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Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses

12-11-2013 , 05:25 PM
3x5x365 is pretty legit. Not sure ill be able to get there on linear progress
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12-11-2013 , 06:42 PM
Yea, the olds is a thing. Luckily I havent been infected with salts. Softball is legit though.

I did have some low back issues early on and again some point around when I maxed my dl out I reinjured it. It has been a non issue for a year and a half. Likely helped by me not heavy deadlifting. It is something I am concerned about, but 1.5 years pain free is salad. Will have to watch it close now though.

Thanks HS. I'm hoping to get 3x5 up closer to 4 plates by spring. I think 375 is prob more accurate 3x5, and possibly 380.

Softball cool starry bra. My first week playing was last week, the fields here are modeled after real baseball parks, there is a fenway, yankee, angels, dodgers, and old cinci, and wrigley. They are really legit. So we played the best team in the league and after by buddy almost got into a fight over getting beaned by some try hard leading off we had one more inning to come back down 5. We held them to one then batted.

First two batters out. Then we got some baserunners, scored 2 and I got up with the bases loaded. Stand up triple. Then we tied it up and won. Girlfriend in the stands in the freezing cold for even more sick brags. I went 7/8. Good times. Apart from when I tried holding up from full sprint after getting out at second and rolled my ankle it was a blast.
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12-11-2013 , 06:47 PM
KY, a legend in his own time.
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12-13-2013 , 05:28 AM
Managed to get in for a 3x4x375 today

It wasn't too bad, hadn't eaten anything and was rushed so I didn't go ham

My diet has been a lot of cake and ice cream in between good meals not givin a fk
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12-15-2013 , 04:36 PM
Just living the dream
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12-20-2013 , 11:02 AM
The sweets got a little out of hand but I think i survived the worst of it. I started feeling really weak. I had a bad lift day, and realized I needed to get back on track. If I'm gonna bulk I can bulk but not on just strait garbage. Will see but I dont want to get over 190 so this really cant be a true bulk, just a little winter fats. Lifts are Ceasar.


two days ago 3x5x365 and a 315x5 dl

The dream is to do a 5x405, anyone care to estimate what my 3x5 would be if I had a 5x405?

Last edited by KhalynYohrk; 12-20-2013 at 11:07 AM.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
12-20-2013 , 12:27 PM
I would say like 385
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12-20-2013 , 01:10 PM
Oh, I totally misread. Meh.
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12-20-2013 , 09:16 PM
Just filthy that I am within that range. Now it's gonna have to happen.
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12-22-2013 , 01:47 PM
pre workout I smashed French toast and eggs, felt solid so when I was loading up 380 for a 3x5wr I decided fk it, lets see what 405 feels like.

Put KMFDM Waste on and got under it. First 3 no doubters. #4, was not a question either. #5 was a fail. Although it was there if I really needed it. Still...

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12-22-2013 , 02:38 PM
So sick.
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12-22-2013 , 03:50 PM
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
12-22-2013 , 04:04 PM
It's amazing what eating will do with some heavy squat workouts
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12-31-2013 , 01:11 AM
This week, while traveling I got 2 squat workouts in, just some light 385's

I injured my thumb bad. Hopefully not a fracture, definitely a sprain. Dislocated? Maybe.

Today I did squat


Bw 190

Last edited by KhalynYohrk; 12-31-2013 at 01:17 AM.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
01-03-2014 , 01:34 AM
Feeling a little ill I still headed to the gym w my sprained thumb to squat.

Thought today would be 5x405 wr day but it was not. I did wr this though


I can't remember if I did 4 sets or 3.
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01-04-2014 , 10:10 PM
Another meh day of skwats


appetite has been down, so has sleep. Must rest and eat more.
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01-05-2014 , 01:26 AM
JF gunnin' for ya bro. Can't dick around too much, .
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01-05-2014 , 01:29 AM
No chance I catch up. I'm cutting in spring, and prob gonna do a reset before then.
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01-05-2014 , 01:39 AM
JF - you are supposed to not say anything and KY will panic and his squats will plummet 100lbs and you will be King.
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01-09-2014 , 12:31 AM
Cuttin in spring too ldo

finally got 405x5

then did 405x3

and x2
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01-09-2014 , 10:51 AM
A couple inches shallow. But still sick.
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01-11-2014 , 12:03 AM
On my way to the squat rack today I saw there was someone there I vaguely recognized. Upon double taking I realized it was none other than H&F Guru and hof poster loco. We got down to business throwing up some weight. I think it was a good day, I didn't wr so that was lame. loco might have so that was good.

warmed up to

Video to come of the 445 fail, and the 425. I am pretty disappointed I missed the 445, although it was good to lift a little weight.
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01-11-2014 , 04:39 AM

Pretty sure you only missed that because we were yapping too much. You didn't get in the zone with all my crying about how awful squats are.
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01-13-2014 , 09:32 PM
Got to the gym around 1 in the afternoon before eating. Protein shake + noxplode pre and managed a

3x5x385 WR

Exciting development, this was not hard, and I had a 5x5 in me most likely. I also managed to make sure with 100% certainty that every rep was below parallel.

I'm gonna try and hit a 3x5 WR till I can't then retry 450.
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