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Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Yugo's SS and Basketball Log

07-23-2014 , 12:39 PM
Back position has definitely improved. 360x2 set looked super strong. You have a much stronger pull in you if you're making that set after everything else. Good, cause each week is going to get much harder...
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 12:51 PM
The Yugoslavian takes the lead in the jellydick race to 405. Montecore very worried.

Yugowife sounds very happy. Unbelievable sex when her man hits 405. Possibly SGT inspired sex. Woman loves for her man to be able deadlift a mammoth 405lb couch. Gets all horny and wet.

405 deadlift and 225 bench on the same day??? OMG babies are going to be made on that day!!!!
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07-23-2014 , 01:20 PM
Not even a double rubber would be able to contain that amount of testosterone
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 01:33 PM

Not sure where you've been, but Yugo's been in the lead awhile on the DL front. He'll probably get there within the next few weeks; I'm just hoping my hip is healed by then.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 01:43 PM
I went from 340x4 to 360x2 in 6 months. So perhaps this is some sort of multi-person jest.

Still, hope to hit 405 this year. We'll see though. I really should cutcutcut and won't be hitting 405 on this cycle of Mag/Ort imo. The highest I go is 380x2. If I can get that I'd be ecstatic. Maybe that'd be pretty close to 405 fresh. Doubt being fresh makes a 15lbs difference (e.g. my 360x2 would be ~ 375x2 fresh). If so, then I'm already ecstatic! Lol.

Also, I weigh 190 now after maintaining ~185 for weeks/months. Northshore trip is solely to blame. Thought the hiking I did would mitigate things. Nooooope. Bf % is no higher though. Actually might be a bit lower. Apparently pie/carbs/hiking = increase in lbm. Lolyeahright.jpg.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 01:53 PM
Being fresh absolutely can add 15lbs. I couldn't hit 410x2 on week 8, but then I busted out facking 430x1 when fresh. So stfu and lift the damn weight
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 01:56 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
So stfu and lift the damn weight
This is definitely the plan, .

Also, I misspoke. I'm allegedly doing 390x2 on my last week of the program. If I get that then I do believe I should be able to do 405 fresh, .

Honestly, I'm just trying to take this program one week at a time. From yesterday and lifting at Cha's, I think videoing every single set is important for me. It helps me physically try to lock in my technique as much as I seem to be able to within a sesh and mentally so I don't overthink things as much and can see the weight that seemed heavy went up fine.

Also. Week 8 is a deload week on Mag/Ort. So not sure what week you actually tried 410x2. The 10th week of the actual program but you skipped deloads so it was the 8th week?
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 02:01 PM
It might have been week 7. You know how it is at my elf age. Can't keep things straight.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 02:03 PM
Well I am going to go HAM next week then and really try to get it. Do what elf genetics can't!
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 02:45 PM
your toes shouldn't be off the floor when deadlifting.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
your toes shouldn't be off the floor when deadlifting.
I think what you're seeing is that what I'm trying to do before and during each rep is torquing my knees out to create my hip torque. To do this I end up on the sides of my feet. So my pinky toe is definitely on the floor but my big toe may not be, which makes it look like the entire front of my foot is off the floor, but it really isn't.

I think it'd be better if I created the torque while keeping my entire foot on the ground but perhaps from squatting I have been trying to ingrain pushing through to the outer heel to create torque and engage whatever it is that I need to keep my knees out.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 03:01 PM
I think what I'm seeing is your toes off the floor.

Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 03:04 PM
I guess what I'm saying is my little toe isn't but the rest are. Maybe makes no difference. I will concentrate next time on keeping my weight less on the outside of my foot then? Or do you think some other cue will help? I'll keep on eye on it during warmups for sure and try to keep all toes on the ground. I can't really see how not having them on the ground would help. Or maybe I should try a toes out approach....not sure if that really is relevant here but it's something I know Weasel often advocates trying.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 03:29 PM
I think hip torque, or at least overly emphasizing it, is fairly overrated for the deadlift (and in general). If it helps with your back position then great, but yeah, just keep your whole foot on the ground, especially the major points of contact (heel, big ball, little ball).

I agree with weasel that having your feet flared a bit is ideal for deadlifting, but you just need to play around with it to figure out how much.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 03:55 PM
Here is why I'm concentrating on it at all:

I wasn't thinking about it at all for DLing and Cha noticed my knees going in on heavier sets. He suggested and recommended when I get into position to have my knees go out to help set up that torque and prevent my knees from going in during the actual rep.

So I assume I'm overcompensating and also need to keep the "big ball" of my feet solidly on the ground. I likely have this same issue on some reps of the squat. It's not that I'm trying to go up on the side of my foot, it just kind of happens if I get aggressive about creating that kind of torque.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 04:13 PM
I agree with all KC's points. From that still pic, it looks like you are rolling your foot over instead of trying to screw your feet into the ground. I dont like that cue at all but if that is what you are trying to do, it doesnt look like you are doing it. And it looks like the only toe on the ground is the little toe.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 05:44 PM
Weasel - do you have a recommendation of an alternate cue for creating hip torque?
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 05:49 PM
I think the problem is that Yugo wears shoes much too big for his feet. Observe the red line, aka the edge of his toes.

Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 05:49 PM
Oh wow, even trolling Yugo, you can see that his toes are way the eff off the ground with his left foot. I retract my troll.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 05:49 PM
Lol. These shoes actually fit. I really probably almost surely need new ones though at this point....
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by BustoRhymes
I think the problem is that Yugo wears shoes much too big for his feet. Observe the red line, aka the edge of his toes.

Not everyone is required by their religion to wear elf shoes.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 06:00 PM
In all seriousness, though, isn't your top down setup essentially causing you to do successive singles with a short rest period? Not that it's necessarily bad, it's just that when I think of consecutive reps in a DL set, I think of KC's style or that iconic DFII video from back in the day.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 06:03 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

Not everyone is required by their religion to wear elf shoes.

Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 06:05 PM

Im not even sure what hip torque is or what its supposed to feel like so thats why i dont like the cue.

Can you take a video from the front next time so we can see what your knees are doing? It looks like to keep your knees out, you are rolling over your foot instead of externally rotating.
Yugo's SS and Basketball Log Quote
07-23-2014 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
In all seriousness, though, isn't your top down setup essentially causing you to do successive singles with a short rest period? Not that it's necessarily bad, it's just that when I think of consecutive reps in a DL set, I think of KC's style or that iconic DFII video from back in the day.
Well, I don't really do a top down setup as I'm sure KC can point out. But I do try to approach setting up and getting tight ASAP from standing, rather than doing more tightening when I'm hunched over the bar. Thus, the successive singles.

I'm not really sure what your point is. I shouldn't notate them as reps in a set and instead I'm doing 16 singles of 280lbs with 5 minute rests after every 4 singles? I guess, although they are much more like sets of 4 than separate singles. And they are harder than touch-n-go sets like Cha does.
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