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03-26-2016 , 10:44 PM
I'm in the market to buy home gym equipment, I live in virginia though

What did you not like about having a home gym?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 10:47 PM
Joined a local crossfit not a 5 minute drive from my house in the beginning of the year. I'm going to keep going there and keep the rower and kettlebells at home for supplemental workouts. My garage is going to become a den/laundry room and the wife wasn't to keen on kitchen deadlifts.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:08 PM
S&F's demise into betadom continues
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:24 PM
Halfslant, I'm in South Fla., so I think it's a bit too much of a trek for you, otherwise I would have happily sold you my stuff. I'm ending up selling a platform, pendlay squat stand with pull up attachment, 375# in bumpers, pendlay bushing barbell and rogue collars for $750 to some dude on Monday. He's getting an awfully good deal imo.

To answer your question, I don't like a home gym because I prefer to workout around others. It's lonely and boring. Also, working out in a hot Miami garage isn't the most pleasant of experiences either. I'm also converting my attached garage to a den so the timing just works.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
S&F's demise into betadom continues
I'm thinking about taking up pilates or spinning next. I'm just having so much trouble deciding!
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:29 PM
How much was it new?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:31 PM
The equipment was around $1600 - $1700. I forget how much materials for the platform were. Couple hundred bucks probably.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:34 PM
Why aren't you doing the Open?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:40 PM
Wow $750 is a huge steal. Do you just not care or are you not used to selling stuff online? Could have gotten way more for that.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:40 PM
I've never done the open since I started crossfit in 2011. It's never really appealed to me. Since I'm in the worst shape in recent memory, this didn't seem like a good year to start. Perhaps next year.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-26-2016 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Wow $750 is a huge steal. Do you just not care or are you not used to selling stuff online? Could have gotten way more for that.
I listed it on Craigslist for $1k. There's 2 years wear and tear on it and I need to move it relatively quickly. A ~60% discount off of the price brand new seems about right. I probably could've gotten 1k had I been more patient, but I can't have it around when construction starts.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-27-2016 , 12:28 AM
meanwhile this is the stuff on my local craigslist:

not even olympic bar $1100
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-27-2016 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
meanwhile this is the stuff on my local craigslist:

not even olympic bar $1100
Wow that looks like garbage. Outside of my post though, all of the stuff on my local Craigslist looks like overpriced crap I wouldn't bother buying either.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-27-2016 , 08:19 PM




1 mile run - 9:30
2 minute run - .22
2+ miles walking
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by PayoffWiz
Joined a local crossfit not a 5 minute drive from my house in the beginning of the year. I'm going to keep going there and keep the rower and kettlebells at home for supplemental workouts. My garage is going to become a den/laundry room and the wife wasn't to keen on kitchen deadlifts.
A new cf is opening down the street from me. I am thinking of joining just to motivate myself / do something "new". I've generally had the same experience as you re: easier to stay on track when you workout with a bunch of others. gl.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by downtown
A new cf is opening down the street from me. I am thinking of joining just to motivate myself / do something "new". I've generally had the same experience as you re: easier to stay on track when you workout with a bunch of others. gl.
Although my workout compliance isn't ideal atm (I'm making it to the gym about 3x a week on average), it's far better than it has been with the garage gym and ideally I'll be at 4x a week soon.

I think joining is a good idea for you as well. GL to you too.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by HalfSlant
I'm in the market to buy home gym equipment, I live in virginia though

What did you not like about having a home gym?

Northern VA? if so pm me
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 05:29 PM
Just sold my home gym equipment.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 07:57 PM
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:05 PM
Yeah home gyms are stupid. Been saying it for a long time. The point of working out is to get away from home.

Look at cha. $10000 home gym but instead pays to train with nemesis or whatever.

Look at yugo. Looks like Waldo even though he has home gym. No one with a home gym has a good physique or ever uses it.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Yeah home gyms are stupid. Been saying it for a long time. The point of working out is to get away from home.

Look at cha. $10000 home gym but instead pays to train with nemesis or whatever.

Look at yugo. Looks like Waldo even though he has home gym. No one with a home gym has a good physique or ever uses it.
Wasn't there a skinny cyclist 2+2er who squatted in his home gym naked or something?

In any event, I agree with you. I'm easily in the worst shape since I started logging on here and probably since 2011. Obviously it's not a result of my home gym, but having it wasn't exactly motivational.

Funny thing is, the guy I sold my equipment to was a fairly fit 20-something year old crossfitter. In five years, he will have succumbed to the nomzies and look like a dyel thanks his home gym set up. Poor sap.

ETA: One thing I will definitely miss the most is being able to pop into my garage and bang out a set of pull ups at any old time.

Last edited by PayoffWiz; 03-28-2016 at 08:33 PM.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:32 PM

Warm up - 2 x 200 meter run, 5 banded lateral walks, 5 jump squats, 5 pull ups



Worked up to heavy single. 285 wasn't that difficult. Failing 295 was sad, especially knowing that Syndr0m squatted 280x20, but what can you do?


Was supposed to be:

1 mile run
155x50 back squat
30 burpees

Didn't want to run again though so did:

2k row
135x25 squat
30 burpees

Took a hair under 20 minutes and was quite hard. Did the 2k row in a very slow 8 minutes. The rest took about 12.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:33 PM

You probably missed an opportunity by not including an action shot of you using your equipment; I'm guessing the guy that bought it would have assumed that it was way less used than it actually was and you could have gotten a better offer out of him.
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore

You probably missed an opportunity by not including an action shot of you using your equipment; I'm guessing the guy that bought it would have assumed that it was way less used than it actually was and you could have gotten a better offer out of him.
Wouldn't the value of the equipment be higher if used less?
POW's CrossFit Log Quote
03-28-2016 , 08:36 PM
That was the joke, yes
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