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<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log <3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log

12-05-2011 , 05:17 PM
Press- Up to 165
Chins- BW+15x5x6
DB Bench- 2x12 w/ the 80s
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-07-2011 , 10:27 PM
Squat- Up to 370x1
Ab Wheel-3x8

Have all my max's except for my deadlift for 5/3/1 - I'll max sometime next week, probably next Wednesday/Thursday.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-09-2011 , 10:03 PM
Bench- Just some singles at 225 and 250 to get some work in

Pendlay Row- 155x3x5
Band Resisted Pushups- 3x10
Elbows Out Extension- 3x10
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-12-2011 , 11:19 PM
Deadlift- Up to 415x1 (WR)
Weighted Chins- BW+25x6x4

Have all my max's set for 5/3/1, 1st cycle working weights in parenthesis

Press- 165 (150)
Squat- 370 (330)
Bench- 265 (240)
Deadlift- 415 (380)

As I said in an earlier post, I am going to stick with this for at least 8 cycles. I will deload every 4 weeks. I'm doing the Powerlifting version so that means there are heavy singles added in, though I probably won't try any until the 3rd cycle, though that is subject to change.

My goal is a 1200 pound total at the end of these 8 cycles. I also plan on incorporating at least 1, but hopefully 2 days of cardio. One will be kettlebell stuff the other will be C2 stuff; when the weather gets nice again I'll run some hills.
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-12-2011 , 11:24 PM
rep outs are better imo. at least for squat. mixing in both seems fine
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-12-2011 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by kidcolin
rep outs are better imo. at least for squat. mixing in both seems fine
yea - i'm not doing to do the heavy singles often, probably only every other 5/3/1 day, and probably more often with the bench/deadlift than with the squat/press
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-13-2011 , 12:45 AM
congrats on the WR!
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-13-2011 , 02:29 AM
thanks bud!
<3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-13-2011 , 10:00 AM
Originally Posted by <3_Tha_Grind
Deadlift- Up to 415x1 (WR)
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-27-2011 , 10:59 PM
Haven't updated in a while

Don't remember the exact dates, but here are the workouts.

Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 1

Press- Up to 135x7
CG Bench- 135x8, 155x8, 180x6

Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 2

Deadlift- Up to 345x5
Front Squat- 135x8, 155x8, 180x6

Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 3

Bench- Up to 215x8
Floor Press- 135x8, 155x8, 175x6

Missed squat session on Christmas Eve so I had to double up today.

Squat- Up to 295x7
Press- Up to 135x8
Rack Pulls- 265x8, 315x8, 345x6
CG Bench- 115x10, 135x10, 160x10

Still have a bit of assistance work to catch up on tomorrow, then have to double up Bench/Deadlift on Thursday, and then I'll be caught back up when I squat on Saturday.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
12-31-2011 , 06:28 PM
From Thursday:

Deadlift- Up to 315x10
Front Squat- 135x10, 155x10, 175x10

From Friday:

Bench- Up to 205x10
Floor Press- 115x10, 135x10, 160x10

From Today:

Squat- Up to 280x9
Rack Pulls- 225x10, 275x10, 315x10

Lower back was pumped so I just did some upper accessory work.

I'm doing the assistance program that Wendler lays out in the 2nd edition, though I think I'm doing to stop doing Rack Pulls after I squat. I'm gonna do Good Mornings instead, though I'll just do something like 3x5-8 and start light and work myself up, as I haven't really done these with much frequency before so I think I can work up quickly.

I'm also gonna start running hills for conditioning, at least on days when there's no snow/ice on the ground, otherwise I'll do KB or C2 work. I plan to start doing conditioning work 2x/week, and then add another day once I get in the groove.

Schedule will look something like this:

M- Press, CG Bench, Pull-Ups, Triceps, Curls
T- Off
W- Deadlift, Front Squat, Back Raise, Abs + Conditioning
Th- Bench, Floor Press, DB Rows, Triceps
F- Off
Sa- Squat, Good Morning, GHR, Abs + Conditioning
Su- Off
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-02-2012 , 10:42 PM
Press- Up to 145x5
CG Bench- 150x5, 175x5, 195x5
Pull-Ups- BW+50x5x4

Reverse Flys, Barbell Curls, Rolling DB Extensions
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-07-2012 , 07:52 PM
Deadlift- Up to 360x5
Front Squat

Bench- Up to 230x6, 255x1
Floor Press
DB Rows

Squat- Up to 315x5
Rack Pulls
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-09-2012 , 09:17 AM
First day of juggernaut for bench today. Skipped the 10 wave and did the AMAP day, banged out 17 reps for an estimated max of 20kg more than my true max, major lol. Will see how the 8 wave goes, max for 5 wave will be alot lower thats for sure
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-09-2012 , 02:21 PM
Good luck.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-12-2012 , 03:07 AM
Deload this week.

Pressed on Monday, Pulled today.

Also did sprints yesterday and today - nothing much more to add.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-12-2012 , 10:20 PM
Benched today, nothing really noteworthy, though I got 25/21 with the 120# DB doing Kroc Rows.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-16-2012 , 11:23 PM
Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 1

Press- 110x3, 125x3, 140x8, 170x1
CG Bench- 140x8, 165x8, 190x6
Pendlay Row- 150x8, 175x8, 200x6
Band Pushdowns- 3 sets
EZ-Bar Curls- 2 sets
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-17-2012 , 01:59 AM
Beast.. 170x1 after the repout. I'll prob get on drugs if you pass me on presses. Please don't do that to me lol.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-17-2012 , 11:55 PM

Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 2

Deadlift- 350x4. Felt like **** all day so I didn't push it at all on these
Front Squat- 155x8, 180x8, 225x2
Good Mornings- 105x3x8
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-19-2012 , 10:50 PM
Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 3

Bench- 170x3, 195x3, 220x8. Rep #8 was a real grinder and my back tightened up pretty good after so I didn't attempt any heavy singles. 220x8 gives me an estimated 1RM of 278 - I'm gonna shoot for 270 in 2 weeks which would still be a PR.

DB Press- 2x15. Did one set with a high incline and one set with a low incline.

Floor Press- 145x8, 170x8, 190x6
Kroc Rows- 120x25/side
Triceps Pushdowns- 1x50. Did 20 w/ the normal rope, 15 w/ the v-handle, and 15 w/ the longer rope.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-22-2012 , 02:59 PM
Cycle 2, Week 1, Day 3

Squat- 240x3, 270x3, 305x7
Rack Pulls- 280x8, 330x8, 370x6
Shrugs- 225x2x15

Had to cut it off here for time. I may go back at some point this afternoon to do some Hamstrings + Abs + Sprints.
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-24-2012 , 02:49 PM
Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 1

Press- 100x5, 115x5, 135x10
CG Bench- 120x10, 140x10, 165x10
Weighted Chins- Worked up to a max here - BW+100x1
Triceps Pushdowns- 1 set of 50

I also did one set of Presses before the CG Bench (15 reps w/ each arm of 24kg KB Presses) and one after (DB Incline - same # of reps w/ the 55s).
&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-25-2012 , 11:32 PM
Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 2

Deadlift- 330x9
Front Squat- 130x10, 155x10, 185x10
Good Mornings- 115x3x8

&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
01-26-2012 , 11:07 PM
Cycle 2, Week 2, Day 3

Bench- 160x5, 185x5, 210x9
Floor Press- 120x10, 145x10, 165x10
Kroc Rows- 120#x30/23 - lolconditioning
Triceps Pushdowns- 1x50 (5 different cable attachments)

&lt;3_Tha_Grind's Intermediate Log Quote
