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***Official H&F LC Thread*** ***Official H&F LC Thread***

01-30-2019 , 11:36 AM
Sorry to hear. Best of luck to you.
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01-30-2019 , 12:02 PM

Really sorry to hear that; I hope that you're able to get into the new trial, and that it or some of the other options produce positive results.
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01-30-2019 , 12:27 PM
Sorry to hear that. Hoping for some good news and thinking of you guys.
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01-30-2019 , 12:48 PM
Sorry to hear.
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01-30-2019 , 01:23 PM
That really ****ing sucks Holliday
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-30-2019 , 02:23 PM
Sorry Holliday. I've had a rough year but it's nothing compared to what you've been going through.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-30-2019 , 03:59 PM
At the risk of further AIDSing up the LC thread, thoughts about this announcement from the IPF?

USA Powerlifting is an inclusive organization for all athletes and members who comply with its rules, policies, procedures, and bylaws. USA Powerlifting is not a fit for every athlete and for every medical condition or situation. Simply, not all powerlifters are eligible to compete in USA Powerlifting.

USA Powerlifting, as a National Affiliate of the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) adopted, and follows the policies as defined by the IPF Medical Committee which impact the participation of transgender individuals in events sanctioned by USA Powerlifting.

Two areas of policy impact such participation:

The first has to do with the use of testosterone or other androgens, commonly used to assist in transition from female to male. By virtue of the anabolic nature of these compounds, they are not allowed, nor is a Therapeutic Use Exemption granted for such use for anyone. This applies to any and all medical conditions which might be treated through use of androgens.

The second area involves the participation of male to female competitors. Through analysis the impact of maturation in the presence naturally occurring androgens as the level necessary for male development, significant advantages are had, including but not limited to increased body and muscle mass, bone density, bone structure, and connective tissue. These advantages are not eliminated by reduction of serum androgens such as testosterone yielding a potential advantage in strength sports such as powerlifting.

The IPF added acceptance of the International Olympic Committee Guidelines on inclusion of transgender individuals in competition. However, the IOC Guidelines also allows sports to determine the impact on fair play through such inclusion. The IPF Medical Committee, while respecting the rights of those who choose to transition, has been consistent in its opinion that use of testosterone and participation of male to female transgender athletes in our sport compromises fair play.

While other sports and activities, and other powerlifting organizations may choose a different interpretation of the impact on their respective competitive activities, USA Powerlifting will continue to follow the policies as defined by the IPF Medical Committee. If, or when the membership of USA Powerlifting, through the processes of governance as defined in the Constitution and Bylaws of our Federation, chooses to address these policies, their interpretation and adherence to them may change.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-30-2019 , 05:17 PM
Thanks guys. I'm feeling a little down.
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01-30-2019 , 05:23 PM
+1 to White Boy Rick, but Venom was meh, at best.

+1 to TD. Season has been great so far.

+1 to sorry Holliday and Holliwife. Hope the outcome is positive.

+1 to guys not being able to compete against girls in strength sports and combat sports. Anyone who thinks that is fair, is out of their mind.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-30-2019 , 08:06 PM
My legs are toast from the leg workout the other day. I work 8-12hrs per day on a standing desk, would it be smarter to sit down for the recovery?
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01-30-2019 , 11:30 PM
IPF appears to have got something correct for a change
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01-31-2019 , 12:43 AM
Since both female and transgender are protected classes and cancel out, I doubt this will be too controversial. SJWs have proven me wrong before though.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 01:13 AM
Six people will tweet about it calling the IPF transphobic or some stupid **** like that. Then the Daily Caller will put all six tweets in an article about the loony left. Then Evo's going to post a 20 minute Jordan Peterson YouTube response dragging the 6 PC Neo-Marxists and I'm probably going to watch the whole thing because I'm an ******* who hates myself and has no respect for how I use my own time because we live in the stupidest era ever and I can't stop consuming it.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Six people will tweet about it calling the IPF transphobic or some stupid **** like that. Then the Daily Caller will put all six tweets in an article about the loony left. Then Evo's going to post a 20 minute Jordan Peterson YouTube response dragging the 6 PC Neo-Marxists and I'm probably going to watch the whole thing because I'm an ******* who hates myself and has no respect for how I use my own time because we live in the stupidest era ever and I can't stop consuming it.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 02:43 AM
I assume male to female trans competitors can compete as male. Is that correct? The statement is a little vague on that and references other stuff that I can't be arsed up to look into.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 03:17 AM
Originally Posted by Holliday
Got some pretty **** news about wife's tumor yesterday.
Really sorry to hear that
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01-31-2019 , 03:51 AM
+1 to Holliday and wife. I hope everything works out ok.
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01-31-2019 , 09:48 AM
I actually misspoke with my original post; this announcement was from USAPL, not IPF. IPF is apparently still following IOC guidelines, where transgender participation is still technically allowed.

I don't know enough about the science to have a fully informed opinion (I'm not sure anybody actually does), but erring on the side of caution with combat sports specifically seems pretty reasonable. In sports like powerlifting and weightlifting, my guess is that those that undergo the MtF transition specifically benefit from the years of male androgens even after transitioning (with respect to bone density and whatnot), but, again, I'm not really sure the data is there to make that statement with any degree of scientific rigor.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 03:59 PM
Holliday, hang in there bud.

I think we need various rulings for each of multi-ply, single ply, raw classic, raw wraps only, multi-raw, classic MtF, raw FtM, USAPL modern, retro, raw denim, et al.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 04:11 PM

On a meeting at work and small talk turned to who would win in fights between bosses. As the resident Pocket Hercules, I was brought into the speculation and asked if I could beat up people in the company to which I replied "Beat up, nah, but I can bench more than anyone, so there's that"

A fatty turned cardio guy replied with "There's a life skill".

I am ashamed to say that I was not ready for this. I WISH I had said that being weak and soft is not a life skill either, but I thought of it too late. So now I am saying that here. /jerkstorecalled
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 04:19 PM

I'll pass along that advice to my extensive USAPL contact network; raw denim seems like it would combine the technical proficiency of multiply with the magnetic sex appeal of the ABP community, so it's hard to see the downside.


sorrytohearyoucameupshort.carusosunglassesascii.DT .exe

Last edited by Montecore; 01-31-2019 at 04:25 PM.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
01-31-2019 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by allinontheturn
Six people will tweet about it calling the IPF transphobic or some stupid **** like that. Then the Daily Caller will put all six tweets in an article about the loony left. Then Evo's going to post a 20 minute Jordan Peterson YouTube response dragging the 6 PC Neo-Marxists and I'm probably going to watch the whole thing because I'm an ******* who hates myself and has no respect for how I use my own time because we live in the stupidest era ever and I can't stop consuming it.
this is somewhat inaccurate. Searching my own posting history, I have only once referred non-negatively to JP. I'm a huge fan of the other JP, JORDAN PETERS, the 5'5 31 year old UK bodybuilder who looks 50 so maybe that confused you? I consider myself a vocal anti-fan of the other one who peddles the same trad-con "sacrifice society/community/family (women) because sacrifice will give your life meaning herp derp" pseudospirital wishywashy nonsense as people have under the guise of Christianity for centuries before.

That being said, who cares it's just natty powerlifting LOL. Call me when they cancel the drug tests.
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-01-2019 , 07:52 PM
I never said you liked the mother****er

But yes "who cares natty plolwerlifting" is the objectively correct answer
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02-02-2019 , 03:09 PM
Saw this in the local bottleo, thought of those of you surviving the polar vortex
***Official H&F LC Thread*** Quote
02-02-2019 , 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Aidan
Saw this in the local bottleo, thought of those of you surviving the polar vortex
I heard you had to endure a family of pikey's on the island recently so I guess we all bear a cross.
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