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06-27-2013 , 03:46 PM

Heres nudez from just after my injuries flexing for max jelly from loco estimate bf imo BW ~190


Anyway, no squats in a month bw has just dropped 10lbs along with all my strength
BW down to 180

Although I did step into the gym and dl 3x5 315 and bench 3x5 x 225 without having done any of those in like 7 months. Sup tiny bros.

did 3x 500m 2x in the last week 2 3x5x225 benches and some bro work since its all I can do.
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06-27-2013 , 04:25 PM
Sick. Looks around 10-12%. Pretty much an IEL.

How is Vegas going? Not sure I am making it for main event. We just scored big at mohegan and heading southbound not westbound. Maybe this weekend goes well and I'll just buyin to main event. Your squat is still on the DL? That's what you get for playing that shiet rugby. Look at snitch, always injured.
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06-27-2013 , 05:09 PM
That pic was just post injury, if uninjured squat likely 1rm at 430-440 and I did no cardio and only chins and rows here and there to get there. All workouts in this log...I was real happy w results. Now I'm 10lbs lighter and bf% has gone up

The initial groin injury was likely a muscle strain or tear from squats, prob from the 20x225 I did. Then rugby made it a full groin injury instead of an isolated tear. Yea, a real **** sandwich.
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06-27-2013 , 05:47 PM
Should've got a shaman to bless your groin.
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08-14-2013 , 03:59 PM
Did some rework on my shaman game and I think we got things back in order.

Groin pain is still there for some movements(l chins was the worst so far) but overall it's pretty much gone.

8/12 skwats w fondue 3x5x225
Dl 5x225

8/14 w fondue 5x5x250 with last set all pause reps

About to go hit up the steamy danger zone 3.50 for some arms,back etc

Poison oak on its way out after getting some roids shot in my butt
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08-14-2013 , 05:46 PM

BB rows

Danjah zown confirmed hot feels good to get a ill lifting done after a week or two of cake for breakfast
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08-15-2013 , 07:13 PM
5x5x260 skwat
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08-17-2013 , 03:46 AM
Successful trip to the creek followed by
danger zone close grip bench

Followed by 2k calories of fajitas chips n salsa

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08-18-2013 , 01:07 AM
3or4x5x 270 skwats

Bringing back the quads lookout now
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08-18-2013 , 02:50 AM
Got that waddle back yet? When you get back to Vegas?
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08-20-2013 , 02:01 AM
Bringin it back yea.


Some swelling around my knee yesterday and just felt really tight in my hams and knees so slowed down today

Danja zone barefoot squats ftw.

Filet last night, tri tip tonight, ballin

Back to Vegas in a week or so, got a flat on the bike from driving through the ghetto gotta order a new tire etc so who knows

This episode of adventures in redding continues...
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09-16-2013 , 07:22 PM

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09-20-2013 , 11:24 PM
Did a workout.

Close grip bench 195x5x2

Dl 295x4

Squat 245x5

Chins +20 10x2

Db Rows 80x15

Weighing in under 175. My lowest weight in prob 10 years. Still fat
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09-21-2013 , 06:16 PM
175? I might be able to take ya now.
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09-26-2013 , 08:59 PM
Yea, I still got that rage tho

Squats starting to get a little smoother did 4x5x275 and 3x5x280 tue/thu this week.

Been doing more bro work for aesthetics no idea if im making any gains tho.

My goal is to get sub 170 while continuing to add lbm like a boss.

BroSagan I meant to holla at you about going to the convention center to get some free samples and gay it up
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09-27-2013 , 06:37 PM
I went last year. Not gonna go this year. U can prob find a bro to bro it up with there.
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10-03-2013 , 02:30 AM
Did 3x5x295 not really fail territory but kinda awkward still.

Dl 315x3

Press 3x5x135

3x8 +32.5 pull-ups
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10-04-2013 , 10:57 PM
Getting back into it. Bringing back the guns.


close grip bench

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10-07-2013 , 01:59 AM
wanted to get a light squat in, getting back in the groove


press 3x5x145
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10-09-2013 , 01:32 AM
hammered it

Dl 5x315

Racquetball, rock climbing

Jeans not fitting almost downgrading to med size housecat
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10-09-2013 , 10:22 PM
smashed the c2 500m almost died after


close grip bench

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10-10-2013 , 07:45 PM


beastin it @175
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10-10-2013 , 10:11 PM
Damn, you're squatting three times fakebusto's work sets and you only weigh 15 lbs more
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10-10-2013 , 10:33 PM
The scary part is his 1rm was 420 or something like that so if he builds back up to that at 175 it's going to be in-sane.
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