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MLYLT learns to love herself and changes her life (for real this time!) MLYLT learns to love herself and changes her life (for real this time!)

11-01-2017 , 09:17 PM
11/1 We'd Exercise:
I only had 20mins today

Narrow lat pulldown:


Cable curls:

DB rows:

I was just trying to do whatever I could with the short amount of time I had.
11-02-2017 , 01:26 AM

Pretty impressive year of calorie control!
11-02-2017 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
Josie from the ellipsis

I originally laughed at this thinking it was referring to Josie posting from her phone at the gym.
11-02-2017 , 02:17 AM
Pretty impressive MLYLT. Awesome to see you doing well and focused in on areas you can improve and your goals and what not.

This is coming from a relatively unknowledgable out of shape average joe type of guy though, but you're doing good.
11-02-2017 , 02:25 AM

So you lose 2.7 lbs in a month when you average 1870 calories and go to the gym 14 times. Still think your calorie counting is accurate?
11-02-2017 , 02:44 AM

It doesn’t really matter if it’s inaccurate as long as it’s consistent.
11-02-2017 , 10:05 AM
I think its somewhat accurate. The problem is her steps. She tracked them and I saw and it was scary. There are sub2000 step days.

She is very sedentary and so are many of you. If she made her goal 8000-10000 steps a day and 1600 cals a day, hello bikini body next summer. But there is no rush, this pace is fine. But got to move some more. We never ever want to live off of 1500 cals a day. We are not ants.
11-02-2017 , 10:29 AM
She offsets her inability to count calories by having no idea how to use the BH equation. She'll just need to understand she can only live on 1200 calories a day as a not fat person unless she also exercises on top, then she can eat like 1400. Both those numbers are probably accurate for a ~100lbs person, but obviously not for someone with "tons of muscle" at 140.
11-02-2017 , 10:33 AM
Yeah tbh 1800 isn’t a huge deficit for a female. It wouldn’t surprise me if her logs are fairly accurate.
11-02-2017 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by MeLoveYouLongTime
The best months have been less than 1800cals and a lot of walking. I'm going to really try to hit 3miles per day and sub 1800cal/day this month. I really need another 7+ loss month....I want to be sub 200 by the end of the year so bad!
Congrats on another losing month and good luck!
11-02-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Pretty impressive year of calorie control!
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
Pretty impressive MLYLT. Awesome to see you doing well and focused in on areas you can improve and your goals and what not.

This is coming from a relatively unknowledgable out of shape average joe type of guy though, but you're doing good.
Originally Posted by Black Aces 518
Congrats on another losing month and good luck!
Thanks guys!
11-02-2017 , 02:01 PM
In regards to my logging, I do believe I am logging accurately for the most part.
I calculate what I should be losing based on a BMR offline, calories consumed, and accounting for 110cals/mile walked.
This past month, I was about 1lb heavier than my calculated.

In the second pic, I don't take out calories for walking and compare the difference between my calculated BMR based on lbs lost and calories eaten compared to an online calculator. The difference is how many Cal's a day burned with exercise, or shows that my calorie logs were off. It looks like I was logging bad a couple of months the past year.
11-02-2017 , 02:59 PM
Are you calculating your BMR or your TDEE?
11-02-2017 , 03:15 PM

Your models suffer from GIGO as well as approaching them like a college professor approaches the scientific method (you have a conclusion that you seek to justify, so you data mine and massage your "data" until it says what you want). Lets not forget that ridiculous thought piece where you concluded it was easier for a reasonably muscular 170lbs man to lose weight than a morbidly obese 230lbs woman.

Your calorie counting is off, and for some unknown reason you can't come up with any idea of your TDEE (Monte alludes to this). Both numbers are obviously systematically biased by 300-400 calories, which is fine until you actually need to use numbers to make any meaningful decisions, since many of the heuristics are based on a reasonable amount of honesty and reality. Atleast you're actually counting calories instead of just making them up as you were before. (Hence GIGO.)
11-02-2017 , 03:30 PM
It's TDEE, I just went back and checked the online one's.
11-02-2017 , 03:53 PM

I know you've struggled to understand this multiple times but sedentary people walk 2-3 miles per day. However, they do not go to the gym 14 times a month, sign up for softball leagues or spend their weekend canoeing/etc. Again, GIGO. You don't keep track of physical activity causing you to undershoot your TDEE, which in some weird fashion of coincidence (or who knows what you're doing) happened to match much of your errant judgment in food consumption.

I don't know why you have been insisting your logs have been accurate for so long and have been fighting so hard to just understand how to count this things normally. If you stopped doing weird excel modeling and just learned how this stuff worked, it'd be way easier for you. (Well you are counting accurately via weighing now, so the GI problem is solved, but now we gotta fix the other half of the energy balance equation.)

Anyway, we'll prob have this conversation another 10-20 times before you get it, or maybe you won't. Hard to tell.
11-02-2017 , 04:41 PM
Let's consider exercise then,

The TDEE calcs I'm getting offline are about 355cals higher than the BMR calcs.

355cals=3.2miles walking

The difference in my calculated TDEE and online TDEE for October was 123cals/day

I averaged 2.1miles/day in Oct=231cals


Sparkpeople has my weight lifting calories at about 100burned each session. I went 14/31 days, so averaged out 46=cals/day

So it looks my calculation using logged calories and lbs lost is really only 46cals/day lower than the online one. That seems pretty dang close to me.
11-02-2017 , 05:58 PM

I'm actually an only child. 8)

Good call on the nipple pinching tho. I'll try it. What are you thoughts on twisting tho? (I guess that would depend on personal responsiveness to pain and arousal. Prob should keep a log.) Regardless, I'll keep you up to date on the details.
11-02-2017 , 07:19 PM

Sedentary people do not walk 2-3 miles a days. It's hard for me to get 3 miles in. On Sundays last month, I got 0.3,0.7,0.7,0.6 miles each day. During a normal working day without trying to walk more, I only get between 1-1.5miles in. I am not way underestimating my TDEE.
11-02-2017 , 08:26 PM
If we're counting just normal walking as exercise (which is lol to begin with), then you really have to try to get less than 2 miles in a day. I'm at a desk all day most of the time and I don't know if I've ever not moved that much.

Less than a mile is basically lying in bed all day. Serious effort to be that sedentary.
11-02-2017 , 08:36 PM
I am at 2.3 miles today and I walked a mile at lunch.
11-02-2017 , 08:49 PM
Thur 11/2 log:
I have just not been hungry at all today....I'm probably about to get my period uggh. It's not due till Monday and I will be so mad if I get it this weekend playing poker.
My daughter has gone to bed already and I'm exhausted, so I might head to bed or take a 2 hour nap and go for a walk to get my 3 miles in.
11-02-2017 , 09:57 PM

Theory: you are exhausted because you haven't eaten enough today. Instead of taking a nap, what about having some more salmon?
11-02-2017 , 09:58 PM
Maybe I'm not following the conversation but why not take your TDEE (I could give a **** less what u put it at) and adjust it based on weight gain/lost. If you follow the calories and workout your regular amount plus walk 3 miles resulting in 2 lb gain. Just add in another cardio day or decrease cals. What's hard about this?
11-02-2017 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by ExpectedV
Maybe I'm not following the conversation but why not take your TDEE (I could give a **** less what u put it at) and adjust it based on weight gain/lost. If you follow the calories and workout your regular amount plus walk 3 miles resulting in 2 lb gain. Just add in another cardio day or decrease cals. What's hard about this?
That's what I'm doing.
