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Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Living in Cambodia and turning Pro

08-18-2012 , 07:29 AM
Yeah, I believe you.

Like I said I only ever played one session there, and did manage to walk away with a profit.

But that was only a small profit, I only sat at the table for about an hour and the hand I made the money from was

Ak on button, pot size raise pre over 3 limpers, they all call. Flop comes as dry as possible, K72 rainbow, they all check, I c-bet, they all fold.

I guess I just got one lucky spot, and as I said I didn't play long enough to really know about cheating one way or the other.

Glad I know now though.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 08:02 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
there is a certain rubber thing i will always use with shack girl that i have quit using with this one (the only one i havent used with yet)
THAT is a huge mistake you have to stop making right now....if you ever wanted to follow just one of my advices to you, let this be the one...
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 08:33 AM
i prefer to think of it as this will be the one time i dont take your advice

as mentioned this is the only one i have not used with, i am very selective

i know the risks, condoms are only 99.99% effective, pulling outs gotta be higher then that
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 08:45 AM
was at the border a few days ago, stopped into the poi pet casino(s) for a few hours. the game wasn't running then and the staff told me texas hold'em game never runs (50/100thb). it looked like it had terrible structure too so no big loss. the casino with NLHE was also easiest the ****tiest casino i've ever been in.

fwiw i've played a decent amount live in bkk/seoul/macau/ghetto NYC games where me and my friend were the only white people/PP and NEVER heard anything like what was described in that post. then i saw it was from thaivisa so serious to it.

Last edited by djz; 08-18-2012 at 08:55 AM.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
i prefer to think of it as this will be the one time i dont take your advice

as mentioned this is the only one i have not used with, i am very selective

i know the risks, condoms are only 99.99% effective, pulling outs gotta be higher then that
Dangerous game man, I think I've done 3-4 (one time I still don't know if I did or didn't) girls bareback in Cambodia and each time the next morning was almost physically sick through worry.

Problem is when I'm really wasted I just lose all sense of responsibility and my attitude at the time is like "yeahhhh it'll be fine because she says she's clean and it's just this one girl" but it's beyond stupid really. It doesn't help that I can't "perform" well while drunk at the best of times, let alone wearing a condom

This wasn't with hookers FWIW..

But yeah, don't do it.... this ain't chlamydia we're talking about.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 09:54 AM
i dont wanna live to be old anyways

my bigger worry is her having my baby, or her having an abortion, or her trying to claim she is pregnant to get me to give her money for an abortion when she isnt actually pregnant, or any of the possible bad scenarios along those lines
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 10:05 AM
U can get morning after pills OTC. They're just a double dose of birth control pills if u find a diff brand than nordette. Have her take them
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 10:46 AM
walk into pharmacy and ask for morning after pill?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 11:01 AM
It's better to ask for drugs by active ingredient. Easy enough to google what it is.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
i dont wanna live to be old anyways
Nice tourney hit today!
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 12:19 PM
Can't you guys recognize that you've pretty much guaranteed this guy is going to end up with HIV at some point in the next couple months. Any time you give him sound advice like "use a condom with hookers" he becomes determined to do the opposite.

K2D, she may be only one girl, but she has probably been bare backed by hundreds of men. If you don't care about yourself contacting something, do you feel comfortable infecting these other girls whose lives are already so desperate that they are need to sell themselves to you to support their families?
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 12:59 PM
was watching some youtube vid bout the hookers there and one girl was saying how she had been with something like 700 men in only a month or some ****. Stupid if tapping them broads raw.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 02:44 PM
you guys wrap yours up if you want to

ive wrapped up every time for a month........... i didnt yesterday with this girl, just as i didnt today, and wont tomorrow

then she will be back on the bus to kampong cham and i will be wrapping it up again, until i find another girl i really like and trust enough to believe her when she tells me she has been tested recently and doesnt have anything

if i get burned so be it, if i get stabbed in a robbery by a local tomorrow so be it, if a cobra bites me when i try to pet it so be it, if the water buffalo runs me over after i talk **** to him so be it, if a mosquito bites me and i get malaria and die so be it, if a cop decides he wants to lock me up so be it, if i die in a motorbike accident so be it

i like my life now way more than i did in the states, i even have started to value it some, but i could die in my sleep tonight and have wasted more than enough years of it already

was told by someone today that if you bang a girl who has it and you dont wear a condom you have a 1 in 1,000 shot at getting it, that is IF she has it

ill roll those dice, not with every girl, but with some

granted i am far more unlucky than your average human so my odds may be like 1 in 300, still that is only IF she has it, i will still roll those dice, particularly with this girl who has no reason to lie to me about this as its not like im paying her any more
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by bull_b
Nice tourney hit today!
you stalkin me bro?

thanks, the dude i was heads up with was awful but he was so bad (3 handed he limp calls raise with AJJJ in PLO8 to get us down to heads up and had a big chiplead to start it)

i couldnt try to bluff him since he was that bad so he stole pot after pot by limping and min betting, i thought i was gonna lose to him when he had almost 500k to my 70k and was pissed, but then i finally caught a few hands at the right time

not a lot of money but still always fun to ship a tourney
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 02:51 PM
FWIW K2 never seem to be able to find you when im online, is there a player serch function
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 03:53 PM
im sure there is, on party every day i play in a $11 nlhe rebuy starting at 415pm cambo time and a $5.50 PLO8 rebuy starting at 5:30 pm cambo time along with some others that i dont play every day but those two im always in if you wanna stop by and say hi and have a chat or take notes on how a superstar low stakes balla does his thing

when this girl came over yesterday i was in the process of eating a pb&j, ie food the thailand ballers could never imagine eating again, but i still like em and obv they are super cheap

(found some AWESOME pineapple/strawberry jelly, yes both of them combined, so bomb, think the brand is empire)

later she said she was hungry and i said well you can make a sandwich if you want and she said "i dont know how eat barang food"

i was like o.... ok..... well i could make you a sandwich if you want and she says "i dont know how eat barang food"

so im like well, you mean it doesnt taste good? you dont like? and she says no i dont know how to eat it......... so i explain that you put it in your mouth and chew

she says she just learned how to eat pizza a couple weeks ago but doesnt know how to eat sandwiches........

i ask what do you mean learned how to eat and dont know how and she says i dont know i just dont know how to do it

so tonight i ask her where she wants to go to eat she says wherever i want, i say will you try and learn how to eat mexican food and she says if you want, i say ok you obviously dont want to so we can go to your cambodian place, but its closed, so we go to the mexican place and i order a burrito and chicken quesadillas to split

she is obviously afraid of the burrito so i cut up a bite and put it on the fork, she tries it, says it tastes pretty good, so i try to give her half but she wont eat anymore cuz she doesnt know how

pretty much every time she says she doesnt know how to eat i crack up

she figures out how to eat the quesadilla pretty quickly (after inspecting it) and i tell her how proud i am of her for figuring out how to eat mexican food
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 03:59 PM
Don't have unprotected sex with that ladyboy you have a crush on.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 05:54 PM
Na cant find u K2D no worries
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by sofocused978
was watching some youtube vid bout the hookers there and one girl was saying how she had been with something like 700 men in only a month or some ****. Stupid if tapping them broads raw.
I am sure that isnt the norm and that this girl just seems to be trying to set a world record... that is almost ****ing a guy every hour every day for 30 days.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 06:29 PM
I dunno, she was a slave at some big brothel in Phnom Penh that looked like it was the size of a shopping mall and was lit up like a casino.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-18-2012 , 06:30 PM
Was obvious K2D had zero street smarts, lots of people don't, but now he is confirmed ******.
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-19-2012 , 03:37 AM
lol k2 nothing like your first does of gone for the beers (ghonneria) lol enjoy sirr

Last edited by Pooter; 08-19-2012 at 03:37 AM. Reason: to hangover for spelling cjecks
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-19-2012 , 04:30 AM
that is the funny part, he is talking about AIDS when there are tons of other **** he is going to catch that will make him hate life
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-19-2012 , 05:08 AM
Sihanoukville is pretty awesome
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
08-19-2012 , 06:54 AM
hi haters, have a field day with this one

finally a travel noob (or me being a ******) mistake has caught up with me for the first time

i got the wrong visa, i thought i got the right one, i thought i asked for the right one, but i got the wrong one

i now have 3 options and they all suck

A) ride a bus 6 hours to vietnam walk across the border for 5 minutes and ride bus 6 hours back

B) ride bus to PP fly to thailand for $160 and check out pattaya (and spend more money)

C) pay $180 to get the visa switched without any travel

FML i hate myself so much right now

i think im gonna go with C, i cant afford to go with C, but i think thats what im gonna do
Living in Cambodia and turning Pro Quote
