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<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log <3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log

10-18-2011 , 07:31 PM
Thanks guys. A true test will come in 2 weeks, once I'm done w/ this program. I have 5 triples at 225 next Monday, but I may cut that down to 3x3 and do a 225lb rep test.


there's a link to the program. my guess is that i'll hit 265 when i test.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-19-2011 , 10:27 PM
Squat- Up to 275x10.
RDL- 155x2x5
KB Swangz- 2px2x10
Back Extensions- 2x10
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-19-2011 , 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by <3_Tha_Grind
Thanks guys. A true test will come in 2 weeks, once I'm done w/ this program. I have 5 triples at 225 next Monday, but I may cut that down to 3x3 and do a 225lb rep test.


there's a link to the program. my guess is that i'll hit 265 when i test.
That looks like a cool program. I was thinking about doing some kind of bench program where I bench once a week and doing something like a floor press once a week. I might do this instead. Or maybe substitute the floor press for the close grip BP.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 01:20 AM
Ya, I like it. I'm gonna run another cycle after I finish/test my maxes.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 10:00 AM
have you done paused reps or "normal" reps? have you done any chest/shoulder/tricep work on other days?
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 02:19 PM

Assistance on the Heavy Day is usually High Rep DB Bench, Weighted Chins, Laterals, High Rep Tricep Stuff

Assistance on Close Grip Day is Push Press, JM Press, Chins (I just do these in sets of 5-6 in between sets), and another Tricep Movement.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 03:01 PM
I have never done a JM press and had to look it up on youtube. How much weight do you use?
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 03:02 PM
The program recommends other assistance stuff, why dont you follow the programs assistance stuff?
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 03:37 PM
At some point you become familiar enough with your lifts and your weaknesses that deviating from the programmed assistance makes sense.

Also strength programs generally underrate the importance of swollertrophy and catching a sick pump.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 05:44 PM

what's the advantage of that program over something like Smolov Jr? Or how does it compare?
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 05:54 PM
Easier to squat/DL, smolov takes alot of time if you are strong
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by zinna
I have never done a JM press and had to look it up on youtube. How much weight do you use?
As with anything, just start light and build it up. Generally use more than you would for a barbell extension and less than you would use for any sort of bench press.

Originally Posted by zinna
The program recommends other assistance stuff, why dont you follow the programs assistance stuff?

Originally Posted by Doug Funnie II
At some point you become familiar enough with your lifts and your weaknesses that deviating from the programmed assistance makes sense.

Also strength programs generally underrate the importance of swollertrophy and catching a sick pump.
This. Plus I do lots of back/lat stuff when I deadlift.

Originally Posted by zinna
Easier to squat/DL, smolov takes alot of time if you are strong
Yup. I found it difficult enough to maintain lower body lifts while doing Smolov, so making gains was all but impossible.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Soulman

what's the advantage of that program over something like Smolov Jr? Or how does it compare?
Meant to include this in my last post but messed up. It's easier to recover from a program like this. Smolov seems (I could be wrong here) to be something best used sparingly unless your only concern is one lift. This program can be cycled in perpetuity.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-20-2011 , 11:12 PM
Close-Grip Bench- 200x5x3, ez.
Push Press- 145x9
JM Press- 165x3x5
DB Row- 105x2x12/side
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-21-2011 , 04:45 AM
Right, makes sense, thanks.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-24-2011 , 09:50 PM
Bench- 225x3x3, 225x5
DB Rolling Extensions- 45sx4x8
Barbell Rows- 225x4x6

Plate Raises 3x10 s/s Band Pushdowns 3x15 s/s Rear Delt Machine 3x10
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-25-2011 , 09:59 PM
Upper Accessory Day:

Triceps Pushdowns- 100 reps
Pushups- 2x25
Chins- 4x10
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-26-2011 , 10:33 PM
Squat- 255x6x5, ez.
GHR- 5x5 against monster-mini
Shrugs- 275x3x5
Abs- 2 sets each of DB Side Bends, Ab Wheel, Leg Raises

Have cardio tomorrow but I'll get in some more ab work + a few sets of BACK EXTENSIONS and FACE PULLS
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-27-2011 , 11:03 PM
Lower Accessory

KB Swangz- 2px3x12
Face Pulls- 3x16
Standing Banded Abs- 5x12
Ab Wheel- 4x12, then did 2 reps standing.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
10-28-2011 , 08:45 PM
Close-Grip Bench- 170x6x3
Push Press- 135x6x5
Chins- 100 reps throughout
Triceps Pushdowns- 2 sets
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
11-01-2011 , 10:50 PM
From Saturday:

Deadlift- Up to 355x2
Band Good Mornings- 5 sets
Standing Abs- 5 sets

no time for anything else

From Today:

Bench- Up to 265x1 (WR)
DB Bench- 2 sets of 15 for some CHEST HYPERTROPHY
DB Rolling Extensions- 50s for 4 sets of 8
Barbell Row- 235 for 4 sets of 5
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
11-02-2011 , 02:36 AM
Nice work. Vid of the rolling extensions too next time if possible? I'm positive I cant do 1 rep with 50s.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
11-02-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by busto_in_hawaii
Nice work. Vid of the rolling extensions too next time if possible? I'm positive I cant do 1 rep with 50s.
here's a vid from joe defranco
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
11-02-2011 , 11:21 PM
Squat- 285x4x5
Shrugs- 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5
GHR- 3 sets
Abs- 6 sets
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
11-02-2011 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by <3_Tha_Grind
Ab Wheel- 4x12, then did 2 reps standing.
standing ab wheel seems impossibly out of reach to me. Out of curiosity, how tall are you?
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
