personal trainer won't do **** for you. You have to actually educate yourself on this. Most personal trainers don't know anything, either, and it will be impossible to find the rare one that is actually good if you don't know what to look for (since you don't know almost anything about gaining muscle).

So here are some specific questions for you, bro:

1. How much protein a day were you eating? How about carbs? What about total calories?
2. What is your height, weight and age?
3. What did you actually do in the gym while lifting weights? What lifts, how many reps, what rest intervals and so on?

Don't respond with, "Bro it doesn't matter unless I do roids I won't get big." Try to be constructive and stop being a cry baby.

Last edited by Kardnel; 01-27-2013 at 03:00 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 03:10 AM
This got to be a troll.

OMFG, LMAO. Are you for real dude?

Do you just cruise around the internet looking for people who mention the word gym so you can start criticizing them for their workout routine?

This has got to be the lamest post I have ever seen in my life. This is not a bodybuilding forum dude, I highly doubt anyone gives a ****.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 03:11 AM
lol he just didnt eat enough.
if u eat enought calories you always put on weight. always.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 03:45 AM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
This is so vague, poorly thought out and ego ridden that it is no surprise at all to me that you failed. Somehow you didn't even respond with your height and weight, which I am beginning to suspect would paint a very clear picture.

You took a weight lifting classes in *high school* so you think you know what to do? Don't you realize how ridiculous that makes you sound? People don't learn anything at all in these classes.

Doing that much cardio is going to seriously hinder muscle gains in the gym. Why did you do that?

What were your big 4 lifts? Did you even do those? You "ate more protein and tried to eat healthy" even though I doubt you even know what eating healthy means. Did you bother to track your macro nutrients and calories - of course I doubt it since you'd probably have wrote something about that in your post.

Basically you've told me that you clearly did things wrong and you are blaming anything you can besides yourself in order to protect your ego. This type of defeatist attitude is unbearable and will limit what you accomplish.

BTW a personal trainer won't do **** for you. You have to actually educate yourself on this. Most personal trainers don't know anything, either, and it will be impossible to find the rare one that is actually good if you don't know what to look for (since you don't know almost anything about gaining muscle).

So here are some specific questions for you, bro:

1. How much protein a day were you eating? How about carbs? What about total calories?
2. What is your height, weight and age?
3. What did you actually do in the gym while lifting weights? What lifts, how many reps, what rest intervals and so on?

Don't respond with, "Bro it doesn't matter unless I do roids I won't get big." Try to be constructive and stop being a cry baby.
Originally Posted by dogarse
This got to be a troll.

OMFG, LMAO. Are you for real dude?

Do you just cruise around the internet looking for people who mention the word gym so you can start criticizing them for their workout routine?

This has got to be the lamest post I have ever seen in my life. This is not a bodybuilding forum dude, I highly doubt anyone gives a ****.
LOL this is not a troll. He might have been a bit extreme but sometimes that is what it takes to get a point across (also I disagree on the all cardio is bad approach many body builder seem to take as balanced cardio is just good overall) but pretty much everything he said was as close to the truth as you are going to get on an internet forum.

No one has magical metabalosims, etc... It's all about what you eat, and what you do. If you do the right things you will gain strength, if you don't, you won't. It really is that simple.

If you think your body is special you are wrong. Learn what you are doing wrong instead.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 03:46 AM
Yeah bro look through my posting history I really berate people for not going to the gym all the time.

Actually I am sick and tired of reading this guys depressing, moaning posts on all of the SEA threads. The guy should actually try to fix his situation instead of constantly complaining about his life.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 05:37 AM
Look bro (lol at bro), i really didnt care that much about it, i wasnt trying to be the strongest man in the world, either way the work i put in should have got me better results then i got, no one who has seen me would ever believe i spent a minute in the gym let alone the time i put in

sorry i dont feel like filling out your weightlifting survey

and anyone who doesnt think people dont have different metabolisms and different abilities to put on muscle is a dumb@ss plain and simple, bo jackson spent no time in the weight room and is one of the beastliest dudes to ever walk the planet, some people are just destined to be fat no matter what they do, remember when you were a kid and there was one dude who was 10 times better at backyard football then everyone else and no one could tackle him? you think thats because he was going home and lifting every night? no its because of his genetics

i already did something to fix my situation i moved over here, if you dont want to read my posts dont open my (this) thread, pretty simple really, only got yourself to blame for that one

Last edited by kick2dante; 01-27-2013 at 05:38 AM. Reason: LOL wut just happened here?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 06:05 AM
bo jackson is/was on steroids and that is why he is a beast.

Also that is total BS that some people are just destined to be fat. A hundred years ago almost nobody was fat. I used to be fat and I got off my fat ass and did something about it. Loads of other fat people do the same thing. If you're fat then you've got exactly one thing to blame: your lack of self control.

This is not your thread. And I don't read most of your garbage posts. About once a month I'll be sifting through these threads and read one of your posts and just roll my eyes.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 06:24 AM
Kardnel I think what you are missing is that Dante doesn't want to fix his life. He enjoys being miserable because it gives him something to write about, and then people pay attention to him.

Kind of like those mothers who deliberately make their baby/kids sick so people will feel sorry for them.

If you stop replying to him here he will just come and post his drivel in the Thailand thread or whichever has the most viewers.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 06:48 AM
another great read by spiv, being miserable to get all these awesome people on a poker forum to feel sorry for me, you are just always spot on

i am so happy that ive got headaches every day for the past 10 days because it gives me something to complain about here, i thank god every day for them

and clearly the only reason i chose to move to cambodia is because of how popular this thread was

what you seem to not realize is that people only read for the hooker/stupid stuff i do stories, they merely put up with the b1tching to get to the next installment

actually i know you realize that, but you chose to ignore it to continue your recent attention wh0re theme
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 07:59 AM
Interesting points Mr Spiv. I'd argue though that not many people actually pay attention to him.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 08:13 AM
why you guys being big meanies and tryin to hurt my feelings? :*(
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
bo jackson is/was on steroids and that is why he is a beast.

Also that is total BS that some people are just destined to be fat. A hundred years ago almost nobody was fat. I used to be fat and I got off my fat ass and did something about it. Loads of other fat people do the same thing. If you're fat then you've got exactly one thing to blame: your lack of self control.

This is not your thread. And I don't read most of your garbage posts. About once a month I'll be sifting through these threads and read one of your posts and just roll my eyes.
Welcome to pissing in the wind.

soon as you realize k2 is only good for loling at the better you will feel, he is a bit like having a virtual pet, like a puppy that never learns or grows up it is quite entertaining actually.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 08:52 AM
I come here as a pick me up.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 12:34 PM
now stop the hate, thx
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 01:07 PM
wrong topic sry
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
01-27-2013 , 03:30 PM
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
