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Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant

05-06-2013 , 04:27 PM
Such a legit boring conversation between fakebusto and Monty. Possibly eliminating this log from my weekly read. Feel like I just lost 5min of my life.

Pics of either 'Core's pectoralis major or GTFO.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-06-2013 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Such a legit boring conversation between fakebusto and Monty. Possibly eliminating this log from my weekly read. Feel like I just lost 5min of my life.

Pics of either 'Core's pectoralis major or GTFO.
brb going to cut myself out of shame

Also, lol at it taking you five minutes to read like 6 posts.

Also, I'm surprised you're not chiding me for going non-full locotard.

Also, sup
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-06-2013 , 04:38 PM
Did you change your training up? Saw something about heavy weights. But the time has probably come to take a break from high volume. Maybe dick around with some heavy weights after your beach session. Can go back to high volume later. 6'4" 200 is almost legit skinny bro. I mean how does that compare to 5'10 163?
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-06-2013 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Did you change your training up? Saw something about heavy weights. But the time has probably come to take a break from high volume. Maybe dick around with some heavy weights after your beach session. Can go back to high volume later. 6'4" 200 is almost legit skinny bro. I mean how does that compare to 5'10 163?
Doing 5/3/1 with BBB, then adding all of your locotarding assistance stuff at the end of it. Just started today and did not half bad IMO.

Pretty sure I'd need to get down to 190 to get locoripped, but I'm looking half decent now, I think. 9-10% bf is likely the lowest I can go before the wifeacore starts pouring clarified butter into my mouth while I'm asleep (she already thinks I'm overly obsessive and too skinny) so the end is relatively near regardless.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-06-2013 , 05:05 PM
6'4" 200 translates to 5'10" 150 imo (no trollo). How tall is loco? 5'6"? Monte would be 5'6" 125 and worried about cutting that last 5lbs. Indiana, not even once.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-06-2013 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
6'4" 200 translates to 5'10" 150 imo (no trollo). How tall is loco? 5'6"? Monte would be 5'6" 125 and worried about cutting that last 5lbs. Indiana, not even once.

Actually, that's a lie, I am sure.

In any case, as a semi-serious response, I'd guess 6'4" 200 is roughly equivalent to 5'10" 175, but that's not based on much. I agree I'm getting kind of tiny, but I'm going to slow bulk once the fall comes anyway, so hopefully I can get back up to a man sized weight and make you proud 8 years from now.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:25 PM
I am not trolling, I really do not want to go to Indiana even once.

Anyway, just using weightlifter based height/weight class averages that I've read and anecdotally observed for (very) rough parallels. ~10lbs/1", less (obv) as you get under 6'. (Note: for lean individuals.) If I'm off, it's not by much.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:30 PM
Steve Reeves said ideal physique is 6'4" 240. For 5'10" it's 185. Not saying his opinion should be respected. Just agreeing with downtown. 6'4" 200 is equivalent to 5'10" 150.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you the new president of the tinybro club, "Montecore"!!!

Your main task my man is to flame all fatties in the LC thread. I see you are starting already, please represent us right.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by downtown
I am not trolling, I really do not want to go to Indiana even once.

Anyway, just using weightlifter based height/weight class averages that I've read and anecdotally observed for (very) rough parallels. ~10lbs/1", less (obv) as you get under 6'. (Note: for lean individuals.) If I'm off, it's not by much.
10 lbs/inch seems kind of high to me, but what do I know. I'm a tinybro compared to you no matter how much weight I gain/lose, so 5-10 lbs on either side doesn't really make a difference.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Steve Reeves said ideal physique is 6'4" 240. For 5'10" it's 185. Not saying his opinion should be respected. Just agreeing with downtown. 6'4" 200 is equivalent to 5'10" 150.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me present to you the new president of the tinybro club, "Montecore"!!!

Your main task my man is to flame all fatties in the LC thread. I see you are starting already, please represent us right.
Lol, I'm not built to be 240 and in any way lean, and getting back up to 205-210 at decent bf is likely going to be a multi-year process, driven (I suspect) by finally manning up and getting my squat and DL to semi-respectable levels.

There is no way 6'4" 200 is equivalent to 5'10" 150, it's just not possible, I refuse to believe it. And before you christen me a tinybro and put me in your category, remember I just benched bw+15 lbs 9 times after not lifting for 3 weeks and not benching anything higher than 165 lbs for 5 months.

You two have succeeded in slightly rustling me, congratulations.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:46 PM
U got trolled bro. 5'10" 150 lolol
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by CrunchyBlack
U got trolled bro. 5'10" 150 lolol
Obviously, but I am rustled nonetheless. DT is good at what he does.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 02:53 PM
Guy's a pro
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 05:42 PM
This is one of the very, very few times where BMI miiiiiight be useful.

6'4" 200lbs = 24.3
5'10" 150lbs = 21.5
5'10" 170lbs = 24.4

I find it really hard to believe that 150 is right. Hope you feel better, Monty!
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 08:15 PM
Damn you ook ook. Damn you.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by loco
Damn you ook ook. Damn you.
I checked BMI immediately, but was embarrassed that I did so I didn't mention it. Note my estimates.

There was an off chance DT wasn't trolling, then loco got me a little scurred, so gjge boys.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-07-2013 , 10:23 PM
BMI loooooooooooool.

Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:17 PM
Weight today: 201.2 (pre-dump); closing in on dat intermediate goal weight.

DL 2x5x135, 5x185, 5x215, 5x245, 5x275

Form at 275 was not good at all, I'm going to reset my 1RM weight way down for next week and try to tighten everything up.

Squat 5x10x135 -- much harder to do these after DL, obviously, so I dropped the weight a bit.

Hypers 3x15xbw+25
Narrow Sup Pulldown 3x15x105
Closegrip Cable Row 3x15x75
Wide Pro Pulldown 2x15x80
DB Shrugs 2x15x75
Planks 3x30 sec x bw+25
Pallofs 3x10x30

Was a stretch to get everything in under an hour with the DLs, but I managed to squeak in under the wire. Excited to have a sub 200 bw relatively in sight.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:23 PM
Forgot to mention that my workout partner's vagina grew about 3 sizes today when (I'm relatively certain) he found out I weigh less than he does (he's 5'8"). He bitched out on lifting after squats, saying that "it wasn't as easy for him to lose weight as it was for me" and "no matter how little food he eats, he can't lose weight unless he does cardio". So he went upstairs and did half an hour of cardio and burned 100 calories, good for him.

I'm not optimistic, I've been trying to fix his squat and DL form for well over a year and he just will not listen (toes not pointed out on squat, knees not shoved out, back not extended; wears tennis shoes to DL, touch and goes all his reps, etc). It would almost be easier if he just said **** it and cardiotarded the whole time, because he whines about there not being enough rest between sets in the locotarding portion of the workout. He's been between 190 and 205 for the last two years, and the light bulb still hasn't come on yet -- oh well.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:28 PM
What does he squat and DL though? I'd like more fodder for wanting to end it all than I already have.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
What does he squat and DL though? I'd like more fodder for wanting to end it all than I already have.
He topped out at 5x205 on DL with horrible form and 5x10x115 on squat, also with horrible form, both while wearing thick gel soled tennis shoes.

There's a good chance DT hired him just to troll me.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:31 PM
Confirmed vagina.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by Montecore
Forgot to mention that my workout partner's vagina grew about 3 sizes today when (I'm relatively certain) he found out I weigh less than he does (he's 5'8"). He bitched out on lifting after squats, saying that "it wasn't as easy for him to lose weight as it was for me" and "no matter how little food he eats, he can't lose weight unless he does cardio". So he went upstairs and did half an hour of cardio and burned 100 calories, good for him.

I'm not optimistic, I've been trying to fix his squat and DL form for well over a year and he just will not listen (toes not pointed out on squat, knees not shoved out, back not extended; wears tennis shoes to DL, touch and goes all his reps, etc). It would almost be easier if he just said **** it and cardiotarded the whole time, because he whines about there not being enough rest between sets in the locotarding portion of the workout. He's been between 190 and 205 for the last two years, and the light bulb still hasn't come on yet -- oh well.
aint nobody got time for that
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:40 PM
It was so hard not to laugh in his face when complained about not being able to lose weight; he's also an Atkins monkey, so he's obsessed about carbs during the six week diet binges he goes on. Even if he'd only listened to 10% of what I've said over the last two years (and you'd think he would, I've gotten decent results for a DYEL), he'd be decently set up right now.

He's also obsessed with benching a lot of weight, yet whenever the weight gets high (for him) he cuts off the ROM so it doesn't go all the way down to his chest. I don't even bother correcting anything anymore, it's not worth it.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
05-08-2013 , 01:50 PM
What a drag. Don't think I could tolerate that in a workout buddy. Would probably be worth going your separate ways when it comes to the gym.
Monte's Log, Featuring a Debate About Dotard Genetic Potential with an Ant Quote
