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07-22-2012 , 06:26 AM
Originally Posted by kick2dante
if you cant live for 1 year on 15k in thailand and have a pretty good time then you got serious money management issues

it might be harder in bangkok, i bet i still could do it

but i would bet my life i could get by for a year in patts or chiang mei on that much money, and have a great time

how can you not, food costs are like nothing go eat chicken on a stick for 20 baht, a couple pieces of pork on a stick for 10 baht each, rent can be had for $300 in bangkok and $200 or less in chiang mei
15k a year is $300 a week. you realise that right? do you see english teachers having a great time? also, meat on a stick doesn't constitute a meal maybe a snack. it's like telling someone that food costs nothing in new york because you can have a hot dog or slice of pizza for a dollar or two.
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07-22-2012 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by lol69
do you see english teachers having a great time?
yes actually, I do.

10K a month for nice studio including bills. Leaves 1K a day on food/booze etc which is more than enough.

If your definition of a 'great time' is getting smashed every night and shipping in paid for snatch then no, 40K ain't gonna cut it. Different people have different definitions however.

I can imagine thais reading these forums and thinking, wtf these guys earn 5x what I do and they STILL don't have enough cash??
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07-22-2012 , 08:19 AM
hi, Is it possible to found new bank account at Thailand (Macau) for bank transfer between pokerstars or skrill? has anyone some experience with it?
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07-22-2012 , 08:28 AM
10K a month for nice studio including bills. Leaves 1K a day on food/booze etc which is more than enough.
So you have no budget for anything else. What happens if your laptop dies and you need to buy a new one? If you have to go to the doctor, buy new clothes etc?

Where is your money for visa runs coming from? Who is paying your electric bill? Transport?

It also doesn't take into account any upfront costs associated with moving here. E.G. Buying a motorbike/office chair/desk/apartment deposit/computer accessories etc etc.

400 baht a day is reasonable for food assuming you only eat street food or low end restaurants, and you buy your drinks at 7/11 rather than paying 30 baht for a coke. That leaves 600b/day for drinking which is 4200 baht a week - 2 big nights out or 3 quiet nights, assuming you only drink beer or Sangsom.

That's pretty close to what I spend on food/drinks each month but I am one of the tightest people on this forum. Then again I am still spending closer to 2k than 1.5k each month...

It's definitely possible to live here for ~1.2k a month, but you wouldn't be going out much or doing much at all apart from staying in your room and surfing the internet.

I can imagine thais reading these forums and thinking, wtf these guys earn 5x what I do and they STILL don't have enough cash??
Thais earning $250 a month don't go to bars - if they drink they buy booze at 7/11 and drink it at home. They cook most of their own meals. They share a 5k/month apartment with someone else. They don't have to worry about Visa runs or health care costs. They also pay significantly less than farangs do for most things that you can buy.

Last edited by PokerSpiv; 07-22-2012 at 08:46 AM.
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07-22-2012 , 09:55 AM
Visa runs are a good point. Something I didn't consider which teachers don't have to deal with.

Obviously I wasn't including big start up costs.

The 'etc' includes things like transport.

If you stay in a condo like mine 10K more than covers a nice studio with pool and gym including electric and internet. You can do it for less.

If you only eat street food then 400 baht a day is around 12 meals. I'm 93kg and 4 does me. How about you fill up your 1 litre bottle of water for 1 baht - you can go as cheap as you like really.

If you have any big incidentals like heath/electronics then yes things are gonna get tight.

Thais aren't paying any less than I am for most things I buy.

It certainly isn't a baller lifestyle on 40K baht, but it's far from a difficult one imo. I know plenty dudes who live comfortably on it or less. No they ain't shouting booze at bed supper - they might get smashed at home then buy a few out for example, but wotevs same result.
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07-22-2012 , 10:31 AM
How many times has this conversation come up, and how many times has it been argued.

If people like me, and K2d, and Peoples Elbow, and lennois feel perfectly content and happy living on 30-40k baht a month, still feel we are enjoying our lives, still feel like we are partying/drinking and getting laid enough then that's good for us, why do we feel the need to argue with the other group.

If people like Pokerspiv, lol69, PaulB, etc. feel they need 2-3 times that every month to enjoy their lives and be happy, that they couldn't drink/party or get laid if they didn't, then that's good for them. why do they feel the need to argue with us.

How much arguing does it take to realize that they're obviously to groups of thought on this, and that we are never going to agree, so we might as well stop wasting out time arguing over it.
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07-22-2012 , 10:32 AM
One thing that is under-appreciated is that it takes a while living in a place to know where the good deals are. People who have lived in the same general location for years know which restaurants have the cheapest food, where to get good value for western food, which apartments are good deals, which clubs are ripoffs, which convenience stores charge falang the same price, and a thousand other things. Even if you're really trying to stick to a budget it will take a while to learn all of this.
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07-22-2012 , 10:44 AM
Sure, that's a good point.

I suppose that makes me a bit of a minority in the argument then. I am arguing the budget side of things, and still enjoying life there on one, but I am an example of somebody that was there for a long time, and therefor knows how to stretch the money even further, as you were pointing out.
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07-22-2012 , 11:59 AM
finally a discussion about how much money is needed to have a fun time in Thailand, this is competently new and interesting topic.
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07-22-2012 , 12:12 PM
You can spend as much as you want. I could ball out of control on a 30 000 THB/month budget.

/End debate

Last edited by vomit; 07-22-2012 at 12:12 PM. Reason: and i’ve done it.
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07-22-2012 , 12:14 PM
visa runs average ~$50/mo tourist visa, ~$90/mo education visa (+ saved hours to grind/work). not that big a deal

big emergency costs, well thats what credit cards are for
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07-22-2012 , 12:52 PM
lol im having the time of my life, its not all about shipping hookers. I playing football 4 times a week (i love football), eating some of the best food ive had for a while, hot weather. Ive also met a ton of nice people from various skype groups. Ive met a few girls who im taking out also. Ive done thai boxing for 4 years, and now im doing it here too which i love. Im not working a job and have no stress or responsibility.

But if that by your means is a **** time, I guess im having a **** time

just remember you dont need to consume to have a good time, just being in the compnay of some people i met lately is a good enuf time for me. sorry im not spending $300 a night on getting drunk

please teach me how to be happy, because from your posts you seem like a super cool laid back dude whos not judgmental at all.
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07-22-2012 , 12:55 PM
$275 a month furnished apt

$10-$15 transpo a week (why buy a moto in bangkok when u have the BTS?)

$50 visa

not exactly sure on bangkok electric and internet costs but ill go with $150 for both, probably on the high side

$250 a month on food (if you cant do this you got problems, i ate for $5 a day in PI and think u could do it cheaper in bkk, could in PI if i trusted their street food)

thats roughly $750 and covers your necessities

i dont drink which saves me money

i could whore 10 days a month at $50 a piece and be at $1250, or i could put in some effort and get normal chicks and cut the cost in half and be at $1000

and thats in bangkok, go to pattaya or chiang mei.........

we arent saying that you are gonna have a perfect life that way, but for some of us thats more than good enough
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07-22-2012 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow

please teach me how to be happy, because from your posts you seem like a super cool laid back dude whos not judgmental at all.
i think this line may have just won a 1700+ page thread
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07-22-2012 , 01:08 PM
ha so i just come back from the on nut beer garden.

I see a hot s1ut walk across me and I proceed to eye **** her. she looks back and we interlock eyes for a second, I give a cheeky smile coz im a cheeky k8nt like that.

2mins later, a waiter comes over and gives me her number, Im like

i watch them go and sit to two old white man. I was like meh bar girls, but w/e sitll happy.

I finish my meal and leave, then she follows me out and grabs me from behind. I turn around and look at HIM! ffs he tried to get my number, i just smlied and said ill call you tomorrow etc etc, he was having none of it, i kept smiling and said tomorrow.

He kissed my hand and made me kiss his, in front of quite a few people. He asked were my condo was n ****.

soo close
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07-22-2012 , 01:13 PM
Don't mind somchoo. He has been banned repeatedly for trolling (bkkdude).
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07-22-2012 , 01:14 PM
Your attempts at romance were too elaborate imo. You should stick to:
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07-22-2012 , 01:28 PM
you got some sort of beef with me brah? i just checked your 33 posts which have furthered this thread by absolutely 0 and most of them are aimed @ me. you got a problem with how i live my life?

just get off my nuts, block me or something.

are you in bkk now?

been told via skype hes a troll, shall just ignore him from now.

Last edited by PeoplesElbow; 07-22-2012 at 01:39 PM.
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07-22-2012 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by PeoplesElbow
He kissed my hand and made me kiss his, in front of quite a few people. He asked were my condo was n ****.
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07-22-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by vomit
You can spend as much as you want. I could ball out of control on a 30 000 THB/month budget.

/End debate
ya if u consider balling out of control by going to 7/11 and buyin beer to sneak in the club, eating left over street food, and sharing a room with 2 other dudes in a balling 5k/month studio. then ur def balling out of control
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07-22-2012 , 01:59 PM
How’d you spot the beers in my pockets?
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07-22-2012 , 02:01 PM
says the guy living in seacon square

still, beats being in a cog in the machine back in the western world.

and imo what you describe would be 10k/mo not 30k/mo...
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07-22-2012 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by somchoo
tell me more about these NORMAL chicks that cost $25 apiece...............

you do know normal thai chicks speak thai!
How much does one have to spend on used pussy each month to be considered "baller"?

By the way, do y'all realize how much of a f*ckstain you sound like when you use that term?
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07-22-2012 , 03:21 PM
Anybody that doesn't have a 7 figz poker roll is not "balla." So the guys spending less are the ones that are going to have more money they can invest in expanding their poker business/moving up. Just a question of who wastes more money on stuff they don't really need and who looks more at the big picture and dreams of making their first mirrrion at pokerz.
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07-22-2012 , 03:22 PM
California Wow Siam Paragon

anyone use it, im being asked to buy out a contract from a e-friend from now till feb 2013 for 5k bhat? But i hear caliwow is going down faster then a women at Dr BJ?

dont want to buy for it to be closed down, thoughts? he selling because he move back to usa in 2weeks.
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