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Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses

11-18-2013 , 08:50 PM
He is 162 LBM. If he were to gain 40lbs of fat, his lBM would increase to higher than Cha. The guy is simply a mass monster.

Do you not understand that 162 LBM at 10% is hard as fack?
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11-18-2013 , 08:54 PM
I"m not talking "if he were to do xxx". I'm talking about now.

Off the top of my head, guys with more than 160 lbm... the obvious ones would be cha and downtown (not sure if he still even lifts tho). Then guys like skeletor and evoken (I think. I could be wrong). Possibly krs one. I'm also fairly sure that rugby guy is up there. He's repping squats for four plates and is tall.

I'm sure there are others.

Not saying KY isn't impressive. Just saying he's probably not *that* close to top LBM in H&F.
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11-18-2013 , 08:57 PM
Oh yeah, and weasel.

And I keep mixing up all the other aesthetic bros in H&F... but isn't monte or fakebusto someone (someone tall) up around 200lbs and lean?
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11-18-2013 , 08:58 PM
I think Loco uses some sort of complicated algorithm that takes BF% into account, sort of like Wilks.
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11-18-2013 , 09:00 PM
Oh, that's a shame. Because I was about to include pre-cut YTF in my list too.
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11-18-2013 , 09:03 PM
Just checked his log. Rugby definitely confirmed contended. Contender for both "biggest guy" (RIP G4S) and "highest lbm" (RIP G4S) titles imo.

Stats. I'm 6'4 and about 120 kg (265 pounds). Currently carrying a fair bit of fat, but not as much as you would think
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
11-18-2013 , 09:10 PM
All I know is My older brother at 230 had more LBM than 160. Problem is, he had never lifted before. I asked him if he thought he had more muscle than me because I weigh 160 total? He started laughing so hard and said my arms at 160 are bigger than his were at 230. So even dudes that don't even lift understand this.

Yet here we have good old snitch boy manipulating his fat and strength by getting fatter. Huge fail. But I still like the guy and hope he gets jacked like that rugby player he posted in his log. Agree, that guy looks good.
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11-18-2013 , 09:17 PM
I am not sure measuring the bicep is the correct way to guage LBM. If both of you guys had to push a car as heavy as you could handle stuck in neutral up hill for 10 feet, who do you think would be able to push the heavier car? I am guessing your 230 lb brother.
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11-18-2013 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by loco
All I know is My older brother at 230 had more LBM than 160. Problem is, he had never lifted before. I asked him if he thought he had more muscle than me because I weigh 160 total? He started laughing so hard and said my arms at 160 are bigger than his were at 230. So even dudes that don't even lift understand this.
This post is very confusing...
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
11-22-2013 , 03:01 PM
I def feel dense as fk, at least I did before this trip. Confirmed hi T. Boners for days.

Result of heavy squats 3x a week? Probably.

Going back to Vegas on Sunday and Ill get back on track for new WR's

3x5x335 squat today ez obv
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
11-26-2013 , 09:45 PM
Back in my home gym. Sweet.


some chins

Over my last month road trip in wich I ate fried chicken waffles, pancakes, french toast, cake, ice cream, and burgers everyday I put on 0 pounds amazingly. Got on the scale this am expecting 190 and I was at 180.2. Lost gains obv but todays 5x5 made me feel a lot better about that. Time to get back on it, 5 plates by summer?
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11-26-2013 , 10:22 PM
5 plates or bust.
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11-26-2013 , 10:23 PM
Also 5x5x345 ain't no joke.
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11-27-2013 , 10:52 PM


close grip bench

db rows
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11-29-2013 , 04:49 PM

Hammered it
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12-02-2013 , 01:37 AM

Dl 5x335

Chins + 30 3x10

happy to be healthy other than my shoulders. Not really feeling a legit bulk but I won't be mad if I get up to 190 if I am hitting prs just not really planning on it. Will see what happens when I stall out on 3x5's

I meant to hit 365 today but forgot
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
12-02-2013 , 10:09 PM
King Dan was squatting today so I had to join.



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12-04-2013 , 12:14 AM
Had to go bro it up one time

pushups +35x20,20 +45x25

chins+30 3x10

rows 90x15x3

some machine pulldowns and some incline bench
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
12-04-2013 , 11:26 PM

Felt really good, not too hard. Prb have a 3x5x380 in me. Maybe 4 plates some day soon.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
12-05-2013 , 03:02 PM
Nice job on the squat progress. Definitely jealous. That being said, is there any concern about your body wearing down and/or injury squatting heavy 3x5's every 2-3 days?
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12-05-2013 , 04:06 PM
Some. I try and listen to my body and as long as there is no pain just keep pushing it.
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12-11-2013 , 03:15 AM
Well the injury jinx happened. Although I think it was solved by a lot of massage and stretching. Had a real tight low back/hips for a few days but got back in the gym and did 2x5x365 ez and some rows.

I'm on a softball team now cool starry bras to come that include me rolling my ankle.
Not an SS LOG; Lots of Excuses Quote
12-11-2013 , 11:09 AM
KY has elite squat genetics imo and thus may not get injured. Plus, I don't feel squatting is a big injury risk as long as you listen to your body and don't just force squatting when you feel something has been tweaked.

Lol softball though, one way train to injury city imo for anyone with even the slightest "olds".

KY young gun? Seems like he has a taste of the olds...
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12-11-2013 , 03:08 PM
The reason I actually brought this up was because a few years ago (maybe before your time?) he was doing almost exactly same thing, squatting heavy with a lot of volume almost every workout, and injured something (his hip i think) and was out a pretty long time, so was curious if he was worried about the same thing happening again.

Also, I hope I am wrong, but I think for just about any intermediate/advanced natural lifter in their 30's squatting heavy 3x5's at 85% 5RM multiple times a week is really rolling the dice, regardless of precautions you take.
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12-11-2013 , 03:11 PM
He did? I thought he just started dating some model and was like "lol working out losers" and then just got off the gainz wagon.
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