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11-13-2012 , 11:00 PM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
ebbfs im going too the gym tomorrow, prob just gonnd do squat/bench/deadlift/power cleans 5x5 twice a week.

This is only worth while if you are gonna make a log thread in the circle jerk 2+2 fitness sub-forum. Given your height I dont know how you are gonna make gains eating on under 100B per day. You need to eat around 1gram of protein per pound of body weight to make significant gains, plus carbs and fats to go with it. I dont think it can be done on mama's and noodle soups with smallish amount of chicken in.

It will defo help over all body strength which is a good thing of course.

Last edited by Pooter; 11-13-2012 at 11:25 PM. Reason: i speak for ebffs now!
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11-13-2012 , 11:08 PM
someone here deals with properties in phuket, can u contact me?
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11-14-2012 , 12:01 AM
i should of said by gym, a place which has free weights going up to 10kg, then a Olympic bar with around 120-150kg of plates.

Last edited by PeoplesElbow; 11-14-2012 at 12:01 AM. Reason: i spend 200baht a day on food.
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11-14-2012 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by MyironThumb
lol Thai's don't eat cockroaches, they are water beetles. Still disgusting though.

Another thing you should try is Goong Den, which means dancing shrimp. They have them here in CM and are really tasty. Basically loads of small shrimp still alive in a spicy sauce. When you open the lid they all jump out, hence the name
Ya I realize now those large ones are water beetles now. But Thai do eat cockroaches. I shared a full plate of them last night. Fried too, not deep fried.

Shrimp sound great. I can't wait to try it all.

Funny this guy is doing it wrong.

You're supposed to pull the wings off and suck the innards out. I'm gonna need a lot of booze in me before I go for that one.
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11-14-2012 , 12:14 AM
Those insects are a piece of piss. Balut in Phils was the hardest thing to keep down after eating, in fact I couldn't and it came back up after a few mins
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11-14-2012 , 12:18 AM

baby chicken fetus

/end of what the worse thing anyone has ate.
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11-14-2012 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow

baby chicken fetus

/end of what the worse thing anyone has ate.
Balut is Duck foetus so I've basically done the same.
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11-14-2012 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by grindar8846
man I looked at like 30 profiles and all the girls are saying like they are accountant and are not wh0res...they are looking for friendship blabla...are not bitches....

WTF is this ? All having BlackBerry and Iphones on their pictures profile....
All the hookers have iphones/ipads/ect. The phone/hi-so thing is just a running joke/level on here. Also every hooker has a profile on most of the dating sites and not one of them is going to put "hooker" as occupation. You can do the rest of the math yourself. The real "hi-so" girls in Thailand are not looking for sex on the first night flings with random sex tourists on the internet, they're not going to disgrace themselves and/or their family. The standards for these "good girls" are on the complete opposite end of the spectrum. However, these dating sites are a good place to meet hookers dreaming of having an easy life with a farang boyfriend. Play dumb, never bring up the topic, and you have yourself a free fack budy for a week or two or three. Just don't put too much money on one SIM card and don't sign up for more than a month to month lease at your Apt.

LOL, Kaizen's post just gold, LMAO. She has some well tuned negotiation skills that one. That's actually a good test everybody should do. Try to get her to have sex with you with no condom. If she agrees without some massive pressure/large amounts of cash then obviously don't have sex with her and kick her out fast. Only mess with the ones that have some common sense ground rules that they stick too or their STD risk goes up exponentially obv.
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11-14-2012 , 12:28 AM
NO ebffs still have sex with her just wear the condom.
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11-14-2012 , 12:32 AM
PE those 5X5 routines seem intense. I'd prob start with something easier if you haven't been training for awhile (at least for the first month). Personally, I've never been a strict power lifter. I just incorporate powerlifting into a more balanced out bodybuilding routine.

These are the bad boys doing the strict powerlifting routines.

Lots of info on there and
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11-14-2012 , 12:33 AM
phuck it im doing cross fit
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11-14-2012 , 12:35 AM
200b per day would be enough, if you are buying chicken eggs fish etc from store and cooking yourself. but i really dont think even 200b per day on street/thai food is gonna be enough decent clean food for lean muscle.

*** it all off PE until you back in uk. If i only had limited time here, i would not be going to the gym.
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11-14-2012 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Pooter
200b per day would be enough, if you are buying chicken eggs fish etc from store and cooking yourself. but i really dont think even 200b per day on street/thai food is gonna be enough decent clean food for lean muscle.

*** it all off PE until you back in uk. If i only had limited time here, i would not be going to the gym.
It's too early to tell yet, but I do feel really slow recovery so far. I normally always start my day with 30g of whey and 10g fish oil. Now I don't get anything in my stomach until I go for my Thai egg wrap, which still doesn't have enough protein. This really is the crux of it, it's easy to get enough protein over here from whole foods, and cheap, but it's very inconvenient.
I'm going to def. be getting some whey, just waiting to hear from my guy in California that owes me a $200 store credit, how much pure microfiltered whey isolate I can get shipped over here for that, then I'm going to start looking into all those links I got on here and by pm. Def. would like some creatine also.
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11-14-2012 , 12:44 AM
im getting a little bit of a gut, and ive seen other 2p2 who have been here long with the same, need to sort it out before it gets worse. plus it gives me a break from posting on 2+2, guess its healthy to go outside once in a while?

10baht a boiled egg in the restaurant in my building. 7a day with a pint of milk should get half my protein intake. Im not too bothered about gaining lean muscle, just want to get a bit stronger and back in shape, feel weak as phuck at the moment.
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11-14-2012 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by ebffs
Ya I realize now those large ones are water beetles now. But Thai do eat cockroaches. I shared a full plate of them last night. Fried too, not deep fried.

Shrimp sound great. I can't wait to try it all.

Funny this guy is doing it wrong.

You're supposed to pull the wings off and suck the innards out. I'm gonna need a lot of booze in me before I go for that one.
Yeh you're right. Every Thai person I've asked about eating **** roaches get's really offended that we think they eat something so dirty, but it seems they eat a certain type of roach found in rice fields or something. Interesting article on all the bugs here -
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11-14-2012 , 03:10 AM
Barebacked an older Korean woman.

No sign of teh herp. How can I catch Korean herp easily? i want to spread it in Thailand.

Last edited by spoke; 11-14-2012 at 03:11 AM. Reason: 6 barebacks to date. Running goot
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11-14-2012 , 03:12 AM
Doesn't eat beef [x]
Had second bag of roaches like it was caramel popcorn [x]
Hi-So [x]

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11-14-2012 , 03:15 AM
Holy **** is that a galaxy note. Way more hi so

Proper use of checkboxes [ ]
Ask us about Thailand! Quote
11-14-2012 , 03:27 AM
Originally Posted by spoke
Barebacked an older Korean woman.

No sign of teh herp. How can I catch Korean herp easily? i want to spread it in Thailand.
Herpes is all about table/game selection. Like I was talking about earlier today about testing her to see what she'll do. A condom is not going to protect you from getting herpes on your balls when you're hitting it hard and all that white milk starts getting everywhere.
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11-14-2012 , 03:43 AM
Bloody hell graphic there ebbfs lol at white milk
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11-14-2012 , 03:48 AM
Could anyone tell me hard is it going to be to find a decent place for a month for 15k-20k in samui for december?

Seems a lot of stuff in Koh Tao is booked and / or they wont let go of the A/C rooms for monthly rentals because they know they will fill them on night by night basis.

any specific suggestions for samui welcome as well thx
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11-14-2012 , 03:53 AM
she has a fake Gucci bag, nice try.
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11-14-2012 , 03:57 AM

basically for 1 baht I can get 10baht worth of water, im selling location of said machine for 100baht, I accept all major sites and cash, I dont need too tell you how profitable this is.

I drink 7 liters a day
7*1 = 7baht
7*365 = 2555

2555/9 =283

a total saving of 2272 each year

(the 100 baht you give me no included in the saving price)

Last edited by PeoplesElbow; 11-14-2012 at 03:57 AM. Reason: yes I have model hands.
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11-14-2012 , 03:58 AM
no im not a wizard.
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11-14-2012 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by spoke
Holy **** is that a galaxy note. Way more hi so

Proper use of checkboxes [ ]
Eats beef [ ]

Operation gym, tan, laundry has been a total fail. Always rushing to the gym when the sun is blasting and it looks like an amazing day. Super excited to tan by the pool after my workout. 100% now, it's completely overcast and thunder storm downpouring by the time I'm done my workout. I literally haven't had one pool side tan since I got here. Going to have a sick t-shirt tan soon.

Also if I see one more dirty old Russian go straight from the Sauna into the Jacuzzi, I'm gonna flip out. There is even big signs everywhere saying you'll be prosecuted and have your membership terminated for doing this, but they don't give a fak. So tilting. I'm pretty sure I got this rash on my arm/right leg from the cold Jacuzzi (which looked a bit murky and is def. not cold enough).

Third World Problems [x]

Anyway that's all I have to complain about in life so far. Haven't booted the girl yet, she's seems perfectly content to watch dumb movies on cable tv in my a/c room while I grind Zoom, which means I get round 4 after my first session today
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